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Hey, guys, got a story you need reviewed? Well, feel free to send me a private message with the story you want reviewed and I will give you a review as soon as I can.

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Critique Review: Prince Martin Willis 2 · 5:08pm Sep 24th, 2014

Warning this review contains sexual scenarios, and detailed sexual events. Viewer Discretion is advised.

Oh, god… Almost done with Sequel September. And oh boy, has it been a rough one. I can’t wait to get this month over and done with for another year. Let’s just get started. What’s the last review I have to do for this month?

No… No…no… not that one… not that one…

I’ve already reviewed that one… I’ve already reviewed it…

No! No! No! NOOOO!

*Three Hours Later*

Okay… I think I’m better now… It’s just that… The last time I reviewed a story with Prince Martin Willis in it, I nearly lobotomized myself because of how incomprehensible it was!

Here’s the summery of that story as best as I can make it out. Martin Willis, who is apparently so cool that the United States government made him a personal Portal Gun, like the one you see in the Portal games, travels to Aqusteria (the poor people’s version of Equestria)

Martin then starts having sex with everypony around. And I’m not just saying that. I mean, he literally has sex with everypony in the story. The main six and even Celestia. Keep in mind that he has sex with Celestia after Discord had issued a threat against Aquestria, summing up the priorities of our main hero.

Top it all off with poor grammar, formatting, and punctuation, what results is a mess of story that is not only difficult to read, but is also uninteresting because of the bland fight scene and repetitive sex scenes.

And much to my horror, there was a sequel to that story. You can just feel my enthusiasm coming from my text, can’t you?

Let’s just get this over with. This is Prince Martin Willis Two Official Unofficial sEventh Member (LOL) of the Mane Six And no, that is not a typo. That is really how it is spelled.

We start with the description and…

After falling through a portle to aquestria. After the defeat of the discord. Prince Martin Willis hangs with twilight and the owl only things dont go as they possibly would be.

Dear lord, what is wrong with this description?! I haven’t even gotten to the story yet! I’m not even in chapter 1 yet, and I have already lost faith that there is anything salvageable in this story.

Please… pray for me…

Okay, let’s analyze this … aside from the terrible grammar, spelling, and punctuation, this story says that ‘he hangs out with Twilight and the Owl.’ So, is Spike just not in the story anymore? That’s odd. He was in the last one, and frankly, he was Martin’s apprentice, who banged pretty much everypony in the story. I think the only two he didn’t bang was Applejack and Celestia.

I guess they are Martin’s special pets.

The reason why I bring this up is because for all the talk he does of hanging out with Twilight, he does the opposite. He barely interacts with Twilight in this one. And you’ll see that as we go down the road, but it was like he had one idea where the story was going to go and then changed it halfway, and it makes it incredibly clunky.

Our story starts with our group celebrating after defeating the hentai Discord. Yes, Discord had apparently been reading some Japanese Hentai Porn books. Who knew?

There was much sex and love and also Twilight married Willis but he was allowed to sleep with anything that needed help.

So, he’s married to Twilight out of love, but will have sex with any ‘thing’ that needed help? I should be angry about Twilight being cheated on, but… I’m still fascinated by the thing part of that sentence!

This is kind of a sexual fetishism, isn’t it? Is there a term for someone who is willing to have sex with inanimate objects? Because I think that there needs to be. Granted, it doesn’t say that it has to be an inanimate object, but I’m just saying that this character is willing to have sex with anything!

So, do animals and insects count? Is this guy affected by Zoophila? I mean, we know that he is, but I thought that was just limited to ponies. Apparently, it involves birds, frogs, lizards, rhinos, elephants, spiders, and rats.

And if a flower bed is a little dry, would the character…

Sorry, it’s just… that’s what I’d rather be doing than reading this story.

So, they start smoking pot and it’s clear that Druggie should come at any minute to smoke some with these characters. Why not? Spike is there and according to the story, “he’s so fucking high, right now” Oh, and apparently he’s having sex with Twilight. I can’t say I’m super surprised by this. What else did I expect from a story that did nothing but that in the last one?

I have to say after reading the first story, my expectations are in the gutter. And so is this story for that matter.

And of course, Martin, who I am now renaming Blowup Doll since well, that’s all he is, let’s Spike have sex with his wife, because…

cause we are tight)

Ah, yes. We be tight in the hood yo. He be bitchin’ my bitch all night long diggity dog jog mog! I be pimpin’ yo homey dog!

