• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 24th, 2023


More Blog Posts147

  • 504 weeks
    Yā min'na, sore wa shibaraku shite imasu!

    I like playing with Google translate.

    So, how have you all been? I've been doing great. A shame no one wanted to try and finish SP But I guess it's better that way for most of you. But anyway, just wanted to say hi to you all and see how things are going for all of you.

    Also, how many people are in a state of bitter sweetness about Naruto ending in 5 chapters?

    Read More

    12 comments · 1,100 views
  • 508 weeks
    If you like watching Let's Plays and Dark Souls...

    You should watch this person, I think they're interesting and I like watching him play.

    22 comments · 824 views
  • 510 weeks
    Regarding Split Personalities...

    If someone wants to take it over, then send me a Pm. I'm hoping the person that wants too can do it justice and it is unfair that I left it unfinished.

    20 comments · 929 views
  • 510 weeks
    I love you all.

    Just making this blog saying what most of you probably figured out by now, Writing stories has lost all it's amusement to me. So, don't expect me writing anything else. And I won't be finishing SP, either... So to anyone this disappointing, I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me for your sake. You guys really are great people though and I wish you the greatest futures possible. ^_^

    40 comments · 1,085 views
  • 516 weeks
    Well, well, well...

    Time to open the floodgates and unleash havoc upon the world!

    36 comments · 902 views

I love you all. · 8:10am Aug 26th, 2014

Just making this blog saying what most of you probably figured out by now, Writing stories has lost all it's amusement to me. So, don't expect me writing anything else. And I won't be finishing SP, either... So to anyone this disappointing, I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me for your sake. You guys really are great people though and I wish you the greatest futures possible. ^_^

Report ReaperofSouls42 · 1,085 views · Story: Split Personalities ·
Comments ( 40 )

A shame to see you stop writing, but sometimes we got to move on to something else right? It was a pleasure to read your stories, and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do.

well that's sad to hear but its understandable. best of wishes and thx for the stories!

Thank you I love you too! :pinkiehappy:

Damn. You leaving?
Good bye then.

Such a pity.
You will be missed.
Might I sugget you let someone else take over the unfinished fic?

"And I won't be finishing SP, either"
...A part of me just died inside.

Well, I guest I'll just read your story "show stopper" now in memories of how great of a author you are to me.

Damn, whag is it with all the good writers leaving? Your stories arre amazing, and I thank you for the advice given me when I aksed.

Good luck in what ever plans you have for the future.

Please keep what you have made, that would be the only way for us to remember everything you
have ever made.

But if you do choose to delete what you have made, then please allow me to repost them in your honer. That is if its all ok with you.

2402222 Yes, I will be bidding a due here, It was so much fun here though.

2402227 Yeah, I may pop on every blue moon, but for the most part, I'll be off. Good bye, my friend, I enjoyed your blogs very much. ^_^

2402231 I haven't a clue as to who should, I don't see why not though.

2402238 Refer to above your comment and my reply.

2402260 Thank you, my friend, I wish you the best of luck as well. ^_^

2402261 They'll stay, I have no desire to remove them, you may want to DL the story just in case knighty makes a deleting account thing though.

2402282 I will and thank you for all the good storys you have ever made, in case they do get removed for what ever reason.

I will repost them in honer of your wonderful work.

2402288 I appreciate that very much, thank you. ^_^



You got a skype or something to keep in touch?

I have really enjoyed your stories. So i am sad to see you go. But i do appreciate the heads up. Thanks for the fun times and best of luck to you in the future.

2402297 Yeah, I think I have you on my contact list, actually.

2402305 You too, I wish you the best luck.

Typed in reap not long after and noticed you.

I just don't know, man... I... just don't know. :ajsleepy: I go to bed for three hours, then wake up to... this.

... this must be a nightmare... some terrible nightmare that I can wake up from and learn you're okay and that my attempts at Skyping haven't been leading up to a loss of interest in writing... and... yet...

... I'm still typing this comment, expecting some sort of response.


... Hypocrisy meets hope, I suppose.


I'll miss 'ya, man... I'll miss it all... goodnight.

2402282 Make another Blog post, ask for volunteers, check the cosistency of the writers who do volunteer, then pick the one you feel would be best for it.

I'd volunteer myself, but my plain HiE fic, LoHAV fic and now my upcoming Ivory-verse fic are almost to much to keep track of at the moment.

2402340 Hello, my friend. It's been a fun and interesting time with you and with writing in general. I had fun writing with your help and the shenanigans that followed. The excuse that I have for not talking to you is a petty one, but I need to say it because you deserve an answer. I was afraid to tell you I wanted to quit writing all together and I was afraid you were going to try and continue pushing the idea at me to write. And I didn't want that added to the stress of everything else that was and still is in my head. So, I stopped talking and getting on skype and went onto other things like anyone else would do. So, I sincerely apologize to you for what I did and hope you can forgive me for your sake.

Thanks for all the stories you wrote.

2402422 Hm.

Well, from one anime aficionado to another, I can only say this.


