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Spoiler Alert: Batman Assault on Arkham, Part 3 · 11:52pm Sep 6th, 2014

:twilightsheepish:: While there, Harley runs into the Joker, steals a guard's gun, and shoots into Joker's cell without hitting him. This may be important later.
She also tells him that she's with Deadshot now. This, also, may be important later.
:duck:: When the team is almost caught by a guard, Harley Quinn strips half-naked to catch him by surprise. But, considering he was already caught by surprise when seeing Harley Quinn running free, it makes this use of nudity....

:applejackunsure:: Hey, at least this time we admitted ta usin' Linkara's gags. The Squad then take o'er the security room an' feed the security cams outdated footage, keeping the security, Batman, an' Waller unaware 'a what they're doin'.
They then try ta take o'er the confiscated property room. They try, unsuccessfully, ta do it covertly, but ya have ta wonder. How much easier would it'a been if'n they'd just stole a few guard uniforms an' walked right in?
:twilightsmile:: We then cut to Batman, who remotely watches Arkham's footage. He realizes that it's been rewired by noticing that the wrong security guards are on duty.
That's right, Batman memorized who works when at Arkham. There's a reason TV Tropes dedicated a whole page to how Crazy Prepared Batman is.
The Squad reaches the property room and steals the data. Meanwhile, Harley finds her old mallet and is treated rather harshly by Deadshot. That poor girl just doesn't stop making bad relationship decisions, does she?

:rainbowderp:: Oh, but now Batman shows up! And he does REMARKABLY well against them. I mean, yeah, I know it's Batman, but this is a team of villains who were hand-picked by Amanda Waller, and one of them already showed herself pretty capable of going after Batman one-on-one. I kinda expected them to do a little better.
Anyway, the room collapses during the fight and Batman seems to get caught in the rubble. However, the Squad finds out that the data they picked up is a fake, and go to confront Riddler in his cell.
:twilightangry2:: We then cut to Joker in his cell, where he discovers that one of Harley's shots at him revealed wiring that allows him to open up his cell. That's right, no one even bothered to check the cell, JOKER's cell, after the incident. No wonder he never has any problems getting out!
The Squad reaches Riddler, who tells them that he can remove their kill-switches in the medical bay. They split up and head there, all the while lying to Waller over their intercoms. You'd really think she'd use their GPS units to figure out that they're lying, but I'm beginning to realize that this woman has not earned the name Amanda Waller.
:ajbemused:: The Squad heads ta the Medical Center, where Riddler manages ta remove Deadshot's, Harley's, Boomerang's, an' Frost's kill-switches. Unfortunately, Waller FINALLY figures out what's goin' on an' activates the bombs. This kills Shark, removin' the character from the film fer no good reason, but Black Spider seems ta be fine. The Squad then realize that the man in Spider's suit must really be Batman. Which, 'a course, means Black Spider got his head blown off after gettin' trapped in the confiscated property room. So chock up another interestin' character killed off like so much chopped liver. Oy.
:facehoof:: I also LOVE how they treat Batman's trick like it's some great revelation. Yes, no one saw that little switch-a-roo coming a good 10 minutes back.
Joker then rushes into the room, firing off his gun and yelling, "I'm here, @#%$^es!"
:pinkiecrazy:: Well, he does know how to make an entrance. Also, kudos to the film for keeping Batman vs Joker to a minimum. It really would've distracted from the film's main characters, which are the Squad.
Harley, however, switches sides back to the Joker, giving him her mallet. No, that's not a euphemism; keep your heads out of the gutter! Actually, her mallet has the dirty bomb in it! Which also isn't a euphemism!
:twilightoops:: Okay, I did not see that plot twist coming. Joker and Harley retreat, while the other surviving members of the Squad try to escape this fiasco. My sentiments exactly.
The Joker then sets the inmates free, complicating both Batman's plan to stop him and the Squad's plan to escape.

Report nightcrawlerfan · 193 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

i notice you forgot to mention that sex scene....

2433802 The one with Harley Quinn and Deadshot? That was in the last part.

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