Gangsta slang. It makes you sound more intelligent.

Openly I disdained him for the comment of cruel and unacceptable misdirection of hatred over his rival and stuck my tongue out for the pleasing of twilights nerves to be much eased. But spike and I high fived because we are buds and that was the truth. And it was funny.

This is to give you guys an idea of how unreadable this story is. I do not know what I just read, but I’m sure it had to do with sex. Why? Well, that’s because sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex , sex…

Also guys my cutie mark is no longer a portle gun

Because I got bored with that idea because I sucked at Portal. And let’s face it, the United States government were idiots to hand me a portal gun.

because I have defeated the discord and saved Equestria with it. So it became the heads of the mane six since my goal is to make them feel sexy.

Considering the way artist draw some of these characters sometimes, I don’t think they need much help from you.

Also I still have one secret power that no ones knows left for special use within the later part of this.

Pfft, oh great. Way to give away the ending. Why don’t you put a spoiler alert on before you do that? Like I do.

You have not done that since Apple’s Blossom.

Oh, you are just so smart, aren’t you?

Someone has to be.

Walked into that one, didn’t I?

I owed you for the comment you made last week.

The owl was marked for terrestrial switching since the entry of our world was inside of us all and he understood the power of being awake with knowledge and it was misbegotten with fear of the people that surround us in our every day life of horror and boredom.

I really don’t understand what is being said there, so I can’t really make fun of it.

So, the character continues to have sex with the other characters, until Celestia brings in… Nightmare Moon?

And Celest brought Nightmare Moon.

Huh? So, I guess, Luna is dead in this Aquestria and Nightmare Moon lives. There really isn’t an explanation for this, it just sort of is. Nightmare Moon is the new Luna apparently. That actually explains a lot in this story. Isn’t it obvious? I mean, Aquestria should have tipped us off, but my god, I’ve actually figured it out!

In the beginning Aquestria was ruled by Luna and Celestia, but one day Luna became jealous of her sister. She transformed into the evil Nightmare Moon and battled Celestia. But then at the last second, the Grand Ruler attacked Nightmare Moon using the power of the Uniforce which cast her to the moon. Meanwhile, on the moon, Nightmare Moon traveled to Alicornia to use the Honest Warmachines to defeat the evil Sombra, turning her into a hero. She soon had sex with Soren the Alicorn and that made her a good guy. But then, Luna comes out of Nightmare Moon’s body and battles the heroic Nightmare Moon. The battle is eventually won when Sephiroth teams up with Nightmare Moon to defeat her! And then they travel back to Aquestria where they are to this day.

Makes sense, right?!

“My students fuck off. I must talk to Willis in the deepest of secret aloneness” she decreed with a massive voice of booming authority and a stamp of massive preportions that uncontrollably made us all be controlled to obey.

So… is Celestia now… Critique-lestia?

*shutters* Let that haunt your nightmares.

So, Blowup Doll starts to have sex with Celestia because…

Because Twilight is purple and that is a cooler color than white and even Lessy knew of such things as the hard truth of the matter despite our deep connection and forever love.

Ah, so he is racist. Purple ponies are ponies too!

“Nightmare Moon is having a bad day and she loves you since you saved the world and wants to be with you super quick if that is ok.”

This line makes me think that the characters in it are getting bored of him, since they want him to end it ‘super quick’. Wouldn’t surprise me? They’ve foregone food, sleep and work all to have sex with this one human.

For that matter, wouldn’t his gonads start hurting after a while? I realize I’m not the leading expert on humans, but it just seems like that would be the first thing that would be a problem?

For that matter, how is he still going? What? Did he take a truckload of Cialis before having this party?

I squeezed her plot and gave her the thumbs up sign with one hand while touching her pony boobs with the other.

I think the author needs a lesson in pony anatomy. Believe me, I’ve been looking for pony boobs most of my life, and have yet to find one.

“It will be as you shall want it martin and I hereby command you my student to go make love to Nightmare Moon.”

(Also I replaced Twilight as her favorite because we all agreed that that was better since I really was better than all the mane six combined.

Ha, ha, ha. No, you’re not, you prick.

I kissed Nightmare Moons butt and rubbed her other place and all six of her boobs. (she had six boobs because she is a pony nympho)

Huh? I guess Robin Williams was right. There was a woman with six boobs once.

