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Spoiler Alert: Generation X, Part 2 · 11:58am Jul 28th, 2014

:twilightblush:: We then get to meet the rest of the team.
:fluttershysad:: Are you going to be okay, Twilight?
:twilightsheepish:: Yes, I think so. There's M, an Arabic girl with great intellect, physical power, and an ego to rival Trixie's, and Mondo, an African-American jock who can absorb the strength of materials he touches. However, the glowing Chamber and Synch, the shapeshifting Husk, and the red-skinned-and-clawed Penance were all too much for the special effects department, so we have two replacements. There's Refrax, a joker with energy-blasting eyes and barely developed X-Ray vision, and Buff not-a-Vampire-Slayer, a blonde girl who is sensitive about her overdeveloped musculature. While having big muscles is the least of your worries as a mutant, I'm pleasantly surprised to see a character designed to discuss teenage girls' low physical self-esteem. Even if the concept is a bit blunt.
:rainbowderp:: The kids don't get along and basically act like Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Score did back in Cloudsdale.
:facehoof:: We also get to see Frost's teaching method, which largely involves insulting Refrax for asking perfectly legitimate questions. Class act, this one. We also get to see Tresh talking with his boss about the woman who humiliated him. Because we apparently weren't smart enough to figure out who he was talking about our selves, they actually flash to Emma while he's talking. Or maybe they just wanted more shots of her in her skimpy nightgown.
:duck:: Back to the kids, who are really excited to get to go into town. And they are REALLY excited, particularly given that the town is possibly smaller than Ponyville. While there, Angelo falls for a pretty blonde, but is hassled by her friends, the worst evil of all: Preppies!

:applejackconfused:: Don't fret; ya didn't stumble inta My Immortal. Anyhoo, Angelo's predicament motivates sympathy from 'is peers, which is odd since they had no problem bullyin' him earlier. Maybe only mutants 're allowed ta make fun'a mutants?
:rainbowhuh:: Later, Angelo is hacking into the school's computers using the skills he used "running email for the Vadio Loco gangsters." ....that's a thing? Running e-mail for street gangs? Anyway, he uses his mad computer skillz to find a dentist's chair! No, wait, it's the prototype for Frost's dream machine. He goes to the Danger Room-which is less like a battle simulation and more like an agility course-to tell Jubilee, and they both head back to mess around with the chair.
:twilightsheepish:: We then cut to Tresh, where we find out that Even Corporate America Has Standards, as they've let him go for creating something so dangerous. Tresh decides to use his machine to convince his main boss to commit suicide. Now, if Leonardo DiCaprio is to be believed, this should be an incredibly subtle process, requiring him to conceive a detailed plan to suggest to the man that suicide was his own idea....Or we could just tell him to jump off a building, and watch as he does it against his will. That...that works. I...I guess.

:applejackunsure:: Sorry again, Linkara. Anyways, Tresh and Angelo manage ta run inta each other in the dream world, as Angelo is peekin' inta the dreams 'a the blonde he was sweet on. Very creepily, Tresh convinces Angelo ta allow him ta influence the girl's mind ta like Angelo. *shudder* The Fuzz come ta Tresh's home ta arrest 'im for the death 'a his boss, an' unplug 'is gizmo ta take 'im to jail. This would destroy Tresk's soul if'n Angelo hadn't managed ta save 'im, allowin' Tresh ta continue wanderin' the dream world, but leavin' his body a veggie.
:twilightsmile:: Back again to the kids, we see Refrax ask not-a-Vampire-Slayer on a date. Their chemistry in this film is actually rather touching, but I can't help but think that the reason they were paired up was because they were the only characters the TV studio had control over, since neither of them existed in the comics. When all of the kids head to a nearby carnival, the two use it as an excuse to turn it into a date.
:duck:: Which, of course, implies briefly making out. And then bragging about it to Mondo, and mentioning that your X-Ray vision kicked in just as she was necking you, allowing you to see the naked body of the very-self-conscious girl. Just as not-a-Vampire-Slayer manages to walk back up to you.

:pinkiegasp:: Heh-huh-heh-huh. Okay, I'm done laughing now. Angelo also hooks up with the blonde, causing a fight between the team and the Preppies. Frost then decides to expel Mondo since he was the only one of the kids who used his powers in the fight. All the other teens stand up for him, however, forcing Frost to expel all of them. But Banshee convinces her to be be easy them, since this is the first time the teens have stood together as a team. They are, however, all grounded.
Regardless, Angelo decides to sneak out to visit the blonde. Smooth move, Ace. Getting your friends into trouble, then breaking the rules again. He takes her to do a goofy dance in a garden while weird, technicolor lights shine on them. It's that easy to impress human girls? Wow, maybe nightcrawlerfan should try that.

Report nightcrawlerfan · 285 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

It's that easy to impress human girls? Wow, maybe nightcrawlerfan should try that.

... I wasn't aware you were looking to impress anyone.

2322585 I'm not. Try telling the girls that, though.

You know Buff sounds KINDA like she could have been the inspiration for Ultragirl


Wanted to be a super-model, but the fact she's a half Kree mutant, caused her to develop muscle like crazy. Even got Ms. Marvel's old costume once, before Moonstone stole it.

2322740 *jots down idea for future use...somewhere*

And the African-American's name is....Mondo?:applejackconfused:

Wait...that was Mongo......my mistake

2322740 I've heard of her; she sounded kinda interesting, but didn't seem to build up to anything. The big difference between her and Buff is Buff's more the shy, girl next door type.

2323273 Yeah she's only appeared a few times here or there since her introduction, usually drawn a LOT skinnier despite the description of her powers.

2323277 The Ultragirl thingy about her wanting to be a model but then choosing a different job

2323288 Ah, yes, one of the eternal flaws of the modern comic book industry.
2323346 Yeah, the idea definitely has some untapped potential.

2323288 *very casually intergrates that into Milano Mash because why the heck not*:pinkiecrazy:

2323565 That character's essentially an idea blender by this point. :pinkiecrazy:

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