• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen January 2nd


I love to read wach anime and mlp but i also listen to music.

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  • 250 weeks
    hi hi all

    hi it been awhile ive been watching youtube and useing discord lately.

    so if i worried you im very srry my name on hear is the same as my youtube name.

    i also play pony town and made a few videos over on youtube.

    love the stories and will enjoy more of um.

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  • 296 weeks
    I am still around

    For those that fallow me yes im still around just been busy with goggle and some other things.

    I do enjoy reading tho so ya i do read stores.

    Im oki all just been busy

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  • 452 weeks
    updated profile pic

    hi hi all it me again this time with my new look i hop it cool i do enjoy the wonderbolts also if u wish to talk to me anytime I'm on g+ (goggle plus) name there is sweetie belle i would of used the filly version of my oc but i got way to many adult gropes that i enjoy to much to do that. yes the glasses or gogels are off i want my eyes to be seen after all anyways. Much love and

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  • 487 weeks
    New oc Pic

    Hi hi friedns aand falowers i have had a friend of mine desighn me a 3D oc how do u like it i'm am sorry i havn't done much i been busy.

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  • 491 weeks
    Happy New year evry pony

    Hi hi Evyrypony and happy new year ik i havn't been on much sorry about that i been busy elsewear. Also ty for the watches evrypony ik i don't do much so it means alot to see some suport. I may not do fan fiction of my own but i do make use of what i have wich is well discutions and friendships. Anyways how is evryponys new year going i hope it all good. I've seen some intresting

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fan fiction · 5:59am Mar 22nd, 2014

So i been thinking on makeing a story involing oc and hummens but yet my idea failes to give an answer to me so i was wondring if somepony could give me tips it would be very helpful.

Report tsunsu · 530 views ·
Comments ( 72 )

both human and ponies.
would they be (more/most) in Equestria, or on Earth?
what kind of category would you prefer reading/writing?
what was your initial premice/spin on the story idea?

ok, now you got at least one repply/responce on yout question.

1945347 well my basic plot is hummen turned pony but not a first person i seen alot of them alredy mabe a 3rd person view but to be simple this person makes an oc alright well he wishes he was a pony himself and gose to bed dreming of equstria they would be ur avrge run of the mill brony/pegasister but after wakeing they become a pony and not just a pony but there oc now they have to figer out there new body and adtp to how it works. :twilightblush: oki mabe not as simple as i hade in minde but u get the idea.

1945356 I have a story with a similiar spin to it.
only the girl changed during sleep, rather then after waking up.

who wouldn't dream of Equestria.
it's such a great place to be, going by the show.

To a point, look at EqG, and see how Twilight adapted, or have your own take on it?
I have tons of stories on 'people' changing into something like this, and even a reverse or several

If you start with writing the story, then you can go over it and the spelling and the like, after that it should be published.

then you just need to find the group it may fit in, and I know there are a few.
OC and Pony to human, sounds like it.

1945368 heheh i have watched equstria girls i own the dvd so ya i guss that would be a good refrence.

1945374 just wish I could have my own copy of the film, and the rest of the show, preferably on Season-Boxes.

1945377 oh yes that would be nice seasons1-3 and when 4 finshes yes a box set of that would be nice XD i watched them all on youtube there were some pple that did compleat seasons but they were eather delted or copyrighted so they were taken down a shame hasbro hasn't released the season sets on dvd yet i think they get big profit frome that.

1945381 wow, entire seasons on a singtle clip?

I would be happy, if they were at least marketing them in a store near me, so I had a chance to buy them up front.
can't trust the net all that well.

f they're not willing to put them up for sale,
I think they have themselves to blame, if we copy them.

There can be no excuse for not puting them on the market.

1945391 ya i supose thats true

1945393 marketing is half the sale, and if you're not puting your product up for sale, how'd you expect to make a profit from it?

speaking of marketing and sale, I'm confused by the reaction from my latest fic.
it's as if all the positive reactions had been bottled up for days, and now poured into this one?

1945404 well they do sell product via the ponys themselves but thats about as far as they went so far XD oh u should be happy with ur reactions to storys :twilightsmile:

1945407 I guess I'l just have to make due with buying the ponies, then.
Yeah, I sure am happy, it's just confusing me.

if they don't want to seell, I'll just go by the clips at the tube for now.

1945410 sounds good i got quite a few ponys myself 18 but to be honest i got like 20+ pony related itums frome books to my necklece and miny tag

1945413 I have all kinds of ponies, all over this silly flat.
boght a few just the other day, including one who is now sleeping in my bed, like a little puppy.
I've lost count of how many, I just pick up the next, when I see one I like.

1945428 sounds nice i still trying to get fltersy and pinkpie as well as the princesses candce celestia and luna also shining armer to ^_^ but the stores out hear havn't got much left restocked so it is diffacult. :twilightsmile:

1946602 I have pinkie as in 'too many Pinkie Pie' :pinkiegasp:
though I guess there aren't that many o her?
oh well, I do have Flutters, and a Dash.
the rest are more or less un-named once.
I guess I could try for a few more of htem, though.
could you ever have too many ponies?
I'd see it as too little space, instead.

Oh wait, the Princesses, I guess I could be looking for them too.

1946650 heheh wow u got the right idea to lil space not enoph ponys. :twilightsmile:

1946883 I would need a large castle, to have room for all.
Can never have too many ponies.

1948236 before then, I'll just pick up a few more ponies to cround and warm my home, just a little bit more.

