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Equestrian Wasteland Games · 8:05pm Aug 25th, 2014

art by Dileak


We've had three years of roleplaying in the Equestrian Wasteland. :yay: There are at least half a dozen roleplaying systems that have been developed based on Fallout: Equestria, and probably hundreds of gaming groups across the world have been playing out your own stories with friends and fellow enthusiasts. At least one group has even put there sessions online for others to enjoy.


I'm dedicating this blog to all of those Fallout: Equestria gaming groups out there. I'd like you to share a few of your roleplaying experiences with the rest of us!

art by Icekatze

As for me, I've already shared several stories and tidbits from the campaigns that I have run, including the Fallout: Beyond Equestria group's visit to the Crystal Empire. So instead, I'm going to share some more songs by my first Fo:E roleplaying character, Little Gloom. First mentioned in my blog Music of the Wasteland, Little Gloom was the character whom I created for a game run by Sunrise, playtesting a system of his creation which became the foundation edition of the game system used by most Fallout: Equestria games that I am aware of (including the game that I am running myself). Sunrise's game was the first game run by the Fallout Equestria Resource community, possibly one of the very first long-running Fallout: Equestria games to be played. The picture below shows the cast of the game.

I can't remember the original artist. Can anyone help?

A central element of the game was that the characters gained control of a couple wartime blimps that they took over during a struggle against Equestrian military ghouls who thought they were still fighting the war. Little Gloom had one of the airships painted with zebra stripes, christened it the Zanzebra, and nominated Cloud Dancer, the pegasus who adopted her, as admiral of the fleet.

"Admiral Cloud Dancer"
by Little Gloom
to the tune of "Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat" by Andrew Lloyd Webber

"Cloud Dancer the pegasus, the mare of the Zanzebra!"

"When we're all done for the day and it's time to sail away,
"And the sky ship's ready to depart,
"Though we'll soon take to the sky like the noble pegasi,
"Without the Admiral our trip can't start"

"With 'have you seen you-know-who?' and a 'featherbrain' or two,
"We'd each search about all worried to a one!
"But then Cloud_Dancer appears, her smile banishing our fears.
"She'd been hunting 'round for something fun!"

"Then with just one wave of her silvery tail, and a giggle bright and pure,
"We'd be off at last in the Zanzebra to our newest adventure!"

"Cloud Dancer the pegasus, the mare of the Zanzebra!"

"You could say that by in large it is she who is in charge. She's our fearless admiral!
"(Though to Enclave and the Verge, who fear griffins and spiders, you could say she's a bit of a troll.)"

"Fiercely loyal to her friends, with a cheer that never ends,
"And childlike wonder that will keep us going strong."
"She's a Dashite through-and-through, and this praise is overdue,
"For with Cloud Dancer we never can go wrong!"

"The most trustworthy of the pegasi, and a genius, by in large.
"So all was happy on the Zanzebra when Cloud Dancer was in charge!"

"Cloud Dancer the pegasus, the mare of the Zanzebra!"

Little Gloom shared Pinkie Pie's love of breaking into song, and her song parodies were generally created on the spot, tailored to whatever the group was doing. Occasionally, that meant a song was never finished, as situations could change abruptly. For example, one session saw the group trying to dock near a mountain cave, only to be assaulted by deadly "plant zombies" -- corpses controlled by plants. With no way to affect the attackers, Little Gloom decided to take the role of a bard and try to boost the party's morale and fervor with song:

"Plant Zombies!"
by Little Gloom
to the tune of "Plants vs Zombies" by Laura Shigihara

"There are zombies on the hill!
"We found zombies on our trip.
"They're plant zombies we must kill.
"Don't want no zombies on our ship!"

"You're just not right: plants should stay still!
"You want to fill us full of chlorophyll.
"And then make us dead
"So we're just zombie plants too"

"I'm just a little zebra but see me laugh at the ghoulies and the ghosties…"

And that was it. The battle was over, and our side victorious, before Little Gloom could even finish the first verse.

