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    Pony Theory: Twilight has been dead all along. [M tag]

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  • 524 weeks
    Pony Theory: Twilight has been dead all along. [M tag]

    I was just replaying Final Fantasy VIII at the time that I was watching Sublime, when I realized that some weird shit happens sometimes like:




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Pony Theory: Twilight has been dead all along. [M tag] · 5:54am May 22nd, 2014

I was just replaying Final Fantasy VIII at the time that I was watching Sublime, when I realized that some weird shit happens sometimes like:




And of course the true and original to all these "was already dead"


When I realized that, this particular theory seems now even more real for me, than before actually watching S4.

Think about it, the nonsensical episodes, the way many musical numbers even when in the first episodes Twilight is simply perplexed at the fact that Pinkie could be just singing out of nowhere for no practical reason. And the whole "princess of really-nothing" plot device that lasted for too long, maybe just for the sake of its own acceptance, inside an almost noticeable fantasy, about to burst up.

At least S1 show up a more cohesive world, with elements of fantasy, but it was an organic believable world, with its own architecture, politics, an economy. There's just one thing that was always broken, physics.

Everyone knows Candace is just an unicorn with a parasitary siamese twin pegasus in her back.
You're not even a crystal pony, so screw you Cadence, or whatever your name is. Like if I could care less.

What if in fact the whole story never happened?

What if Twilight was a bullied filly who took her own life during magical kindergarten, and being her life too short, instead of a whole life flashback, a whole "better life" is flashing right in front of her eyes, just while she's dying.

Within this theory I'm gonna try to prove with hard canon facts, that Twilight never grew up emotionally according with her probably age. That the world she's living in is a metaphoric representation of her mind, and mostly, that everypony around her is a side of her own personality, while her "own" self, responsable and dependable, serves as a proxy to keep this "dream" under reality checks, due to the fact everypony is pretty much useless without her around, and that everything deeply memorable for Equestria , or important for her "friends," occurs with she around, without deeply altering her, emotionally or socially.

Here 2 examples :

By the end The Show Stoppers, Twilight pretty much figures what these fillies talents are.

Yet they remain clueless to their obvious talents, and Twilight decides to no say shit about it, because at the age Twilight "died," she didn't have a Cutie Mark either. So she stills wry and bitter about it, that's why she's "imagining" the CMC in their neverending goal to get their Cutie Marks without actually accomplish anything. And no matter how crazy or dangerous her ideas get, nopony else seems to care for them during her crusades.

Here Twilight's honest side, is struggling to don't tell them a fact that in the end, Twilight's mind accepts just as funny.

Another good example could be Wrap Up Winter, where Twilight is paradoxically more exited about this "celebration, " than Spike, that is presumably younger than her.

Also, why do they need to wrap up winter if they have a pony that controls the sun? Everything here seems like some tale for foals, that she misinterprets. Maybe her parents told her, playing with her, that ponies do such things in rural areas, and she always was exited about watching something so incredible with her own eyes. Is that so, that she always wanted to do all those weird jobs that her parents, or brother, told her earth ponies do, plus without magic, because earth ponies. Twilight's unicorn family probably was a tight, "kindist" unicorn family by the way, I'll explore this later.

Cut the ice, make nests, wake up animals, etc. Now, if Twilight were to be too good at any of these jobs, she had stuck doing that the whole day, that's why she keeps failing doing some of the easiest tasks in the world; to try it all!

And I can understand ice skating, but even magic fails her here miserably. I'm not talking about things such as that morning night was snowless, or the fact that Twilight never uses the winter outfit that she tried earlier that morning, but now that I said it, we have to remember that this show made some of the greatest foreshadowing off all time.

Could be there a secret agenda for the creators of the show to support this theory? Some kind of Sixth Sense internal joke between them? Of course it won't be ever canon, but that's indeed their prank itself.

After her mind wanders around all those jobs that the core of the earth should be doing anyways, she finally ends doing what her special talent seems to ambiguously be, and what a major with years of experience doesn't seem to figure out. And there again in a montage, she seems to work like a mayor force of order in the universe, solving flawlessly everypony problems.

There's many examples like these all around all the seasons, on laziness I'm not covering each episode 1 by 1, but if you even are doubting that it all started when she turned out to become an alicorn, or that being the baby filly of a whealty unicorn family she wouldn't take her own life, there's no doubt, another occasion when Twilight's life could have been in obvious danger; During her test entrance to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.