Rest in Peace, Robin. Thank you for years of entertainment and fun.

However, suddenly, the plot finally arrives. No, not that kind of plot. Lord knows, we’ve seen enough of those.

It turns out Owlowiscious, who is just called the owl in this story, so that’s what I’m calling him, burst into the room and turns out reveals a prophesy. Yes, apparently, the owl can talk.

“The owl is awake and he is superhigh and has a freaking spell book! We are royally screwed my students.”

Wow, maybe this is Critique-lestia. It would certainly explain her vulgar mouth. Though I’m not a huge fan of him… her… it, having sex with Blowup doll.

weeping and batting her wings and waving her hair while lifting her arms skyward with fear that twisted the joy from our loving and caused us to be deeply depressed with woa.

Sorry, we don’t serve depressed with woa, here. You might want to go the Woa-Mart down on Woa-Street next to the Woa-fful stand.

So, apparently the Owl, who I guess is voiced by Morgan Freeman, tells Blowup Doll that a great destiny is about to befall him.

And then… he wakes up?

… Huh?

So… what the hell just happened?

Was that entire opening a dream? Was everything a dream? In the story, he wakes up and is in bed with Twilight, but where the hell did the dream come from? Where did it start? I was pretty sure that it was all real. Was none of it real and it was just some perverted fantasy? We see that none of the things in the opening are fictional since they actually appear in the story, adding no consistency to what the hell is going on!

I don’t know. Screw this story.

“This is the worstest news that has ever happened”

The new Super Smash Brothers doesn’t have Mewtwo in it!

“Because I have just had an unbelievable dream featuring the voice of a famous dude who was on the earth back when I lived there and not in Equestria as your boyfriend.

Wait, so they aren’t married? So, was the part of you two being married the only thing that was fictionalized or was all of it fictionalized and Blowup Doll only wished that he could get everypony to sleep with him? Well, that can’t be the case because we clearly saw in the last story that everypony wanted to sleep with him.

Oh, the brain damage I’m going to have by reading this. And bear in mind, I’m still on the first chapter.

So, the owl… starts smoking weed and talking to the characters? … If the owl could talk, what was the point of even…

You know what, I don’t care.

We then get a five page rant about his ‘loser friend’ Jack Rentonn. Apparently, this Jack Rentonn beat him at a Portal tournament years ago and Blowup Doll has grown bitter about it. So, we are supposed to relate to the guy who is angry at someone because they beat them at a video game?

Blowup Doll says that Jack is a dick and a slut puppet, which would be the pot calling the kettle black, but frankly, we never see any evidence of Jack being any of those things. We never see flashbacks of him, we never see any kind of interaction with him and the main character. So in an effort to make us relate to the main character by adding this, … ‘bully’, he ends up alienating the main character even further by not only giving us weak reasons why this character hates Jack, but he doesn’t show us anything that could prove that Jack really is an asshole.

It’d be like just telling you that Darth Vader is a bad guy, but not showing anything he does that is bad. We need some kind of evidence.

And he only won because I am over PORTAL now and much more into the mane six. Who are not stupid like jack rentonn. Whose last name also sucks.

He caused the bubonic plague, World War II and nearly got rid of all Hostess products! Truly, Jack Rentonn is the devil!

So, I guess, a curse is put on all the characters as Twilight begins to lose all hope like she did in the episode with Discord, by… turning them all male?

… Sure, whatever.

As such, this is actually a problem for Blowup Doll, after all, who else is he going to masturbate to?

So, what’s the most logical thing to do in this situation?

After that, they go to Granny Smith to find out how they can reverse the curse. Look, just because she’s old, doesn’t mean she knows about curses and magic and such?! Isn’t that right, Granny?

So, Granny doesn’t have any information, making me wonder what the point of that scene was, and they go to the Crystal Empire to see if Shining Armor and Cadance know anything.

Suddenly noticing the mane six on my cute mark I eyed myself unsatisfied because I couldn’t come before because my issues get hard. And with tears that brought down my face with exrushiating sadness that filled me with discord like despair. I started to molest myself with pitable exstacy and exacting grunts of bliss.

Oh, good, I finally know where the inspiration for this story came from. Thanks for reenacting that for me. I really wanted to know that ‘essential detail’!