Sunrise's game concluded years ago, but I've had the pleasure of being in several other amazing Fallout: Equestria groups. The picture just after the break was the original group picture for the characters in "Blue Group", the roleplaying group that Icekatze has been running amazing adventures for using Icekatze's own impressive system. The campaign is several years old, and the cast has been through a few changes. Here is a more recent group picture:

art by Icekatze

Below is Artifica, my character in uSea's ongoing game, along with her adopted daughter Berry. Artifica is the party mother, medic and heavy gunner. As a unicorn, her spell repertoire consists mostly of short-lived weapon enchantments, spells developed by the Ministry of Magic in an attempt to mimic spirit-infused zebra weapons (like the rifle found by Littlepip). Berry, played by mimezinga (author of Pink Eyes), is a winged donkey child who was once a fearsome hellhound warrior named Cerberus... until falling victim to killing joke. (The transformation centered around a comment about "when donkeys fly".) Together, they and their friends are trying to stop an ancient doomsday weapon and a spiritual invasion that has swallowed a town.

art by Solis and mimezinga

How about you? Story sharing time. Let's hear about some of the adventuring parties that you have enjoyed being part of, and the adventures you have had together in the Equestrian Wasteland!

art by Mistermech

Report Kkat · 2,316 views · Story: Fallout: Equestria ·
Comments ( 43 )

It seems there's a lot of stories to be told in the Equestrian Wasteland.

I sadly haven't found any groups I would like to but can't find em. If someone can get me some links that'd be nice.

Haven't been part of any group, but it is interesting to see all the different character ideas.

I especially like that buffalo one.:pinkiehappy:

One the stories that I posted is an actual RP that I took part in. Here's a link. I played a pegasus named Lightning. I had so much fun taking part.

Also, Kkat. Are you going to take the ALS ice bucket challenge that Penstroke challenged you to; and if so, will you post it in a blog here?

Kkat #5 · Aug 25th, 2014 · · 1 ·


Check out the forums on Fallout Equestria Resource. You might also find a group on this site here. There is also the #FalloutEquestria IRC chat on Canternet.


She's an amazing character! Thunderbird, the buffalo shaman in Blue Group, is the character of Doubleclick, who was one of my editors for Fallout: Equestria.


Unfortunately, no. :applecry: I don't have the equipment to take videos, and I'm afraid I wouldn't put a video of myself on YouTube even if I did. Nor do I have any money to donate to charity right now. (The timing of the challenge is ironic considering my recent blog post.)

Thank you for the link, I'm sure there are a lot of people like myself who would love to play but can't find groups to play with.

Not specifically a Fallout Equestria story but some time ago someone on a skype pony group I'm part of introduced me to a friend of his who liked RP games (but absolutely despised ponies). As my associate had informed him that I can sometimes come up with clever story ideas and settings this guy began demanding that I DM a game solely for him online. I got so annoyed that I acquiesced. After a half dozen sessions I revealed that what he had just played through the first few episodes of MLP with the names and descriptions altered. And he never bothered me again. :rainbowwild:

I haven't really roleplayed much Fo:E. When I did, I took a more background-pony role at Wasted Days, Second Life's best-known Fo:E sim. No-one special - just a mare in her early 20s who's trying to put things together after escaping a life of slavery.

I'm curious if writing Fo:E-related stories, or pony fanfiction in general, is close enough to roleplaying to count.

I gamemastered a FO:E scenario at a small Danish con back in February. It, like the con, was very last-minute and straightforward. The con had been put together when another con was cancelled, and was mostly an excuse for the people involved to meet up and drink in the evening. As such, most of my players were terribly hung over when they showed up at the table Saturday noon, steadying themselves with a couple of shots' worth of Fernet Branca before playing post-apocalyptic ponies. That proved to be a bit of a immersion problem, not surprisingly, and of the five, only one of them was a brony and the rest had their pony knowledge from the eighties.

Yet we had fun. The scenario was written with non-bronies in mind and was a simple "A to B" type story: Starting in medias res, the players were survivors from a slaver raid, rolling towards their fate in a caged wagon. Their angry outbursts at their captors led to nothing but a promise from the slaver Crotch Burster that he would show them his special talent when they camped for the night. As he tried to make good on that, the players escaped, killing some slavers (most important for the players Crotch Burster himself) on their way to freedom. Their journey home took them through a radioactive swamp, where they met bloatsprites and ghouls.

