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The Night is Passing, Questionable Content, the Advent of Cynegaming (Also, a question) · 5:36am Nov 7th, 2014

Anybody wanna play Guild Wars 2 with me?

Guys, I'm REALLY REALLY sorry. The chapter has been SO long in coming, and it's because I'm a loser and I'm dragging my feet. Once this chapter is finished we'll be back up to speed, I promise you. It's hard when you get bogged down, but in my experience when the slow section is written, what comes after goes much, much swifter.

Next chapter is entirely Rarity, actually. Rares rares rares. We're approaching the climactic moment of the second act: Spike and company are beginning to scratch away the veneer and finding something sordid underneath the roiling unease that is Canterlot. Twilight and co. are on their way. Rarity and Rainbow Dash need to just kiss already just got done having a hangover.


Thanks for the patience guys (or lack of interest :P ). To those of you reading The Night is Passing, I wanted to take this time to thank you for reading. Your comments make me smile, your views and your favorites are a constant source of encouragement. I love this story, guys. I really do. It's a joy to work on, and even when/if I bitch, I still love it immensely. I think about it almost constantly. I'm always moving things around, figuring out how to tell it better, how to sharpen or expand this story to be the best it can be, to be as immersive as I can make it, to be as great as I can make it. Not sure how close I'll get. I'ma try, and I hope I can get close enough that I'll be happy with it. I hope that you guys will be happy with it. I worry about that IMMENSELY actually :P But we'll jump off that bridge when we come to it!

I also wanted to mention a crazy harebrained scheme I had and see what you guys think.

I kind of want to do a... side story. To TNIP. A story set before the opening of Night in Manehattan, during the initial Griffon invasion. There's stuff to be fleshed out there that I'm not sure I'm really gonna have time to talk about, as well as a better view of Equestria as a whole during the Long Night. I'm thinking of naming it just Beachhead, maybe? what do y'all think? It would be focused around the invasion, the battle of Manehattan, and the fracturing of Equestrian unity that followed Luna's campaign.

EDIT: Also, do any of you read Questionable Content? GREAT webcomic.

If you do


so yeh

Report Cynewulf · 312 views · Story: The Night is Passing ·
Comments ( 15 )

I've read Questionable Content since the beginning and ClaireXMarten is my OTP. :moustache:

I am a heterosexual male in his thirties, and my constant reaction to Claire & Marten has been a resounding SQUEEEEE!!!!!!.

I am also a QC reader and I'm amazed I didn't break windows with how loud my squee were.

Write it, god please do.

BRB. Looking up questionable content. Nope, but now I have a thing to read. Thanks.

Also, I'm up for GW2:pinkiecrazy:. If memory serves, I'm on Gate of Madness.

Oh no! The next chapter not about Twilight and co again. :applecry:

Anybody wanna play Guild Wars 2 with me?

Sorry, Wasteland 2 and Borderlands the Pre-Sequel are calling my name.

TNIP is wonderful and epic and glorious and what is it all you kids are sayin' these days? MOAR NAO? Yeah, that was it.

I have a mental image of Luna constantly texting Twilight:
"plz come home i need u."
"miss u p-smart."
"ok bring back tia. i'm cool with sharing."

2578946 2578973 2579030 I have a weakness for cute redheads

2579105 Kyonna Deschain! Or Corinne Sakura

2579313 Not to fear, I've nt abandoned them. There isn't quite as much for them to be doing, still on the boat in a wide open featureless sea, but I do have something planned very soon.

2579425 Luna furiously texting "Tell the Pink one that purple smart must arrive home yes plz"

2582304 Is it weird that part of me really wonders if Claire still has a penis (and whether the comic will even address the question)?

2582537 it's a somewhat natural thing to wonder. That said, don't worry about it. Do like you should for an RL trans person - remember that it's between her and Martin and if anyone else has a reason to know they'll be told.

2582304 That makes two of us.

2582887 cute redheads uber allen

but srsly, I had wondered that. I kind of just shrugged, guessed if its important to her than it will be in the story, and if it isn't, it won't be, and so either way I'm good

The only Trans person I've ever known was pre-op, so it's new territory for me.

2583215 you're talking to a transwoman. :)

In this case, it's up to Jeph who's business it it is, and he's already made it clear he doesn't want people asking.

2583641 then I thank you for being understanding with me! I'm incredibly curious how you feel about how he handles her. I must keep track of you

2583662 Not hard to be understanding when the person you're talking get to is being very polite and friendly about it all!

Also, while many trans people don't like talking or teaching about it, it's a thing I do - I'm willing to answer nearly every question as long as its not too personal or invasive. Feel free to ask away, here or in PMs if you'd rather - I'll answer, or I will explain why I won't answer.

As for Claire, she is, bar none, the best representation of a trans person I've seen in popular media to date. (Fair to say that I have not seen Orange is the New Black or Transparent, for various reasons.) The reason she's so good is because Jeph writes her as a person first - she is a complete individual with personality quirks, likes and dislikes, etc. Being transgender doesn't define her all on its own - it's part of who she is, but it's not the be-all end-all of Claire.

Super duper late to the party, but: MARTEN AND CLAIRE! :D

Though I worry for them, as I'm not sure any relationship in QC Land gets to really last. But hey, gotta enjoy things while they last, no?

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