• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2014


Author of "Filly Fooling," "Cuddling," and "Spread."

More Blog Posts126

  • 507 weeks
    Final Blog Post

    I said last week that today would be my last day on Fimfiction. The only remaining thing I have left to do is to transfer "Speed" and "A Week in the Life of Princess Twilight Sparkle" to the users who claimed them.

    I won't be checking notifications or my feed during this time. Just want to get this business taken care of so I'll be gone for good.

    Thanks again for all your support.

    7 comments · 986 views
  • 508 weeks
    Stories Up for Adoption!

    First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for supporting my decision to leave the site. And I know they can't read this, but to the person who stopped following me, I understand why you did that, so no hard feelings.

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    4 comments · 633 views
  • 508 weeks

    To some of you, this might seem sudden. To others who have been reading my past couple of blog posts, you know I've been struggling with my identity on this site and my motivation to write for it. Barring some truly extraordinary circumstances, I think it's time for me to say farewell to Fimfiction.

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    29 comments · 1,190 views
  • 509 weeks
    More Milestones Yo.

    Amazing. The third story to reach 500 likes. Very pleased with this. Thank you everyone for giving this story a chance!

    And, more importantly...


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  • 509 weeks

    5 comments · 527 views

Departure · 11:18pm Sep 6th, 2014

To some of you, this might seem sudden. To others who have been reading my past couple of blog posts, you know I've been struggling with my identity on this site and my motivation to write for it. Barring some truly extraordinary circumstances, I think it's time for me to say farewell to Fimfiction.

What does this actually mean? Well, I'm going to stop kidding myself and officially end all of my projects. I won't be writing anymore for the website, because I haven't felt the desire to put in the time and I don't love the show as much as I did when it first premiered.

I will also no longer be checking the site. You won't see any more blog posts or comments from me.

I will not, however, be deleting any of my stories, nor am I done completely with the show. I will still be watching the new episodes probably until the show runs its course, and then I'll be done with ponies for good.

What is there to say? After my over two year stint on this website, I have amassed hundreds of followers who have supported me in all of my projects, and I can't thank you guys enough. We've had our ups and downs, to be sure, but I've really enjoyed this ride and I hope you have as well.

Now, I want to be fair about how I do this and give you guys a chance to say goodbye, if that's what you choose to do. Maybe I'm not important enough to say goodbye to, and that's fine with me. But if you do want to offer me some parting words, let me know in this blog or in a PM. I will give you guys a week to do so, officially signing off from the site on Sunday, September 13. I don't want to vanish from here without giving you a chance to say your piece, and I think this is a sufficient amount of time for you to do so.

Thank you so much for supporting everything I've done, and I wish all of you the best of luck in your endeavors, be they in writing or other aspects of your life.

Report cooopercrisp · 1,190 views ·
Comments ( 29 )

It sucks to see a good writer leaving the site. I won't try to change you're mind but I want to thank you for providing me with some wonderful stories Cooper, and I wish you all the best for your future.:raritywink: :pinkiesad2:

It is sad to see another author go, especially one whose works I have enjoyed so much. I will truly miss you and will cherish the stories that you have brought. There were some that I would have found interesting to see a sequel to when you mentioned them, but the endings to the story were well enough to end on as well. I wish you luck in your future plans and hope that you can find more enjoyment among other things. Take care of yourself and never back down from anything, no matter what anyone tells you.

I will miss you on the site, but at least I still have you on skype. :heart:

Have you considered placing the stories that have not been completed up for adoption, so that maybe they might be continued and completed?

Sorry, to see you go. I wish you well in whatever you choose to do.

If you're doing this to help yourself, get away from the things distracting you from succeeding in life, then I'm most happy for you. Sucks I've only discovered your stories not long ago, but I respect that things happen. This is likely my final month on Fimfic so I'm sorta just enjoying what I got left, though I do hope to have a place before my time is up, moving to another state and away from everyone I know will be a huge leap. But hopefully it'll lead me to newer opportunities and better jobs.

There is no crime however to just doing things on your own time and writing what you love to write. One or two clops won't define you as a person. We're only human and writing clop doesn't have to mean you like the stuff.

I don't know. I respect you at least. I myself don't really enjoy the show, the fandom is whatever it wants to be I don't attach myself to it much, I mostly just enjoy sharing ideas and reading stories when I get the chance. You have all the right to stop watching the show and still come around and drop whatever fancies your writing needs.

I do hope you go on to finding whatever else makes you happy. I for one will miss your stories and miss getting to know you more.

Ciao. Stay safe and do what you must to stay afloat in this overpopulated and economic nightmare we all live in. One day you're at the top, the next you're nothing. All in the blink of an eye.

So, do you. :eeyup:

Thanks for the well wishes, guys.

2433159 2433173 2433242 Thank you for the support. It's nice to know there are people looking out for me here, and the community is one of the harder parts about leaving.

2433216 Yeah, man. I left the TL chat group (wasn't paying any attention to it anyway), but any time you want to talk, feel free. It's been great getting to know you. <3

2433222 That's an interesting idea, but I don't know where to begin to advertise that kind of adaptation. I also wouldn't be around to see the final product, but at this point it would make sense to let these unfinished works be seen through to the end. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

2433259 I want to write original stories, because I think I'm done with fanfiction entirely, not just the work on this site. It's a matter of coming up with convincing characters, something that fanfiction provides you with automatically. But I think given a good idea and some inspiration I could create something great, if not publishable, at least good enough to post online. We'll see where it goes.

2433492 Sounds wonderful. Do post a link if you ever write anything you feel worth promoting!

2433492 Make a blog for each unfinished fic, tagging that fic so all those who have favorited it can see, and maybe some will take up the story for adoption.
If someone does decide to adopt, then you and the person adopting would contact a moderator, and he will make the swap.