Spike, fortunately for us, starts berating Blowup Doll for acting like this. Alright, Spike tell that asshole off…

“because you are leaving me to love all the ponies while you screw yourself. And while I enjoy screwing the princesses and sleeping granny cause she asked and making them pleased with my tongue I am only a fing dragon and I don’t have a massive horse weenie like you.”

Hey, Stitch, can I join you?

Oh, great, this story has broken Stitch. I hope you’re happy, story. I hope you’re happy!

So, Blowup Doll tosses Spike into a tree, breaks his bones into a million pieces and effectively kills him.

Oh, thank god. Now, Spike can go back to being in better stories.

“Dude what the heck!” He scratched his head sorely peeved and upset and full of deep dislike of the most equal kind. (because there is no hate in Equestria)

Yeah, because killing someone because they insulted you really speaks volumes about compassion, doesn’t it? Makes about as much sense as calling somepony a loving dictator, who enslaves his ponies?

Isn’t that the most loving, compassionate, non-threating in anyway dictator you’ve ever seen in your life?

Spike, quite easily, forgives Blowup Doll because…

"Because we are deep bros and that is more than meets the eye."

So, they decide to go see Zecora to see if she can help them figure out what is going on. Wait, what happened to Cadance and Shining Armor? Did you decide that real love didn’t have a place in this story? Instead, we have to settle for ‘diet love’?

So, he rides on the back of Celestia… No. Only one gets to ride on Princess Celestia’s back and that is Princess Elincia Ridell Crimea!

Somepony do a crossover of this! This needs to happen!

Anyway, they fly to where Cadance the Wise lives. No, I’m not making that up. It’s really how it is written in the story. I think this is the first story I’ve read where Cadance gets a compliment. Point to this story.

Also, what about Zecora?! Where the hell are we going?! I swear, I’ve seen Spongebob’s driving skills that had a clearer path!

As they travel, Blowup Doll starts to think back about his life on Earth.

i remembered what it was like in the past as a game player of Portal (i know you said no portles but the game is the past of him and it must be slightly here to give him flavors.)

… Bleh… Rocky Road…

i was the champion of every torunement ever made for the game and because ethe epic of the skill that possessed my hands with fire of mad skill.

You know, except that time you lost to Jack, because he’s the devil!

Also, didn’t you say you were over Portal? You just said you were over Portal!

… I don’t know why I am expecting an intelligent response here. There hasn’t been any intelligence thus far.

Scientists studied the way that i was genious.

The scientists were kind of stupid that way.

They gave me the gun and whispered with long feathered fingers angling deep into my back.

… Okay, moving on…

So, it turns out that the Scientist actually created a Portal gun personally for him and then convinced him that he was destined to save the another world and then shipped him off to Aquestria.

I know this was probably not what the author intended, but who else was thinking that humanity started doing this when Prince Blowup Doll was gone?

So, they get lost to on their way to the Crystal Empire, which makes no sense because Celestia should already know where it is. But lucky our hero, Blowup Doll, is here to comfort her. And how does he comfort her? …Oh, just play the music already. You know what comes next…

So, after the about a millionth sex scene in this story, leaving me surprised that Blowup Doll’s dick hasn’t fallen off, they finally get to Zecora’s hut.

Zecora’s cave was the best most evil looking good guy cave with mountianish eyes that stole the bowls of seals and perpetuated nightmares in the fears of the best of corrosive vats made to destroy the ugliness of creatures.

Translation: I have no idea what African Culture is and have no intention of learning about them making this section of my story completely racist.

“effing this is my cave and you can see that sh’t is everywhere that hat can be.” she was totally depressed so I squeezed her but cheeks together and licked her stripe.

Oh, good more evidence of racism. I’m so glad this author is turning this character into an African-American stereotype.

“This is a pet for you and enjoy it you.” She rhymed like an expert

Because an expert would rhyme ‘you’ and… ‘you’…

Okay, I’d never thought I’d say this, but…

I REALLY never thought I would say this…


Bring back, Rhymey…

God, I hate you… Give Mykan some fucking credit, at least all of Rhymey’s dialogue, annoying as it was, at least rhymed. Yes, I just gave Rhymey, the most annoying and most rage inducing character in My Little Unicorn, fucking credit…

I need a moment…

After that…

Zecora handed me a dugong and it meeped. “His name is Louie the dugong and he is awesome and long.”

No, but it would make this story a little bit cooler. And it would at least give a reason to have a Pokemon battle since the dugong in this story is pretty damn pointless.