Back at their home village, they were ambushed by raiders who had taken up residence there and killed off the remaining ponies. As the group fled into a barn, they discovered the sole "survivor" from the village: A living and awake filly had been gutted and hung from the ceiling, her free-hanging intestines used as a chandelier. Right there, the brutality of the Equestrian Wasteland hit the players, and in their hung-over state at least one of them moved to throw up. Something else changed: They had had rotten dice luck up until then, being the most incompetent villagers ever captured by slavers, but just when the players started feeling genuinely angry with the raiders, their luck kicked in. The fighters started actually hitting in their vengeful fury, and the Follower of Fluttershy rolled the game's first and only critical succes (1%) when trying to save the filly (whom I was going to kill off when they tried to move her, but kind Teardrop proved that there still was hope in the Wasteland).

With the raiders dead and the sleeping filly in tow, the players moved on to one of them's birthplace, a zebra village nearby, founded by zebra soldiers caught behind enemy lines when the megaspells fell. Now, their descendants kept a low profile, hiding in the mountains and only trading with a select few. The players were welcomed but in the dead of the night, the village was attacked by the very slavers they had escaped from (yes, it HAD been too easy to get away, but what did I tell you about the players rotten dice luck?).
The scenario ended with the pyromaniac, Boom Bloom, rolling a success on her Explosives skill after having build an improvised catapult, pulled out a stick of dynamite, and been told the coordinates of the raiders' ammo cache on the other side of the city walls. :rainbowdetermined2:

Thank you Kkat.

That is amazing, I've been a part of RPs in the past, but I've never done a FOE one, I might try it out in the near future.

Yeaaaah, I don't really do RP, never have in fact.

Kkat, you have an extra "h" in the second to last link in your blog (hhttp), so MisterMech's link won't work.


Apart from panfandom RP (My Little Jamjar has my take on Velvet Remedy and will soon have a Little Pip), I've been thinking about adopting Fo:E to the game Apocalypse World. I have the interest of at least two enthusiasts of both tiny horses and the Fallout games, neither of whom have read Fallout Equestria.

Man wish I could do this kind of stuff, I know a few bronies in person but none of them are interested in your story! :raritydespair:

2400524 Agreed, its one of those things that you want to participate in what sorta inspired you.

2400961 Thanks! Fixed. :twilightblush:

I can say that Kkat runs a very fun game and I love GMing for her and the rest of my group. :twilightsmile:

My first FoE RP was with Mimezinga as GM. It continued on from the end of Pink Eyes and involved our group sailing away to far off lands in search of unmutated Poison Joke. We were sent by Molten Gold, it's actually mentioned in the Pink Eyes afterword.

I played a cheerful young colt named Rose Bud (but everyone called him Buddy) who just wanted to make friends and have adventures. Also to find his dad (who was totally a super cool adventurer and not a traveling merchant and lalalaBuddycan'thearyou).

We had Jackhammer (Doubleclick) our melee zebra pony, Inevitable Cataclysm (Illushia) our unlucky explosives expert, Desert Lightning (AMARDA) our death-defying pegasus, Highcaliber (DoctorBrony) our heavy gunner, and Light Seeker (Wolf5000) our young unicorn who totally developed a crush on Buddy (even after everyone became fillies).

Along the way everyone got turned into girls by a Solaris Gender Bender ray... so at least Buddy's birth name was fitting. We met seaponies and a Bullysaurus Rex and one of us was possessed by Nightmare Noob! (Buddy claims that her weakness was hugs).

It was a lot of fun and I'm super thankful to Mime for running the game.

Here's a picture of Rose Bud (now stuck as a filly) with the group's two original mares, Jackhammer and Inevitable Cataclysm, who adopted Rose Bud during the journey. fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/059/f/2/a_cat_nap_by_unladenseagull-d588b4g.jpg

Edit: AMARDA sent me this picture as well. This is of Desert Lightning from our group with his (then her) cursed rifle: Epic Fail.

