• Member Since 8th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 21st, 2023

Lord Destrustor

So long and thanks for all the fics!

More Blog Posts49

  • 413 weeks
    On powers and limits.

    This is going to be a little ramble, inspired by This thread, and further ruminated during the week, in which a discussion with a friend eventually turned to the topic of certain superheroes.

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    4 comments · 1,282 views
  • 420 weeks
    If you took bronies...

    ...Ground them up into a fine paste, and spread them across the surface of the earth...
    I'm pretty sure no vegetation would ever grow again.

    'Cause we's a salty bunch, I tell ya hwat. Salty as fuck.

    8 comments · 770 views
  • 421 weeks
    On Friendship, Forgiveness and REVENGE

    You know who needs a hug?

    This pone needs a hug.
    You know why she needs a hug?


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    4 comments · 766 views
  • 439 weeks
    New Year's Newsletter or Whatever

    I've been told today's a special day for some reason, so I figured I might as well talk to you guys for a bit.

    Joyous Birthmas Everyone!
    Or Happy New Year if you don't live one week in the past. We managed to cling to the earth while it spun one more time around the sun at sixty-six thousand miles per hour. Good job guys.

    How's you's been doing?

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    6 comments · 625 views
  • 450 weeks
    I helped someone do a thing.

    Hey guys, I drew the coverart for someone's story and I'm thinking It'd be cool to throw a few dozen pairs of eyes on it, if only to witness my skills.
    You might want to check it out. Or at least give it a chance. Pwease?

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    0 comments · 539 views

Monthly updates: Onward I MARCH. · 12:33pm Mar 2nd, 2014

Hoidy-hoy-hoy, lazy puns-that-are-barely-even-puns ahoy!

So, I'm not going to lie, guys, I've been utterly worthless these past few weeks.
I did manage to add about 600 words to the next chapter of MViaH, bringing it to a whopping 1104 words written in the span of two whole months!
That's like, what, eighteen words per day. Holy fartbuckles, NaNoWriMo here I come! Someone call the cops, 'cause I'm busting speed limits left and right!
But seriously, I finally managed to figure out what I wanted to happen and in what order, so the only thing left is to sit down and burp out the words. It's still easier said than done, but at least the crippling "oh shnatz I don't even know where/how/why/what to begin" phase is over.

I guess that was the whole "winter depression" thing finally getting to me, maybe? I mean, I didn't get sad or anything, but I was completely and constantly smothered in a huge stinking miasma of meh. Protip: a cloud of meh is not the right environment in which to tackle the "oh shnatz I can't even" phase of writing. Still, I feel it's getting better with the days growing longer. I can now look at the unfinished chapter for more than three whole seconds before screaming "bored" and taking off to play games or fidge around on youtube. So I guess it's progress?

Sorry for my terrible work ethic guys and guyettes...
I'll get you that chapter one day.

Oh, and no progress either on Frequencies. I assume anyone who cares has already guessed that, considering the "utterly worthless" part up there.
Also, Hi people who don't even follow me! Yes I do have other stories, and this "Frequencies" thing is one of those. Don't worry about it. ...unless you want to read it? Please?
Normally the monthly updates are about both of my ongoing stories (hence why I usually tag none) , but since this one concerns MViaH almost exclusively, I decided to tag it with it for once. Let me know if you want me to stop that or something, since I guess most of you don't much care about excuses anyway.

Welp, for someone who had no idea what to even say here, I sure wrote a lot...
Anyway, see y'all! Please don't hate me

Report Lord Destrustor · 559 views · Story: My Voice in a Head ·
Comments ( 7 )

If you are really feeling that bad I would suggest getting some vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D helps regulate mood, and if you live in the northern United States there is a grater than 70% chance that you are vitamin D defiant. If you only feel bad during the winter you probably have S.A.D.s (seasonal affective disorder) which is vitamin D deficiency caused by lack of sun light exposure. I get S.A.D.s if I don't take vitamin D supplements. I hope this helps.

Note the past tense I used. It's already getting better, and it never got "that bad", whatever that means. I was just... a bit less productive than usual.
And I'm already taking vitamins, as suggested by someone else elsewhere, so I should be fine in that department.


vitamin D defiant.

You're not my DAD, Vitamin D!

I don't know about anyone else, but I have lots of time on my hands and too many other stories I have yet to read in my 'read later'. Also, I'm a pretty patient person, so, I think waiting for one of my favorite stories to get updated won't be that big of a task. Quality over quantity after all.

And, dude, you made me laugh quite a few times in this little blog entry. Nice pun by the way.

Also, concerning your little bitty text, I don't think anyone would hate you for not posting a chapter in a month. I've had to wait waay longer for an update.

Oh, and always remember, Wub and Tolerate! :moustache:

1887972 , Well, every once in a while, somebody gets "deficient" in their typed words. It's becoming a much larger problem in the age of texting. :derpytongue2:

Anyway, I don't hold it against anyone when updates are slow.
After all, my current writing schedule has been metaphorically ripped to shreds every day.

Everything's fine. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the kind words, stranger!
Because I'm sloooooow!:raritydespair:
But yeah, thanks.
Now if that stupid winter could just ease up on the unrelenting cold and wind for just a moment...
Yeah, as long as I don't take six months to update like I did between chapters three and four, I'll consider that a win. Coincidentally, the pause between these two chapters included last winter... might be a correlation there.

Wish I could help, but I think I suffer from the same problem these days. I open my chapter in progress, stare at the page for 5 seconds, then go do anything else, from listening to music to cleaning my dishes to playing video games... I guess it's not as bad for me since I managed to get a kinda big chapter (almost) written over the last two months, but it could have been done in two weeks or so if I had been even half into it...

Over here the winter has been the ugliest I've seen in years. No cold, no snow, just rain and rain and rain almost every day... That sure doesn't help.

Ugh :raritydespair: How do real writers do it ?

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