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Why Am I Crying: Which Arc Do You Like Best? · 1:42am Sep 24th, 2014

Out of all three arcs: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, which do you like best and why? I'm curious.

Report Rated Ponystar · 428 views · Story: Why Am I Crying? ·
Comments ( 21 )

Apple Bloom's. I just think the way it develops Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich's background was done pretty well, and the way Apple Bloom blamed herself made it much more of an impact.

I'll agree with Herrpface, Apple Bloom has the best arc. But I love all three of them.

Apple Bloom's. Anything that nearly makes me cry is damn good.

Usually it's SB that gets to me in CMC stories, but you've definitely won me over with the AB so far.

Scootaloo i think, I relate a bit more to her story and way of thinking a bit more than the others. Apple bloom next the apple bloom diamond tiara relation ship brings a powerful suspension of disbelief that in two or three years no one would have mentions that they used to be friends. the Sweetie Belle ark is just a bit thick for me but still enjoyable.

Apple Bloom, I know each Crusader is a different facet to approaching and dealing with sudden loss and I do enjoy all three. Scootaloo's anger is both easy and difficult to understand as she's dealing with a hated rival which can make it more difficult to sympathize with her views but it does make for interesting conflict especially internal conflict. Sweetie's sadness and confusion is probably the easiest to understand and relate to but it was probably tied with Scootaloo's arc. While Apple Bloom's guilt is not always the easiest to relate with, but the backstories you've built helps to understand who Diamond Tiara was, better. It becomes more of the loss of a once close friend in more ways than one towards the end of Apple Bloom's arc and that is something that we can understand and relate to.

They both make me cry, so it's hard to tell.

I think they're all fine, taken together they provide full context.

Personally I've been most interested in the Apple Bloom arc with learning about her and Diamond's history.

Im intrested in applebloom and scootaloos

Wow, tough question. Anxious to see how the other arcs wrap up, but Apple Bloom's was heart wrenching and my fav so far. :applecry: Having been in a situation years ago where I wrongly sided with one friend over another I can identify a bit with her (tho my situation was pretty minor and worked out fine in the end for all of us). Scootaloo's story is fascinating with all the conflicted feelings she's experienced, esp where Silver Spoon is concerned. And I think you've done a marvelous job capturing Sweetie Belle and what I would expect from her in such a situation. Plus when I was really young I went thru a time being terrified of being buried alive - not quite the same thing but close enough to relate.

Regardless, I think you've done a fantastic job with this story and I've really enjoyed all the arcs! Easily one of the best I've read. :twilightsmile:

It may just be because it's the freshest in my mind, but Applebloom's was especially poignant to me. The only thing that makes a loss worse is the idea that it's your fault. And the fact that Applebloom not only blamed herself for Diamond's death, but for the direction she ended up taking in life once she remembered that they used to be best friends just... that hurt. :applecry:

Well...Scootaloo's arc is my personal favorite. There's a lot of interesting material to cover with Scootaloo having to deal with the whole taboo against speaking poorly of the dead, even as she points out that the fact that DT is dead does not make all the crap she pulled just vanish into the ether. Nor does the fact that there might have been more to Diamond than just her bullying ways. It draws a lot of interest from the suspension of a conflict that will, thanks to Diamond's death, never be resolved.

Apple Bloom's arc comes in second, with Bloom investigating her own actions and how they might have prodded Diamond along the path to being a bully. I also like the exploration of the relationship between the Apples and the Riches and how the connection between the two families influenced both Bloom and Diamond.

Sweetie Belle's arc is the least interesting (but still pretty interesting overall). It's not as interesting to me for the same reason that it probably is interesting to a lot of other readers, namely that it's the one conflict in the story that pretty much everyone who's read it can relate to on a personal level. I've never been bullied like Scootaloo and I've certainly never gone through an experience like what AB is going through. But Sweetie's issue is something that everybody has been through at one point or another, that moment where you realize that nothing and nobody lasts forever, that death will ultimately come for us all and there's nothing you can do about it. Everybody's been through this at some point. Everybody's dealt with it at some point. So, for me at least, Sweetie's conflict as something of a "been there, done that" vibe.

1.) AB, the use of Diamond's Diary and the development of the lost history between the two ponies was top notch. It allowed Di to become a real understandable character in retrospective. It also made the guilt felt by AB to be very workable in a Sword of Damocles style because of 'the wish'. Good job.

2.) Scoots, very well done as well. Scoots arc let the reader explore the 'Why should anyone care about Diamond' aspect of things. After all, who mourns a villain? Yet everyone mourns a child. A well done arc that really knocks things for a loop when past events and character evolutions are brought in to play. As much as Scoots wants things to be set in stone, they can't be.

3.) Sweetie's arc was a general glue to the three, the most emotional of the three characters but the most generalized perspective, 'what is death'. A completely valid arc and question, but its breath makes it the least poignant. Still very well done in and of itself.

I love all of them but I like Sweetie Belle's arc the best as it's the one I can relate to the most.

Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle because it is so friendly and good that despite everything he did diamond Tiara forgives him and feel sad for her. His tenderness blind and makes difficult to understand death.

In order

Apple Bloom: most developed, interesting backstory

Sweetie Belle: because existential crises never get old

Scootaloo: her argument is valid, but it's just not interesting to me.

Scootaloo:scootangel:: I sympathize with her the most. She also seems to get the least development, which is a shame.

The one pony I associate being close to Diamond Tiara by the show's canon is her father, Silver Spoon, and Apple Bloom, but that alone isn't enough for me to get invested in this story. Naturally, the pony I would pick is Apple Bloom. Why her? Because her character's more in tone with the show than her friends. Sweetie Belle's too emotional, and Scootaloo is just... Urk! Nothing personal. Thanks for listening.

Applebloom. We get to learn more about DT before her death, and how their friendship was. The others are good, but to me the fillies aren't only learning how to deal with DT's death, but also learning about her, which Applebloom has done the most by stealing her diary, It's also interesting how you made the character I hate the most into a like able pony (fanon DT though. Not the canon one). When Applebloom first stole the diary, I couldn't wait for an update so I could see what she wrote.

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