So, Blowup Doll thanks Zecora by…

God, I've seen entire seasons of Game of Thrones that didn't have as much fucking as this story!

Spike bursts into the room and starts whining about how he’s not as big as Blowup Doll is and wants to be bigger.

I know, I know, but how could I not use that clip?

So, he drinks a potion that Zecora just happens to have and manages to get bigger than Blowup Doll. Which means that Blowup Doll has to whine about not being the biggest game in town anymore. I think we are supposed to feel bad for Blowup Doll, but at this point, I’m still wondering why he is still doing Zecora at this point?

Anyway, the finally get directions from Zecora to travel northward to the Crystal Empire…

Last chapter… let’s just get through this…

So, we finally arrive at the castle of Cadance the Wise.

Using alicorn magics Lessy commanded the door to unfurl like a sail when shot against the breeze of a sea turtles heart beat amid torrents of screaming and defiant bloodbaths of gushing horrors.

Wow… that was probably the most over descriptive and yet not descriptive at all opening of doors I have ever seen. That’s really kind of fascinating how that happened. I’m not even sure what to say about it except… the hell?

So when they enter the room, they see… Cadance has Shining Armor tied up and is whipping him while wearing an executioner’s mask?

So… after that image… they ask Cadance how they can reverse the main six being males. Cadance reveals that all they have to do is say a magic word and they will revert back to women.

Pfft, of course. It was just so obvious…

However, it turns out there is a catch, if Blowup Doll doesn’t say the magic words to them by tonight, they will remain male forever!

Knowing that it took them a whole month to the Crystal Empire, which makes no sense, they know they will not be able to save Aquestria’s main six. Gee, I hope this is the part where the author comes up with the miraculous power that he’s been saving since chapter one! Because if not, that line would be awkward and totally pointless, but if it is … oh, boy!

And he manages to pull something out of his ass… quite literally actually… as the main six appear from his cutie mark.

I’m sorry… I need a moment…

So, he says the magic words and turns the main six back to females and they all live happily ever… SHUT THE FUCK UP!


This story is a masterpiece of absolute shit! I mean, my god. What sick, twisted, perverted mind possibly thought this could even amount to anything?

I’ve never seen anything so consistently bad or writing this consistently awful.

But, to be honest, and you all are going to think I’m crazy, but … it’s actually worth checking out.

Troll fic or not, this is the My Little Pony Fan Fiction equivalent of My Immortal. One of those fan fics that is so bad, that it is actually kind of enjoyable.

This is the kind of story that has to be seen to be believed. There is no way anypony in the right mind set could have come up with this story. It had to be the work of a deranged mind.

So, if you are looking for some bat-shit crazy fan fic that every sentence is a gold mine of horribleness, this is the fan fic for you.

Huff… Finally, I’m done with Sequel September and Prince Willis. I will never ever have to…

Book two of the trilogy.

Book two of the trilogy.




Silver sat on his soft bed, thoughts of his ultimate enemy’s demise filling his fantasies. Ever since the Critique’s review of his life story, Silver couldn’t stop thinking about this simple earth stallion who would insult him. He looked over to the alicorn sitting at the desk across from him. “Where was I?”

The old stallion glanced over to him. “You have just captured the Critique and now you have him at your mercy, my young prince.”

Silver smiled as those words reached his ears. “Ah, yes. The moment of my revenge.” He then gave a sigh as he put his hoof on his forehead. “Ah, but now I have no idea where to go next. So many options.”

A knock came at the great golden doors to his room. “My son.” The door to reveal King Crown as he trotted into the room. “The meeting is about to start, my son. Why are you not ready?”

Silver shook his head. “My apologies, father, but I am busy writing my auto-biography.” King Crown raised his eyebrow. “Father, how would I kill the Critique? Would I dangle him over a vat of acid? Tie him to a railroad tracks? Or strap him to a rocket and shoot him to the sun?”

King Crown shook his head and made his way to Silver’s side. “I do not understand what is your obsession with this one anti-alicorn.

Silver shot a glare at his father. “That pony insulted me! Nopony insults me!” Silver raised his head and placed his hoof on his chest. “I am a messiah!

King Crown placed his hoof on his son’s shoulder. “Yes, yes. I understand, my son. But why settle for just one minnow, when you could have the entire ocean?”

Silver shook his head. “I do not understand, father.”

