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"It's Meta. He hates everything. That's just his purpose; in denying it he would deny himself." -Officer Hot-Pants. "MetaKnight145, somewhat friendly misanthrope who lives on pornsites." -Mr. Grimdark

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Lets try this one more damn time: Last Words of Evening Storm by Evening Storm · 10:47am Feb 20th, 2014

(Note: This is being done as I read it and is every thought I have during it not an after the fact review.)
(Note: Some things done and said are exaggerations of how I feel of certain things)
Album I listened to while reading:

Last Words of Evening Storm by Evening Storm

Last Words of Evening Storm

>Evening Storm
>looks at user name
>Evening Storm
>looks at tag
>a sad self insert fanfiction

I can already tell, this is going to hurt, a lot. I haven't even read anything but the title and tags yet.

A pegasus named Evening shares his final words with you before he gives up on living. He can't take his life any longer. He is done.

Oh fucking joy. A self insert sad suicide fanfiction.
I really don't want to fucking read this.
*tries to run away*
*gets tripped by a plunder vine and dragged back to the computer, his nails tearing up the carpet as he claws desperately trying to get away chipping several of his nails in the process*
*he gets slammed into his chair and now must do the review under threat of thorned anal rape*
Fucking plunder vines and their rape fetishes.
Fine, seems I have no fucking choice but to do this. Pray to the great potato for me.

First person story.

*tries to stand up only to be slammed back into his chair by the vines then tied to it* *the thorns drawing blood making him scream in pain*
I don't want to read this.

Rated teen for suggestive moments

Final Moments · 10th Apr 2013 525

Last words and the will · 10th Apr 2013 524

>less than 900 words per chapter
*pupils constrict to the size of pins*
No. *shakes head* No no no no no no no.

*violently struggles against the vines in vain*
*vine wraps around his arm and finger and forces him to click on the story while another vine grabs his head and forces him to look at the screen*

The story proper:

Final Moments

*reaches with his free hand to grab a pencil to stab himself in the neck*
*vines tie down that hand as well and slaps him on the back of the head*
Fine, fine, fine. No more escape attempts.
Lets just focus on this fiction.

The one word that sits in the back of evryponies minds has burrowed to the front of mine.

That word is penis.
Also, *everypony's.

That word is death.

I was close.

I find it funny to see how many ponies fear death. Why be scared of death? It is enevitable. Why fear anything that is inevetable?

This fic is going to just going to be filled with this emo shit isn't it?
The fear of death isn't exactly a logical thing that people come to after thought, the fear of death is an automatic instinct intended to keep animals alive.

If anything, we should aid death. I will be hastening my own once I finish here. I can't say I'll miss this life. It has been nothing but saddening for the longest time.

Please tell me he has legitimate fucking problems or at least chronic depression in this story and not first world bullshit that I get emo about from time to time but force the emotions out.

I wasn't always thinking how i am now. I used to be a fun, happy, care-free pegasus pony.

But everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

I was like that for a fair portion of my life, but it all changed after that one fateful day.

The day the fire nation attacked. It was horrible fire and brimstone fell from the sky, dogs and cats started living together, mass hysteria.

That day I was out for a morning jog. I needed practice since I was going to Ponyville for the Running of the Leaves.

This seems fairly typical and normal for what one would do if they were going to run for that running of the leaves thing.

When I returned.... I was too late. I couldn't save them. A fire broke out somehow while my family was still asleep. My mother and sister, my only family, burned in there.

But everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

Called it!

But seriously though, that is a pretty legit thing to want to kill yourself over.

The fireponies never learned how it happened. I don't want to know.

You'd think he would want to know, I know I fucking would.

I never thought I could cry as hard as I am now. Losing them was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. That day started my downward spiral to where I am today. I am not sorry for this choice. I don't regret this decision.

Well no shit. In order to regret doing something you would have to have already done it and considering what you are going to do you are going to be fucking dead. There is nothing to feel once you bite the bullet, put on the reverse neck tie, or eat one too many happy pills.

I am going to far ahead of myself. About five years after the fire I met a mare. She was sweet and kind when I met her. She was the first pony to break through my saddness.

She dies too.
Or is abusive.

For the first time in five whole years I was happy. We are engaged now. We are supposed to get married in a few weeks.

She doesn't die? Good job OP. *would clap but the vines have one of his hands tied down*
You didn't make his life nothing but one bad thing after another happening to him. This will do wonders for helping people actually feel sad for him and not just laugh at how hilariously horrible his life is. Now just have to keep from her from being abusive and there might be hope for me to actually feel something for the guy and not just generic sucks to be that guy/laughing at just how bad he has it.

I won't give her name in fear of ending this prematurely and go end myself now.

I mean I can understand not wanting to give her name to strangers but what the fuck will telling us her name do to end his prematurely and lead him to kill himself directly after?

We were so happy together but it didn't last long. She did things to me that I dare not repeat.

Well, that explains him not telling us her name. The "they have eyes and ears on me at all times" abusive relationship thing.
At least you didn't take the happy relationship that ended due to death route. Its something.
Even though it is overdone, this is also a legit reason to want to end it all.
Also, though.

She did things to me that I dare not repeat.

Bland brand generic 'bad things' that made me want to kill myself.
OP, this story would actually a lot more emotional impact if you actually told us and maybe described what she did to him that was so bad.
Because as it stands, we know about as much of his life as we knew where everything was going on in the last fic I read.
Details are important OP.

Those things have sent me farther into the hole. I am sitting on deaths door now. I did not dare end our engagement in fear of her killing me. I want death but only at my hoof.