Ponies are the best company :pinkiegasp:

1949613 ponies are fun.

gotta love the Ponies, or we wouldn't have been here?

Comment posted by tsunsu deleted Mar 24th, 2014

1949889 yep so so true :twilightsmile:

1951241 yeah, it is after all a Poni site.
why be here, if not for the ponies?

I hope there is a new poni to the herd.
even with the effort to find a box for her.

good thing they are mainly mares/fillies in MLP.

1951250 ya it is so adorble that way but it brings to light how the equiens bred probly magic with so few stallyens around it would be just that magic of some kinde hehehe. :twilightblush:

1951271 ah yeah, ponies are breeding better then people.
if we had had the consideration the ponies have, we would have been much better of. we merely care for the 'parents' joy.
Ponies at least take time to care for the herd, and the foals.

Loyalty, Honesty, Magic, at least half of the Hrmony, right there.

1952011 now we should all breed like Ponies .. :pinkiegasp:

1952041 :pinkiecrazy: hehe that would be intresting

1952406 Yeah, that sure would be mighty interesting, even if some would protest quite vehemently.
Still, the result would speak for itself, once you see the result panning, wouldn't it?

1953564 Ponies seems to care more for the wellfair of the foals, then personal prid in just having kids.

1953582 yes they do and thats very good. :twilightsmile:

1953591 part of why we ought to emulate it.
just as we could do much better, if we did a few other things more like them, like eating.

1953637 quite right tho i do belive that there the futer of hummanity XD. To be honest if it could happen i so totally ask to be a equine. :twilightblush: If i was given that choice i would take it .

1953649 if it is, I guess I'd be happy to see it.
I've been writing a few stories on the theme, not sure how people would react upon them, though.
Not enough people seems to agree with me on these things.
Maybe this is where to find supporters for these ideas?

If it was up to me, I'd have you lined up right now, if you'd choose to.
Question is just how to go about making this happen?

1953675 ya i wouldn't know eather.

1953707 we could try to change diet on our own.
if you like an equine body, you'd need a surgeon at this time.
Holidays are out there, just celebrate them too.
Laws would be legislation, which is a problem, I guess.
maybe could work on a county wide level,
if you have enough friends with you?

Maybe we coiuld all go there?

1954362 umm i don'yt think surgry has advanced enoph to add tailes yet our chnge up ears but i think it will come in the futer that would be fun XD also prices would have to come down for it to work not meny ppl have 20 grand or more to go do oprations right now. as for diets i think mine is quite nice i don't over eat and my famliys meat has come down quiet a bit i think it be gone compleatly frome what my pops said meat is getting to exspensive 3.00 a pound good graxvy whats this world coming to. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

1954572 it will never go there, unless we're demanding it to.
I could imagine changing the bone structure with surgary.
the tail would be genetics, and before birth.
if we were putting up preasure, ears just may happen son.
how the eyeswould fare, I see two main problems, location, and pupil shapes.
muzzle should be fairlyeasy.
since we can live on vegetables alone, if we put the efforts into it, but part of this would depend on available feeds.
Still, it is in how we consume he meal, just as much.

I wrote a few stories on this subject.
not sure how well they would work in real life, though.

1954601 A mare could dream tho :twilightsmile: hehehe but ya i see ur point i don't see how gentics would work unless umm.oh dear :twilightblush: i can only think of one thing but idk how to put it.

1954677 we have the genetics for a tail, but it is basically turned off, for what ever reason.

Titanium seems the best sceletal replacements for ponifications ..

and yeah, a Mare can always dream ..

1954735 tehehehe well thats news to me but how would it be turned back on then. Hmmm if that is posible then mabe that dosen't seem to inposible but we still have to figer out how to reawken that gens it been long lost. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

1954831 so long as life has something new to offer, I guess it isn't that bad?

Ah yeah, identifying the 'switch', and reactivgating it.

I guess it is pretty far back, Apes has no tail either.

option two would be grafting genetics for a fully functioning tail in thew place desired? which may be even harder?

1954862 oh pry tell me more about option 2 it may not be so diffacult and the 1st option we need a time mashine i guss hehe wich is next to inposible right now. so lets hear about grafting i never herd of such a action.

1955551 genetical grafts includs finding the genes that made the tail grow in the first place.
then replace the genes that originally was supposed to give you your tail with the working genese that will give the tail you desire.
would this be a horse tail, then?

1955737 it could be but i think i would like mine to be long like any mares tail is like :fluttershysad: or even :twilightsmile: would do heheh but judging by our world i think it would be a horses taile wich is simler to equin's

1955747 for some reason, I would imagine the tail length is relative to the pony. at least if we go by genetics.
A mare will have a Mares tail,unless there is a way to graft a stallion tail to a mare?, but why?
All ponies are horses, and all horses are Equines, right?
by the looks, they hae the same tail. with the luzariously long hair from the root to the tip.
Now'd be the question, would you change your hair to match the tail, or the tail to match yours?

1955759 i probly chnge my hair to match the taile i have to go with :fluttershyouch: colors hehe. also i did some reding the ponys tailes are a fashtion choice short or long just thought i put that out there. :twilightsmile:

1956126 ah, so you rather change your mane after your tail, then vice versa?
You can cut your tail short as you please, but it will take some time for it to grow long.

Besides, there is a limit to how short you can cut your tail.
if you cut it shorter, you'd bleed.

There is a pony on the show with unreasonably short tail.

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