King Crown marched over to the nearby window, his head held high. “We are so close to the subjugation of Equestria. It is only a matter of time before our window of opportunity presents itself.” He glanced back at Silver. “Of course, you would know this if you attended the meetings.”

Silver turned his head away from King Crown and scoffed. Crown made his way back to his son. “And when Equestria is under our banner, I will gave you the anti-alicorn to do with as you please.”

A moment of silence crept in the air as Silver placed his hoof on his chin. “I think I’ll shoot him to the sun.”

King Crown chuckled. “That’s my boy.” He moved towards the exit. “Now come. We have a meeting to attend.”

Silver began to follow his father, but before he could make the doorway, he turned towards the old stallion standing over the parchment. “Keep writing. And make sure that everypony realizes how magnificent I am! Even the Critique!”

The old stallion nodded. “As always, my young, handsome prince.”

Silver smiled as he followed his father out the door.

Report spideremblembrony · 474 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Sad that sequel month is over, but I look forward to more reviews :twilightsmile:

Okay… I think I’m better now… It’s just that… The last time I reviewed a story with Prince Martin Willis in it, I nearly lobotomized myself because of how incomprehensible it was!

Wow, that's a real throwback there. I was actually fearful that it'd be a sequel to WonderFall or something.
... please tell me there isn't a sequel to WonderFall :fluttershysad:



This is Prince Martin Willis Two Official Unofficial sEventh Member (LOL) of the Mane Six And no, that is not a typo. That is really how it is spelled.

I'm just going to pre-empt an Exterminatus, 'kay?

After falling through a portle to aquestria. After the defeat of the discord. Prince Martin Willis hangs with twilight and the owl only things dont go as they possibly would be.

The intro to Samurai Jack, this isn't.

Our story starts with our group celebrating after defeating the hentai Discord. Yes, Discord had apparently been reading some Japanese Hentai Porn books. Who knew?

... Why. Why did you have to put that image in my head :pinkiesick:

There was much sex and love and also Twilight married Willis but he was allowed to sleep with anything that needed help.

... ew.

This is kind of a sexual fetishism, isn’t it? Is there a term for someone who is willing to have sex with inanimate objects? Because I think that there needs to be. Granted, it doesn’t say that it has to be an inanimate object, but I’m just saying that this character is willing to have sex with anything!

Would that count as omnisexuality?

cause we are tight)

Ah, yes. We be tight in the hood yo. He be bitchin’ my bitch all night long diggity dog jog mog! I be pimpin’ yo homey dog!

Excuse me while I lobotomize myself with a foil

Openly I disdained him for the comment of cruel and unacceptable misdirection of hatred over his rival and stuck my tongue out for the pleasing of twilights nerves to be much eased. But spike and I high fived because we are buds and that was the truth. And it was funny.

*eye twitch* I can see why you compare this to the likes of My Immortal; that sentence made no sense whatsoever.

because I have defeated the discord and saved Equestria with it. So it became the heads of the mane six since my goal is to make them feel sexy.

... No. Your cutie mark does not denote what your "goal" is; it denotes what your special talent is, which in this case is being a manwhore and having an intelligence score that makes orks look like geniuses. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE FUNDAMENTAL RULES OF THE UNIVERSE WITHOUT A LOGICAL EXPLANATION!

Also I still have one secret power that no ones knows left for special use within the later part of this.

Is it your rod of lordly might? If you push the right buttons, it extends.

The owl was marked for terrestrial switching since the entry of our world was inside of us all and he understood the power of being awake with knowledge and it was misbegotten with fear of the people that surround us in our every day life of horror and boredom.

well, obviously it means... well, you see... When you think of it like this...
Yeah, it makes no sense. If you tried to write out a logic table, you'd probably end up summoning an Eldritch Abomination.

In the beginning Aquestria was ruled by Luna and Celestia, but one day Luna became jealous of her sister. She transformed into the evil Nightmare Moon and battled Celestia. But then at the last second, the Grand Ruler attacked Nightmare Moon using the power of the Uniforce which cast her to the moon. Meanwhile, on the moon, Nightmare Moon traveled to Alicornia to use the Honest Warmachines to defeat the evil Sombra, turning her into a hero. She soon had sex with Soren the Alicorn and that made her a good guy. But then, Luna comes out of Nightmare Moon’s body and battles the heroic Nightmare Moon. The battle is eventually won when Sephiroth teams up with Nightmare Moon to defeat her! And then they travel back to Aquestria where they are to this day.

