• Member Since 21st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday


I'm guy who sometimes writes fanfiction. I like bacon.

More Blog Posts67

  • 535 weeks

    You know those times when you write something, and then go back to rewrite a certain part of that something because you realized that it was kinda dumb as dumb-stuff, but wind up getting completely stalled in the process, and the wind is taken out of your metaphorical sails?

    ...yeah. That kinda happened. To me.

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    14 comments · 1,932 views
  • 538 weeks
    Bum da daa da duh da dah!

    (+Cookie if you guess what the "lyrics" were from)

    Hello thar, it's been awhile, hasn't it? Haven't heard a word from me in...like...a while and stuff! I'm just posting to let you know that I've been making good progress with the next chapter. Tentatively I'd like to say that the first draft will be done in the next two weeks so...there's that.

    Have a few teeny tiny previews.

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    19 comments · 1,256 views
  • 543 weeks
    Everything went better than expected!

    Well...you see...

    New computer. Already.

    Sweet. Though, now I have all the crap on steam to redownload...

    Also, even though I found out that my old man lost his job about an hour after my computer went kaput, it sounds like he's already found a new one (he had an interview yesterday). I guess having more years of experience in his job than I've been alive looks good on a resume.

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    7 comments · 824 views
  • 543 weeks
    Um...I have a teeny tiny problem...

    ...Yeaaaah...You know that computer of mine, that some of you may have noticed me complaining about some? How it's lousy and I wish I had a new one? Well...


    It's also the computer I write my stories on and it kind of...um...bricked. Kaput, kablammo, died, bit off more than it could chew, is pushing up daisies.

    This...may be a problem.

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    18 comments · 984 views
  • 544 weeks
    Let's all laugh at 2013 while it rapidly fades away!


    Repeat after me.



    Let's close out 2013 with a fat ponybutt

    and some Woona.

    Happy New Year!
    In about 6.5 hours! Where I live anyway!

    3 comments · 708 views

Still fricken' freezin. I'm sad. · 12:08am Dec 13th, 2013

Though today was a scorcher at a whole 10 degrees Fahrenheit /sarcasm, it's been <5 pretty much all week. Apparently it's supposed to warm up a little by like...Monday...then it's going to plunge right back into the negatives. It's pretty much to the point where it doesn't even feel cold...it just stings...followed by an odd sensation when you get somewhere warm.

Though this week...I feel like doing something different: Headcanon sharing!

In this case: I'd like to discuss alicorns.

First off, I'd like to make it clear that I feel that Celly and Lulu aren't the same as Cadance and Twilight. Sunbutt and moonbutt are "Greater" or "Full" alicorns if you will.

As we all know with all that controversy regarding Miss Sparkle becoming a pretty pony princess (3P), a lot of people have been talking. Though, looking at how it went down, it got me thinking. You know...Twilight made a "great achievement" and became a 3P. While I already stated just how I thought about her "great achievement" in an older post, I can't deny the fact that I like how somepony makes a great achievement = promotion.

So then I got an idea: is anyone familiar with Dragon Age? I was thinking that that process would be similar to the system involving the dwarven paragons. In DA it goes as such: Mr/Ms shortpants achieves something great that benefits their society as a whole, and as a reward, they are given Paragon status, in which they are elevated to the noble caste and given their own house and all that it entails, as well as a great deal of respect. To me...this doesn't seem like a half bad system to apply to my Equestria. My main gripe with the newest 3P was that her "achievement" was a load of ass. Wrote a spell thats sole use was to fix a huge mess that was her fault in the first place. Whoop-de-doo.

Another random bit of headcanon: In S4E1 we saw how the "alicorn magic" looked awfully like the dark magic that Sombra had used. So here's an idea: once upon a time, there was a unicorn named Sombra. He lived in the rough period following Celly and Lulu's rise to power. The kingdom was still in a rough state, due to Discord's shenanigans, and here he comes along, and helps fix the place up. While he was severely underdeveloped as a character, I envision him as the intelligent, scheming Lawful Evil overlord. Due to his plans, and his assistance, Celly and Lulu were able to pull Equestria out of the rut it was in, and as a reward for his great contributions to Equestria, he was elevated to alicorn status, and all the associated titles and the power that comes with it.

Which he promptly abused the f*** out of. It was all a front for gaining power. He does wear a bulky cape you know...perhaps he his hiding wings...or stumps beneath?

...ahem...just thought I'd share that idea.