Also, you can make a post about the fics in various groups, to see if any would be interested.

You've been cool with me. I haven't forgotten that you tried to get "Equus Mortis" onto Twilight's Library. (It didn't get in, but oh, well.) That was awesome of you to try, however.

It's a shame you don't feel a kinship with this fandom the way I do. (My stories wouldn't have existed without this fandom, after all.) I do hope that you don't stop writing altogether. You are young and have more opportunities than a middle-aged duffer (with heart trouble) like me has :pinkiesad2:

I hope that you find happiness somewhere, if not in this fandom. Take care, Coop.:rainbowkiss:

2433527 I'll see what I can do.

2433546 That makes sense. I'll probably do the relevant blog posts tomorrow. Thanks. :pinkiehappy:

2433564 It feels like I've outgrown this website. When I started, I was pretty immature and had puerile views of sex that fit perfectly with this website. Now I just find clop immature, and when it shows up in the feature box constantly it really discourages me. That's just one of the reasons I'm shipping out.

Thanks for the well wishes again everyone!

I remember a long time ago, I had been browsing the site. It was a rather slow day for stories, if I recall correctly, and I was poking through the featured box for something to read. And then I saw Spread.

I was hooked. Spread was one of those stories where, every time it updated, I dropped everything I was doing to go read it. To this day it still remains one of my favorite stories on the site, and it'll stay that way for a long time.

I guess that I just wanted to say that you kinda made a difference in my life. I mean, I was struggling with writing back then. I was... lost, if you will. Trying to make sense of the whole writing/brony/fandom thing, debating if I wanted to stay or go. It was certainly a rough time, and I considered dropping the whole thing together.

Reading Spread, though... I dunno. It made me feel like, "This is what I want to do. I want to write something good like this, something I can be proud of." So I kept going. And I'd say I'm pretty happy now, all things considered.

So, thanks, cooopercrisp. It's sad to see you go, but I wish you well on wherever life takes you.

Well, If you must, I can do nothing but wish you the best in your future endeavors. The occasional pop back into this site wouldn't be bad, especially for those of us who are fans of your writing for its other merits not just it's clop. If you plan on pursuing other writing projects beyond FiM, many of us would like to be able to follow you on those as well, please.

And I do agree, the plethora of senseless clop in 'the box' is ... :facehoof:.

Bon Chance et bon vie, mon ami. :twilightsmile:


It's sad to watch you go. But it's your decision. Thank you for your stories and I wish you good luck and the best for your future. :pinkiehappy:

what is left to say but 'thank you for all the hard work you put into your works and take care'?

we all should move on at some point, congrats to you for making it there (even though you will be missed) :twilightsmile:

You'll definitely be missed and I appreciated you giving us the heads up and especially for not deleting your works.

I'm glad you've figured out what will make you happy and I hope any future paths lead you to happiness.

Cuddling's first chapter was published 5th Nov 2012, and a real life cuddling-based therapy service was established about the same time, in fact the first YouTube clip I found was dated Nov 9, 2012. Is The Snuggery stealing your idea? Was it the same idea channeled by two people from a higher plane of existence? Would anyone care? You decide, America!

... that said:
1. If you want some proper art for any of the stories you did, let me know.
2. If you want some help with feeling comfortable with yourself then send me a PM and I can hook you up with some. (Fully funded, 'natch.)
3 If you were ever in doubt, I think you're going to write some awesome original fiction.
4. Reading Cuddling was one of the most rewarding experiences I've had on this site so far.

PM me for my Skype details if you just want to talk.

Farewell, dear Cooopercrisp. It's been fun.

2433758 I had no idea the story touched you like that. That's amazing to here, and is just a reminder of the wonderful support of others in this community. :heart:

2433807 Yeah, I think I'll pop in once in a while to update you on future writing projects. Could maybe try to make something for fictionpress, but I want to see what other sites exist for original stories first. I'll definitely keep you guys posted though, that's a good idea. Thanks.

2434373 I appreciate that. Thank you.

2434380 That's a good point. Everyone does have to move on at some point. I guess my time just came, and honestly it feels like the right decision. I'm just glad everyone's supportive of my decision, so thank you.

2434724 SmutAnon was one of the writers who deleted everything, and I knew when I saw that that I did not want to leave that way. It's not like me to get rid of old work.

2435059 You don't have to go through all that effort to make art for stories already completed, and I can't really afford to offer a commission, but I appreciate the gesture. Also glad to see you enjoyed "Cuddling," it's my personal favorite as well.

2435375 Thanks, Rei. :pinkiehappy:


2436049 You're welcome :twilightsmile:

Uh, everything I offered was fully funded. (Viva tax returns and dodgey accountancy tricks! ><) so if you want that art at no expense, let me know.

2438178 If you want to do something, that's great. If not, that's fine too. The stories I would like art for would be the big three (Filly Fooling, Cuddling, and Spread). That would make me more than satisfied, and I'll credit you in the description of course.

Really appreciate the offer. Thanks again.

2439754 Done, though I'd rather the credit go to the artist... it's religious.

2440268 Oh, I assumed you were the artist! I will credit whoever the artist is, that's what I meant.

I'm sad to see you go. Take care.

2440625 Good news! I pumped my contacts list and got no shortage of responses, so here's who got in first and for what:
Rat Of Drawn is doing "Cuddling".
Dark Flame 75 is doing "The Spread".
Fox In Shadow is doing "Filly Fooling".

You can check their work out on Deviant Art and PLEASE send them a message if you want to either review the drafts or place restrictions on what they can put in the work since I've told them to sell the concept from the description.

Hope this is a fitting tribute to your work mate.

2442693 Thank you so much! I'll send them messages later today.

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