Makes sense, right?!

Where do the zombies come in?

So… is Celestia now… Critique-lestia?

... I'm scared now.

Ah, so he is racist. Purple ponies are ponies too!

He and Mykan should start a club.

For that matter, how is he still going? What? Did he take a truckload of Cialis before having this party?

He's a Slaaneshi cultist (Slaanesh being the Chaos god of lust and ecstasy)

I think the author needs a lesson in pony anatomy. Believe me, I’ve been looking for pony boobs most of my life, and have yet to find one.

:facehoof: And he can't even get basic anatomy right. Just like xdark.rosesx (I didn't mention this in my StarKit's Prophecy review, but when she has her kits which came to term in two hours they come out of her stomach ala Alien)

(Also I replaced Twilight as her favorite because we all agreed that that was better since I really was better than all the mane six combined.


It turns out Owlowiscious, who is just called the owl in this story, so that’s what I’m calling him, burst into the room and turns out reveals a prophesy. Yes, apparently, the owl can talk.

This story is so bad it got me stoned.

So… what the hell just happened?

The new Super Smash Brothers doesn’t have Mewtwo in it!

Isn't Ridley in it?

We then get a five page rant about his ‘loser friend’ Jack Rentonn

So, he's kind of like Jack Holmes' Brain-dead's nemesis from the first darkness war? Fun times

Suddenly noticing the mane six on my cute mark I eyed myself unsatisfied because I couldn’t come before because my issues get hard. And with tears that brought down my face with exrushiating sadness that filled me with discord like despair. I started to molest myself with pitable exstacy and exacting grunts of bliss.


Hey, Stitch, can I join you?

I want to join in!

I know this was probably not what the author intended, but who else was thinking that humanity started doing this when Prince Blowup Doll was gone?


Bring back, Rhymey…

So... We've hit the Godzilla threshold?
Oh, thanks by the way. I was looking for a picture of Rhymey so I can model his head in greenstuff and stick it on my Warboss' trophy rack

No, but it would make this story a little bit cooler. And it would at least give a reason to have a Pokemon battle since the dugong in this story is pretty damn pointless.

Dugong was always one of my favorite Pokémon... because it was a seal and it was freakin' broken in Pokémon Stadium.

God, I've seen entire seasons of Game of Thrones that didn't have as much fucking as this story!


So when they enter the room, they see… Cadance has Shining Armor tied up and is whipping him while wearing an executioner’s mask?


That was awful, and there's more to it? Guh :pinkiesick:
And it looks like we've got more villains on the way... that looks like fun :pinkiecrazy:

Dear Luna there's ANOTHER one?!??! :twilightoops::twilightoops::twilightoops::twilightoops:

All I can think of now. :fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttershbad:

Wow, that's a real throwback there. I was actually fearful that it'd be a sequel to WonderFall or something.

... please tell me there isn't a sequel to WonderFall :fluttershysad:

No, there is no sequel to Wonderfall.

:yay: Yay...

However, before that story was written, the author wrote another that is worse. Far worse than that. It's called My Little Slave. And I dread the day I finally review it.

:fluttershysad: I don't like My Little Slave.

I'm just going to pre-empt an Exterminatus, 'kay?

I'm right there with you.

... Why. Why did you have to put that image in my head

If you think that's bad, wait til you see what I've got for you next month. :trollestia:

Oh, thanks by the way. I was looking for a picture of Rhymey so I can model his head in greenstuff and stick it on my Warboss' trophy rack

You are welcome! Anything to kill off that annoying, rhyming, stupid faced, unfunny, uncharming, unwitty, effeminate, idiotic piece of sh*t! ... God, I hate that character.

2480810 Yes... And the worst is yet to come. And while this story was so bad it was funny, the next one is just so bad that... it's bad... Really bad... Really, really bad... So bad that... its a lot of really's bad. :raritycry:

Oh yes. The end of sequel month. It's been painful to be sure, but I'm sure that it'll be something that won't cause a brain hemorrhage.

So let's see what we've got

2501345 Flee! Flee for your lives!

Comment posted by CodenameWA deleted Oct 2nd, 2014

Thank you Jim Bean for giving me a chance to recover from this.

