• Member Since 1st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2016


More Blog Posts4

  • 537 weeks
    Excuses, a pointless rant, updates and future possibilities all in one massive post!

    So like I said I am sorry that this took so long and that it is so long. My friend, the same one that got me into MLP, fanfics and anime, is an amazing editor. If you have read my earlier chapters you know that I am mediocre at best at editing my own work. I am used to writing good research papers not stories so the different dynamics of description, characters, dialogue and conflict add a

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  • 542 weeks
    My Top 25 Favorite Brony Musicians/Artists

    One part of the fandom that I have been enthralled by since the beginning is the music. It took me until Winter Wrap Up to truly appreciate the style and creativity that is ingrained in the music of MLP: FIM. Daniel Ingram and the rest of the musical crew really knows how and when to make a beautifully orchestrated song that makes the fandom go berserk. Winter Wrap Up, This Day Aria, Love is

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  • 556 weeks
    Chapter 4 delay and future problems

    First off I must apologize for the massive delay in the release of chapter 4. Originally it was going to connect all the main characters but instead I focused on Soot and made the chapter a reasonable size while setting up the meeting. I actually had the chapter written before school started 8 weeks ago. I unfortunately did not have time to edit it or get my friend to edit it. As a result

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  • 575 weeks
    My fanfic reviews worst to best

    I became a brony in October 2012 and since then I have read numerous fanfics. This post is a list and review of the fanfics I've read ranging from worst to best on of 1-10 scale. These reviews are based solely on my opinion and observations, feel free to comment and disagree. Also a warning, minor spoilers may be in some reviews but I will attempt to stay away from anything too revealing.

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Excuses, a pointless rant, updates and future possibilities all in one massive post! · 10:00pm Feb 16th, 2014

