• Member Since 13th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 21st, 2017


I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. Hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon.

More Blog Posts347

  • 349 weeks
    Moving On

    Hey everyone.

    I'll cut right to the chase: this will be my final blog post. I'm leaving. For good.

    Yeah, I know I've said that in the past, usually when I was in the middle of an immature meltdown, but this time the circumstances are much, much different.

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    7 comments · 747 views
  • 351 weeks
    WTF casting agency?

    So the newest trailer for the MLP movie came out. Looks good. Still not sold on the animation style, but still looks alright.

    However there is a major problem I have with the movie already: the casting of Taye Diggs as Capper.

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    4 comments · 531 views
  • 355 weeks
    "Ponies: The Anthology" might be the worst thing ever

    There are a few things in the world whose very existence is an affront to humanity. Rape, for instance. Genocide. Pedophilia.

    And then there's "Ponies: The Anthology."


    Avoid these hour-long abominations at all costs. Go watch something that's actually funny and creative, like Uno: The Movie. Don't waste your time or brain cells on that other filth.

    Fuck. Just...fuck.

    2 comments · 389 views
  • 357 weeks

    For a conniving asshole by the name of Barrobroadcastmaster. Dunno if he has a page here or not, but it's likely. Avoid at all costs unless you want to be sucked into the supermassive black hole of stupidity that is American conservatism.

    1 comments · 439 views
  • 358 weeks
    what is life anymore

    what is happening

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Channel Comment Deletion · 3:36am Jan 18th, 2014

So I got some flak from a user because I deleted most of the comments of my channel, which mostly had the remnants of a giant flame war from that even bigger flame war that prompted me to leave Fimfiction in the first place. It was unsightly and I didn't want to keep looking at it whenever I came to my channel, so I took it down.

Then a user I've never seen comes out of nowhere and starts calling me a coward because I'm trying to "bury the past" and that I expect people to "ignore what I've done". I have no idea what this guy's problem is, but I do know that he is a follower of 'the parasprite', which is never a good thing.

He and I got into another argument, but I said no, I am not doing this. This is how everything went downhill last time. So I took down all the comments.

Does that make me a coward? I doubt any of you have forgotten the fiascos I've been through and have gotten myself into, but are you obsessing over them and holding them over my head? I don't think so. I see no reason why deleting that flame war is cowardly. I only deleted that and this user's comments, as well as my own, because he was being rude and I didn't really have time to deal with random jerks on the Internet anymore.

Is what I did really still worth hating me over? Hell, most people have the completely wrong idea about what I did that convinced me to leave Fimfiction, and if people are still trying to hold it over my head, that's a bit pathetic.

What are your opinions on this? It's still a bit confusing, because I honestly don't know what this guy's problem was. He's not even a follower of mine. Am I a coward simply for deleting year-old comments because I didn't want to look at them, as well as deleting rude comments from a random user? Does that really make me a coward?

Report BaroqueNexus · 401 views ·
Comments ( 36 )

I don't think that makes you a coward, I think that makes you mature. If you don't react to someone, that is not being a coward, it is being the bigger person.

It depends. Did you hunt that user down and force him to drink bleach? If not, you're probably alright.


Funny thing is some of the comments from the war are still there, as I didn't delete all of them. So he's really whining about nothing.

And no, Tiger, I did not hunt him down and make him drink bleach. I haven't gotten DayZ Standalone yet.

1729948 You know... not all of Parasprite's followers agree with him. I personally think that he is a complete twatwaffle cunt... but I follow him for his writing, because when all is said and done, he does write well. Just that he has the morals of a rabid Tazmanian Devil on her period with AIDS and a hangover.

I say delete it, forget it, and if some more sparks try to ignite - hit that block button. It's been damn near a year, things are looking up and you've long moved on :twilightsmile:
some just wanna watch the world burn and start fights :trixieshiftleft:

1729964 I'm ambivalent of his writing, and my opinion of him soured CONSIDERABLY following all the bullshit he did to me. I honestly don't know how such a jerk like him could have accumulated such a following. It's the same way I don't like Orson Scott Card; I don't care if he's freaking Shakespeare. If he acts like a twat, then I'm not going to support him in any way.

1729979 Well, for me, I will not show him personal support, and on more than one occasion, I have told him off in a nice colorful manner... but if he writes well, I will read the stories.

I think I do know a part of the reason why some of his fans follow him so rabidly. They have a fetish for rabid asscunts. Personally, I have a STRONG dislike for Stephen King. I think the guy is a complete asshole.

It's your page, you can do whatever you want with it. No-one's opinion matters other than your own.

1729989 Yeah, I get you.

You know what we need? We need more authors on this site who act like Markiplier of YouTube. Funny, intelligent, talented, humble, and deeply thankful and appreciative of his fanbase. I think he's a good role model for Internet 'celebs'.