Martin Willis, who is apparently so cool that the United States government made him a personal Portal Gun, like the one you see in the Portal games, travels to Aqusteria (the poor people’s version of Equestria)

You know, with that as a premise I could see something decent coming out of that.

Martin then starts having sex with everypony around.

And that just ruined the entire fucking idea...no pun intended.

After falling through a portle to aquestria. After the defeat of the discord. Prince Martin Willis hangs with twilight and the owl only things dont go as they possibly would be.


Please… pray for me…

I don't even think that a god can help at this point.

Our story starts with our group celebrating after defeating the hentai Discord. Yes, Discord had apparently been reading some Japanese Hentai Porn books. Who knew?

Hands are staying off that one. Discord's likely to have done that already.

So, he’s married to Twilight out of love, but will have sex with any ‘thing’ that needed help? I should be angry about Twilight being cheated on, but… I’m still fascinated by the thing part of that sentence!

Maybe he's a PAN-sexual. As in cooking pans.

And of course, Martin, who I am now renaming Blowup Doll since well, that’s all he is, let’s Spike have sex with his wife, because…
cause we are tight)

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's not how marriage works.

Openly I disdained him for the comment of cruel and unacceptable misdirection of hatred over his rival and stuck my tongue out for the pleasing of twilights nerves to be much eased. But spike and I high fived because we are buds and that was the truth. And it was funny.

Not likely, but I can only hope.

In the beginning Aquestria was ruled by Luna and Celestia, but one day Luna became jealous of her sister. She transformed into the evil Nightmare Moon and battled Celestia. But then at the last second, the Grand Ruler attacked Nightmare Moon using the power of the Uniforce which cast her to the moon. Meanwhile, on the moon, Nightmare Moon traveled to Alicornia to use the Honest Warmachines to defeat the evil Sombra, turning her into a hero. She soon had sex with Soren the Alicorn and that made her a good guy. But then, Luna comes out of Nightmare Moon’s body and battles the heroic Nightmare Moon. The battle is eventually won when Sephiroth teams up with Nightmare Moon to defeat her! And then they travel back to Aquestria where they are to this day.

If there is a god out there, please do not allow this fuckery to happen.

So… is Celestia now… Critique-lestia?

Panic. Run, Scream and panic. :raritydespair:

Because Twilight is purple and that is a cooler color than white and even Lessy knew of such things as the hard truth of the matter despite our deep connection and forever love.

For that matter, wouldn’t his gonads start hurting after a while? I realize I’m not the leading expert on humans, but it just seems like that would be the first thing that would be a problem?
For that matter, how is he still going? What? Did he take a truckload of Cialis before having this party?

Screw biology, he's got bizarre Stu powers.

I think the author needs a lesson in pony anatomy. Believe me, I’ve been looking for pony boobs most of my life, and have yet to find one.

Ah yes. The disturbing trend on /mlp/. The phenomenon known as crotch tits.

So, apparently the Owl, who I guess is voiced by Morgan Freeman, tells Blowup Doll that a great destiny is about to befall him.
And then… he wakes up?
… Huh?


I don’t know. Screw this story.

Fairly certain that Blowup Doll did that already.

So, I guess, a curse is put on all the characters as Twilight begins to lose all hope like she did in the episode with Discord, by… turning them all male?

Curses Blowup Doll's one and only weakness.

Hey, Stitch, can I join you?

Mind if I join the party? I'll bring the asprin.

Isn’t that the most loving, compassionate, non-threating in anyway dictator you’ve ever seen in your life?

He would be threatening if we got more than 3 minutes of screen time for him to just blow up.

Scientists studied the way that i was genious.

Seeing that he misspelled genius, I'm going to guess they switched his test by accident.

I know this was probably not what the author intended, but who else was thinking that humanity started doing this when Prince Blowup Doll was gone?

“This is a pet for you and enjoy it you.”

She rhymed like an expert
Because an expert would rhyme ‘you’ and… ‘you’…

Welcome to the Niki Minaj and Lil Wayne school of rhyme.

Bring back, Rhymey…

So when they enter the room, they see… Cadance has Shining Armor tied up and is whipping him while wearing an executioner’s mask?

I knew royals could get kinky, but come the fuck on....pun score double.

And he manages to pull something out of his ass… quite literally actually… as the main six appear from his cutie mark.


Book two of the trilogy.


Welp. I got my daily dose of WTF today. Peace out, I'm taking a jump.

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