• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 18th, 2014


Just someone who loves to read, write, watch ponies, and listen to music. Not much else, because ponies.

More Blog Posts30

  • 549 weeks

    Hey, guys! So, I realized it's one day short of being exactly two months since I was last on here. I wanna tell you guys I'm so sorry. However, Season 4 started yesterday (WOO-HOO!) and my brother and I got up early to watch the sudo-marathon. We had to fix the cable box...... three times..... before it started working. By then, EG was around the 30-minute mark. So, we sat down and proceeded to

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  • 558 weeks
    Updateing..... Sorry!

    Hey, guys. Sorry I've been so MIA lately, I kinda haven't signed on since posting my new story on fanfiction.net. I haven't really written anything pony. I probably won't until I get some more TT stuff out of my system, which might take a while because, face it, TT is awesome! So, yeah. I usually don't have such short blogs, I usually end up finding something to go off on a tangent about, giving

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  • 561 weeks

    It's incredible that no matter what I say, and no matter who I say it to, NOBODY ever pays ANY attention to ANYTHING I say! God forbid they actually pay attention the second I open my mouth! Apparently, (since I finally got aggravated enough to call someone on it) SOMEPEOPLE - I'm not saying their names, because it would be wrong. Not because I feel they don't deserve it - think that whenever my

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    2 comments · 348 views
  • 562 weeks
    Because This Deserves Nothing Less

    This blog isn't about me, so I'll try to cut to the chase. Although I will say that I've been having a really hard time with bullying lately, and it sucks. In fact, yesterday I got in-school-suspension. The school's argument points were 1) It wasn't my business, 2) That the matter was insignificant and that I made a bigger deal about it than necessary, and 3) Even if those last two didn't apply,

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  • 563 weeks
    I'm Really Stupid

    Hi guys! I know I said I would be on more lately, (que collective groan) but I'm sorry. I got really distracted with school and stuff. I know it's been less than a week, - or was it more? Gah! - but it feels like two months for me. Things are getting hectic - Note to self : Do your math homework! Last night you finished it around 11! Come on! Get off the computer! - and I've got nobody to blame

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Dashie! · 7:04pm Nov 24th, 2013

Hey, guys! So, I realized it's one day short of being exactly two months since I was last on here. I wanna tell you guys I'm so sorry. However, Season 4 started yesterday (WOO-HOO!) and my brother and I got up early to watch the sudo-marathon. We had to fix the cable box...... three times..... before it started working. By then, EG was around the 30-minute mark. So, we sat down and proceeded to continue watching untill not only EG was over, but also the two-part season premiere was finished as well. (We watched it live!) Then we had lunch and went to Build-a-Bear for the first time EVER! It was awesome! (I saw a kid from school there, and she gave me this weird look, pretending she didn't know me.) I got my very own Dashie (after a long argument with my mom over "Why in the world would you want a 'Rainbow Dash' plushie?" as she put it.) and she's amazing! They had the MLP theme song and I added that. Then we ate ice-cream, and had to go to B-a-B again because the music wasn't working. They fixed it! By the time we left the mall, it was past 6:30 and really dark outside. I continued to hug Dashie until.... well, I'm still hugging her. So, yeah! As far as writing goes, I haven't written anything pony related for quite some time. I'm starting to come to a stand-still in some of my TT fics, so maybe I'll switch over to MLP for a bit. Who knows? Not me, that's for sure. For a bit there I got back into 'Total Drama', but I didn't actually start writing anything for it, so I guess I'm safe. There was this one 'Danny Phantom' crossover I wanted to do, but I didn't get past two hundred words. Maybe I'll get back to that later. Also, some glass broke in the kitchen yesterday (during lunch) and I spent forever picking it up. I have a few cuts on my hands, most of which are covered up with bandages. There were a couple I discovered around dinnertime, however, when I decided to use Germ-X. That's alway6s the worst way to find them, even if it is efficient. (Although that wasn't why I used the Germ-X.) Anything else? Hm..... oh yeah! My school is having open auditions for the spring musical; "The Sound of Music". I'm not sure if I should audition or not. I mean, on the one hand, it's a musical. How could I not want to be a part of that? On the other hand, I just really don't like "The Sound of Music". I'm at a stand-still. I can't understand the instructions on the audition packet, but I'm a much better singer than some of my classmates, (if I do say so myself,) and don't want to go see a musical butchered by someone who sounds like a dying animal singing all the songs. (Which, no offense, some of my classmates do. Even some of the choir kids. There are five in my vocal class that I can name that sound like they've beet out sick for three months and have a terrible soar throat, even though they haven't, and most likely don't. Again, I don't mean any offense, but day after day, month after month, they produce the same sound without fail.) Okay, so that's an update for now, I suppose. I'm going to try writing some more pony stories. I might try getting together with a brony friend and try bouncing ideas around. That's about it for now. Bye-Bye and Talk to you later!


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