I don't blame you for that one.
Considering how bad you say the shit she had done to you is the bitch would probably cut your dick off to kill you or something.

Any way, she is currently sobbing outside the locked room I am in, begging me to open the door.

Gotta love how easy it is for cunts like that to fake emotions.

She says we can fix our problems and that she can change. Nopony can change. I don't believe one word she says.

Nor should you.

It is too late to make amends for what she did. I am dead now. There is no returning for me.

Well your world does have magic so it isn't completely implausible for there to be a way for you to return.
Void, two of my four fics has/will have that as a main driving point for a few character's actions.

She is gone. Probably out getting the police. Oh well, I will be gone before she returns. To those who read this... I am sorry it couldn't have been different. I must go if I will finish my note. I will write it in a moment.

So what is this?
I mean if this isn't the note what exactly is this?
Are we supposed to think we is talking to us directly or what? Because that doesn't make much sense in context.
Also why is he bothering to write a note in the first place?
I mean if the cunt sees it she is just going to throw it away or dispose of it in another way so no one can find out why he killed himself.

As I sit here and cry... I must say that this is... my final real goodbye. I end this letter to you now so I may write my true note... before I allow the rope to snap my neck.

Okay so this was a letter to us.
Make sure you make the rope's knot right, otherwise you will just strangle to death instead of snapping your neck.

Oh and bye.

Chapter two:

To whomever this may concern,

That's kind of impersonal isn't it?

Was able to get a Carlin reference in this one too.

You are probably my fiance. You are most likely reading this in front of me at this moment. If you are not my fiance then this is not your fault.

I know this.
I had no hand in writing this story.
If I did I would probably have actually, you know, fucking described what she did to you in graphic detail. This story would have a lot more emotional impact then. Rather than leaving it at the vague 'bad things that drove me to suicide' that OP.

If you are my fiance... you are the only one to blame besides me for these actions. I hope this realization breaks your heart and you never "love" again. Do to what you did... the carving... you drove me to near insanity. You forced my hoof to this action. You are the reason I am where I am and I am not sorry for my decision to do this. I expect you to deny most of this letter but it will haunt you for the rest of your miserable life.

Assuming, of course, she doesn't have antisocial personality disorder and just doesn't give a single shit about you and won't just jump for the next one to abuse.

If you are not my fiance then I am sorry that you must grieve for me when i don't even deserve it. You are all incredibly kind and I am glad you were there to keep me going for as long as you did. I could never repay you. However, I do not regret it. This was the only course I could follow. I sometimes thought what another chance would be like but I realized it would only end in more pain. Pain has been my entire life.

Second time I've used house. Mmm, weird.

I lost my father the day I was born. My mother and sister burned. My fiance did things to me that left me screaming at night.

Bland brand generic 'bad things'. That is going to be a thing now. Every fucking time a story doesn't describe something it is now to be called Bland Brand Generic >item<.

It all lead me here and now I pay the price for my actions. It pains me to think of what this must be doing to you right now. I am truly sorry for doing it to you. I wish things could have been different butt alas I have made my bed and now I sleep in it.

Nope. You aren't sleeping in shit.
You are dead.
D.E.A.D. Dead.
You ain't sleeping in shit.

Please do not grieve for me, but if you must please make it quick.

*starts to cry*
Oh no he is dead.
*stops crying*
That was my grieving.

This note also doubles as my will

Cool, I wonder what shit people ponies are going to get?

I give the house and all the utensils I own inside to my closest friend, you.

I get shit?
Fucking sweet. Thanks for killing yourself my apparent friend whom I knew very little about.

I give my money to several things.I give one- third to you. May you use it better than I did. One- third I want to go towards a charity that combats depression. Finally, I want the last third to go to the Clinic for the Mentally Ill.


Moneh is always good.

May they find peace in a world that ruined me. The last thing I want is a town-wide restraining order against my fiance. I hope this comes to pass.

Good luck with that one.
Depending on Equestria's legal system the best that will happen is she gets arrested.

I beg the police find these notes I leave before she does. She will hide these letters then burn them when she can. I hope my final words survive long enough to see her dead.

That is up to hope but considering that this is for me and I am reading it they did survive to reach me.

These are my last words and so I must go. I hope I can see you again someday.
Forever, Evening Storm


*plunder vines let me go from their grip and disappear down the crack in the floor they came from*
Fucking ow.
*rubs the countless cuts all over his body*
I need some hydrogen peroxide and bandages.
Lots and lots of bandages.

Report MetaKnight145 · 271 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Fucking blog posting when I press the enter button.

1856025 LAEL i seen that.

I have never read a blog that damn long from you before idk where to start. :pinkiegasp:

Oh i know, MARILYN MANSON :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:
That's another thing i like that you do.
Alongside Pokemon and George Carlin. :rainbowkiss:

1856025 That was an amazing rant i enjoyed every part of it too.

1856051 Are you suuuuuuuuuuuure you wouldn't enjoy the plant anal rape? :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

I am fairly certain that I am just sadistic and not sadomasochistic.

:yay: the story wasn't that bad now was it? Thanks for doing this for me. You made it fun. Never laughed so hard in my life.

I know I saw something about a previous story wherein you didn't know the location of events somewhere in here just moments ago... I can't find it now, but I caught it once. Or maybe I'm tripping, again. Who knows? Anyways, this was amusing. Oh, and I've decided I'm definitely doing that re-write. You'll love it.

1856053 I know for sure I'm not, I don't think i could look at any sort of porn involving it either.

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