The reasons Twilight feels such confidence supervising is because her magic, even when often proved to be powerful, was easily too much to handle for her, that's why her parents used to tell her to "supervise." That's usually the first thing that people who don't wanna do anything, offers to do, or that most other people wants doing, to the clumsy, or otherwise dangerous, member of a teamwork. Is a position that represents little danger, or delaying in an work site overall.

The theory so far acknowledges the Summer Sun Celebration, and the first part of Twilight's test as "real life" events. But the summer celebration was probably something metaphorical, something that again, was an exaggeration from her parents, or misinformation from "her sister," I'll make sense of that later.

Celestia in the "real world" is far from being immortal, or a god-like being, and nothing really terrible is going to happen a the sun if she just drops dead. Even thus, here she stills being a powerful magic user.

Twilight's parents really tried to have their filly inside that school, by the clear reason that she needed professional help with her overwhelming magical power, but when she tries to activate her magic, it seems that she's too nervous. She knows this is important for her family and she's impressed by what she heard Celestia can do, but she seems to be a filly that suffers of anxiety, and that's never a good signal at her age. Most probably because Twilight was a bullied filly, since there's evidence that shows Twilight was bullied in magical kindergarten, probably for not being able to control her overpowered magic at the same level than her normal companions could control their normal magic.

Oh, Princess Erroria, you're so canon now!

Now, this is the theory's back story to Twilight's entrance test. Since this is a very exclusive school, everypony that has been approved to have a test, has already been studied. Twilight parents probably already got an interview and explained their daughter's case.

What we have here, is a line of experts, that know about Twilight's situation.

They bring up an egg, probably a fake toy one, to measure her control, and the levels of concentration she needs to even start using her magic. What I can say here is that the clearly marked dragon here is to play with her mind, probably make her more nervous for the dangerous creature inside the egg, or excited for looking at something so cool, or cute as a new born dragon, probably her favorite animal, so she's trying to neither destroy it, it's a turning test, but for as long this theory covers, inside there could have been simply a doll.

So Twilight manages

Some serious shit happens.

And Celestia herself has to intervene.

Here Twilight knows that Celestia has to hopelessly put her down, so instead of her short life flashbacking in front of her eyes, Twilight, in Inception's movie fashion, starts to "dream" events that she would have liked to happen in her life, but that never actually were real, like she getting her Cutie Mark instead of dying.

From there on everything is her dream, she sees everything like if it were happening in real time, but it actually just have been a couple of seconds.

Her first life's dream, the childhood dream of a bullied filly, would have been to find her real talent in life so she could get to it, and stop the bulling. So she gets a Cutie Mark instead of dying, in magic no less, the only thing that was always out of her hoof, and the thing she most wished to control.

Celestia is helping to fulfill the whishes of this innocent but powerful filly, before she grows up too bitter and powerful. Celestia knows she's, or will be, way more powerful than her, and Twilight just killed her parents along with everypony in that room, except for Celestia herself that probably is using some kind of magical shield for the time being.

There's not safe turning back after being turned into a plant, they are indeed dead, even if returned as ponies they most probably will spend the rest of their lives in a vegetative state, they aren't some mix of brained cognitive entities, once the brains are gone, their personalities are gone. Celestia is no fool, and she knows Twilight would grow up bitter for this, and will be a mayor threat to her Kingdom, so the safest move is to end this right know. Yet she feels certain pity for this unknow filly, so she's in fact nurturing her last dream, her dying wish.

This could be happening in a few years if Celestia doesn't take this chance. That's why there's nothing about Twilight's life while she was growing up, besides the fact she was a friendless scumbag.

That could explain why Spike is with her. Her test wasn't possibly be applied to everyone in that school, at least not every single egg has to be a dragon that has to be kept. Maybe something less dangerous, endangered, or self-conscious than a dragon. But Spike seems to be rather unique, even in canterlot. As far as we know, not even Sunset Shimmer had a dragon.

That could explain actually a lot of the plot holes in Equestria Girls, but I'm suspecting something like "I ate my dragon" or "I'm bitter cuz I lost my best friend" didn't pass censorship, so we just saw an emptied shell in a single tone of grey, of what could have been actually a pretty interesting plot.

Why the heck a normal entry test oughta consist about hatching a dragon pet/slave egg? Why Twilight had to keep it at all? She's not considered his mother, neither a friend. He's "Twilight's number one assistant" a tittle that could be taken away from him by any other creature that could come along.

