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Dan Vs. Representing the United States of America · 11:59pm May 24th, 2014

Hey gang! Barro here,

And Michael!

...and recently, we on the show were thinking about the possibility of Dan representing the U.S in Equestria, acted as an ambassador of sorts. But as he just kind of wound up here, we can't really talk to any humans on Earth to find out exactly what they think about the idea. How would the U.S government react if Dan was America's first ambassador to an entirely new planet populated by a new species?

So instead of writing a transdimensional letter to our congressmen, we decided to ask some of the more memorable U.S presidents what they thought of Dan representing America. And here's what they had to say:

How do you feel about Dan being the first U.S ambassador to Equestria?

George Washington-

From the thirteen colonies, our nation has grown since my time. America, the world, is very different from when I remember it. Yet, I believe that our ideals burn brightly now ever as much as they did back then. Liberty is more important today than it was yesterday and will only gain more precedence tomorrow. The desire for freedom, the drive to fight for it and the dedication to defend it with one's life is the mark of any true American. All of us must endeavor to pursue this great moral attitude whether it be on our own soil or in a world populated by adorable, magical ponies. This is our duty, the duty of all Americans, of all people who value liberty above all else and we must, each one of us represent that cause resolutely. For the moment we don't is when it is lost.

Wow... okay but what about Dan?

I have come to know many men in my life and I have come to find that each person is truly unique. To say that Dan is unique among men however, would not be to state an inaccuracy. I have known individuals with such characteristics that so define them, that a drive for justice, personal and otherwise, that leads them to the pursuit of such cause that they are not to sit idle when any challenge is made to their standing or the standing of others. It is men like these, I find, that are the most capable in times of action and that should be sought when such time arises.

Abraham Lincoln-

There are times when the preservation of order takes precedence and can make us judge the conduct of our countrymen. History continues to flow, to change, and Dan's conduct has not always been entirely acceptable... nor condemnable. Although I may not be the best judge of character, I do not believe Dan is the best role model, in every regard, for our nation. But in some regards, his traits are far from desirable- they are necessary.

In my time, our nation's upheaval threatened to destroy all that we held dear. Perseverance through that upheaval was what was needed to uphold the harmony in our land as I know it will be in Equestria. Above all that Dan has displayed, he has displayed perseverance and with necessary guidance, I do believe Dan could see any group through trials and hardships to a harmony that they deserve.

John F. Kennedy-

All right, let's get one thing straight: I am not here because my views necessarily represent those of my peers but because Barro and his film director friend played the Call of Duty: Black Ops video game last night and I happened to be one of the characters they used. I honestly do not know what to think of this world today. Socialized medicine? Is this not what we were fighting Ivan to keep out of our country?

Um, Mr. President?

I find it hard to believe. We spend how many decades fighting this commie bullshit and then we elect a guy who's practically Kruschev's lapdog himself? Bobby wouldn't have done this, hell neither would've Nixon. I dedicated my career to fighting the reds, trying to help other nations with the Peace Corps. and I can't say Mr. Obama is doing the same.

O... kay... but uh, what about Dan?

Mr. Dan's actions, some might call extreme. Honestly though, it's that kind of aggression that gets results. Dan might be seen as volatile, unrelenting in his pursuit of what he firmly believes is right but I do believe that is how our allies, how our enemies, how our neighbors should see America. We will stop at nothing to right any wrong, to uphold our values, to advance the cause we believe in.

Barrack Obama-

America is full of men and women, people from all walks of life who can represent this nation. This doesn't mean that speaking for others is easy; just that many have the capacity, the ability to do so. But to actually demonstrate that requires courage, spirit and ambition to see your cause through. Such strength takes many forms and many in America can embody such strength. I believe that Mr. Dan could greatly benefit from proper guidance, education but I also believe that America could benefit greatly from Dan.

The future doesn't stop for humans or ponies, Americans or Equestrians or anything else in between. We don't have the luxury of going back and trying to change something to make the results more favorable. We can only build our future with the knowledge we have in the present. And we need the courage, the strength to build and keep building. I believe Dan has both those qualities and that with whatever resources and knowledge he is working with that he will do his very best to build something that lasts.

So there you have it folks! What do you think about Dan representing America, possibly even representing all of humanity? Whether he does or not is another question but we must all consider it; we all represent more than ourselves at different times in our lives and we don't always have a choice in who represents us. Whether someone else is speaking for you or not, make sure your voice is heard. That's what Dan does.

Comments ( 3 )

I think Kennedy's opinion was the best.:rainbowlaugh:

That actually sounds a lot like what George Washington would say. You know Dan once tried to blow up George Washington's house. :twilightsheepish:

That actually sounds a lot like what President Obama would say as well.

I believe that Dan represents humanity at its worst and best so I don't think there can be a more perfect representative to an alien world than Dan.

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