• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 10th, 2023

Fallen Prime

An enigma as vexing as life itself.

More Blog Posts476

  • 49 weeks
    Where I'm at now.

    I couldn't tell you why I still have a FIMFiction tab open on my browser, and I can't even tell you the last time I clicked onto it. I think it's realistic that posting this is the last major activity I'll grant the site.

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  • 125 weeks
    Ten years today.

    According to the info blurb beside my name, this is the ten-year anniversary of this account. And to think, this all started with me doing self-insert riffs on bad MLP fiction. And now I've got two finished stories under my belt, a crossover atrophying in a forgotten corner, and two other projects completely pony-unrelated I've finally put some words down for*. And also the last vestiges of my

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  • 131 weeks

    Last month's riff is complete. Enjoy.

    This month, we're finally, finally finishing that riff of a riff we started god knows how long ago. We've spliced in a tiny Christmas story in there too.

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  • 135 weeks
    F/F/R3K19 11/8: Beginning of the end(-ish).

    Last month's romp has been adequately stomped. Enjoy.

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  • 139 weeks
    F/F/T3K19 10/4: When the pasta is creepy.

    Alright, we didn't exactly intend to slow down quite this much quite yet, but that's how we're gonna roll now. Here's last month's riff.

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It's attention whore season! · 3:01pm Jun 21st, 2014

I'm getting fed up enough with this shit that I need to bring it up in a blog. Because a lot of people are too stupid to notice a pattern that's obvious to any critic or cynic that comes around.

School's out for most people now. When school starts drawing to a close, kids and teens get bored. It seems like the trend for bored kids on this site is to either:
A. claim that circumstances are going to keep them away from the site FOREVER, typically the bidding of parents or just rage-quitting.
B. claim some enormous tragedy, such as their own death or a rape/unwanted pregnancy.
C. threaten to commit suicide.
D. claim to be another, better known individual in the community to try and artificially garner followers.

And I've seen this shit almost exclusively from authors with less than 200 followers, and/or that have become close friends with their followers. That way, when they say their sob stories and play their little games, they'll always have vocal support. And that's exactly what they want. It puts the spotlight on themselves for a while, it gets people saying nice things about them in droves, and they're too close as friends for anyone within that praising circle to actually look at the words that have been said and pick up on the inconsistencies.

I'm seriously thinking I need to make this blog a master list of people I'm relatively or completely certain are doing just that. And I'll outline the reasoning behind my assertions as well, so people don't just stumble upon this and assume I'm making baseless accusations. What I WON'T do is link any user pages; I don't want them getting anymore fresh attention, and I don't want my more caustic followers sending abuse their way.

The list, as I am aware of it, is as follows...