I'm the current GM for a small group currently.
And bloody hell.
The drama.

There's been 2 deaths and one emotional event so intense it made the character leave. So basically three 'deaths', as far as I'm concerned.
All caused by the Player Characters rather than anything I throw at them.

First we had Kina, the changeling. She got trapped in a metal mimic as it slowly bound and killed her.
Only to have the process sped up by the party mage sending a half dozen bolts of lightning through the Mimic.
A METAL Mimic.

Then came Amber, the ghoul, who was Kina's Replacement. She, over the course of a month, fell deeply in love with the party Mage, Nihilus, for his occasional acts of heroism and becasue he gave her a Pipbuck. Unfortunately, the feelings were not mutual. Two days later, she'd tried to commit suicide, and had to be restrained with ropes and have her horn snapped off to prevent magical suicide.
She was then dumped off at a town doctor, so she could get mental help, and thus, our second party member was lost.

Third came Biscuit. She grew tired of Nihilus's actions and tried to kill him.
She did not succeed.

And just last night, Amara, the replacement for Amber, nearly killed Nihilus.
I suspect there will be blood between them soon.

Nihilus seems to draw death and confrontation, even when it's love he's dealing with.

Does this normally happen, guys? Are PCs normally this murderous towards other PCs?

Not always, but my group tends to do somethings wildly inappropriately. Like in a zombie campaign one member decided to brutalize an old lady, then carried out a hit on a little girl by first infecting her with the zombie virus, to alleviate the guilt of killing a human, then kicking her off of a roof... for 100 gold. Then, in a different campaign, one member tried to transmute pee into lantern oil. In yet a third we had a really fast character, we will call him Flash Johnson, we found a vault and Flash decided to try and open it, with the intelligence as low as his, he ended up bashing his head against the vault door until he got brain damage... Wait... why am I saying this?

I can vouch that uSea's game has been lots of fun after being in it just over a year now. I don't regret joining a bit.

I think it's one of the strengths of FOE and its setting that it can be so easily expanded upon for the purposes of games like this.

hi hi

While it might not be the easiest way, I can say with some level of assurance, that the most certain way to find a game is to GM one yourself. :raritywink:

I haven't gotten an opportunity to play in a game as a player, although I hope to someday. I did join in some freeform roleplaying for a couple hours over irc as I was learning the ropes. It wasn't exactly an adventure, but Rally did get a chance to speak in rhyme, and artfully dodge the question of why.

As for the adventures I've had as a GM, it is really hard to single out any one moment that I could say is my favorite or most memorable. There are simply way too many to choose from, so we'll do this lateral style.

The Part That Went According To Plan The Most.
Early on in the campaign, episodes 14 to 16, I ran my players through a crazy dream sequence. They didn't know it at first, but they were thrown into the dream by a monster that was feeding on their negative emotions. I had worked really hard to find something inside of the player characters that they would be forced to confront about themselves. The child had to grow up, the peace loving stable dweller had to face her potential for violence, the zebra wanderer had to face himself in a position of authority, the dashite had to face his enclave past, and the half zebra half pony was literally split into two separate characters which came face to face with their other half. The fatal flaw in the creature's dreamscape was trying to make the alicorn face her past as a child of the Goddess, in spite of its best efforts, there was really no way to truly recreate that feeling.

It might not have been my most clever idea, and it might not have been the most enticing plot hook, but it played out smoothly, and none of the important notes were missed. Watching the players figure out how the rules of the dreamworld operated and eventually breaking free was very satisfying.