Another topic I'm thinking of: many unicorns lack magical talent.
My evidence: Trixie.
Why you ask? The fact that there are traveling magicians in a society where magic exists has made me come to the conclusion that exceptional magical talent amongst unicorns is a rarity. After all, Trixie wouldn't get much attendance to her shows if talented spellcasting was commonplace. All I'm certain that all unicorns are capable of to a degree is some TK and some spell associated with their cutie marks. Right off the top of my head the only unicorns that I recall that cast more than two spells were Twilight and Trixie, the "talented spellcasters".

It annoys me to no end when some chump starts claiming that any unicorn is capable of incredible feats in their arguments of ponywankery. Twilight and Trixie and the exception, not the rule. You don't see me claiming that just because Minecraft Steve? can carry around 2304m^3 gold blocks, that all humans are capable of doing the same.

Okay...I think I'm done for now. Feel free to discuss and share your opinions! I'm going to find something to warm up my hands!
Oh, and have a sunbutt and a doge.

I feel weird about posting a doge for some reason...

Report Explodium · 860 views ·
Comments ( 24 )

dat aaaaaaaaaaaaaassssss

Well you can't really completely dismiss Twilight's 'Princagon' (yeah I made up a word combining Princess and Paragon because of your analogy) status being earned. I mean she and her friends saved the kingdom twice after all, that has got count for something. As for Trixie.... maybe she just sucks at magic? Or the citizens of Equestria are easily amused? I mean I'm not proud to say it but I'll laugh at keys jingling in front of my face sometimes... so who is to say ponies don't like seeing simple tricks they could do themselves but are to lazy to?

Okay now I have another question where do you find these pictures from?

Except Twilight didn't do those things on her own as you said. Getting promoted for something lame is one thing, but taking all the credit for those adventures?

Major dick move.


1600868 and I thought the key thing would get attention, but it is still the principle of saving the kingdom, and they all got to be on a window in the 'hallway of plot' didn't they? I'd say that is fair recognition.

pretty pony princess (3P)

Ahem! that would be pretty purple pony princess to you(4P).:twilightsmile:
Also i believe pretty much the same as what you said, Celestia and Luna are immortal(Gods) or at least grown enough power to be(Glowing manes AKA super saiyan) As for Cadance and Twilight they are more akin to demi gods not immortal but powerful. As for unicorns basic TK and what correlates with their mark ex: Trixie being showmanship as her talent has fireworks and illusion, as for Lady Rarity she has her dress making aka showing inner beauty, she has her gem finding ect. Also feel your pain with the cold its -25 C or -13 F where i am at.

Nonono, not what I meant.

Only Twilight became a 3P, even though she and five others were responsible for saving Equestria multiple times. Sure, they all got put on a window for their efforts, but still, for such a major achievement, they should have all been rewarded in the same way.

Instead only Twilight get the 3P promotion for something insignificant.

Pfft. Twilight is lavender or violet.

Cadance on the other hand...she's a pretty pink pony princess (4P)

1600902 You sir(throws glass at wall) shall not have the last laugh. RELEASE THE DISCORDS!!! Dam:fluttercry: aint got none of those. ok never mind, but what if I was color blind or maybe 5 and cant tell the difference?:trixieshiftright:

1600899 But the others were not being groomed from the beginning to be a 3P and Twilight did bring the magic of friendship to a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL.Besides Can u imagine Dash as an alicorn(Double rainboom suckers).

Again, like I already said if that were true, most unicorns would still only be able to cast 1-2 spells. Plus I don't recall it explicitly saying that Trixie's talent was showmareship.

Also, once Trixie was powered up through use of the alicorn amulet, she did cast some very powerful things. Keep in mind, one would think that she already knew how to do them, otherwise she'd just have a lot of power and no spells to cast with it.

Just a random note: Trixie will be making an appearance in my story, though her role will be widely AU.

I'd like to try but...well...finals.

LOLSPOILER: The next chapter will contain...ponies, dreams, memories, and snuggle struggles!

...huh? If that was a reference, that was unintentional.

What I meant was...someone snuggles someone so hard...that they need a crowbar to get the off.

i agree:eeyup: also i couldsee sombra's origins as some like that...

50s and 60s most of the day here in central Arizona.

Also, I think that Cadence and Twilight simply aren't fully matured as alicorns yet. Give 'em a century or two and they'll be full-sized alicorns with trippy manes and tails.

Have some more doge.


Those are the only two doge ponies I have.

Holy shit, all that doge...


Have some doge-ified copypasta:

The original copypasta, from the exotic land of 4chan:

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

And here's a songified version of the copypasta, for good measure:

Speaking of a new chapter, what would the ETA be?

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