• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2015


A French, cheese-eating alphaphala male in charge of writing stories. Don't troll because of allergies to BULLSHIT.

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  • 490 weeks
    I don't get it.

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    All of my rage

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    Ah, IGN

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    That'll be all.


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  • 504 weeks
    New chapter

    'bout time, huh?

    I know, I know. I'm a lazy butt.

    Anyway, it's out, so go check it out I guess.

    Oh, and also, look at this! moar fanart!

    And as always, music

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  • 507 weeks

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This fandom never ceases to amaze/puzzle/disgust me. · 4:50pm Jun 29th, 2014

So I've been trying to find inspiration to write, playing games, looking at art, watching movies, and reading.

Doing so, I stumbled upon a... thing called Fall of Equestria...

...and it's porn. But not any kind of porn, mind you, the kind where the whole setting is an alternate universe where an invading enemy reduces all of the female population of Equestria to nothing but sex slaves and drive all the males, both thanks to massive scale brainwashing.

Barring the fact that I am utterly disgusted by the idea, I found several flaws in the story that baffles me.

First off, the caribou army succeeding in subjugating most females in most major cities in a matter of hours, including Canterlot. With nothing but stun batons. Isn't there a peacekeeping force in Equestria? Talk about a blitzkrieg.

Then, that caribou alicorn Mary-Suesque dude that beats Celestia in a head-on fight. One word: how. Story says he's got alicorn powers and chaotic powers ---stories have been shut down for less than that--- from Discord, who's been confirmed to help the caribou willingly but there's no explanation behind it. Which brings me to my next point.

Discord had absolutely no interest in helping these perverted slavers. That guy is know for being the spirit of chaos, right? Then why help slavers? Slavery is order, submission of the slaves to the masters and nothing else. Total control. By helping out the caribou, Discord is going against his very nature. Worse, by lending his powers to the caribou overdude, he makes himself a slave ---or at least puts himself at great personal risk--- since he's no longer the most powerful chaotic entity and the one he gave his powers to follows his own agenda.

So Discord gave his powers to the caribou overlord. And for what? Domination over the ponies? Retribution for being trapped in stone? The show itself showed that never was his goals. The guy just want to wreck shit, cause chaos and have a giggle. While not against brainwashing, he does it for chaos, see point above.

Also, now that over 50% of the population is serving as little else than sex slaves, how do the caribou intend to keep the country going? The administration and public services running? The people fed? Even not accounting for the inevitable movements of resistance and the political/military backlash coming from other countries, there's no way the whole "fall of Equestria" thing can last longer than a few months without epidemics ---STDs anyone?--- famine and general infrastructural meltdown, no matter how much magic you cram into the system.

Last but not least, Shining Armor and Cadence's betrayal. As the two appear, Cadence willingly submits to the "new order" and Shining Armor is okay with that. worse, they corrupted the crystal heart so it makes all males into sex hungry slavers, turning against each and every female in sight, even Celestia and Luna ---nevermind the morals, duties and ties they had before, ey. The reason for that betrayal boils down to Shining Armor ---the guy whose cutie mark is about defending his country honorably--- whining about how terrible and incompetent the two alicorns were at ruling the country, nevermind the fact that it was peaceful and prosperous up until that point. So that's a warrant for being turned into a sex slave, I suppose?

And let's not forget how Celestia ends up a willing slave, whereas Luna does not. Remind me, who ruled the country for a millenium of peace alone because little sister wanted the night to last forever? Who's the most stable and resilient, both physically and mentally?

Ugh. I understand it's just porn, but the very premise makes me want to throw up and there's so many OOC behaviour and inconsistencies I just had to rant about it.

Ans as always, have music.

Report RoadRunneR · 706 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

Before you ask, yes I mad.

