• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen March 6th


The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest, because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.

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    Celestia is in charge of the sun.
    Luna is in charge of the moon.
    And Cadence was in charge of Twilight.
    by BlackWing - Griffin the Griffin - Chapter 33
    I have an idea for those of you who don't like this, don't fucking click on it.
    I mean why the fuck would you click on it if you knew AHEAD of time that you didn't like this shit? where is the logic in that?

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  • 635 weeks

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Comment Archive · 2:53pm Nov 23rd, 2012

Celestia is in charge of the sun.
Luna is in charge of the moon.
And Cadence was in charge of Twilight.
by BlackWing - Griffin the Griffin - Chapter 33
I have an idea for those of you who don't like this, don't fucking click on it.
I mean why the fuck would you click on it if you knew AHEAD of time that you didn't like this shit? where is the logic in that?
“He doesn’t know how to cry… Please, don’t hate him.”
Pinkie Pie - Predatory - Chapter 5
luciferstears67 on youtube
Beware the beast man, for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or lust or greed. Yes, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair: For he is the harbinger of death.
The Twenty-third Scroll, Ninth Verse, "Planet Of The Apes"
“Life is not complex. We are complex.
Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing.”
Chapter 8 Page 43 of Hentai Ouji To Warawanai Neko
How do you make someone stronger then the strongest person? It finally came to me: don't make him human,make him a god.
- Stan Lee
“You're not even offended by it?”
“Do I have to be?”
“B-but that’s illegal!” Odio stammered before gasping. “Oh wait, I just remembered that I don’t give a fuck!”
Unexplored Paths - Chapter 77
"Oxygen is a poisonous gas. I better cast a spell that makes it so you can't breathe. Wouldn't want you to inhale any. Look at all those sharp swords you're carrying, that's dangerous. I better take them away so you don't hurt yourselves. That tooth looks sharp, you might bite your tongue, I should take them out. I've got dozens. Thanks for the help."
"Good residents of Ponyville. I have come to kill all of you."
Ulquiorra Cifer - A Hollow in Equestria - Chapter 23
“Shut up back there!”
“You shut up. Loud motherfucker... Some people are trying to sing!”
I nodded at her and struck a heroic pose as best I could while sitting. "And I stand up proudly by that fact! If there is ever a problem, call me in to make it worse! And if there's not a problem, call me anyways, I'll make one for you! Then you can call me again in a few days so I can make it worse! Unsatisfaction guaranteed!"
"I live in my mind, and only have my imagination to keep me company."
"Please don't ask, the explanation will literally take a decade."
DanielForce2457: I would pay to see that and vomit afterwards.
As the saying goes 'beware the rage of the patient man'.
“You know, we’ve never done team combat exercises before. Wouldn’t it be smart to teach us something first?” Lightning Streak pointed out.
“The best way to teach someone to swim is throw them in the deep end… and then release a shark.” Soarin said pointedly. “Now have a shark.”

Alert titan class ion disruptor detected. All hands brace for death.
“People are stupid, they create paradigms and unbreakable rules based on principles that haven’t existed for thousands of years. Taboos are the same, most of which are completely irrelevant in current times but culture is like a cancer that kills ingenuity and creativity. Every culture has its own rules and each of those rules has exceptions which make the rule completely pointless in the first place. The point is, just wear some fucking clothes and stop trying to understand the illogical nature of humanity.”
"If you can't eat it or fuck it, then kill it!"
"When there's nothing smart to do, go for stupid. You will be surprised by how effective it is."
My sense of smell, tired of being ignored for so long, burst down the door of my consciousness and slapped a status report on my brain's desk. My brain took a good, long look at it before finally handing it over to me in confusion.
The true measure of an enemy is not how they treat captured soldiers, but how they treat captured civilians.
Destroy the world, end it all, make it burn to it's very core! Show no mercy, end their lives, make them wish they were never born!In our hatred, in our rage, let's create a war! DESTROY THEM ALL, MAKE THEM SUFFER, RAPE AND PILLAGE, BURN AND KILL, WIPE THEM OUT!

There's a saying back home: Does Not Compute. It's a computer's way of saying 'That shit you just said contradicts everything I know to be true, and it just made my brain implode'.

