• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Wednesday

PunIntended Consequences

Where there is perfection, there is nowhere to go but down. So aim not for the mountain's pinnacle, but simply for its next handhold.

More Blog Posts14

  • 450 weeks
    I Have a Challenge for You

    Alright, it's 3:36 AM, I have work in three hours, and I just had to do something very awkward and embarrassing for the first (and hopefully last) time in my life. No, it wasn't that. Or that, geez.

    You disgust me.

    I'm kidding, please love me.

    Boy, this is the perfect time to write a blog, wouldn't you say?

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    1 comments · 319 views
  • 508 weeks
    This Profile Unintentionally Left Blank


    Hi there.

    I haven't really... done anything recently. Like... at all. Even though I promised I would. I broke my promise.

    And I'm sorry.

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    0 comments · 358 views
  • 514 weeks
    Real Talk. For Real. No Really. I Mean, Yes Really!

    Hey everyone! I've really been churning these blogs out lately. Seriously, 25% of all my blogs were made in the last week. That's not what I'm here to talk about today, though.

    First, an update for all the new favorites TEAT has received (that's never going to not sound awkward, is it?):


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    6 comments · 429 views
  • 514 weeks
    Thank You!

    Hello to everyone who came here from TEAT (Yes, that really is the abbreviation. I assure you, it was completely by accident.).

    Last night, in the very first hours of this story's existence, something incredible happened. It made the popular stories list!

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    2 comments · 362 views
  • 514 weeks
    The End?

    So I had an idea one day. What if My Little Pony the show ended... but Twilight didn't? What if the world suddenly ceased around her, trapping her in a frozen snapshot of Equestria's final moment? What if she were forced to roam an unmoving landscape for all eternity?

    ...What if she decided to have a little fun with it?

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    0 comments · 431 views

Real Talk. For Real. No Really. I Mean, Yes Really! · 9:50pm Jul 29th, 2014

Hey everyone! I've really been churning these blogs out lately. Seriously, 25% of all my blogs were made in the last week. That's not what I'm here to talk about today, though.

First, an update for all the new favorites TEAT has received (that's never going to not sound awkward, is it?):





Endless Madness


Thank you all, and welcome!

Next up on the list of announcements, BronyCon! Yes, that thing that happens in a couple of days and everyone keeps talking about. Just thinking of the number of blogs that will have some sort of BronyCon mention in the coming week is frightening.

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Unfortunately for me, I will not be attending personally, but I will be there in another way. My friend and fellow writer Admiral Biscuit will be attending, and he'll be wearing a certain shirt... with a certain Neightionwide logo stamped across it! The icon I now use was once a simple design I threw together for one of his stories, and he's decided to drape it across his chest for a while and strut about like he's owning the place in my stead (that joke made more sense in my head, I swear).

Thirdly and finally is the story itself.

"The End, And Then..." is very much akin to a miscarried child of my wild (and sometimes over-enthusiastic) imagination. Case and point, that last sentence. Honestly, why the heck do you guys like it so much? It's more than twice as popular as my second most popular (and long-since canceled, might I add) story, and three times as popular as the story I was hoping would become popular. Granted, I haven't updated that story in a while and it only has one chapter, but TEAT made it to popular stories in less than four hours. Thank you, really, but... why?

I really would like to know what makes it so good. Am I really just that much better at writing comedy? Is it a fluke? Is it how often I update/how much of the story is actually there? Or some other reason?

I would really appreciate it if some of you guys/gals/others (hey, it's the internet, you could be Dionysus and nobody would know) could let me know what made you click that star.

(In case you hadn't noticed, I really like Goldengrape! XD)

P.S. I kinda wish there was a way to save blogs to post later.

P.P.S. Oh yeah, I'm also working on the next chapter of TEAT, which I'm hoping to publish tomorrow.

Comments ( 6 )

Admiral Biscuit will be attending, and he'll be wearing a certain shirt... with a certain Neightionwide logo stamped across it!

I hope . . . I haven't gotten it from the shirt shop yet, but they assure me it'll be done tomorrow.

First, an update for all the new favorites TEAT has received (that's never going to not sound awkward, is it?):

In these days of text messaging, leet speak, and TLAs, perhaps it would be wise to carefully consider short names for stories before giving them their full name (OPP's not so bad, but CSI has certain baggage).

The other option, of course, is to just embrace the story's acronym, and wait hopefully for the first hapless reader who comments that "for a story named TEAT, I expected more boobs."

it'll be done tomorrow

Ah man, I hope so! Either way, you gotta take a picture!


Eh, whatever. I figured since it has a comedy tag, a slightly comedic name is a given. :pinkiehappy:

Let's see... yet another Daring Do ripoff has a quirky life while somehow saving the world. Actually asks "what do we do now?"

Confused letters about some sad sack.

One Shots.

Police report.

Yeah I think it's clear why The End And Then is more popular.


yet another Daring Do ripoff has a quirky life while somehow saving the world.

Agreed. Yeah, that was pretty bad. Granted, I hadn't written anything substantial for literally years before that.

Confused letters about some sad sack.

Disagreed. Don't you dare diss Goldengrape, sir/madam! Also, Gilded Wine is far from complete, and I'm writing it in a particular style for a reason. The rest of the story is not letters. I really should update that...

One Shots.

Neutral, I guess? What's wrong with one-shots? :pinkiesad2:

Police report.

5000% agreed. Horror definitely isn't my thing. :pinkiesick:

Thanks for all of that, but I wasn't really asking for critiques of those stories. It's pretty apparent what I did wrong and right on those. What about this story do you like (other than it being a much more original idea and natural improvement in my style, that is)? What did you not care for?


Ah man, I hope so! Either way, you gotta take a picture!

It is and I will try to remember!


About this story, I like the pragmatic way Twilight is dealing with reality itself crumbling around her, as well as her continuing struggles not just to reboot the world but simply to make sense of things. The narrator becoming a character was also pulled off better than I thought it could have been done. 7/10 would have tea w/ a purple princess

I'm of the opinion that one-shots should be separate stories, since we cannot filter them by story summary as they all share one summary. But more importantly since 99.9999% of all one-shots are stories that weren't worth writing a second chapter for, I usually pass them by automatically on the assumption that they won't be worth reading either. I'm sure I miss a lot, but there's just no way I can deal with reviewing each and every chapter of every story independently. I think others may share the same problem, and thus one-shots don't get the recognition they otherwise would.

As for Gilded Wine...

What do you do when the world is against you?
The loner never gets the girl.
I don't care anymore. I'm so bored...
You'll never read this anyway,
Please, I will beg if I have to—don’t tell anypony about those messages...
I should probably go stop the bleeding now... bye.

cry moar fgt :twistnerd:

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