• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 18th, 2015

Silver Cloud

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Woohoo! and Other Exclamations · 7:10pm Jun 20th, 2012

Wow. Just... wow.

It's been just over three weeks since I sat down to write and two weeks since I published Fic Unrelated, and it is by far the best received of my stories. Even more so than the one that got on EqD! Over a thousand views, nearly 90 likes and almost 70 favs. That is fricking awesome!
Thank you all for the support – small though it may seem, it is incredibly encouraging for a small-time author like me.

Now, this isn't a blogpost just to say yay, as I also need to deal with some other things too. Like, for example, the fact that the guy who requested FU in the first place, ImJustAnotherBrony, is just after posting a sequel to it. If you enjoyed my story, please go read A Very Generous Virgin. I promise you it's fun :pinkiesmile:

Also coming up shortly is a story from another friend, DJ_Bron3. He has been (for a very long time now), working on a short fic based on both IJAB's OC and my own. He claims it will be finished and published within 24 hours, so if you're interested in that, go watch him. Here's a sample of his work.

Lastly, just a few updates:
As you may know, but probably didn't unless you watch me on deviantART (where I post my most regular updates), I've been preparing for and doing state exams for the last while. Well, the good news is that I have my last one tomorrow! With that, I will be recommencing all the activities I left off, including art and music, but especially writing. So many story ideas have occurred to me within the last few weeks, it's not actually funny anymore. It's gonna be tricky to get every single one of them written, but I'll manage it somehow. I hope.
Anyway, much to at least one of you's disappointment, I have no plans for any more clopfics in the immediate future. I may have another stab at the genre later on down the line, but for the moment, I have too many other things to write and do, including a few shipfics and a few darkfics.
Also, unfortunately, due to all these new ideas, I have put Something on hiatus. I really wasn't happy with where that was and I'm finding it tricky to come up with somewhere decent to take it that isn't horribly overdone/amateurish/crap. So, for now, it's on hold. I do hope to come back to it at some point though, if I can find some form of decent motivation for it.

Now, I have a music exam to go study for and I can't remember if there was anything else I wanted to mention here, so until my next story, I bid you all adieu, and once again much thanks for the recent support.

Report Silver Cloud · 454 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

"much to at least one of you's disappointment" - that was aimed at me, wasn't it?

U make music?

He has been (for a very long time now), working on a short fic based on both IJAB's OC and my own. He claims it will be finished and published within 24 hours

Jeez :rainbowderp: Thanks so much for the encouragement :rainbowlaugh:

And for the record, I said it would be done. I never said it would be submitted in 24 hours. I'm waiting for an editor to reply to me, because I really don't want to edit this one myself. I'd probably just make a disaster of it. :rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:




I do indeed, although I haven't made much good music. I'm going to be writing a lot more songs over the next few weeks/months :twilightsmile: There's a link to my soundcloud on my profile page somewhere.


:rainbowlaugh: "for the record", you also told me it was going to be finished last week :rainbowwild:
Seriously though, take your time. I just wanted to include you in this blog and maybe get you a couple more watchers :pinkiesmile:


Yeah, I know I've taken way too long on a oneshot, but in my defense, I'm lazy. :rainbowwild:

It's basically done now. I'm just wrapping things up and waiting for that editor. :raritywink:

Hey, I know you! Mister glowy-Spitfire dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra.png

>He claims it will be finished and published within 24 hours
Is that VALVe time, or normal time? dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_unsuresweetie_flip.png

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