You should know by now that when it comes to trying to help you find something to give your life meaning, even if it isn't writing, I consider it an honor to help in any way I can. It's not like I don't edit, still: I mean, yes, editing with you is one of the most amazing experiences I've had with this fandom, but I still have plenty of work, and just talking with 'ya takes my mind off of the more strenuous issues in life.

I mean... you know better than most: I have trouble considering people 'friends'. I prefer the term "associates", heck, there were people in BRONYCON who I called "Associates", but you? I'd be honored, any day, to consider you a friend, because even on some of my worst days, you're there to help me feel better.

... then you just left... and knowing how shallow you think my intentions would have been, had I known why...

... it hurts even more than having lost a friend, entirely... Fffffffuck, I wish I wasn't straight-edge. I was having a hard time falling asleep due to me not seeing your response.

Now that I HAVE... I seriously wish I could just... drink... something, anything to get me drunk and make me forget long enough to fall asleep.

... tl;dr, You're my friend and I support your decisions, even if I may not like them, I have plenty of work, Baka, and being against alcohol reeeeeeeeeally sucks.

Well, I hope you enjoy your free time. It is a shame that you're leaving. But, you've made a lot of people happy with your stories. We'll always love you for those stories. :heart:

No more Split Personalities?! :raritycry: :raritydespair: :fluttercry:

Tis a sad day. I'm gonna miss your stories and blog posts. I hope all the best for you.

I´ll tell you the same thing i says to a friend of mine EVERY TIME he says that he´ll quit from playing EVE On Line:

"See ya in a couple of months."

Happened 4 times already....every time the most he was able to stay away from the game was 6 months, before returning. So, i won´t say good bye. I´ll say: good vacations, see you soon.

What is this really? Are you really gonna leave? I mean you can allways say that you dont want to keep writing, and that is ok.
But are you compleatly leaving the site? And the fandom?

You could stay here, make coments in other fics, help people with their stories, keep making blogs with sexy anthro girls X3 etc.

Why do you have to leave compleatly?

I.....what I am trying to say is. Please dont leave, it will no be the same without you.


God speed good sir, god speed

Thanks for all those R34 blogs you used to do, it really made my porn folder large! safe travels and everyone in North Korea loves you!

Safe tidings and blessings to you
Kim Jong-un, Supreme Leader of North Korea.

It would be easier to forgive, if you had told us sooner. Making us wait all this time, wondering what on earth is going on. So, even though I understand that writing has lost it's entertainment value...trust me...I know...and I understand why you would want to give it up, I am still a little upset that you made us wait so long. So, even though I forgive you for quitting, and I can understand why, I will likely for a while be upset about the time it took for you to tell us.

You are one of my favorite authors, and I have respect for your creative abilities, and I am sorry for being upset. But at the same time, intel would have been nice. I know you did not want to have to break it to us, and that telling us probably hurt. But the longer you put it off, the more it was gonna hurt you, and us.

I express my emotions well with images, so to fully get my point across about my mixed feelings:

DON'T GO!! static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/kyou_kotomi_glomp.jpg

But at the same time:

WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!! i.ytimg.com/vi/PDOZ_hyu7Lo/hqdefault.jpg

Gonna miss you a lot, but I hope that size fifteen boot print stays a while.

One more thing, you finished a good portion of Split Personalities, the next chapter of it, right? So, if you do decide to take that one guy's advice and appoint a successor, give them whatever you have finished, tell them what route you want it to go, so that if we do in any way get a completion, it will be YOUR story, just in someone else's words.

Aw man... Well, best of luck to you, wherever life takes you.

Then fly, old friend. Don't forget to write! :twilightblush:

Well that's...

Fine. Totally fine. Ya can't really force yourself to write, after all. If the inspiration and the desire aren't there, well you just won't be having fun, and you'll never be satisfied with what you put out.

For what it's worth, I've had plenty of fun reading your stories. And plenty of "FUN" reading your stories. And I've always loved chatting with you in the comments and through those handful of messages. You're always so good on responding to stuff, which is really appreciable.

So uh, yeah. Good luck with your next creative outlet, brah. Hugs, kiss kiss, seven Pinkies.

Sorry to hear that. I really love your fics and I'm sad I won't be seeing anymore from you, but I manage. Thanks For the Wonderful stories.

Well, I suppose I figured this might have happened. While it is unfortunate for us readers, I certainly understand that sometimes, the creative spark just dies, or you stop enjoying things you used to. At the very least, I hope that you find a new outlet, or something that drives you. I personally have my videomaking, so perhaps that might be an avenue for you to explore.

On another note, I hope you enjoyed Dark Souls, as I have not heard back from you on that front in a while. Keep on, keeping on! Goodbye, and good luck for the future!

While it is sad to see you stop writing you always were and will be myfavoriteauthor here on FimFiction and I am glad to have had an awesome writer be the first person(hell spawn) to talk to me and inspire me to write one of my own stories soon...(soon{and by soon I mean in a while...a long while }:facehoof:) , And it's totally understandable that you don't want to write anymore...I get it and like I told you before...nothing lasts forever, but hey at least you had a good run. I salute you Reaperofsouls12.:moustache::moustache::moustache: (and I also thought it was funny when you said I made you what you are:rainbowlaugh:)

I'm no Trekkie but know this: "Live long and prosper."

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