I'm totally not jealous of that darn owl rite now.

Obviously not everypony in that school has a dragon assistant, maybe Lyra got Bombon from one of those eggs.

You saw what I did above, didn't you? No? Meh...

This is a good moment to introduce that Lyra could have been Twilight's teacher in magical kindergarten, and even a bit more, and that's why Twilight's "dream" tends to be rather mean with her.

This scene happens inside the "real life" time period of the theory.

You don't usually look like that to an unknow pony.

Lyra didn't seem to have been very nice to Twilight while she was alive, yet she seems to have been important somehow in her life, since she appears even in the most improbable places. Lyra was also probably her sitter, since there's no evidence that Cadance had been real.

Also, cute things make her sad. Maybe a representation on how Lyra used to ruin good things for Twilight, that's also a sibling's trait. Lyra could be holding a grudge against her little sister, and there's also one reason why Twilight never says anything about Lyra being her sister.

She's even placed in uncomfortable positions, like if even in a park bench, Twilight were trying to torture her back, for how miserable she did her life.

And her romantic life seems to not be better from Twilight's perspective.

Despite fandom shippings, Twilight has proved to be 100% straight.

Dayum, Twilight, you like monkeys?! You're so weird. The rest is in your head, I'm talking about facts here.

So probably the way in which twilight perceives Lyra's gay relationship, coming from a traditional family that even makes fun, at least from earth ponies, is bad, and that could be the reason why Twilight never speaks with, or about, Lyra.

It's not like if she were always talking about his favorite brother anyways. That could explain why Lyra appears practically everywhere, even as bridesmaid for Candece. It probably make sense for Twilight, that she's important during that celebration, even when her family considers her like some kind of black sheep.

We never have seen Lyra actually playing an instrument, and for how ambiguos Cutie Marks can be, Lyra's one could have the exact same meaning than Cheerilee's one.

Lyra probably was the teacher that let Twilight being bullied, who if not her jealous sister could let that happen to her? Twilight is obviously powerful enough to even be a threat to Celestia, how should felt her older sister if her magic pales next to hers, and even her brother rathers Twilight over her? Her family probably despises her for her gay relationship, plus middle sibling complex, I made my point.

Equestria society isn't so utopian like you might think, that permeates to the dreams of this little dying filly, and the world Celestia is probably helping to last a bit longer.

I want to point too to the fact that events doesn't seem to occurred twice. For what we know Twilight as been around Ponyville more than one year, but calendar events, event birthdays, doesn't seem to occur more than once. We have to remember here that while it only takes a few seconds in real time, for Twilight's mind "imagining" all this seems to take ages inside her own head. Next thing we know about Twilight is that she's "send" to make some friends, to "expand her world" that has been for sort of empty and shallow.

Projections occurs and later the whole Luna character seems to be a representation of something that Celestia is "injecting" inside her head, something Twilight could be doing in the future.

That's why defeating Nightmare Moon was rather easy, and without sending her to the moon a second time, even when the means to do it were practically the same.

For what we know from Twilight's time regressions, Nightmare Moons shows up for barely a couple of minutes, and probably nopony else, besides Celestia, actually saw her. Then why do ponies Celebrate her... Birthday/anniversary? Why even as Nightmare moon, the fairytale creature fighting Celestia, why not Luna's Night, or why did even Celestia allowed the celebration to become corrupt as the Celebration of a ponyeater monster?

Why? She didn't, all this are a filly fears about a celebration that seems way darker of what it means to be, with foal tales about a monster that could be fake all along, lampshaded by the fact Everypony, no matter their age, is using a costume in Ponyville, in Twilight's dream, that is just a filly, dying.

Nightmare Moon could be pretty much just a fairy tale indeed, but Luna definitely is not real, or at least what we have seen of her so long. For has much I know, only Nightmare Moon was real. That's in the case either, Nightmare Moon Night, or the Introduction story in the first episode, had been things that filly Twilight experienced at least once during her real life.

Spike says Nightmare Moon is an old ponies' tale, and the way ponies celebrate Nightmare Moon Night seems to appeal foals. Seems plausible that while older ponies seem to know it all is true, younger ones are starting to forget, and so they made this up to pass down a fading knowledge. But why? They seem to know Nightmare Moon was indeed pretty dangerous, and we can't trust in what Twilight "decides to watch" during her time regresiĆ³n at the start of S4.

