• Member Since 14th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2023



More Blog Posts73

  • 372 weeks

    I really want to get re-involved into this community so baaaaaadly.
    It's been years!

    edit: it' 2019 now.....fuuuuuuuuuu-

    0 comments · 375 views
  • 448 weeks
    Real Busy for this whole time

    I've been doing a lot of stuff lately, I can see why people say they're busy all the time. I'm doing some stuff in DA as I'm enduring High School.
    Had some depressing moments here and there but I managed. I'm rather neutral now, just tired from doing all-nighters with studying and art commissions.

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    0 comments · 341 views
  • 457 weeks
    Yay, I'm now called Oniichan

    Since I haven't updated in such a long time in anything, and this like a great excuse to at least do something here.

    Most of my activity has been done in DeviantArt, you can find me as the one and only MeowMadness.

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    0 comments · 279 views
  • 478 weeks
    Reactions to Latest MLP episodes so far

    Cutie Map pt 1: oh....Auswitch
    Cutie Map pt2: Nevermind, welcome to North Korea

    Castle Sweet Castle: you fucked up the tree

    Bloom and Gloom: Confusion...

    Tanks for the Memories: scream and shout then cry.

    0 comments · 301 views
  • 482 weeks
    Another Toll

    Death#6: Keshon Brooks. A fellow freshmen who got repeatedly stabbed and died near my old middle school. Never knew as much but it caused huge things to happen at high school.

    0 comments · 324 views

List of Fandoms I'm part of....(listed from oldest to most recent) · 1:14am Aug 22nd, 2014

Aliens (xenomorph): the first ever fandom I've ever been part of since I was seven.

Star Wars:

Mario: One of the best fandoms to be in.

Godzilla: Another fandom that I highly love.

Furry: An interesting bunch...

Whovian: ^ ^ waiting for season 8.

Brony: I wuv this fandom with my whole life :3 !!!

But in all seriousness, that picture is an accurate statement. So true...

Report SIR OM NOM NOM · 765 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Shit. Bronies don't even know the definition of virginity.

I haven't seen that brony picture in years. :rainbowderp:

Star Wars is my oldest... been a fan since I was a wee lad with my dad's 30th anniversary VHSs

Me too, but I joined the Aliens fandom at the same time.

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