SmileHDFan - From the dates I can see on each event, this individual was the summer drama OG. She made exaggerated claims that she was banned by her family from the site, failing school, and on the edge of cutting herself. Yet as of this typing she was online eight hours ago, despite her ban being enacted AT LEAST on May 10. Plus, she deleted a comment on her user page TODAY, likely someone calling her out for the lying. It's pretty clear that she's still free to use the site and still very much not bled out.
EDIT: She's changed her name to "ssssssssssssss" and blocked all her followers. I think that's pretty suspicious.
TgTfProductions - I shouldn't even have to say it, because he confessed to it after the fact and a lot of people are already aware of it. He lied for months about cancer and subsequently about dying from it, then got banned after defending himself with alts and using one of them to threaten to hack the site.
Slendermare - A blog post allegedly from this user's mother claims that she won't be allowed on the site anymore until she's a legal adult. BUT she also claims banishment from ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES, which is a feat only possible in this technological age by the Amish. The fact that the "mom" types too poorly for a mature adult, AND knows how to access her daughter's account and compose a blog, sort of raises a lot of questions.
xNightflashx/Sunset cloud - This was the big one on my end, because this individual did TWO extremely amoral things.
- Lied profusely about pretty much everything, including and especially RAPE AND RAPE PREGNANCY. Overwhelming evidence backs the falsehood, including her simultaneous nonchalance and pushiness about the issue and the claims that A. someone oceans away defended her honor in a fight and B. she learned about the pregnancy sooner than the sperm would have had time to fertilize the egg.
- Art and story theft. It was this that led to the discovery of the Sunset cloud account, as well as the eventual ban of both. I have ZERO TOLERANCE for plagiarists.
IrresponsibleCupid - Related to the case of xNightflashx. Cupid here continued fighting for Flash's honor even in the face of overwhelming evidence against her, then threatened to, GUESS WHAT, kill himself over the issue. Not only that, but despite PROOF FROM OBSELESCENCE AND THE BAN OF BOTH HER ACCOUNTS, he still fights that she's some paragon of virtue, with such flimsy non-logic that I'm convinced he's trying to get attention FROM siding with her.
Abriel99 - This user tried to boost his own story by spamming PM's to random users to read it. When the mods blocked his PM'ing abilities and told him to his face that it was spam, he spammed MORE people openly on their user pages, then made a blog post asking "Is this spamming?" He clearly knew what he was doing, because he was asking his readers to keep signal-boosting the story to get it featured until people became sick of his shit.
nathan moyer 922 - Another one who threatened suicide on a regular basis, as well as making a claim two days ago that he was leaving the site after deleting the blog saying he was SUPER CEREAL ABOUT KILLING HIMSELF GUYS, as well as my comments about his signing back on despite being dead. And despite that new blog being two days ago, he reportedly signed in two HOURS ago to delete another wave of comments from his user page.
Pyriel - Just discovered this one, but it's the fact that it's affected the SAME GROUP OF PEOPLE (specifically monsterlord18, from whose blog I discovered this case) that made me realize awareness needed to be raised. The same parent story from Slendermare, except he told it himself... BUT he also claimed a change in username and password. How could he access his account to SAY his password got changed IF his password got changed, and why is he still called by the name Pyriel if the username was supposedly changed too?
Not Dashing - I'm guessing the HORDE of deleted comments on this user's page are the ones regarding her rape claims. All the existing blogs I see are the same attention-whoring stuff we've come to associate with the concept, namely the needless angsty bullshit that comes with being a teenager who wants validation and support from her peers and doesn't know how else to get it.
EDIT: As if to prove my point, in comes the white knight brigade. The comments of this very page feature people not realizing I'm talking about a now-ancient incident and starting shit with me by telling me, long after laying off, to lay off.
LemonStone - Just put up a frantic post screaming that they were bleeding profusely, everywhere. Uh... how? And why? Anyone else in a position like that would be either too woozy from blood loss or too freaked out in general to jump onto FIMFic and blog about it.
Reganthestrange/RainbowScrewball/FIuffle Puff - This was a form of attention whoring I forgot to outline above until now: imitation. This person pretended to be the creator of the Ask Fluffle Puff blog, complete with leaving comments consisting only of "pfffffffftttt" or similar bullshit on multiple pages in a flimsy roleplaying attempt (RPing is banned now, if you recall). Not only did this person INSIST she was the real blog runner, she tried to scam her followers out of money by offering "commissions." That was the straw that let the banhammer drop. Oh, and Regan was playing white-knight for Nightflash for a while too, so...
RealityCheck - Many of you may remember a blog post he made around Pride Day about Ashleigh Ball posting a pic of AJ and Dash on her personal Instagram in support. Which quickly devolved into extreme homophobia both in the blog AND the comments, both from him and from other users who looked to be his alts. The blog was apparently glitched out of existence by all the heat it generated, but the thing that led to me adding him to this blog was that, instead of letting it die, HE REPOSTED THE BLOG. Thankfully, it's gone for good now.
Chatoyance - Apparently a flood of hate came her way. Like, another one. I don't know why she's still here, frankly, if this is all she brings apart from mediocre stories from a mediocre verse, but she's qualified under this for much longer than the season; just wasn't fair to add her until she flagged the mods down for mass bannings.
TheSequentialArtMan - Unrepentant plagiarist who constantly plugged his stories on other people's stories, and eventually went onto the comments of that fucking Twilight/Spider-Man shipfic to yell at people for hating his own story. You know, because who WOULDN'T use others' stories to bitch at their own readers? After his THIRD plagiarism ban, he created an alt to cuss out the people who rightfully reported him, leading to an IP ban. He's been fighting the point on his YouTube page, in which he's proven that he doesn't regret a damn thing and may not even grasp that he did anything wrong.
King Slayer/SonoftheDarkness - Had to revise this one due to new information... Apparently this user used an alt to send creepy PM's regarding giving "help" to random users and hurled vague threats at anyone who questioned what was going on. He called this alt out on his main, which led to the alt getting reported... at which point moderation revealed the two accounts to be linked. Whoopsie.
EDIT: Despite apologizing to me in PM's for causing a ruckus, I saw the SonoftheDarkness account stirring more shit up three days after said apology.
Mister Citadel - At this point, I honestly think this is the ONLY reason he continues the infamous "Mystquestria." Upon releasing chapter three, which reintroduced a disgusting rape scene which was edited to be even MORE disgusting, he made excuses, threats and insults left and right before going dark again. Even his editors are sick of his homophobic, stubborn, ignorant bullshit.
Magic City Reviewer - This author had a few stories hosted in Plan 9 from Equestria, which collects fics of lacking quality, then joined the group himself and cussed them out. I have no idea what that accomplished, other than him acting like he, the instigator, was being attacked, as well as making three (one calling out a specific user, now deleted) blogs about how I'M LEAVING THE SITE BUT PROBABLY NOT BUT FEEL BAD FOR ME. Those blogs alone wouldn't qualify someone for this, but the fact that he joined a group of far more rational people who didn't like his stories and picked a fight with them...
EDIT: Just threatened to quit the site again after picking a fight on the latest chapter of "Letters from a Disgruntled Friendship Student," which had jabs at the Ferguson riots.
Music within us - A user on the site that I'd always seen singing the praises of some stories of questionable or unarguably godawful quality. He seems to have posted a blog two days ago announcing his departure from the site, but is shown as having logged on less than nine hours since this addition to my own blog. That raises a few red flags.
EDIT: Blog post from the "mother" and white-knighting from a supposed alt. Wheeeeeeeeeee.
EDIT 2: He's going it to try and get new followers on ANOTHER SITE. Which seems phenomenally stupid and exceptionally whorish to me.
Hross A kind of minor case here. This user posted a series of horse cock pictures in a group thread, which, while it may have been funny to some, breaches site rules. When he got banned for it, he made an obvious alt trying to say he did nothing wrong, and promptly got banned again.