Remember that the fandom seemingly thinks the Royal Guard can't guard candy shop let alone an entire country, and Luna is the Best Princess and Celestia is a loser. I've seen a picture that has Celestia doing the whole "Mirror Mirror" routine from Snow White, yeah the princess that is practically worshiped and being emotionally stable gets jealous... and don't get me started on the morons that pus her as Chaotic Evil on an D&D Alignment Chart

I've seen all that crap floating around and I have to facepalm at all of it because that is what gives our fandom a bad name.

Do not attempt to make sense of this kind of thing... you will find only madness.

Nobody said the story is smart or sound plot wise
While I didn't read the story i did see some art from it and ugh yeah disgusting
Although this is tame compered to some shit i have seen on the net

I'm amazed you didn't find them sooner. The entire series is built off of 'wishful thinking' and pixie dust, and I'd be surprised if it didn't collapse within the year.

As a note, any hints on when the next chapter of 'Operation Homecoming' is coming out?

Ohlol, you found this PoS? SO mad huehuehuehueh

True. None of the characters are actually acting in character. Discord goes from backstage manipulator to front row agitator, Twilight Sparkle is actually aroused by seeing her mentor exposed and degraded and the meek and awkward Luna ends up being the strong one.

And Celestia, whose character is defined by her love for her sister, lets go of over a thousand years of love for her for... sex and cock.

Seriously, that's not even an alternate universe. It's even more flipped upside down than the "reverse mirror universe" from the IDW comics.

I really wished I didn't.


The concept of the AU is one of the biggest problems in any fandom because it is not easily defined. Most seem to use it as an excuse to butcher characters that they don't like, or to make it "darker and edgier"

2245834 Well, it seems more like just some guys that are having really weird fetishes met at the internet and thought:" Why don't we do something that we would really like to fap to"
But then went "HECK NO we don't wanna write, we'll just pay another person to write this and be fappin".

That's their shit, and we're not responsible for their fucked-up minds, nor we should care :trollestia:

Well the characters are not so much butchered as they are completely nonexistent. Every male is a sex hungry slaver. Every red collar is a willing slave. Every black collar is a resisting slave. Every female gets raped.

The end.

They are completely interchangeable and have no contribution to the story other than making it pony related.


That is true, they butchered them in the most horrific fashion they removed their "self"

Again it is no wonder the fandom has a badname.

Now I need to hunt down issue 19 of the comic, I've jumped the gun and got 20 without realizing that there was another issue.

Hi there! I occasionally work on Fall of Equestria related content, and I'd be more than happy to address and concerns or questions you have about the series.

As for the first one you brought up in this post, a lot of people are still doing their old jobs, though often in slightly different situations. Two of my characters in the setting are a farm hand and a warehouse worker, in fact. Sadly, these characters are often as invisible in entertainment media as the essential but under-appreciated workers in our own economy.

I gave up on trying to make sense of that AU. I just wanted to rant about it and be done with it.

That said, you could answer a question: how on Earth do being a sex slave and working a full-time job work?

And how are the caribou ---and I quote NCN--- "a force of nature?" We've seen them, we know their motives, their leader has been established as a character and has even been a direct part of the action. They're like Bane post Batman's return (from the hole prison, that is).

Why the fuck would Discord support slavers ---see my point in the blog?

How did that fic not get shut down? (I'm talking about the blatant Mary Sues, I'm still baffled as why nobody pointed that out. We know that guy got alicorn powers and that Discord was okay with giving him chaos powers... many stories have been shot down for less than that.)

How does it even relate to My Little Pony?


Since you're not in it.... I'll just leave this here for you.

I'll try to answer the questions you asked Ego the best I can, since he doesn't seem willing to step up to the plate.

Of course, I must warn you, that there will be some post-foe bias in this. Of course. :raritywink:

That said, you could answer a question: how on Earth do being a sex slave and working a full-time job work?

To put it bluntly: Manual labor: they do manual things that involve degrading sex things. And having sex while on the job apparently doesn't get you in trouble, in fact not doing it gets you in trouble.

With nothing but stun batons. Isn't there a peacekeeping force in Equestria? Talk about a blitzkrieg.

