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Purity of Heart is to Will/Write One Thing · 8:20pm Jul 1st, 2014

(Are you going to Bronycon? do you like horsewords? Do you WRITE horsewords? Are you a cool guy who don't afraid of anything but would like to find a room? Get in touch with me. RazedRainbow and I, the dreaded beast RAZEDWULF itself, are going together and will be sharing a suite or something with other cool fictionwritin' and readin' cats, including SUNCHASER, CLOUDHAMMER, and if you are even vaguely interested we need to find a peep or two to round out our numbers and thus achieve glorious lodgings for greater good of comrade)

I have made a solemn vow.

I will not touch, think of, or consider my original fiction until The Night is Passing is done. Until, well, it has passed.

I've been quieter these days, haven't I? It's a shame!

But what's to tell, what's to tell? I'm working at my mothers law office for the summer. As I type, I sit at the reception desk with the small two room office to myself, listening to this

probating wills, writing checks, notarizing millions of things. I do have snacks, I suppose that's newsworthy.

Oh. And my sister got married. 600+ at the wedding itself, about 450-460 at the reception under a huge tent. Did I mention that my dad has been the minister of music at this church for 20 years? We're kind of a staple. I've lost track of the ladies who claim to have taken care of us in the nursery. Reception under the big tent was actually not catered by a company, but by us and volunteers! That's right, my dad made crawfish etouffee for 500 people to prepare for it. We bought a bunch of brisket, and brewed an ocean of sweet tea. I set up about half of the chairs involved and helped set up a dancing floor and two dozen tables because we were workng all day for like two days straight ;_;
pictures on my tweeter

I was pretty down afterwards and before. My sister--little sister, mind you--off getting married, starting a new life, with everythign looking up. Me? I'm less than stuck. I'm a recluse these days, wasting my life on melencholy and Final Fantasy 14. I'm still working on TNIP, and if you follow me and aren't reading it, I STRONGLY encourage you to try it, to come with me on this adventure. It's going to start picking up. Act two is at the 1/3 point. Kinda. (by the way, while it is divided into acts, it is really more like 3 arcs. The "three act structure" is kind of bunk. It's FIVE act structure, y'all.) By the way, if you play FFXIV on the Jenova server, my name is Lyra Kierkegaard and I would love to quest with you~ or do dungeons or whatever. I'm an archer working on becoming a BARD, you'll know it's me because I'm the ginger Mi'qote kitteh who is hella cute and also rather short.

I'm beginning to come up to breathe from a long, long bout of depression, to be honest. Mostly I've been reclusive, unhappy, struggling to control my drinking and quit smoking (which I have made a TON of progress on, I'm happy to say. My smoking has gone down from the horrific chainsmoking level of the school year to like 5 a week at the very most, and usually less frequent then that. My going cold turkey did not work as I'd hoped, but it did make me more determined to quit, as my lungs recovered.)

Not writing also makes my mood and overall mental health worse, I find. I'm happiest when I am working on something, building something. Only like two of you are my FB friends, so no one has seen it, but being a Mississippian with a facebook has NOT been fun the last two weeks. The primaries and SCOTUS stuff (if any of you mention it except for apparently the one case about who gets apples when the tree belogns to oen guy and the ground to another I'll murder you) have made my feed a veritable warzone. I've been in full retreat from basically everyone. Going to grab coffee with a fraternity brother of mine is kind of an ordeal for me--I'm forcing myself to do so tonight, feeling like if I don't I'll just... wither away, you know? I've been a wraith for far too long that shies away from light. I've been hiding in plain sight. I find that life is difficult, which is to say that I find it the same as everyone finds it, and I find it hard to hold on to. It's really easy to escape, to put on some Godspeed or Sigur Ros and bury myself in pillows and blankets and warmth and let go until it is time to be up and moving. Time crawls, and I leave it, and I can't keep doing that. I have to be here. Purity of Heart is to will one thing, and if Kierkegaard is right I want to be like the woman he describes in his preface, who makes the embroidery, who decorates the altar but does not wish it to be noticed but to rather converge as all things that rise must. It's hard to describe what I feel or mean. I guess I could start with seeing a friend for coffee and pipe smoking.

I got a new pipe, by the way. Got it from an estate sale, and it's not only beautiful but comfortable in the hand and with a nice big bowl. My Circle K brother cody has laid down his pipe, but one of the other clubs' guys has picked up his own and lo and behold the son of a gun smokes good old periqoue and English blends. A man after mine own heart, you could say. (I prefer English blends to all else, though I like lots of aromatics. But English burns really hot, and while that is great in the colder months, its hellish in summer in Mississippi so I've switched to Virginias and Aromatics.)

I'm hard at work on TNIP, and as progress goes, I may do another oneshot soon.

Lyra Beyond the Walls of Sleep will be on EQD sometime, so be lookign for that if you ain't read it or if you have!

How have you all been out there in the imperfect light?

God bless ya,


Report Cynewulf · 520 views · Story: The Night is Passing ·
Comments ( 13 )

Hope to see my favorite story approver in August. Good luck and goodwill.

Man, I wish I could do something like that. I would totally hit you up on that offer. Once I'm 18, I'll give you a call for the next con.

2249196 I'll be going to Nightmare Nights in Dallas as well~ tho I'll be staying at a friends house

2249163 wooooooooooo

I might be able to go to that. It happens to be in my birth month, I believe. It was in November last year. I hope it is again.

Well, I'm crashing with Alextraza, his rate was much better even if further away. I do intend to get my collective pony on with you during this weekend :rainbowlaugh:

2249515 Heheheh, same thing

Is going to be fantastic. Tempted to invest in some top notch drink again, though not sure if I want another bottle of 18 year Jameson

Author Interviewer

I heard about the suite, but sadly the cut is way outside my budget. :( Hope to see you there (though I'm still not 100% confirmed).

crawfish etouffee

I don't even know what this is, but I need it.

I really wish I could go, but once again, it's definitely not in the cards at all. It's good that you're doing better, though!

Hmm. Potentially, what kind of financial commitment are we talking here?

Author Interviewer

Really, I just care about the crawfish.

Deliver this to me, I demand it!

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