• Member Since 30th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 23rd, 2021

Silver Page

I am a fledgling writer and author of a few short stories and a fan of all things fantasy, history, and literature.

More Blog Posts2

  • 504 weeks
    Year One: Done

    So, it has been a full year to the day since I first made an account on FimFiction, and when my first story, Dragonborn, was published. What a wild ride. I've read a Literature Ton (like a metric ton, only for words and stuff) of great and enjoyable fics, meet a bunch of fun authors, and even made one or two friends through this site.

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  • 546 weeks
    The Meaning of Life

    This is my first blog post, not just on this site, but on the Internet as a whole. And here is what I have to say...

    During the Holidays and more specifically winter, I become melancholic, if not outright depressed.
    This year, however, things are changing.

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    13 comments · 845 views

The Meaning of Life · 12:34am Dec 12th, 2013

This is my first blog post, not just on this site, but on the Internet as a whole. And here is what I have to say...

During the Holidays and more specifically winter, I become melancholic, if not outright depressed.
This year, however, things are changing.
My brother graduated High School and got into a good college and now one of my cousins is pregnant. All these happy things in my life have made my normally subdued mood into one of Philosophical debates.
I have found the Meaning of Life.
Not a silly, just for me reason for existence, and not one that has to do with religions or anything of that nature. I have found a meaning to life that I accept and feel that it works with my own world views.
The Meaning of Life … is Life itself. Sentient Life to be more precise.
Everything in the Universe has functions and a purpose, whether it be the Sun to warm the Earth, a bird that eats a worm then regurgitates said worm for its babies, or grass growing in a field. But, only Sentient Life gives those things meaning.
So what if the grass grows and the bird hunts worms? Without a sentient, thinking mind, there is nothing in those actions save for the action itself. The bird does what it does. That is its nature. But a human thinks about those actions, gives them reason, purpose, understanding. Why does the crow have black feathers? Evolution made it so. But Humans took that which they did not understand, and made the unknowable understandable. They took the world they saw and molded it to their own thoughts.
Life had no purpose until humanity decided it did. Life is given meaning by actions, and when humans think about life, only then do the actions of the Universe matter.
Comets will fly through space even without us there to see them, record them, or understand them. But it is Humanity that gives those comets purpose in the night sky.
The Meaning of Life is, without a doubt, Life itself.
And that makes me so very happy.
Every day I wake up is a victory unto itself, as at any moment, something could happen that ends my life in my sleep. And I could not stop it. But when I wake, I am alive for another day, able to make a difference and maybe do something that changes the world in a way greater than I could ever imagine.
I held the door open for a woman today. If I hadn’t, what would have happened? Nothing, perhaps, or maybe by holding the door open, she got to her car on time, got to work on time, met her future husband by helping him at her job, they get married, have a child, and their child grows up into the next President of the United States. Anything is possible.
My actions today had meaning, in some way. Maybe not for many, but for some. I gave Life purpose by being alive and by being a thinking, sentient Human.
The Meaning of Life is Human Life. Mine life, your life, all lives. That is the truth I have discovered. That is my Truth.

I'm not usually so philosophical, but I felt that I had to say this, and get it off my brain. If you read this, thanks, and maybe I changed the world by writing this.

Report Silver Page · 845 views · Story: Azure Flame ·
Comments ( 13 )

Hot damn, that's some deep shit, dude.
I have yet to find my own meaning to life, and I'm still looking.
How old are you, by the way?

21, but sometimes I feel a lot older and sometimes a lot younger.

Wow, I... that's deep, dude.
I think you may be on to something.
... Wow, I need to sleep this one off.
Way to hurt my brain, dude.

If this weren't so serious, I would have immediately commented, "42."
However, I see that you found something quite meaningful that can benefit us all.
Don't waste what you have, don't take anything for granted.
Life is beautiful, and though it may be marred by scars, they will fade with time.
Keep hope and love alive, and your life will be a great one.

Watch the whole thing.

Yeah. I'm fifteen and I feel like I'm 25425152135135

It's poetic...but I think you mean "sapient."

Sentience is the ability to feel.
Sapience is the ability to think.

Probably both. Thanks for catching that!

Nicely said. We have to remember we have only one life to live. Cherish what you have, love those around you, and live life to the absolute fullest. No regrets. :twilightsmile:

good for you :twilightsmile:
I only get melancholic if I think too much, so I don't ;)

Well man I'm happy for you
congratulation you have found something that makes your life meaningful.
I was but about three months ago that I arrived to a similar conclusion.
Anything only has meaning as long as we acknowledge it as such.
As long as we believe it's meaningful that that action is real and important.
It doesn't matter what it is, it could be as big or as small as we can imagine.
From the survival of the universe to the perpetual preservation of a plushy.
It can give meaning to our lives if we wish it to do so.

For this blog I would like to label you a thinker.
Thinker seal.

I encourage you to keep reflecting.


For my part, I believe the meaning of life, of all life, really, is to create.
Animals, plants, micro-organisms. They all create, in their own way. They create more of themselves, perpetuating their species' existence. Even if their life only serves as food for something else, the fact that it was created in the first place is a wonderful thing. And who knows? maybe the thing that ate them will go on to create something even more marvelous. It's the circle of life, creation fighting entropy since the dawn of time. Helping creation move along is the most noble thing there is.
And we, humans in general, are blessed with the amazing ability to create ideas. Every song someone sings, every story written, every painting, drawing or sculpture is an act of creation unparalleled on this world, an infusion of creation that puts that much more worth to the universe as a whole.
Every day you create something new is a day where you make the universe mature into something greater, something just one step further away from a simple meaningless collection of rocks. And that is basically the most beautiful thing there is.
Every day you create something is a day you didn't waste.

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