Well, and runic armors that made their iron and improvised weapons useless, and fire breathing warbeasts that are the size of a pseudogiant while looking like something a Chimera pooped out and promptly dumped into a space anomaly after having too many vodkas after a psi-storm and having a moresome with a Flesh, a pesudodog, and a pseudogiant.
But back to the caribou: I'm guessing the fact that there's ten thousand of them has something to do with it. Oh and traitors. Can't forget that.

Then, that caribou alicorn Mary-Suesque dude that beats Celestia in a head-on fight. One word: how.

The same Celestia that got beaten by a lone bug queen, in full view of everyone? A bug queen who impersonated her neice, horribly might I add, and she didn't even notice despite it being blatently obvious to her pupil who she just ignored? The Celestia who keeps a magic mirror to a potentially dangerous world she knows nothing about and didn't bother to send scouts to, UNGUARDED, who throws a book at twilight, says "hey here's some magic finish it. Congrats you finished the poetry here's some wings you're a princess but I forgot to give you a reason to be a princess so here's a song about how useless you currently are trololol"
Whose best plan to defeat tirek was "Oh let's send discord, a guy who we don't quite trust and who we supposedly reformed but is still showing signs of not being 100% with the program, to capture another bad guy who's known for being devious and manipulative, and we'll send him without supervision to capture him all by himself. What could possibly go- Oh wait that failed and he turned back to chaos? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?! Okay, let's drain all our power and put it into twilight so he won't know about it... but we won't smash the windows that show Princess Twilight in them."
... That Celestia?

Yyyyyeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. Honestly, she's not anywhere near as competent as some people like to think she is. Not to mention having her kingdom in a state of absolute peace for that long hasn't done her nor her military any real favors (Again, changeling invasion). Hell, you pretty much pointed this out yourself in Operation Homecoming.

I mean, yes, your Celestia (whom I shall now call STALKERlestia) could most certainly kick his ass (even without a gun), discord blessing be damned. Kick it straight to tartarus, then break him back out of it, just so she could kick it back there again. The zone has changed her, transformed her into a seasoned warrior, and a competent leader.
But show Celestia? Eh... if she lost to a blatently obvious bug, and made some downright retarded decisions in the show, it's not hard to see how she'd lose to Dainn.

Yes, I know what you're probably going to say: "But she ruled equestria for 1000 years by herself yada yada" but that's just it, see? We're told that she's wise and competent and all that, not shown. Her leadership skills and competence are informed abilities, and what we're told and shown of celestia's abilities in the show are two totally different and conflicting things.

Though to be fair: Yes, Dainn is a giant Gary Stu. Even most of the fans agree. Hell, why do you think so many Post-Foe Scenarios involve alien invaders?

Why the fuck would Discord support slavers ---see my point in the blog?

Yes, they're pretty evasive on that subject, and we keep getting "you'll find out eventually!" though personally I get the bad feeling that when we do finally get the answer, it's just going to make things even worse plotwise. At least the popular theory would have made a lick of sense. And while we're at it, same goes with the fate of the changelings.

But if you want the popular theory:
He didn't. Not willingly anyway. Discord was tricked and trapped in some way, and the whole "blessing" thing is more of a confusion of terms than anything.

The alternate argument presented:
If Tierk could convince him to turn evil, why couldn't Dainn?

(I'm talking about the blatant Mary Sues, I'm still baffled as why nobody pointed that out. )

Oh trust me, it's been pointed out at least over 9000 times. Even (and especially) by its fans.

Also, now that over 50% of the population is serving as little else than sex slaves, how do the caribou intend to keep the country going? The administration and public services running? The people fed? Even not accounting for the inevitable movements of resistance and the political/military backlash coming from other countries, there's no way the whole "fall of Equestria" thing can last longer than a few months without epidemics ---STDs anyone?--- famine and general infrastructural meltdown, no matter how much magic you cram into the system.

