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Here lies the wistful delusions of the sleep addled mind. Actually wait, no, just me.

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what's wrong with this site... · 1:55am Jul 14th, 2014

Seriously. I'm finally in a mood to start reading fimfiction again and so the most logical thing to do is to look at the featured stories to find something really good...
what the hell fimfiction... There isn't a single badass story up there. It's all either smut, jokes, not jokes but nothing that can be considered serious or stories involving humans and ponies.
I miss the first featured box, when it was just three spaces and it was an actual achievement to get up there and good stories were there. Even the smut that was there had storyline better than what I see on a regular basis nowadays.
I just want to read, but I have no more books left that I haven't turned over dozens of times. I can't find anything good online and the only stuff that I do find that's good is in my own Gdocs and I hate that.
or I've already read it over and over again.
I need to get back into writing again... but I don't want to start a new story, but I've lost all drive for everything that's incomplete...

Report Dark0592 · 881 views ·
Comments ( 22 )

Sir_Hat has some decent HiE stories. I'm not very good at describing what about his stories are good, so the best I can do is say that his stories are good.

Edit: Just remembered, I don't like how he writes his drunk people, they all seem about the same, in that once their drunk, they sleep with anything, and tend to use similar vernacular with a preference for obscenities.

It SEEMS to have about a two or so week cycle, where there is one or two good stories and the rest are iffy, then you get about a week where it's reversed. Then its rinse and repeat.

The feature box is limited to what people are writing right now; so when a dry spell hits (like now)...

For times like this, I recommend picking a random reader and browsing their favorites list. Or pick an author that is in your own favorites list and see what they read.

2282208 from what I've observed the featured box uses a formula that prioritizes views and likesx time since approval. Basically what gets somewhat popular very quickly appears there, which in turn gets it more popular even faster. This means that it's influenced by users flooding onto stories quickly. This is how it's been for a long time, but the userbase is a hell of a lot bigger than back then. And it seems that the longer the show goes on the less intelligent the fanbase becomes as a whole... The really intelligent fans and the fans that actually write and read serious stories and fics themselves are lost in the torrent of ugh.
it's not hard at all to abuse what's popular, and what's popular has always been joke stories, Human/Pony stories, bad OC adventures and smut. That's why I stay away from it all.

2282086 Negative. I go on fimfiction every single day to check notifications, and I look at the featured box every day.
I can't remember the last time I saw a story up there that looked truly interesting.
Actually, I do remember it. It was a story inspired by one of mine that turned out to be really friggen good- law abiding pony wrote it. That and backwards through the mirror- THE best story I've read on this site by a landslide. Those were both sometime last year.

2282018 I have mastered the way of the drunk. Sloppy drunken makeout sessions or getting dank under the table by your boss and everything in between.
and I hate anything that involves humans and ponies in one story. With very, very few exceptions.

Have you already read the Austraeoh Series?

It's on book 5 of 12, and already totals over 1.3 million words, the 4 completed ones 200 chapters each.

It also updates every day!

2282443 the first one's been in my read later since chapter one, but I've never gotten around to starting it. The description says absolutely nothing, which is why I haven't. if you wouldn't mind could you give me a very basic idea of how the story goes?

Reply to me to. I'm curious now

Anyways I just looked and I noticed this story, It's a sequel to a pretty badass series, so the feature box does get some from time to time
edit; Oh I have mature off atm, that may be why

2282581 that one's in the featured updates, but I still count it. That wasn't there four hours ago when I looked XD

I would have glanced over it if I wasn't looking for a good story in there TBH


The description put me off for awhile, too. It's one of my favorite stories on the site, now. I'll try to not be too spoilery, but I'll give you a rundown of what's in store.

The story starts out pretty darn vague, and the first few chapters are short. If you make it a few you, you get some action. Action that's really mild to what you get in the later stories.

(I'm doing my best, sorry) Basically, Rainbow is alone, and needs to make it to the opposite side of their plane of existence to do what she does best (be awesome). The further she goes from Equestria, the less happy-go-lucky everything becomes. She plays a major role in changing the lives of ponies, towns, and entire regions while she flies to the edge of the world. (Going East, for a reason I cannot remember)

I'm not doing a very good job describing it, but you get to watch Rainbow grow, change, cry and laugh as she discovers that there's more to herself than coolness and awesomeness.

2282633 it certainly sounds interesting. One day I'll start it and I'll either marathon everything in as few sittings as possible or leave it barely touched forever


The description put me off for awhile, too. It's one of my favorite stories on the site, now. I'll try to not be too spoilery, but I'll give you a rundown of what's in store.
The story starts out pretty darn vague, and the first few chapters are short. If you make it a few you, you get some action. Action that's really mild to what you get in the later stories.
(I'm doing my best, sorry) Basically, Rainbow is alone, and needs to make it to the opposite side of their plane of existence to do what she does best (be awesome). The further she goes from Equestria, the less happy-go-lucky everything becomes. She plays a major role in changing the lives of ponies, towns, and entire regions while she flies to the edge of the world. (Going East, for a reason I cannot remember)
I'm not doing a very good job describing it, but you get to watch Rainbow grow, change, cry and laugh as she discovers that there's more to herself than coolness and awesomeness.

I feel for you there. There's about a 25% chance that I find something worth reading in the feature box. Though there was some really good stories up there about a week or two ago.

If you need some quick quality read there is allways Twilight's Monster granted the one 13k chapter does't do it enough justice but more of this fantastical disturbing world is hopefully coming soon™.

Nice semi-identical avatars

2407677 that simplistic luna over the moon is very popular, I even used it for my children of the night custom cover.

2442873 doesn't really look like my type of story, unfortunately, and I never really understood twixrarity so that's a big subconscious bias. Thanks for the recommend though, if I ever feel the need to explore that pairing I'll start with you

I know what you mean. It's hard to find good stories these days.

It does make Fimfiction more available for lower level people instead of a place for the elite.

Ummm.. hi...um if its not too much trouble can u look at my story? (Go to ze blogs.)

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