1730013 Like Bookplayer and GaryOak

Aaaaaand, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You haven't changed, you're just trying to run away instead of facing your past. If you had, then you would face it and admit it instead of fleeing.

I also made sure to back up what little conversation was had.

1729945 This person, Valvatorez, is the one I was talking about. I guess he has a fetish for 'exposing' me and beating a dead horse...or dead pony, if you will. I guess he's got nothing better to do than to bug me about something that happened months ago.

Congratulations, you've earned yourself a block. I can see why you like the parasprite so much. You and he have a lot in common.

Oh, you've got a picture of our conversation? Wow. Pathetic.

1729966 It's unfortunate, the user in question seems to have invaded my blog's comment section.


Stop taking everything so seriously. Don't let your morals get in the way of what you do on the internet. Here, you're anonymous. Sure, have some dignity and courtesy for others, but, spouting off random white knight comments to people and trying to root your beliefs into them is just a big "no."

If you want to avoid further contact, block the people who have bugged you in the past and anyone who brings the situation up (depending on the type of conversation) so that you don't need to listen to it anymore.

But, addressing it isn't always a bad idea, either. An apology wouldn't be a bad thing. Especially when quite a few people were offended by what you said.

1730074 True, but I have made my apologies, even though what I said was blown out of proportion and taken out of context, but nevertheless I've apologized for my actions and would just like to move on.

Didn't realize you had become a story approver. Congratulations.


Yeah. Was made one a bit ago. Thanks.

Just try to avoid this whole fiasco. I'd address it in your blog. Explain what happened, explain why you were in the wrong, why some others were in the wrong and then apologize. That way, you don't need to deal with it anymore.

That's what I'd do.

1730085 It's already been explained a million times, by me and others, but if people ask, I will tell them honestly. But at the moment I would just like to focus on making new stories and seeing if my followers enjoy them. No personal drama, no drawn-out flame wars, just that.


Then do as you wish. Write horsewords like the rest of us.

Lots and lots of horsewords.

1730104 Is that what we're calling them now?


I call 'em horsewords. :v

1730034 I am guessing he is the one that ran to Parasprite telling him the things I said... cause Para just messaged me a bit ago

1730115 Funny thing again, I shared a comment or two on a thread of mine with Para a little bit ago. No ill will, no hostility at all, just passing comments unrelated to what had happened.

I don't honestly think it's worth hating him. I don't like him, I don't read him, but I'm not going to attack him every chance I get.

Does that make me an awful person if I like the parasprite? :fluttercry:

Who cares
do what you want

1730155 Look, I shouldn't be talking bad about him. He and I have a rocky history, but I'm trying to put that behind me. I just got a bit irked when this Valvatorez guy came out of nowhere and just started attacking me for no reason, and going after what Biker_Dash said I assumed that he was some sort of lackey for him, especially since Valva was talking a lot of shit about what happened specifically in the past. But it's not worth it anymore, because it's so far in the past that it really just isn't worth it. But I harbor no ill will toward his followers, except to those who act like Valvatorez.

1730115 He seems really thin-skinned at times, but I guess that'd be the pot calling the kettle black. I dunno, I just don't want another blowup between me and him, especially after I just got back.

do you have a fav season 4 episode?

1729964 Oh that last part is making me laugh so much!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: *wipes away tear from excessive laughter*

1730780 So far, Pinkie Apple Pie.

The past is the past. Sure, you have to face it sometimes, but I'd say you've already done that in spades. If something's an ugly reminder, there's no shame in not having to look at it every day. You've dealt with the past, great, now it's time to say good-bye to it.

And this was how many months ago? Seriously, it's time for this guy to let things go. This is the internet, and the time that's passed is more-or-less equivalent to a few decades here.

Internet's weird like that. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.

1731207 Yeah. I really am trying to just get on and do what I wanted to do in the first place: write stories and entertain you guys. From now on, I'm putting the past behind me. No more feuds, no more drama, nothing like that. That's why I wanted to come back: because I feel like I owed you guys that. And honestly, after this long of a time, I figured I really could at least 'start over', in a sense. I don't know what this guy's problem is, and there was a little bit of fallout from it and another user, but that's done and I don't intend to let it happen again.

It still feels good to be back, and I look forward to making new (and much better) stories.

You're not in the wrong here. This is an mlp fanfiction site, if people want to talk about "what you've done" they need to step up and stop taking this place so seriously.

The fact that you deleted the comments anyway shows that you've done some growing up since last time you had problems here. I'm impressed.

1731826 Thank you. I took this site too seriously as well, and now I'm merely making it about interacting with my fans, writing my stories, and stuff like that. No more pointless drama.

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