You know, each of these perfectly valid points have been brought up before at some time or another, mostly in my group. And you know what?
... I'm not going to answer any of them :pinkiecrazy:. I mean, really. They're actually pretty good points, and it's not really my job to make up apologetics for all the inconsistencies in this franchise... Quite the opposite actually, being the Post-Foe group founder. In fact it's these sorts of things that give people something to work with when it comes to making post-foe stories and scenarios...
... And I'm sure as hell not going to take that away.
Though if you want to continue this line of thought...

Last but not least, Shining Armor and Cadence's betrayal. As the two appear, Cadence willingly submits to the "new order" and Shining Armor is okay with that. worse, they corrupted the crystal heart so it makes all males into sex hungry slavers, turning against each and every female in sight, even Celestia and Luna ---nevermind the morals, duties and ties they had before, ey. The reason for that betrayal boils down to Shining Armor ---the guy whose cutie mark is about defending his country honorably--- whining about how terrible and incompetent the two alicorns were at ruling the country, nevermind the fact that it was peaceful and prosperous up until that point. So that's a warrant for being turned into a sex slave, I suppose?

Well actually, it's pretty simple actually:

See, before the invasion, Dainn had his agents go to the crystal empire. Then every night they'd teleport two controllers into the room while they slept. And it's constant high-pitched gibbering basically drove them so insane that they woke up, and then get buttraped by two of them having at him at once from opposite directions caused them to ragequit and try to uninstall OGSE but it instead lead to them uninstalling Loyalty.ltx which meant Dainn was free to install his haxxed version which put them both in the Monolith faction instead of in Duty....

Okay bad injoke aside, yes they were brainwashed. Kinda like the Monolith/Strelok/Scar, through dreams and visions and shit, albeit more gradually rather than suddenly. Though they're still traitors, so it wouldn't stop me from putting a bullet into both of their brains once alls said and done.

And let's not forget how Celestia ends up a willing slave, whereas Luna does not. Remind me, who ruled the country for a millenium of peace alone because little sister wanted the night to last forever? Who's the most stable and resilient, both physically and mentally?

Yeeeeaaaah I've asked something like this too (though mine was slightly different: "why is she a red collar and not a purple collar. Which that I could see: Seeing her country turn into this nightmarish mess after ruling it peacefully for a thousand years caused her brain to snap), and I got an answer like this:
Because her submission has something to do with stockholm syndrome and she's doing it to protect her sister. Or something.
I dunno, I forgot the exact wording. I know, that doesn't make much more sense than her just flippantly taking on a red collar just like that.

Oh well, I tried. :rainbowlaugh:

How did that fic not get shut down?

Erm, I don't understand this question.
Which fic? You mean all the canon ones?
You mean this series? Kinda hard to "shut down" a franchise.
You mean the group? Because it's not breaking any rules.
You mean the original tumblr that spawned it? Well... it did get shut down. Twice. Though not for any reasons having to do with the convoluted plot at all.
And what do you mean "shut down?" AFAIK, fics here don't get deleted because they're bad, otherwise A Dying Wish by Moviemaster8510 wouldn't still be around (then again that's a trollfic so it's supposed to be Horribad). This isn't Equestria Daily where the mods view and filter everything, shit just gets downvoted.


Every male is a sex hungry slaver.

... Other than Big Mac.

Okay, so now that I've done the favor of answering your questions the best I could... Now it's time for you to do me one:

How STALKERlestia would deal with this? (Post Foe scenario... GO! Obviously, different fall conditions: Celestia never falls. Too busy being in the zone. Because of this, you're allowed to alter Fall conditions accordingly: who betrays and for what, who becomes the red collar princess who stays black etc. However end result of fall must stay the same: Dainn and Caribou take over equestria princesses become his personal sex toys etc. etc.
Needless to say, when Celestia comes home to find this, she is PISSED. And now it's just her, strider, Vano, and her Dawn faction and scientists against an empire... 300 Humans and a really ticked off Princess, against ten thousand caribou and even more brainwashed minons that make the Monolith look like rational people..
Anthro mode: Optional)

Hell, sounds like you could almost write a whole alternate version of "Operation Homecoming" (Operation: Hometaking?) out of this as a post-foe fic. You wouldn't be the first, nor I suspect, the last to write such a fic.