Why? Because Nightmare Moon could speak normally, while Luna seemed to need help with her Equestrian. What does all this mean for this theory? The key proof showing everything in that magic-milk high hallucination, was indeed fake. Otherwise Luna should be shown speaking Old Equestrian again, also Celestia.

This also proves that Twilight again shows to be strangely more useful, than Celestia herself this time, during Nightmare Moon Night. How comes that after the long time since her return, Luna hasn't learned absolutely nothing about modern ponies? Totally absurd considering that this isn't the very next episode after the summer celebration. Maybe Twilight's brain is jumping to events without specific order, or the time for Luna just froze if Twilight, as invisible center of the universe, isn't around to make time happens.

Luna as "injection" from Celestia, could be also serving as material to teach Twilight, how to become a princess, and probably serve as a proxy, or safety measure when she realizes she's in a dream, probably by watching herself, or watching some other ponies actions or dreams without Twilight around, mainly in Canterlot.

That's why Luna serves to teach things to Twilight about how to become a princess. Mercy for the dying filly, alrite? Next memory, Assassin's Creed style, is Twilight with tickets that help her to go deeper into the personalities and ambitions of her new friends. They seems as annoying as before but it's OK, no more alcohol around till S2, so she will have to actually deal with them. Her emotions.

The gala comes, no pony did what they wanted to do there , and they end eating donuts in a bar like giving up their hopes on things they will never do anyways, like growing up.

S2 hit us, Discord appears, thanks to fillies fighting no less, this could mean that Twilight is fighting back before being assassinated, maybe her mind is finding out, and Discord is Twilight most complex personality, composed of all the emotions that her mind hasn't represented yet, or Celestia tried to keep out. But we also have to consider that Discord is also one spirit, so he also could be a real draconequus caught in Celestia's garden, with no more means to get out than by the dreams of a dying filly somewhere near. That could also explain why he cared about being her friend, because she's about to die without even have liven. Not even Discord is heartless to something like that.

Twilight never spoke of a brother or an Alicorn sitter before the ending of S2, because she never got such sitter, but she always wished for a good one, a memory for his brother just erupted from here on, but since he was real, he could make Twilight suspect thing was wrong, like he did during his wedding. So he had to leave after all. that's why the whole crystal empire thing is really so irrelevant.

His brother existed, and he was a good brother, he was probably the pony who used to sitter her. Think about it, their ages aren't that different like for him be marring what could be technically a Queen, if she's near an age she was sitting Twilight anyways. Then again Shinning's youth doesn't seems to be pretty far from Twilight's one, like to be putting in bed the sitter that puts her sister in bed.

Also, Twilight's dance here is some kind of weird fixation for his brother at that age. More common for a teenage that actually never lived with her handsome brother, but then that could be the case if Shinning actually was in some military boarding, and never actually sitted Twilight. But Lyra did, and that's why she's in canterlot, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, Manehattan, or anywhere Twilight decides to go inside her dream.

Also Discord could have been just a nightmare that Twilight just wanted to stop. And that's why they reform him, with no more sense or repercusiĆ³n within the story, than leaving her the Elements of Harmony in her house, for her later destined ascension as princess.

Everypony she has meet is one side of her how personality. Deep inside, even when there are slight age differences, they all are independent, good hearted, and childish, deep inside they are way too immature for someone their probable ages, and most probably, Equestria, like any other place, has poverty or crime, but the only places she has seen them, was in a comic book, or for what she has heard from her family, by another species such like diamon dogs or buffalos and so.

Shape shifting object also seems to be a recurrent theme. Twilight's fire form is simply impossible, and even changelings doesn't seem to be able to turn into something like that, Neither into inanimate objects, that contributes to the fact that Twilight already killed her parents.

This aberration, this his crime against nature, seems to be crated by Twilight's guilt and shame for killing her parents the way she did. This object at least kept its brain, thus hasn't died yet. Twilight seems eager to learn this spell, even when the only time she has used it is to turn into breezies. Maybe she needed to know this, to get some peace of mind, because deep inside she knows that something like this could, or maybe she thinks it still can, save the life of her parents. This shoots an stream of emotions inside Twilight, and what happens in this episode? They claim we had too many Pinkie Pies, and Pinkie represents her intense emotions. Good and bad ones.

It also explains why Twilight feels not remorse, or even makes grieving comments, when she has to put down Pinkie's clones.

