• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen May 28th


The only bad writers are the ones who no longer feel the need to write, badly.

More Blog Posts5

  • 450 weeks
    Enter: Chapter three!

    Sorry again for the delay folks, Feathers, Beaks, and the Sick Laughter of Murphy has another chapter up.

    And I'm now editing the crap out of chapter two.

    I'll see you all real soon.

    4 comments · 392 views
  • 451 weeks
    New story up

    Iv'e got something that's been on the back burner for a while submitted and awaiting moderation right now.

    I am very tired at the moment, perhaps I will stay up and watch for comments. Or get some sleep...

    (To everyone expecting another chapter of Feathers Beaks and the Sick Laughter of Murphy, I should have the next chapter up by tommorow night, thank you all for tolerating me.)

    3 comments · 251 views
  • 473 weeks
    Progress report, Feathers, beaks, and the sick laughter of Murphy Chp 3

    It's alive.

    Now that school is over, I can devote more of my time to writing, my apologies for the unannounced leave of absence. Will a preview make up for it?

    As always, content is subject to change. (I've also revamped the short and long description, check it out.)

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    5 comments · 409 views
  • 512 weeks
    Progress report; Feathers, beaks, and the sick laughter of Murphy. (chp2)

    Personally, I don't mind waiting.

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    5 comments · 554 views
  • 538 weeks
    A preview

    So, my debut work for this site is going to be delayed for a bit as I have mountains of schoolwork to do and me spending copious amounts of time reading everyone else's stories is definitely not helping, I am currently at 1,133 words as of now.

    As a treat (and hopefully interest spiker) have the first 314 words, free of charge. NOTE: content is subject to change in final draft.

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    2 comments · 449 views

A preview · 9:24am Feb 16th, 2014

So, my debut work for this site is going to be delayed for a bit as I have mountains of schoolwork to do and me spending copious amounts of time reading everyone else's stories is definitely not helping, I am currently at 1,133 words as of now.

As a treat (and hopefully interest spiker) have the first 314 words, free of charge. NOTE: content is subject to change in final draft.

Daniel ran a fingertip along the cool, newly minted wall, providing a steady scratching noise to accompany the echo of his footsteps.

The entire structure was smooth and sterile-smelling. Like a fresh-slate.

Ambient chatter gradually overpowered his two part orchestra as he neared a pair of doors at the hallway’s end. The man squinted, having to hunt for a handle, more so due to inadequate lighting and a lack of contrasting colors, rather than old-age.

So is the discomfort you reap when your construction team consists entirely of laymen. It mattered not though, they could not take the building with them.
After a few seconds of fumbling and a soft click, the pseudo-wooden door gave way to a rectangular room, built to accommodate no less than one hundred eight people; his fourteen pupils and their loved ones.

A large silver ring, taller than an average human standing on another’s’ head, took up more than half of the wall opposite of the entryway, elevated on a platform.


Daniel’s grizzled features stretched into a smile, despite being winded.

For there, tiny arms wrapped tightly around his belly, was his very own bundle of joy. Green eyes, orange hair, and a freckled face.

She was the very image her mother.

He returned the hug breathing in at the same time; “I’m sorry North Star, did I keep you waiting for long?”

Samantha broke away, shaking her head vigorously; “Nope, not even a teeny bit” she said, pinching a sliver of air between her thumb and forefingers with a smile.

“Good, good,” Daniel cooed.

The child was one of around twenty others, scattered across the room. Like her, they were oblivious to the odd symphony of fear and anticipation that naturally arose when confronting the unknown.

Very few dreamwalkers have ever mustered the courage to straddle the lines between planes. Even fewer dared to make an attempt at crossing them.

And no one to date, has survived such an endeavor.

Tell me if what you have seen thus far interests you in the slightest, this little sample should give an example of my writing prowess, or lack thereof.

Report Maromar · 449 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

The writing is actually really good. I think you got me hooked! Have a follow. :pinkiehappy:
Now keep writing! :flutterrage:


I'm glad to hear that, thank you!

I haven't had access to a computer until a day ago, hence my long absence. However, I still intend on releasing the first chapter by the end of this month.

Cheers to the hopes of not disappointing you with the end result!

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