I'll update this list as more notable cases arise, but for now, that's all from me. Maybe someday soon I'll have actual story content for everyone.

Report Fallen Prime · 2,044 views ·
Comments ( 161 )


I'll go get the gun...

I got to stop falling for this shit....

Comment posted by Fallen Prime deleted Jun 21st, 2014
Comment posted by Matt11 deleted Jun 21st, 2014

Jesus Christ. It's like the summer of stupid.

When school starts drawing to a close, kids and teens get bored.

How the hell does anyone get bored in this day and age? I never understood that. The only time I get bored is if I'm stuck somewhere without entertainment, but usually that means I can't access the internet either. Guess what I do? I entertain myself with daydreaming.

Sheesh. The only time I've truly been bored was when I just didn't know what I wanted to do for awhile and didn't feel like doing anything that I usually do. After awhile, I felt like doing something or ended up doing chores. And I'm a lazy slob so...

Not to mention, this is a fanfiction website! There are over a thousand fanfics here! Even if their favorite Groups are currently silent, and I highly doubt that, why the fuck aren't these people reading?! :flutterrage:

I don't have enough time in a day for everything that I want to do, even on my days off when I put off doing anything useful and efficient... What is with these people?

Huh. I hadn't heard about those last three yet. Links?

2223934 Oops, didn't see that. Just woke up when I read this. My bad.

Holy fuck man. I took a 6 month long break from the site to give it time to cool off and this is what happens? sheet, dawg.

Something I've learned in my long career of bullshitting myself and others as a teenager is that it's never too early to regret everything you've done as one.

And I'm still 17.

2224043 At least you're admitting guilt, which is way more than can be said for those listed above.

God I hate summerfags.

2224068 And I try to make up for it by bettering myself. Being there for my friends when they need it rather than whine about my own problems, or making a better effort not to complain when parents ask for a little help. Treat people like people and not tools of entertainment. And then silently disagree and ignore it when my parents say bigoted and racist things rather than- I'm going off again.

I've only ever posted blogs about my eye condition when I was feeling really uneasy about it, and even now that it's recovering, I'm not trying to get attention from it. Instead,I mention fics my friends have written, and basically stay out of the public eye as much as possible.

On an unrelated note, how the fuck do you turn off that notification pop up thing in the corner of the screen? It covers up practically a quarter of the screen when I'm on my phone, and more often than not, it just sits there instead of disappearing, and the hitbox for the blog, story, or group post link overlaps the little 'x' making it nearly impossible for me to just close the damn things while reading or typing, instead forcing me to retype or scroll down the page to what I was trying to do previously.

Jesus, like one doesn't get enough of that on DeviantArt.

One of my friends told me I was on this list and I just had to leave a comment.
I'm not being an attention-whore, at least not on purpose. I'm honestly just standing up for what I believe in, and I threatened suicide because of personal reasons. Now, I'm not trying to start another fight, I'm just saying that I'm not looking for attention.

I think that I'm going to make up something so ridiculous, that no one would ever think that I could possibly have made it up because it's so ridiculous that no one who was trying to deceive anyone would actually make it up. And then, everyone will actually believe it.

"Hey guys, I've been inspired by ISIS recruitment videos and am going off to wage Jihad in Iraq. So I might not be able to get onto Fimfiction for a while."

Allah akbar!


2224329 Seriously? You believe in something the MODS CONFIRMED WAS FALSE WHEN THEY CANNED YOUR PAL. Or did you miss Obs's comment on your user page?

No, I saw his comment. I'm just standing beside my beliefs, no matter whether they're wrong or right, because it's the honorable thing to do. At this point, I can't back down without you immediately labeling that as proof that I was attention-whoring.

2224375 Just... admit it. Admit that you misjudged Nightflash, and accept that she lied to your face about almost everything. There's no honor in fighting for her.