Life is sometimes shity, and she knows about that. Even if they are clones there's something inherently disturbing about watching so many living entities shaped as one of your best friends exploding in the air. Yet, she just keeps doing it without remorse.

Her friends are parts of her personality, and her paranoias. Fluttershy is her deep desire for being liked and loved, but also her anger for being ignored. Also that little part of her that likes nature and animals, specially dragons since her first, and probably only mental option for a companion, was a dragon. Very slithering if you ask me.

Deep inside Celestia knows this is her only chance of get rid of this ambitious, power thirsty filly. Only a pony with great ambitions could have given up on friends over studying magic in first place. And Spike is more an assistant than a friend.

Alicorns' magic? Most like true nature's magic.

More and more of these clues are scattered all around every episode, like if the production, were blinking to us every time they get a chance.

My little pony isn't what it looks, we all got hooked into this show because it had something weird going below that cute look, and deeply messed up characters. This show always tried to overshadow something, and while I think Lauren Faust had preferred to see Twilight first like an antagonist, before actually become a princess. She leaved her job here knowing that the more messed up the story could get, more was going it to contribute to this especificaciones theory. Why would Faust let someone else fuck her character if she can do that herself? Every discrepancy and every plot device lazily explained, would fit somehow in the internal joke she started since the first episode, where Celestia doesn't show up until Nightmare Moon is defeated, and not by sending her to the moon, but showing what later would be a proxy to Neil Gaiman's Sandman, like lampshading everything was a dream already.

I would like to explain some aspects about the characters now. Applejack is Twilight's grief, for her parents that she just killed, also she represents all the hard job that she's willing to do as long her parents can return to her. Applejack, as her element, is her honest part, that sometimes tries to hurt her, or even tries to hurt herself, as long Twilight can realize what's going on inside her head.
This just happens when you tell to your main personality core to let her fall herself without any explanation.
I guess the true behind all this, is that "real" ponies aren't made out of rubber.

Applejack is in an strong competition against Rainbow Dash, that being her loyal part, will lie and cheat as much as she can, to make it all looks flashier and better of what it really is. But never would let her suffer in any way.
So basically that's why Twilight can't hear Applejack, over how awesome is Rainbow Dash, also that's why Rainbow Dash catches Twilight in the second episode after Applejack ask her to trust, after all you always wake up before falling in a dream. Also, technically, is Rainbow Dash who drops her not Fluttershy, but Fluttershy takes the blame because she, Twilight, rathers to stay in that dream and be loved there, than return yet, to her last moment alive.
Also Rarity as something against Applejack. Rarity represents the mare Twilight hopes to be when she grows up. Which conflicts with the true of the mare that she will probably ends being.

Let's face it, no shipping of any kind here. You argue a lot with your friends and you don't finish making up with them. So stop shipping inside this theory, since Twilight is straight, let's assume all her personality cores have the same sexual preference than the main core. And what Rarity shows for Applejack in the comic isn't hard canon, so let's keep going.

Apple bloom is the rather capable, but often clueless and defenseless filly that Twilight fears to be now that her parents are gone.

Zecora seems to be silly discriminated. Twilight doesn't really knows why, but the explanations her friends offer here are as silly as the ones little foals could give.

Actually Apple Bloom was the only one not scared. That could be because while Zecora represents mystery and the unknown inside twilight's dream, her parents also taught her to not interact with Zebras, or any other kind of species by the matter, telling scary stories about them. Twilight doesn't seem to interact too much with the giraffe or the donkey in Ponyville either, but she seems to be interested particularly in Zebras, at least as long they are useful for her. In the other hand, Apple Bloom, that represents her fear to be an orphan filly, probably is careless because she wants to always be in danger, disappear, die. She carries some of Applejack self destruction with her, lampshaded by her dangerous ideas to go and get her Cutie Mark. Also the CMC often being bullied, are her intrinsic fear to be bullied, while Babs Seed is her fear to become a bully herself.

Rarity are her hopes of being an strong, independent, and rather elegant mare when she grows up, something that is never going to happen. While Sweetie stands for how clumsy she actually feels being a little filly.

Diamonds are beautiful but hard, just like Twilight would liked to be as a grown up. Rarity's pretty brave, I remember the first time I saw her kicking a manticore in the face.

Rainbow Dash is her cool, but, let's admit, childish and idolized side, she's cool for the sake of being cool, but she's mostly a show off, while Scootaloo is her ignored and fragile side, her coward and ashamed side, and her actually cool, but misunderstood, side.