The Most Gruelling GMing Experience Since That In Nomine Game In 2010.
From Episode 70 all the way to Episode 87, my players decided to split up during a confrontation with a major villain, a purple alicorn that had been exposed to the distilled essence of Killing Joke. Seventeen Episodes where I was GMing at least two different scenes simultaneously, and by necessity of the situation, they had to be run in such a way that one group didn't know what the other group was doing. One of the groups consisted of player characters that were foalnapped and taken to a hidden location, while the other tried to rescue them. Eleven of those episodes ended up in a three way split, when the main group decided to split up again, and send some of the party into the sewers of Baltimare to track down an ID signal on someone's PipBuck. To make matters worse, at least one of the groups was interacting with an NPC faction that spoke in rhymes. (I have no idea what the heck I was thinking, rhymes are hard!) If we hadn't been running the game over irc, I don't know how I would have pulled the double blind part off.

On the plus side, when the eventual resolution did arrive, it was a sight to see. ((And I didn't even have to write year long histories for every random NPC the players met. Thank you, In Nomine...))

The Most Successful Random NPC I've Ever Made.
I have a few very successful NPCs, but the one who wins the prize for showing up out of nowhere and stealing the spotlight is Sugar Lump. She started out as a Raider, part of a small group that attacked the player characters while they were having a standoff with some former members of Red Eye's army. She didn't have much of a character concept at the start of the fight. I knew that she was an ex-slave, that she had been following the player characters for several days already, and that she was using a sledgehammer. Some inklings of a personality manifested during the fight, such as how she reacted to being hit, and how she reacted to her companions being dropped, but I was completely taken by surprise when one of the player characters decided to take her prisoner rather than killing her. I don't even remember the thought process I went through, coming up with her cutie mark, special talent, name, motivations, and backstory, but her past experiences as a slave played a big part. I just knew that my players were interrogating her, and she needed a compelling personality right there on the spot.

I always try to give my NPCs some kind of motivation, some kind of reason for doing things. It doesn't have to be a good reason, it doesn't have to be a justifiable reason, sometimes the reasons are totally insane, or involve something completely random. I tried to make Sugar Lump mean and unfriendly, and I was sure that she was going to get killed by the player characters at some point. That was 101 episodes ago, and she's still alive and kicking.

(Green Sister, a green alicorn, is a close runner up. However, after she joined the party, I came up with some intentional OOC reasons to have her stay, such as using her Telepathy to share memory orbs with the non-unicorns, and translate the zebra language. Not that those matter now that her horn has been cut off.)

Unfortunately, there are some things I can't talk about, because the game is still in progress, and I am really bad about accidentally revealing spoilers.


There's an old saying when it comes to games like this. "There's one in every group." Now, I'm not sure if I would agree with that saying 100%, but from personal experience, I can say that you can find one in many groups. Someone who enjoys messing with the other players.

If it becomes a detriment to people's enjoyment of the game, I would suggest trying to talk it through, out of character, with the players. See if you can get them to reach some sort of understanding.

On the other hand, player conflict doesn't always have to be a detriment to the game, sometimes it can be a feature. I played in a game of Lacuna Part I. The Creation of the Mystery and the Girl from Blue City. once, where the GM passed me a note at the beginning of the game, orders from my boss, that said something along the lines of. "You must convince your team that you are betraying them, but whatever you do, don't actually betray them." That was crazy fun for all.

You can usually tell by listening to your players. If they are grumbling and complaining, then it's probably a problem.

If only I knew a group that did stuff like that. It was hard enough finding a standard DnD group.


Honestly, Most of those aren't his fault. If any.

The Mimic, well, that was a mistake. Mistakes happen. He had to injure the mimic, and it was practically immune to physical damage. So he used magic. He just picked the wrong spell is all.

The unrequited love, well, no. He can't help not loving someone. (This love plot happened between two straight males, interestingly enough. I feel they dodged a bullet in not having to awkwardly sweet talk each other for ages.)

Biscuit, is, honestly the contender for "The One" in every group. She stole, murdered and verbally abused most folks. So, uh, whilst Nihilus was not the most friendly in return, you can hardly blame him.

Amara might have legitimate beef with him, but it's more in character necessity than player hostility. The two characters have been touchy since Amara is a Zebra and she found out Nihilus worshipped Nightmare Moon. What with their whole fear of the stars and all, that went down poorly.
So Amara Hates Nihilus for his worship, and Nihilus hates being harassed for his religious beliefs.