So like I said I am sorry that this took so long and that it is so long. My friend, the same one that got me into MLP, fanfics and anime, is an amazing editor. If you have read my earlier chapters you know that I am mediocre at best at editing my own work. I am used to writing good research papers not stories so the different dynamics of description, characters, dialogue and conflict add a different challenge to writing and editing. Also, when I go crazy writing 20k+ chapters, it becomes really hard to edit but my friend does it magnificently while giving me indispensable feedback. Unfortunately, he is a busy guy and is also a bit unreliable. I finish a chapter and give it to him to edit and 6 weeks later I have to pester him and he does some then gets distracted. I mean the guy has like 7 fanfics completed but he doesn't want to format them because it will take to much boring work.....yeah he's like that. He can be very busy with his music but he also has a lot of free time since he basically completed school early. Anyways, I need to just upload these chapters and get on with it but they always end up so long and I know that it's a problem for a lot of you. You have trouble reading 20k chapters initially just to get into a story and I completely understand that. It is quite a daunting task and takes time, hell some of my chapters are longer than My Little Dashie. Quoting Somber, the author of Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons, "As usual the chapter grew larger than I originally planned." He has over 60 chapters and climbing of 20k+ words each and they too have a lot of errors and he has editors but my point is that I know exactly how he feels. I start off with a storyline in my mind that has a beginning and end that will make an entire chapter. I have the main points planned and go from there, thinking that it won't be that long. Well nothing is ever that simple and I think of new things or have to explain something or the dialogue grows and I end up with these behemoth chapters. Then I go back through and every part of it is necessary so the chapters remain gigantic. Even though there are break points, I don't want to break the chapters into smaller chapters because they flow together as one story and it would take about 15 chapters just to introduce the characters and get them acquainted. When you have a massive story with so many characters and plot lines the chapters end up being massive, both Fallout Equestria and FOE Project Horizons are examples of this. The chapters and story take on a life of their own and they grow and like your child you just have to let them go off on their own. I also would be writing more but Senior year is insane and it is only going to get worse before it gets better. I got all A+ last quarter and all A+ on my finals and my semester grade ended up with 6 A+ and an A. Seven classes, 4 honors and 3 sciences is a pain to keep such good grades. This semester is already even more insane, I just finished 4 massive projects just to have 3 more come up that will be graded as finals. One is a 20 page paper on some obscure author and critics' reviews of his work form the early 20th century........like really?! Finals will also be right after spring break because as seniors we have internships and I also need to finish community service so there is a lot. It can be extremely stressful and time consuming. I got an Xbox one but I have hardly played any video games with friends due to school and what little free-time I have i'd rather spend it reading, watching shows or hanging out with friends. I have also been shooting more and i even got a M1A1 Thompson, cause I'm a WWII and history nerd, but it had catastrophic jams the first time I shot it so they sold me a new defective gun and had to send it back to Massachusetts......They just don't make them like they used to. And then there is college. I have been done with applications but i got deferred in early action by Chicago which annoyed me and my genius friend got wait listed by Stanford so if she can't get in then I won't. I'm still waiting on Harvard and Yale but I don't think my chances are great anymore there average ACT is 35 for Christ sake. Maybe if I would've cared about school before Junior year this wouldn't be an issue but my cumulative GPA is still like 4.3 or something but Ivy league is a bunch of hard asses. So now I just have to wait and apply for more scholarships, honestly I should have applied to more middle ground schools like Georgetown because as it stands I have full rides to ASU and UNM and probably won't get into Stanford, Yale or Harvard so I'm relying on Chicago, who showed great interest in me before my 30 ACT and before I knew about them, to get me in. Top 5 school and law school in the nation so I'm banking on it. So basically with school, girl drama and college I have little to no time to write. I have a great life, it's just busy and stressful but I shouldn't be complaining, well everything in perspective I suppose. To me my life has gotten hectic and stressful but to others I have a nice house, cars, family, friends, good education, good health and I'm intelligent so I shouldn't complain, at least I have enough to eat and can go to school without fear of retaliation. This post was meant to give info and reasons for my sluggish output. It wasn't meant to be a rant, I am just saying why I haven't been writing and what is going on in my life so sorry if it sounded like I was looking for pity because I most certainly am not.
Well on to my actual rant, no that other part was not my rant, crazy right? My biggest problem with Fimfic is that it is extremely hard to get notoriety. I hardly have any views and every time I self promote I get hate for trying to push my story. I will admit that a lot of this is my fault but there are tons of great authors that hardly get any recognition too. On youtube there might be more competition but at least a crappy channel can get 50 subscribers and start the ball rolling, on here it's much harder. The biggest reason for this, besides not as many people, I think is because of all of these crossovers that get featured. Getting featured is the best way to get popular but most of the time half of the stories are crossovers. Like how does power rangers or hulk in Equestria get featured. There are to many good writers with original and clever stories with original characters for this crap to get featured. I'm sorry but just taking characters from pop culture and throwing them into Equestria is not clever or creative. It is stupid and a cheap way to get popular. Some crossovers, like Fallout Equestria, take a concept and make it their own while others just tweak something and throw in ponies. I have read some because I figured hey maybe the idea sounds stupid but it is well done....... the ones I have read are just plain stupid and poorly written. I am sure that there are some great crossovers like Fallout Equestria out there, heck there are some very talented authors that have probably written great stories about some character in Equestria but this crap floods my feed and it is annoying. Good original authors are put to the side for this garbage of Thor in Equestria. People are easily enticed by taking something cool from pop culture and throwing in ponies. It has become an epidemic in the fandom and it is aggravating at times. Now I know that a lot of this isn't fair and it is a bit close minded and i should probably give these stories more of a chance but this is how I feel about the over done crossover phenomenon as a whole. I might not be deserving of popularity and a lot of views but not enough people have read it or given me feedback for me to know and there are authors out there that are way more deserving of popularity than me. it's just upsetting when I see pointless stories that are just meant to get attention accomplish what they're trying to do at cost of other better stories. Anyways that's my likely close minded and stupid rant that I will get flak for but that's all right I felt like I needed to say that so back to more pertinent things.
For internship I will be working with several judges I know and this will give me a lot of free time. It is only 30 hours a week and there will be no Homework, no projects, no tests to study for and I will be done with all my other school related issues by then. This will give me a great opportunity to get involved in the court room and politics so I'm excited. It will also give me time to write and get more involved in the fandom. Hopefully I can start cranking out chapters starting in April and lasting until college starts. I have also restrained myself from uploading my story and getting involved in Authors Helping Authors because I just don't have time to review and read others' stories consistently. When I have more time I would love to read some of the content out there and give constructive criticism while hopefully receiving some myself. Also another one of my friends loves my story and wants to animate it so that could be time consuming but awesome. I think what my stories lacks in writing it makes up for with story and characters so it might be better represented as a video. He has the software and knows how to do it but he is a bit flake. He will get all into a project and spend money on it but never finish it. For instance, he bought a forge to make swords and has hardly done anything, he bought a plastic vacuum to make iron man armor and hasn't done it, he has a billion guns and bought things to make his own but his dad ends up doing it and he got all the parts for a dune buggy but his dad was the one who had to finish it. Basically a jack of all trades but a master of none, so I am not too optimistic about the possibility of getting my story animated but it would be awesome and it would definitely increase its popularity if done well. This guy was also supposed to make me some cover art last summer but he hasn't so.......yeah maybe he'll commit when internship starts. Also, if any of you read my story and feel that there are some political undertones or jabs at society there isn't. This story is not a satire and the views portrayed in this story are in no way representative of my political views. I am big on politics and eventually want to go into politics so don't make any assumptions about the political ramifications of what my characters say or what happens because there are none.
I must also say how much I am loving this season. The broader story with the box and rainbows is ingenious. It finally feels like there is a true plot to the show but at the same time they still have their random episodes that we all love. My only issues have been the lack of quality music, which has recently improved dramatically with Filli Vanilli and Pinkie Pride, and that Twilight being a princess has had no impact on the show other than the premier. Twilight is an alicorn and a princess and the show goes on like nothing has changed. She needs a bigger part as a princess and her position needs to have implications. It was a big change with very little consequences and there is so much that they could do with her new found position, such as exploring the world, which would be amazing. Still this season is funnier and more clever than its predecessors so I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am also enjoying the fan made content. The music has been great and I think Laughter by AcousticMando Pony is my favorite element song.
So to end this ridiculous blog I just want to thank you the reader for giving my story a chance and listening to my absurd rants and rambling thoughts. If anyone reads my whole story I would be surprised and thrilled because it is so long but I would love it if you could give me feedback because someone who has read it all will have the best grasp on my story and probably the best ideas and criticism. I welcome good feedback and comments, they help me improve and connect with the fandom. So once again thank you all for your patience and diligence with reading my story. It is greatly appreciated ;)! And to all the people that follow me, favorite my story, give feedback, like my story and read I love you all!

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