• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2014

Blue Dragon

Stay classy and read more shipping.

More Blog Posts7

  • 496 weeks
    I Have Returned (With an Update)

    Hello everyone, I know it's been a while. I haven't updated any of my stories in almost half a year. I feel awful about it, but there are good reasons for it. Life has been getting in the way a lot (I know you've heard that many times before), but it's true. A combination of things have been happening that have been keeping me from writing. Both good and bad things.

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  • 519 weeks
    An Explanation

    Hey, guys. It's been a while! I haven't properly logged into the site in months, and I just wanted to apologize for that. There are good reasons, but what it boils down to is the fact that I had a brief, three or four month hiatus.

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    9 comments · 483 views
  • 545 weeks
    The Good Stuff

    Hey guys! It's been a while since I've made a blog on the site. In fact, it's been a while since I've been active on it at all. Well, that's about to change. I recently updated my story The Element of Magic, which was long overdue. To my surprise, it was actually featured for a few hours last night! I'm very happy about that, considering it's my first time. That was the last story I'd have

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    10 comments · 474 views
  • 558 weeks
    I Never Thought This Day Would Come

    I've been writing fanfiction for about two years now. It's hard to believe it's already been that long since I sat down and decided I'd write a story based on the Soul Eater universe. I still write in that universe to this day, but for the past year I've dedicated most of my time and writing to ponies. And today, I discovered something I really can't believe.

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    11 comments · 621 views
  • 563 weeks
    A New TwiShy Waiting for Approval!

    I hope you guys are excited as I am.

    I decided to sign up for the TwiShy group's contest so I would have the chance to win a new pony plushie. It gave me a chance to write a new one-shot, so I figured I'd do it. I'm very excited about it, as I've been slaving over it for the past week (and it's the reason I haven't updated in awhile).

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The Good Stuff · 9:20pm Dec 30th, 2013

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've made a blog on the site. In fact, it's been a while since I've been active on it at all. Well, that's about to change. I recently updated my story The Element of Magic, which was long overdue. To my surprise, it was actually featured for a few hours last night! I'm very happy about that, considering it's my first time. That was the last story I'd have expected to get into it.

Continuing on. I'm going to work harder to get my stories updated somewhat regularly, and the story that will have the most attention will be The Reason I Love You. This is because I'm very close to finishing it, and I would like to get it out of the way. Plus, I've really been wanting to write some TwiPie as of late. I hope you guys are looking forward to that as well. Following that I will work equally on The Element of Magic and Wanna Be My Wingpony? until they're both completed. Somewhere along the line, I have a new story I'm cookin' up.

This is where I'm going to ask for your guys' opinions. What do you think of Twilight/Spitfire shipping? I've got an idea down and have already gotten cover art done for it. In fact, as soon as I'm feeling more confident that I'm not (or will not be) overwhelmed, I'll start writing it. I love the thought of shipping them (I blame my alternate Mane 6 story) and the idea wouldn't leave me even after months. So, I would love to hear what you think about it.

Hm... As a last note, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, whatever you may celebrate. Here's a hug in any case.

Report Blue Dragon · 474 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Twilight and Spitfire hmm? Never crossed my mind, but sounds interesting, I'am sure that what ever you do you'r follower will like it, i know i will :twilightsmile:
Well i guess now that the holidays are over it is time to get back to writing. :yay:


I've thought about a lot of Twilight shippings, and I'm determined to write at least a one-shot for each. Starting with Spitfire! Thank you for the kind words; I do hope you and anyone else that does read it will enjoy it.

I know the feeling... Nice user-picture, by the way! :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

TwiFire? O.o Are we talking goodseason 1-2 Spitfire, or Wonderbolts Academy Spitfire? I honestly can't see her with either, though given that I tend to describe Spitfire/see her described as "Rainbow Dash but mature", you'd think they'd work out somehow. :B Maybe she's a little too mature, has too much responsibility as captain of the Wonderbolts. Work the princess angle into it a little bit more, though, and it could pan out.


It doesn't have to be perfect, but I plan on smoothing out the edges of Spitfire's personality to where her behavior in both appearances makes sense. Character development will definitely occur over time, and Twilight's princess status is going to have a big influence on it. I think I'll be able to make it work, as long as I don't rush it.

Thanks for the advice! :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

I really dislike WBA Spitfire, to the point where I sort of treat her as a different character from the pony we saw in Sonic Rainboom, Best Night Ever and Hurricane Fluttershy. :B

Keep going, I wish you good luck my friend! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:


Really? I like to think that she has a good balance in her personality. It does seem a bit like two opposite extremes when you compare WBA Spitfire to previous appearances, but I like it. To me, it feels like she knows how to act in certain situations--like you said, a mature version of Rainbow Dash. She's playful and competitive (as seen in the past), but when it comes to things that are important or require her to be serious, she can do that as well. I feel like that represents what makes her a good captain.

I won't say her behavior didn't strike me as annoying or over the top in WBA, but if we consider it to be somewhat like boot camp, someone had to do it.

Author Interviewer

I think I just would rather have seen anyone else boot camping. I liked the way she acted in the previous episodes, I really loved shipping her with Rainbow Dash, but after WBA, I just can't. Her behavior makes perfect sense, because like you said, boot camp. But military people scare me. :(


I understand what you're saying. I can't agree though, as I come from a military upbringing myself. My mother is, in fact, in the army. :rainbowlaugh:

I'd be the first to tell you that military people aren't so bad, but it probably would't mean much. :P

Author Interviewer

It's when they get into military mode that they're scary. And Spitfire was in military mode that whole episode. :( I was dying for her to buddy up with Rainbow in the office scenes at least, but no. Broke one of my favorite ships.

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