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Rated Ponystar

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About jan animations and my future buttonbelle series · 12:44pm Mar 22nd, 2014

Hey guys, using my mobile for this while I am at Anime Boston. So if you have not heard already, Jan animations got the c&d from hasbro, trust me nobody is more disappointed then me since it looks like there will be no more button mash videos.

So what does this mean for my buttonbelle romance series well I guess I will have to write it with the knowledge I know from the videos and my own head cannon then. Maybe button stuff will continue I don't know but this won't stop me from making it.

Just letting you guys know. Later

Report Rated Ponystar · 701 views · Story: The Gift of the Mash ·
Comments ( 26 )

We are all sad to see Jan Animation go:fluttercry:
Well, good luck with the writing Rated.

oh that sucks. I realy liked them.

I'm glad I used keepvid.com and downloaded that video.

Damn Hasbro...

Dammit! Jan was one of the best video makers out there. Like bar none. That's a crime same. Oh well, I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. Thank you for the update.

This is probably the worst way to learn this tragic news. :raritydespair:

C&D for fan art is so stupid. :(

If you value your work, then shred the stories now before it's too late. :unsuresweetie:

Le'ts hope that, like Fighting is Magic Hasbro will reconsider. They're trying to put too much of a damper on the fan made content, thus ruining the fandom that has propeled the show into the limelight in the first place. Hasbro needs to ease off before they kill off all creative talent within the Brony Fandom.

NO!!! I have been waiting for soo long for the next Button video!!!


They can't touch fanfiction

as i said on the last one i posted about button mash and jan anamations:
This is why i will only put the videos of episodes of my series of MLP on my website. Then if HasBro wants to copyright they are gonna have to go though this
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">MLP IiM</span> by <span xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" property="cc:attributionName">Nameanation</span> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a> and i might get to sue them or they can back off. Win Win yay.

First strike was the way the show went, I could deal with that.
Strike two was the C&D against Fighting is Magic. Okay...
Forcing Jananimations to quit? Strike three Hasbro. You're on my shitlist next to Activision, EA, Warner Bros. and other corporations that are "for the sake of protecting our IPS".

...What? He got a C&D?!

Seriously? If he gets shut down then why don't every other person making short series of mlp? Like the .mov series, the anthotology or whatever it was called...

Whatever the case, this is ridiculous -_-

It's because his art style is very very close to the art style of the show

Yes, but the C&D system is there to give them a "weapon" against those that seek to monetize their products, or copies of their products. While Jan Animation's stuff is very close to the show when it comes to art and quality, I don't see any way he could monetize it aside from add revenue from the video if he even does that.

I feel like Hasbro is getting overly paranoid and wants to shut down everything that has the tiniest of an inkling of a chance to monetize fan-work.

I suspect the fact that Jan's art style and animation were so close to the official show as to be nearly-indistinguishable from it had a lot to do with why Hasbro felt they had to take action. (Though I suspect the use of the CMCs in his logo didn't help matters any, either.)

One of the deciding factors in what constitutes trademark infringement is whether or not the product or service in question could reasonably be confused with that provided by the owner of the trademark. I could, for example, open up a fresh-produce shop called "The Apple Store", and as long as I do not sell any technology gizmos there, and don't use a logo which resembles a single apple with a bite taken out of it, Apple Computers can't really say much about it. Likewise, there is a "Royal" brand of pudding and gelatin desserts, and a "Royal" brand of office equipment, but the two companies can't sue each other for using the trademarked name "Royal" because they make entirely different products for different markets, and there's no real likelihood that a reasonable person would assume the office-supplies company makes pudding, or that the food company makes typewriters. :twilightsmile:

Most fanworks are tolerated, not just because the IP owners don't want to antagonize the fans unnecessarily, but because there's usually enough visible difference between fan-produced art and stories and the "official" ones that one isn't likely to be confused for the other. Unfortunately, Jan made the mistake of being too good at copying the official MLP:FIM style, to the point where his videos could easily have been mistaken for actual material from the show -- and sadly, in cases like that, the owner of the trademark has to take action to defend it, or risk losing it entirely.

You know what I hate?
The fact that what you wrote makes perfect sense...

I just can't help but feel that Hasbro, or whoever, are out to pick down on the fandom. Sure, they may not make a move against the lesser ones and stick to the "big ones" such as Jan Animation... I know it probably isn't the case, but the fact that they so suddenly go and smack a C&D in the faces of Fighting is Magic and now Jan Animation makes me imagine the worst of the worst :applejackunsure:

It isn't so much that they go a Cease & Desist, but that it came so late. Fighting is Magic was near completion when they were shot down. Jan Animation had Button Mash' Adventures up for months, as well as a couple other animations of equal quality and now he gets shot down. I can't help but wonder "Why now?" Why not do it immediately after the video came out and got "big"? It's really unfair of me to think of it like that, but it just feels like they waited for the moment when it would be the most annoying for us. <.<

I have been working on this people say hello to a petition so HasBro will give us are rights again:

Hasbro probably wasn't aware of them until recently.

No, seriously. While it's a natural human tendency to assume that if you've heard of something, everyone must know about it – especially in the modern Internet era, where we're accustomed to the idea that news travels near-instantaneously, and something can "go viral" and go from being completely obscure and unknown to a pop-culture phenomenon within days – the fact is, there are still people even within the MLP fandom, much less outside of it, who don't know who the Button Mash character is, have never seen any of those animations, and wouldn't even think to look for them. (Same with the "Fighting is Magic" – the news that it had been taken down was the first I'd ever heard of the project.)

Plus, don't underestimate the Internet Jerkwad factor as a possibility. It's been my experience that as often as not, these kinds of things happen because someone either had a personal grudge against the fan artist(s) in question, or was offended by the art in some way, and reported it to the trademark owner. All it would take would be for one or two easilty-offended "helicopter parent" types to stumble across that one follow-up video ("Bar Buddies") with Button Mash and Neon Lights having a drunken conversation while Vinyl Scratch is passed out on the couch behind them, assume that it's an "official" video from Hasbro (and unfortunately, that particular one does not have any "this is a fan-made production and is not associated with Hasbro in any way" disclaimer on it), get a bunch of their equally helicopter-parent-minded friends to send a bunch of letters to Hasbro about "that awful video that shows ponies getting drunk!"... and all of a sudden, something that Hasbro might have been content to just ignore, becomes something they have to take action against because they can no longer pretend to not be aware of it.

To quote Mr. Spock: "I did not say I approved. I said I understood." :twistnerd:

(This debacle does, however, demonstrate the value of never relying on "the cloud", or whatever. If you find something you like, download it and keep a local copy of it on a physical storage device which you actually control!)

I said it before and I say it again, I hate the fact that you make sense ><

That is not to say that I hate you or anything, I'm just mad at the entire situation :facehoof: You've done nothing to agitate me, I can assure you of that.

Whatever the case, I hope that the Hasbro VP actually does, somehow, manage to invalidate that C&D Jan Animation got. He at least said that he would look into it, so that's something at least. Shows that they care about us a little bit, at least :pinkiesmile:

Apparently one of the VPs at Hasbro has learned of this, and is looking into it - in favor of JanAnimation's Button's Adventures series.



Did you really just go 'head cannon' on me? :facehoof:
I expected better.

WHAT!? NO MORE BUTTON MASH VIDEOS!? YOU GOTTA BE FRICKIN KIDDING ME! :flutterrage: I WAITED ALL THIS TIME FOR NOTHING!? *sigh* sorry, I kinda lost it there. I'm a big fan of Button Mash and ButtonBelle, I hope you make us proud Rated.

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