Scoots can't fly, as either Twilight can use her magic, and no one actually cares about what Sweetie can, or can't do, anyways. So going on.

Derpy is pretty much everything in Twilight's mind, that can go wrong, or will go wrong, out of her control. Derpy is everything Twilight doesn't like, but that has to be there, to fill the world with at least one thing she doesn't like when everything seems to be OK. But to never let her suspect that everything is way too much OK.

Dr. Hooves in the other hand, could be the hero of some story she heard once, and is there to show her that everything could be also, more awesome of what it seems. He's her notion of surprise and wonder. Still he must remain just there in the background, or that notion would be lost if she comes to know him better, no matter how amazing he really could be. Or something like that.

What? You thought you created those character with the strong of your Fandom?
No. It was all the other way around, you just followed to their trap, sheep.

Pinkie Pie is her sugar rushed side, and happiness why not. while actually she might be as well her dark, intense emotions.

Maud is her cold and logical side. A side that she never happened to know pretty well.

She likes boring things, she uses a German helmet, and is the thoughtest motherfucker in this Equestria, probably Twilight's nerdy side.

Wonderbolts are something her cool brother used to admire. Mayor Mare's her grandma, with a defined status of power, but that let's Twilight do anything she wants anyway. Flash Sentry was her only romantic interest, and was managed like a filly could deal with a romantic interest at her real own age, and Chrysalis are her ugly and hollow hopes of changing everything that is happening in her real life, but in the end she knows that blowing up right away for the cause of love, could be the best that could happen to her anyways.

And last, and definitely least, Trixie. She was probably the only friend she had to cling to in magical kindergarten, but she probably wasn't a very good friend. Trixie was probably a show off, way less talented than Twilight. Probably was only with her to cheat on tests, but probably Twilight was also her only friend. That's why Twilight cares about don't overshadow her during her public shows. Trixie was probably also admired by fool or innocent younger ponies, that had no advantage over Twilight as acquaintances. So besides Twilight as sidekick, Trixie didn't have any other friend either.

That explains her abrupt presentation, she's again, a memory, so she's not part of the dream since the beginning. Also she travels alone, implying she was a rather lonely filly, and she overall ends in good terms with Twilight, which could be the manifestation of Twilight's good wishes for the only real friends she had in life, even when she wasn't really a very good one.

Let's admit it, Twilicorn is just the best thing Celestia imagines could happen in anypony's life. Since Twilight never showed more evident ambitions than getting perfect grades anyways. But deeply inside, this theory favors that Twilight's is looking for a way to bring her parents memories and personalities back. Maybe with traveling, but not the mystery milk of a zebra's bottle, neither the useless inception from a bearded character from a bedtime story for foals.

Twilight's tree library, might represent Celestia's mind, the books were her knowledge, Twilight's lives quite confortable in there even when she never is shown recieving any kind of allowance or payment, and its destruction could mean how Twilight's dream is coming to an end.

The books also represents her ambitions to learn magic, but also the curiosity for a life she couldn't live. They all are written in gibberish, which is accurate saying this is all a dream, yet while we have seen English in other signs around, Twilight seems to have a talent to understand them in a way nobody else has, Maybe Celestia is feeding her mind with real knowledge, to feel less guilty about having to kill this little filly.

Their destruction means that Twilight knows her time is running out. The apathy to the harmony box content, or even keys, was due to her suspicions that all this world isn't real, and her rather silly adventures, where she jumped from being Batman, to being Goku , to become next probably the darnmit Sentry, are going to continue, as long Twiligh:

A.-Keeps being innocent inside this illusion, long enough like to keep Celestia feeding it with silly, nonsensical dreams, till Twilight imagines her own perfect death inside that little perfect world. And Celestia can get out of there with her conscience, probably even her hooves, clean.

B.-Corrupts herself with power, like she probably would do in real life, and Celestia has to put her down already, Dr. Manhattan style.

C.-Twilight tricks Celestia, suspecting the cake is a lie, learning enough magic like to surpass her meta teacher. Wakes up, and beats Celestia down, Dragon Ball GT style.

Well, that's my theory. If it's good enough then some jimmies should have been rustled, but hey, remember! It's just a theory, a pony theory. Thanks for reading.

If you wanna help me promoting this theory in your journal along your own observations, plz just let me know, and give a link to this page as the original theory for references, thx.

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