Hmmm, how about for three sessions running in which I participated in I died. Over and over again. That was fun.

2401523 Wouldn't the mimic function as a faraday cage, shielding the player from the lightning?

Well, my most well thought out would have to be Oration, a white unicorn stallion.
Ancestor of Orphic Eloquence, head of PR for the MoAS, he was a resident of Stable 2. The stable was assaulted by Steel Rangers when he was 7, and his parents suffered from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, on such a potent level that they were declared mentally unfit to raise a child. He was relocated to junction town, and grew under his older infertile cousin and her partner. 10 years later, as a convoy led by Calamity pulls into town, he slips out, his more than substantial ego and insufferable curiosity driving him into a beautiful yet harsh wasteland (if you can call it that).
One thing leads to another and eventually after acquiring friends, he's held at searing-megapsell-point by the twilight society after accidentally going through the Tenpony Bypass spell (head of PR, remember) and is required to retrieve a memory orb. He somehow manages to clumsily seduce a travelling merchant who picked it up. The orb shows a utopian glimpse of the past, which inspires him. From then, he decides to collect relics of the past in order to create a picture clear enough for all to know what once was. Gawdyna Grimfeathers appreciates the value of memories, and it isn't hard to persuade her to convert one of shattered hoof's old vaults into "the archives"
and from there, the rest still requires thinking of.

Kkat. in slightly over 600,000 words you've created a universe which I now whole-heartedly love.
Thank you.

2403689 Certainly if you were to create the lightning bolt by putting electrodes on opposite sides of the mimic and applying a large voltage, the mimic would function as a shield. But the lightning bolt spell is magic; there's no real reason it needs to work analogously. Maybe it just directly acts on the electrons to move them in a straight line, in which case nothing would be an effective shield. Maybe it create a line of points where it forces voltages, in which case, assuming at least one of these points falls within the changeling, the changeling would be carrying some but not all of the current. We can't really say what to expect without further research into how the spell behaves.

Well, I wasn't about to name names, and sometimes the torch gets passed back and forth. :raritywink:

If the pony wasn't completely surrounded at the time, there is a chance the metal structure could act like an antenna instead of a faraday cage.

I believe the original implication was that the mimic's metal nature should have been intuitively conductive, based on real world experience. Thus, I don't think it is unreasonable to make the analogy, in this particular case.

2405254 Scientifically speaking (and to within a reversal of polarity), as long as there's a path through the metal to wherever potential is lowest (I'm not sure if that would be the ground or away from the wizard in this case), only a small fraction of the current would go through the changeling even if the coverage wasn't complete, because animals have much higher resistance than metal. It is very likely that the tendency of the metal to carry the current would outweigh its tendency to attract current that would otherwise have passed harmlessly through the air.
That said, I can't be very precise, because I've never measured the resistance of a changeling. I don't know how resistive chitin is, I don't know how thick their exoskeletons are, and most importantly I don't know if their resistance changes when they are transformed or if this changeling was transformed.

Magically speaking, the lightning bolt spell does whatever it pleases, and doesn't have to explain anything to anybody. It cares not for our petty physics. It may even laugh.

Over a thousand years... Most ponies wouldn't be able to understand that sheer number of it, after all, only the Goddess could bear the passage of ages like that. But bear it you had. And now, even with the numbing horror of it all, of knowing nearly everypony you could have cared for is so long dead that the very memory of them is likely gone... Now it will all be worth it. Power, that was what it was all for. The power to kill, and the power to release. Now that power is in your hooves. At long last the Traitor shall pay for Her transgressions against the Goddess. It has taken great sacrifices to reach this point. The loss of your closest friends, and the loss of your very being. Pony no more, you have become an abomination... But soon, it will all be worth it. The Goddess shall be freed, and the Tyrant shall know death at long last...

The old castle is long abandoned, but such was to be expected. The Tyrant likely couldn't stand to stay within the Goddess' seat of power, for it was proof of Her betrayal of the Divine. It is no matter, you were aware of the plans for Betrayer's new city before you left. There She will be cast down, and there She will be judged by the Goddess. And at long last, the Betrayer shall die... A flash of your power is all it takes, and then you are before the Traitor's new city...