"Just because you know my name doesn't mean you know my game."
"It’s…the responsibility of the people in power to use what they have to make the lives of others better.” Not exactly a Spiderman quote, but it was close.
My Incredibly Convoluted Life as a Changeling Monarch
“Ugh, you two are so cute that you almost made me gag and vomit at the same time...” she heard the doctor say as she was leaving. “I almost gavomited.”
"You don't drink? Not even water?
"You know what they put in water?"
"I'm not merciful or blessed. I'm just me. I've got a job to do and I do it....When the first living thing existed, I was there. Waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave." ~Death
"War is a bunch of young guys killing each other for the benefit of old guys"
"When you dance with death, you better take the lead."
America: We love guns more than people. We love capital more than people. We love things more than people.
"There are over seventeen thousand golf courses in America, they average over one hundred and fifty acres a piece – that's three million plus acres, four thousand, eight hundred and twenty square miles – you could build two Rhode Islands and a Delaware for the homeless on the land currently being wasted on this meaningless, mindless, arrogant, elitist, racist—there's another thing; the only blacks you'll find at country clubs are carrying trays—and a boring game. A boring game for boring people. You ever watch golf on television? It's like watching flies fuck! And a mindless game, too."-George Carlin
I see now~ It's like eliminating a robber with a ballistic missile huh.
That moment when you realize that something which isn’t even living wants to serve you…you have transcended badassery and epicness. This is next level OP.
"At first there was joy. Then sadness came. Then the insanity killed the sadness. And all that remained was the insanity and the joy"

For I am Greed. The most base desire which encapsulates every single cardinal sin.Greed for the body of other and physical enjoyment - Lust.Greed for the delicious meals and drinks - Gluttony.Greed for the rest and comfortable beds - Sloth.Greed for the revenge on one enemies - Wrath.Greed for what others have gained - Envy.Greed for being the best and most peerless - Pride.I am Greed and I encompass them all.

"May god bless your soul, and curse mine as he always has."
Every part of this creature body is a weapon, from the arms connected to its shoulders right down to its legs and knees. It was as if a sculptor was paid handsomely by some mad king to create a statue made entirely out of knives and nightmares.
What is the point of having great power if I can’t abuse the hell out of it?
"Humans are humans. They can't become gods even if they gained immortal bodies."
I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, please keep me here.
"You mind telling me why there are dead kraken on my front lawn and who the hell dug all these trenches in my yard!!?"
“Who is this oversized squawking parrot?”
"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt"
"Well, I am Hermaeus Mora but Hermaeus Mora is not allowed to know what I am. The knowledge of Hermaeus Mora is limited by his form as a Daedra, although Hermaeus Mora is different being that goes beyond the simple limits of single dimension. Hermaeus Mora does enjoy knowing because I hate everything. They all mean nothing in the end but there they are… all crawling all over the place. I have to know them. I want to hate them but how I can hate everything when I do not know everything?"
Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.~ Denis Waitley
"Keisuke-chan, isn't it?" Tsunade huffed. "Fourteen hours ago, you stood in the way of the strongest of the Tailed Beasts and shouted him into submission. Before that, you fought tooth and nail against a possessed teammate and successfully talked him down to the point that others were able to act and free him from Madara Uchiha's compulsions."
"I'm sorry I'm not real."
"Listen to your heart, think of nothing, and then stop thinking of nothing."
"I have screamed into the void and lived to tell the tale while trying to live with the knowledge of nothingness."
"Chakra is the essence of life; Reiatsu is the essence of death."
The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest, because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.
"Generally speaking, when scary things get scared? Not good."

"Are you really going to just stand and make hand signs in front of me,that's suicide"

"My loathings are simple: stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music" - Vladmir Nabakov
"Insane or delusional, with the additional question if a delusion called you sane, were you?"
The Inuzuka gagged, "Ugh, This crap is so sweet that it makes me want to trow up."
"So, what kills you inside?"
Once upon a time, there was a girl who was not a girl. Born from nothing, unaware that she was something, she learned how to breathe.
"I could heal someone to death... if that makes any sense"
"I shall rule over this world not with an iron fist but with a soft smile and a dagger in hand."
"A sea of insanity sought to consume me, and so I held the sea back and set it on fire."
"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing…after they have exhausted all other possibilities." - Winston Churchill
"Could the genin who has lost a roll of thousand-ryo notes that were tied with a blue ribbon please be aware that we have some good news for you – We have found the ribbon."
"I'm surrounded by idiots." He groaned. "How many times must I tell them, it's rape, pillage and then burn…"
Contrary to popular belief, he did have a heart. It was just…all ugly and shriveled up.
"I am not cute. I am a fearsome caterpillar."
'I see without eyes. I see the roots of the trees. I see the leaves. I see the vines. I sense everything. And yet I am blind.'
"You can train to endure pain but not pleasure"
Madara destroyed it right after he killed Tsunade, summoned a meteor to crash into it actually. Konoha and most of its people are flatter than a pancake." Was the answer, completely lacking any kind of empathy for the destruction of the man's life's work, not to mention the death of his granddaughter.

