• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 28th, 2017


Future USMC Officer.

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  • 515 weeks
    3 Things that Irritate Me About FiMFiction

    Read the title. Expect such for the rest of this blog.

    Keep in mind that I really like this website, and I read something off of here almost every day. I don't sign in much because I read from my iPod, but still, it's a great site. That being said, here are my 3 biggest pet peeves concerning this site.

    1. Original Story? Nah.

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  • 516 weeks
    Thoughts from a Video Game

    During the recent Steam sale, I made the excellent decision to buy Dishonored. I think I got it for 5-7 dollars, and it was the best buy I made this entire sale, hands (hooves) down. The gameplay was amazing, the story was great, and I was sucked in from the first scene. But what really sets this game apart from the rest of the pack is what is shown between the lines.

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  • 519 weeks
    I'll write a story you want me to make!

    Hello all! First off, most of you who will read this will have read my latest story "A Time in the Sand." Once again, thanks for the read. I really appreciate it.

    Before I delve into the contest, this deserves a mention.

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  • 519 weeks

    So last night I published the next chapter in "A Time in the Sand". It got pretty low views and I'm not sure if most of you saw it. Either way, it's there so go read it.

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  • 521 weeks
    New Story Coming Up Soon!

    After finishing this semester of college, (hardest semester so far [with a 3.5 GPA, mind you]) I finally found time for music and writing again.

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3 Things that Irritate Me About FiMFiction · 1:01am Jul 17th, 2014

Read the title. Expect such for the rest of this blog.

Keep in mind that I really like this website, and I read something off of here almost every day. I don't sign in much because I read from my iPod, but still, it's a great site. That being said, here are my 3 biggest pet peeves concerning this site.

1. Original Story? Nah.

Let's go ahead and get my butthurt out of the way. And yes, I'm admitting that this makes me butthurt. I know I'm not the best writer, or even close for that matter. I'd objectively say my writing is acceptable, but nothing ground breaking. Still, I strive to write something other than AppleDash and jerky comedy one-shots. I don't mind either one of those types of stories, but without actually looking up any numbers or polls, I'd say they make up about 50% of the site's stories in total. Okay, maybe a tad less, but not too much. This by itself is fine; the writer can write whatever he pleases. However, it's the attention they get that bothers me. Actually, that's a lie as well. It's the attention other stories don't get that bothers me. We can read our favorite Mane 6 ships all day and night, but when something comes along the line that might have actual character development and plot points, too many people say, "Nah." I get that you can read what you want, but can't we all just branch out once or twice a week? Read something you don't normal read. Try something new. It's good for you. Keep in mind that I know many aren't guilty of this at all, but it's nice to have a reminder every once in a while.

Plus, I needed to get my butthurt over with.

2. Anon

You heard right. Few things irritate me more on this site than the character "Anon." We've all read it, and you all know what I'm talking about. He's (normally) the character that is supposed to represent the reader being in the story. He's the faceless man (who isn't Slender Man), that suddenly bears your own identity when you read the story. Usually he makes a trip to Equestria and falls in love with one of the Mane 6 or Princess Luna.

Except here's the problem: the entire idea of Anon doesn't make sense. See, by writing Anon as a character, therefore having him make certain decisions, you disqualify many of the readers from an identity of Anon. Example: Anon goes to Equestria and finds Fluttershy alone and in need of a hug. (That part is good. You don't have a soul if you don't want to hug Flutters.) Then while hanging out, Fluttershy admits that she likes Anon. Anon replies that he loves her too and wants to go out with her.

See what happened? What if Flutters isn't best pony? What if you wanted to hang out with Twilight instead of Flutters? What if you were correct and wanted to go to the Sweet Apple Acres to hang out with the Apple family? Whatever the writer did to make Anon a good character has just been nuked because Anon represents very few who would feel and act the way he does. Therefore the writer himself has destroyed the whole purpose of using Anon as a character. I'll make a disclaimer here and say that I read one Anon story that was good, but only because 'he' acted like I would have acted in that situation. I also know that Anon isn't always trying to represent the reader in every story. My question is then, "Why not give him a real name?" You know what I would like to see? An Anon story that was about the hacker group Anonymous. I'd read that forreal.

3. FlashLight

"Yeah man, I know right? FlashLight is the worst thing ever!!" Wrong. My complaint with FlashLight is the obscene and absurd amount of hate it receives. It really doesn't even make that much sense either, being that it was halfway canon. So what your ship of Twilight isn't going to be canon? Does that make it okay for you to immediately downvote every FlashLight story ever posted without even reading it?

No. No it does not.

It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, and it's even okay to share that opinion. It's not okay to act like a temper-tantrum-throwing four year old who didn't get his way. I don't even love the shipping, but seriously? Suck it up.

I'll go even further. If the characters for MLP were real, FlashLight would make sense. Smart, intelligent, somewhat shy, pretty girl going for the sport-playing, guitar-wielding, tall, somewhat air-headed, good looking guy? That describes high school in one sentence. If you disagree, you didn't go to high school. I've heard people say that he shouldn't have been so cookie-cutter "cool and jock-ish." I can agree. However, Twilight's character isn't going to go out with just ANY fedora-neckbeard she sees. You might even have to step up your atheism level, I don't know. She would probably be a little picky about it. Jokes aside, I'm not Flash Sentry's cheerleader or anything but I'd like to see him in the show once or twice. I'd even go as far as to say that I'd be perfectly fine with that ship going canon.

Still disagree? Let's try something. Setting: Equestria Girls universe. Twilight meets Flash for the first time. Both too shy to admit feelings. Test is coming up in a class they share. Flash is having trouble in the class, Twilight is the master at the class. Flash will be kicked off of the football team if he doesn't bring up his grade by passing this upcoming test. Because of this, he forces himself to ask Twilight for tutoring. She of course agrees, (and loves every second of it). They go to her house and study. Mid-study, she admits that she likes him; she hopes they might kiss. He admits that she's cute and he'd like to hang out more, but he really needs to study well so he can stay on the team for the playoff game. Understanding what football means to him, she bursts back into action so that she can help him as much as possible. He leaves that night and kisses her on the cheek for her help. Next day, he takes the test. Friday afternoon, he finds out that he got a B on test. That night he plays in the game and gets the game winning play. Guess who is there to celebrate with him in the stands? Twilight Sparkle. His new girlfriend.


Also, if someone makes a fic out of that, I want credit for the idea. IT'S MINE NOW.

That's it. If you want to comment, I'd like to know what is the most irritating things you find in this site, or if you disagree with my list. Have a good day m9, and keep your fedora at 420% euphoria.

Oh, and Mind of a Princess is back under construction. *Hip hip, hooray!*

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