Something is wrong... a cloud... a cloud covers the city. The necrotic power of the cloud is something even your eyes have never born witness to... Monstrosities and horrors wander the city and castle, and even the corpses as well as unliving stone and metal seem to be affected by the fell powers of this unnatural cloud. What new crimes has the Betrayer brought upon the innocent now? Then you feel it, so subtle that you missed it in the confusion, but there it is... A sign of the Goddess!

You run through the city, heedless of the monsters and nightmares that prowl it. Those that dare stand between you and the Goddess are easily blasted aside or consumed by dark flames. You're burning through your powers quickly, and the dark energies that shield you from the damnable cloud are beginning to wane. But none of this matters, the Goddess must be found. Even if it is only a trace, it can lead you to Her, and united again with Her most loyal servant, none will be able to stand against Her Divine Will!

You find a grand hall, a throne room, but one decorated not only with the trappings of the Goddess, but of the Betrayer as well? If the Goddess has been freed, why would the Traitor still live? You cast your senses far for a moment, but no hint of the Tyrant can be felt. Did the Goddess chose mercy, and allow the memory of the Traitor to remain? Such a thing made no sense, but his was not to question the will of the Divine. Still, these trappings seemed to be held with the same stan- What... No... No it can't be... NNNNOOO!!!!

You stare at the bones, and the trace of the Goddess ends with them. It is clear they are the bones of a deity. The grand wings and elongated horn could only have come from an Alicorn's corpse... You gaze in horror at the nightmare before you. Your mind comes to the obvious conclusions, but your heart... it screams in grief and sorrow, as if your dark rage could change the reality before you...

You scream and roar, and cast the great spell you had spent centuries to learn and control. Again and again and again you cast, trying to release the Goddess from her prison. Again and again and again... the bones before you echo with a trace of Her Glory.... The great working is taxing, and soon your dark power fails your, reverting you once more to the form of a mere unicorn... the protection your empowered state offered gone, the cloud begins to ravage your body... and the noise calls forth more of the abominations that prowl this cursed grave. Soon they are upon you, but you can no longer scream, only cry in grief... You have failed Her... Claws and fangs tear into your body, and finally things go black.... for a time...

Agony makes you rise, pain coursing through every fiber of your body. It would seem that Death has turned its face from you again. Your form is twisted even further, and in some places you still bear the wounds the nightmares have inflicted upon you. How long it has been, how many times have you fallen in this place, only to rise from Death again and again... Nopony can tell. Wait... something in the air is different. Her echo is gone...

You make your way to the grand throne room, but Her remains are gone.You make your way to the sacred chambers, the room you have since determined to have belonged to Her. The cloud ravages you, but you force yourself onward. Dying, dead, but still unable to enjoy your eternal rest beside Her. You are barely different from the other horror's now. At part of your mind wonders if they too feel the agony of the cloud still, but dismiss the idea. They are mindless, even if they could feel it, they are too far gone to even care. That same part envies them for such blessings...

There you find the body of an Alicorn, but not one which you recognize. You call upon your dark powers, an act you have not done in what seems to be forever. The shadows reveal secrets to you unseen by mortal eyes. This is no child of Divinity, no offspring of the Goddess. You can also feel lingering traces of evil magics. This creature was clearly murdered, though the body is too degraded, whether from time or the cloud, to tell how it was killed. Only thing certain about it is that it has been dead for some time...

Further you investigate, and there you find it. A funeral pyre. And one that does not seem too old. Something has been preserving it. And there you can feel it. Her blessing is in this pyre... You call upon your dark sight again, not willing to disturb the ashes as you did with the corpse of the fake deity...

These... These were Her bones. Someone... Someone came into this hell, and did the very thing you should have done before. They honored the Goddess, and burned Her corporeal remains, allowing the remnants of Her Divine Soul to pass into the heavens. A part of you is shamed for not doing this yourself, but greater still is the desire to know who, and why... Who would dare this nightmare, to perform such a rite? Though you long thought it dead, a flicker of that most terrible feeling courses through your heart... Hope. There are still those that believe in the Goddess, and one of the faithful must have done this great service...