"But we founded the village together, how could he just destroy it like that." Hashirama protested weakly. Even though he well remembered Madara's bitterness during their final battle, he hadn't thought that his former friend and rival would be able to destroy Konoha.

"Because he was suffering from a buildup of sexual tension due to being unable to get into your wife's panties. It drove him insane and now he's trying to make a dream world where he can plow her all the time while making you watch helplessly."

"When all fear of death has passed, all that remains is the joy of life."
"Why won't you die?!"
"You're not strong enough to kill me!"

"You've been watching the news lately?"
"Of course. Doctor prescribed ten minutes of vigorous propaganda per day."

"Wait... you mean you threw one black hole into another, and warped time around it?"
"People keep telling me that I shouldn't play god... but they've got it wrong. You see all this time I haven't been playing god. I've been playing human."

"With every step an earth quake. With every breath i could create a hurricane. Its like I live in a world made of cardboard always having to be so careful not to break something... or someone."
What's this shit about being a hero though, I'm as heroic as cancer.
Part of the chapter when they compare Australia to Tuchanka
"The moment someone says that nothing could go wrong, the entire universe stands up, takes note and begins plotting the most profound answer you have ever heard. It usually involved a body-count."
“Responsibility? Guilt? What are those? Are they tasty? … They’re not? Then I don’t need them. Go bring me tasty things!”
“Aww, they’re shooting at us. That’s adorable. Hit them again!”
The altimeter put me somewhere around the exosphere. The pressure gauge was convinced we were twenty-thousand leagues under the sea. The compass was doing cartwheels and the radar system just committed seppuku. Also, I could swear that I heard the sound of some asshole laughing in the distance.
The Entities are so utterly, all-consumingly retarded that they reacted to that solution by going "No fucky?! IMPOSSIBRU! Stupid thinky-thing give better answer, NOW!"
“Sir, they consider 'alive and screaming' to be a flavor.”
“Suck it, Mars!” Pluto laughed as he chugged his drink. “My planet is better than yours! It has NUCLEAR TREES!”
"So many colors and I couldn't hit any of them..."
"The weak can't often afford to be merciful,"
'Why do you care so much for the humans?' Moltres asked, 'With your powers, you could be a God to them." I snorted "What's the point of being a lonely god?
"You stole a demon from a pack of devils. Did you honestly think that we wouldn't BRING HELL ITSELF TO STORM THE VERY GATES OF HEAVEN TO GET HER BACK!!?"
"George's Morgue, you stab'em, we slab'em!"
"How do you plan on repaying me, hm?"

It's like moving your second brain with muscles you've had your whole life
"Wish I could understand what these mean. I mean, I'm not dumb, but you make me feel like I'm walking through life drunk, stoned, and sleep deprived," I admitted.
I don't know what that is, but it sounds like something we can conceptually annihilate from melee distance.
The day the Shadow Lanterns recruited Didi was the day things got weird...
“So, what do you say, Cait? Do you want to help out a brain in a jar with stars in his eyes and nuclear reactors for hearts?”
"So what's the job?" I asked as my soul escaped my body and tried to make a run for it. GET THE FUCK BACK IN ME YOU BITCH!!!
"Heroes preserve what is, Villains force change,"
“Sweat today will save you blood tomorrow; a bruise today will save you a limb tomorrow and fear today will save your life tomorrow.”
"I don't accept the status quo. I do accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express."
- Stephen Colbert
"Aesculapius, why are you crying?"
"The nature of will is one that is seemingly contradictory. It is as hard as diamond and equally brittle; yet it is as fluid as water, adapting to the forces imposed upon it and flowing around obstacles, and equally as malleable. This dualistic nature means that it is both too rigid to bend and too fluid to be shattered.

However, the will can still be broken and still be molded. One simply must know how to shatter water and bend diamond."

*Irrational Problem Solving*
We’re not blood, or even metal. We’re data.
Does that mean we have a soul?
Well, since many religions define the soul as something that exists after your physical death and we can survive the destruction of our bodies… yes.

"Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know, that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom."
~Death, The Hogfather
9:28 "Beware! For I Am Here!!"

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