Nor is there any in backing down. But I'll admit it. She lied to us all about many things. I still don't believe that the raping and her brother's death were faked. The pregnancy maybe, but not the rape or brother's death. I may have misjudged her in some regards, but I know that I judged her to be a caring and friendly person, and I know that it never changed.

I'm totally going to commit suicide!
Because I don't want to die in a nursing home =/

2224387 Dude, backing down from a losing battle and admitting defeat is at least dignified, if not honorable. The rape lie was unraveled already, and there's circumstantial evidence to strongly suggest the brother thing was just as false.

She couldn't even get her AGE straight, and she spun more lies to place a guy in Britain in her home city where the rapist was. How could you have EVER believed her?

Hey, I already relented. I'm not giving up my belief that she was telling the truth about her brother and the rape.


I suggest we just let bygones be bygones and get on with our lives, because this is going to get us nowhere.

2224402 You're literally the only person who still believes that. Even in banning, she still strings you along...

But whatever. If it gets you off my comment page, then fine. Bygones and shit. But your sense of honor is ludicrously corrupt.


I suggest, we all agree, that dieing on the toilet is the best way to die, on account of the fact that the last thing you do in life is crap yourself. I mean if I was going to die I would prefer to do it on the toilet, if you do it on the bed they'll have to buy new sheets because of your sheet.


2224416 ...yeah, thanks for that follow, Para. Glad to see you're not abusing it.


I never check my feed. I only follow people I think are worthy of being followed as a gesture of respect.

Everyone on this blog is fucking gay though.


"I know these bodies smell like Zyklon B, but there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz!!!1"

Actually that's a bad example because the bodies are all cremated.

And here I was, hoping we could get a fresh start. I guess not.


Don't worry, I'm willing to forget your past sins.


Let's be friends.

2224436 There's no fresh start if you're gonna keep playing devil's advocate like this. Your safest bet is disassociation.

Are you being serious or sarcastic? I can't tell, sorry. :twilightsheepish:


I'm always serious.


You got double trips nice job fgt

Hey, I'm dropping the matter and keeping my beliefs silent. I swear that even if I disagree with something, I will not voice my opinion unless I have evidence. Is that not good enough for you?

Oh. Well, if you're willing to forget my past sins, I'm willing to forget yours. :derpytongue2::twilightsmile:


Has anybody noticed how ham salad is called ham salad, and chicken salad is called chicken salad, and beef salad is called beef salad, and tuna salad is called tuna salad?

I mean what's up with that?
Why refer to two of them by the type of meat and the other two by the animal?
Why not tuna salad, cow salad, chicken salad and pig salad,
or fish salad, beef salad, poultry salad and ham salad?
Stuff like this just pisses me off, we need to correct things like this!

2224467 Parting words: you never gave your evidence, other than in what-ifs and why-woulds. I'm going to block you pending your next comment, so make it count.

Alright. Block me if you want, I don't really mind. If you don't want to just drop the issue and are going to react like that after I've given in, then I don't want to talk to you anyway. So see ya, I guess. Or not. I couldn't care less either way.

And Fallen, despite all of our disagreements and mutual hate...

I hope you have a nice day today. :twilightsmile:

2224424 fuck you, I'm the only faggot here, Para. :twilightangry2:

And this is why, unless I truly find evidence supporting their claim, I tend to ignore most of this drama. I'm here for ponies, friends, and to let loose my own little fanfics in the hopes that someone will read them.

It's called embarrassment. One needs to keep talking without taking actual responsibility of their mistake because of embarrassment and fear of ridicule. It's a sign that one isn't at all humbled by their mistake and failed to internalize and understand the lesson to prevent future mistakes. In making an apology, if it's paired with a need to recover the shambled remains of a weak/non-existing argument by blathering on about "honor," hardly anything can be expected to change.

I have no respect for people who'll threaten self-harm over internet bullshit. It's immature and disregards human worth.


Tywin Lannister would disagree, I think. If he wasn't too busy being dead and all.

2225948 ...FUCK. I'm not that far yet!

A. claim that circumstances are going to keep them away from the site FOREVER, typically the bidding of parents.
B. claim some enormous tragedy, such as their own death or a rape/unwanted pregnancy.
C. threaten to commit suicide.

My replies would basically boil down to:

A. Can I have your stuff?

B. Can I have your stuff?


C. Can I watch you die? And then have your stuff?

:derpyderp2: Do you really think that people would do this? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

Look, lying about this stuff is a stupid and douchey thing to do. You shouldn't make up sob stories just to get attention, or make empty threats just because you can.

But you shouldn't blacklist people for lying or believing in lies. You should only do that if they're acting like a jackass. You shouldn't just write people out of your life because they lied to you. It just makes the issue worse.


I entertain myself with daydreaming.

That's not daydreaming, sport; we call it 'masturbating'.

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