As you look around no sign of another can be found. Did the Faithful One kill the fake deity, and somehow manage to survive to leave this place? Your thoughts are interrupted by an explosion, as a massive quake rips into the castle. Again and again, explosions and surges of magical power echo, and before you can react, pain and a thunderous roar fills your senses, then darkness...

Agony makes you rise anew, pain coursing through every fiber of your body. But something else as well, a dark and terrible rage. As your senses return, you call upon the fell powers you mastered so many ages ago, and burst forth from the darkness. You gaze around. The castle, no, the mountain itself... Gone... Nothing but dust and rubble, which continues to leech away the terrible cloud...

After Goddess only knows how long, you feel purpose and determination fill you once more. Somewhere out there is the Faithful One. The one who sought to right an injustice against Her Glory. They must be found. And somewhere, there is a Defiler. One who destroyed the Goddess' Holy Grave. As your mind clears, you remember that the Betrayer's bones were never found... Did this Defiler work for the Tyrant? It matters not. Both will be found, as will the Faithful One. The Faithful will be granted any reward within your nightmarish power to grant. The Betrayer will die for Her crimes against the Goddess. Whether or not She was responsible for any of what you found in the now destroyed Grave, the Traitor shall be made to answer Her other crimes. And the Defiler...

You look up, and see Her Light shining down upon you. The first time you have felt it in over twelve hundred years. You give a dark smile, wrapping your renewed powers around you. It may not hide what you have become by the accursed Light of Betrayer, but in the darkness none shall be wiser of your true nature. The Defiler shall not know death. Death is a mercy, and the Goddess, blessed Nightmare Moon. She taught you well. Mercy is for the weak...

Return of Shadowmane, Corrupted Magic

Ahh, RP groups get so much more art than stories :derpytongue2: :fluttercry:


We're all working off the assumption I knew that a Faraday Cage was a thing.
I did not.
Perhaps Kina should have lived another day.
But alas, 'twas not to be.
In any case, the player wanted her out anyway. She was not optimised for her roles, and since my group are all power gamers, that is a sin punishable by death.

At least the party never had to buy a coffin.
Or bury it. A sandworm erupted from below and swallowed her and her mimic coffin.
They call me The Satan GM.
They may be onto something.

:twilightsmile: Interesting~

2404450 I had this problem too. Search steam, forums, etc. for "Fallout Equestria Roleplay" and you should find the right people.

At the time, it struck me as a slightly amusing pun. According to my chatlogs, Little Gloom didn't give a reason (and nobody asked for one). As far as I can tell, she picked the name out of her impossibly sized cauldron and chose to use it because of its pun potential.

One of the things i admire from Kkat is that she interacts with her fandom. Not only as a disembodied voice (text) in blog posts but, "assists and advices" on FoE related projects and she even plays with some of her fans.

In any case back on topic, I would love to roleplay in the FoE universe, sadly i am a terrible player, not to mention it is a kinda time consuming hobby. And time is something i usually lack.

Also. Is that a Zebra/Pegasus Hybrid on those fan arts?
Because it looks incredible.

Try this link and snoop around for an open game, read rulesets, etc. I might start up a game soon.

As for my own experiences, the most fun I had was still with my first RP, with Shady_Steps as GM. I played a punch-drunk Pegasus Tribal Named Canter Puncher. He was just a constant source of silly, unfortunate that half the game logs were lost; I would simply link them. But my three favourite moments, from least to greatest, were:
1. When I finally won a lore check, spent an entire turn charging up one uppercut, then practically one-hitted a ponyfied Weeping Angel (doctor who).
2. When I decided that I was now a ninja in a Steel Ranger base, got stuck in a vent, was freed by a scientist, got cybernetic implants, and finally had a moment with this sickly buck in a mirror I didn't initially realize was myself.
3. When I ate poisonous mushrooms and simply started acting all kinds of crazy (Just a lot of great RP back and forth between Canter and Two-Tone, a Zony with a split personality).

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