• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts203

  • 291 weeks
    Arrow 18 dramatic reading for Flight Recorder log now up.

    It's been a long time coming, but I'm happy to announce that 'A.F.R.T. 11252257:054557' has gone up at Nimbus Productions.

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    27 comments · 1,803 views
  • 321 weeks
    Teaser/Preview: MLBB II: 'Race The Sunset'

    Spitfire blinked in relative silence, not sure exactly what to say before the smallest of the three Stalliongrad pegasi jerked his head up, squinting at the approaching dusk.

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    6 comments · 1,223 views
  • 326 weeks
    She's coming back...

    I haven't worked on this story in... Six years?
    So I figure... "I really, REALLY need to finish this last chapter. I mean, it's the LAST chapter and it's been sitting for YEARS!"

    So I've had the document open, for two weeks now, trying to recapture my 'voice' from six years back.

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  • 354 weeks
    Just a random story prompt...

    If anyone's interested in writing a 3 to 5 thousand word short, be my guest. But I wanted to write out the prompt of sorts that popped into my head today.

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  • 394 weeks
    Instant full body flush, just add vitamins...

    Tagging FtFoNR because medical shenanigans...

    So, interesting experience today. I'd like to think I know how to handle dealing with vitamins and supplements. I do my research, I check safe doses, antagonists, read warnings.

    But sometimes, something just slips through in a moment of complacency.

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One, two, TEN! · 12:35am Dec 27th, 2013

Did everyone enjoy their presents I left under the Hearths Warming Log?

I hope you did.

For Arrow 18, I think it has approx. 2 more archive chapters left and some data entries and that'll wrap it up. Don't know how long it'll take me to start the next part, but I just thought I'd mention we're pretty close to the end of the story. The 'changeling' storyline threads in pretty late, but should make the final run to the end rather cute. No, it's not Chrysalis. She ain't quite that dumb. But to spoil a little, after rumors of the alien taking ponies to the stars and coming back travels around the land, not even she could resist sending a spy... Or scout. Or whatever. Nothing sinister... but maybe curiosity can lead bitter enemies to friendship through the strangest of paths, right?

Sparkle's Notes will of course fill things in, and likely be longer in word count. As the cockatrice incident 'flurry of letters' (as I called it in my writing notes) showed, a LOT can happen in the background of some of the shortest mission logs. SN will likely take a lot more time and effort per-chapter to finish. There a lot more 'documented viewpoints' going on and a lot of 'read and sync' I have to do with every chapter.

The rate and timing I need to finish things will vary. But don't worry, and don't think quiet means dead. I'd like to be able to count myself as an author who can at least get a few of his works done instead of vanishing from existence entirely. So effectively, if you see me around, I've not given up. But rebooting a muse can be hard when it goes stagnant. And nothing is quite as hard as recovering a story thread you've left to sit for a year.

Just in case you're wondering... 90% of the writing for the recent released chapters was done between the 20th and 24th of December. I hit my stride, and managed to keep it for once. (Not having to worry about school project work for two weeks helps.) I have some apologies to make for minor mistakes and typos. Most of the minor mistakes seem to be the 4am variety when things start to 'eeeeheeheeheee...' *Bloodshot eyes mode*.

Kind of irks me that people use comments to 'edit' for me, but not much I can do except repeat what I've stated before: PM me with your list. Don't use the comment box for it.

Incidentally, I've been corrected on things like its and it's. Yes, I'm aware of the rule. It's just a typo. I'm aware of several other rules as well, but as I said: Typos.

Anywho, I'll go over it a little at a time and make edit tweaks as I come across them. FiMfic still has one of the best systems I've ever seen for publishing fanfics: On-the-fly document editing. No muss, no fuss. See an error, pop open edit mode, correct, save, back to business as usual.

Anyway, enough about grammar. Next in line is finishing off Higher Flier Mach 2. My muse there has been stuck, and I really need to finish that cute little story to get it off my plate. I partially know what I want to do, but I partially don't. Every time I try to sit down to ponder it, I just come up for a loss. The 'second chase' sequence has bits in my head, but little coherency and no rock solid conclusion to work towards. A dangerous combination in writing terms.

Anywho, that's my yule update...

Until next time... Here's a song that needs to be ponified.

Imagine that changeling drone from a few posts back actually being a rather unwilling HiE, and the only thing he can latch on to is singing it...

Well, singing it while sounding like this.

Lone cowpoke was riding out one dark and windy day.
On a ridge she rested as she went out on her way.
When all at once a mighty herd of Minotaur she saw!
Plowed through the ragged sky, and up a cloudy draw.

Their brands were still on fire, and their hooves were made of steel.
Their horns were black and shiny and their hot breath she could feel.

A bolt of fear went through her as they thundered through the sky!
For she saw the riders coming hard, and heard their mournful cry...

Comments ( 10 )

I for one want to thank you for your diligence in cross referencing the stories. I have been reading them in parallel whenever possible and I find it adds a ton of depth to both stories so rest assured that your time is not wasted.

As for the grammar, you should probably post that in an author's note next time. When you go this long between chapters you should not expect people to remember that kind of detail.

The problem with PM'ing typos - you will get the same ones 10+ times and as such it will be waste of time for all involved.
When I see that someone posted list of fixes in comments I don't bother to post mine - no need to repeat work already done.
So IMHO bad idea.


Would work if everyone thought like you. Except I get a list of ten people doing the same typos anyway.

No offense, but I've always liked Sparkles Notes better than the original story, and to hear that it is going to end up being longer than the original Arrow 18 story is music to my ears!

I'm particularly looking forward to more behind the scenes stuff, because I don't doubt for a minute that one of the first things Twi will look up when she cracks the English language will be solving the mystery as to /why/ all those images of monsters weren't photographs. It'll probably rock her world even more than it already has to learn that all of those creatures (plus her own kind!) are considered mythological, and even more so when she finds out that Randy's kind consider magic to be the stuff of fiction! And when she discovers that his sun and moon aren't under the control of anything other than gravitational forces... :trollestia:

Keep up the good work, and remember, there's no rush; these recent updates should keep most of us sated for many months to come.

P.S. I wasn't aware you were bothered by people posting typos in the comments. If I ever come across any in the future, I'll be sure to do as you suggested, and send you a private message.

4am and you're tired? Wuss. I can wake up at 5pm, and function coherently till noon.

FimFic's the best fanfic site I've ever seen. Good lookin', well organized and full of poniponi.

I worry about this story ending too abruptly. Judging just from the story itself it isn't at all clear that it's reaching its conclusion. Generally when a story is nearing the climax one should be able to tell without needing to be told.

Arrow 18 is almost done? Too bad... :applecry:

I very much enjoyed both my Christmas presents from you, Admiral. Thank
Ou very much for keeping the stories alive.

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