PS: Yeah, even a lot of the fans of FOE know the plot is a completely jumbled mess. Even some of the canon writers I've talked to have expressed their... frustrations on the matter (And no I'm not going to name names or give details on it, though I will say that said canon writer called the caribou were one of the most flawed races to ever be conceived. ) And coming from an avid fan let alone from one of the people that writes the canon stories, that's saying quite a bit...

by the shut down thing I meant downvoted to hell, basically. Most stories presenting mary sues get flak form readers, that's all. And just not Dainn is a mary sue, the whole caribou. I mean, non-canon fire-breathing beasts? Magic armor that makes them invincible? Moving troops undetected in the heart of a country? I know ponies are retarded but come on. That was my point, basically.

I'm just done with it at that point, I've acknowledged it's porn for porn and it's not my thing. Who am I to judge? After all, I am into much worse things.

I might write a oneshot about your idea. Might.


Oh. In that case...

They used to. Basically, anything with FOE (even, sadly, most post-foe fics) had negative ratios.
But then, the FOE group had a massive member surge (I think Bruised Apples, or as some have called it, "The Schindler's List of FOE," had something to do with that), and people started mass-upvoting the other stories.... yeah.

And how are the caribou ---and I quote NCN--- "a force of nature?"

You kinda misunderstood him. What he meant was this:
They're all playing scout and they all run around with a really shoddy sawed shotty.

Magic armor that makes them invincible?

They're not invincible. They just have insanely high rupture and telepathy stats. :derpytongue2:. Though I'm guessing the rest of the stats are pretty much balls. Including Bullet Cap. Hint hint.

Moving troops undetected in the heart of a country?

More like a podunk port town in the ass end of nowhere, but yeah.

I might write a oneshot about your idea. Might.

That would be completely awesome. :rainbowkiss:

I'll be here if you need advice on anything. Or suggestions. Actually, if you don't mind, I have a few myself. :scootangel:

1. Flash Sentry defects right away, even before realizing they're lead by Celestia, and points out how some of the inconsistencies have mentioned are turning the country into a hell hole, basically saying "I don't know what you aliens would bring, but anything, ANYTHING is better than THIS. By tartarus, the reason I volunteered for this portal posting was just so I could get away from everything."

2. Involve Big Mac... maybe have the Dawn contact him (after hearing about him from Flash Sentry) and have him work with some soldiers to kidnap Gunne , the local Caribou overseer, to interrogate him for information.

3. Perhaps Spike could be reversed with the anti-magic device (or EM rifle, like the battle with Strelok at the end of Clear Sky) instead of outright killed, and that shrinks him down. It's been said that the crystal cock had nothing to do with Spike's corruption and something else is at play.
And once he's back to normal, have strider become a sort of big brother to him, since he went through roughly the same sort of situation (being ex-monolith and all).

Anyway, looking forward to next chapter of homecoming. :raritywink:


Else, (with your permission of course) you could just give me a long description of what would go on (IE, how exactly STALKERlestia's campaign to retake Equestria goes down, what targets she hits first, etc.) and what happens to all parties afterwords, and I could turn it into a post-foe alt universe thread for you, if you didn't feel like writing a whole fic or just wanted some advertising for it.

... Especially since I can only guess you're quite busy, and especially since both my comps are currently broke (meaning no stalking for me :fluttershysad:) I literally have nothing better to do...

Speaking of though, I also had something relating to this for you I came up with. It's nothing much, just a series of dialogues between Big Mac and Flash Sentry, two stallions uncorrupted by the cock, lamenting about the sad fate of the Equestria they once loved and the role they're both forced to play In it. A sort of "prequel" to "home taking" if you will.

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