• Member Since 24th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2015


swiggity swooty. It's been a blast!

  • TEquestria: A History Revealed
    Loose Change is arrogant, conspiracy-obsessed, and most likely just all-out insane. And with the help of that homeless pony who lives in a box behind the donut shop, her essay will reveal the truth behind the entire history of Equestria.
    Hoofry_Poneigher · 122k words  ·  207  11 · 12k views

More Blog Posts34

  • 479 weeks
    On the Future: Thanks Yous and Farewells

    Of course, even the final blogpost is super late. Well, at least I stay consistent.

    Now, to cover the future. When I first came up with the idea to write this My Little Pony fanfic, I knew I’d just write one. This was always the end goal, I wanted to publish a fic that I could be proud of, and that would hopefully entertain other people too.

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  • 488 weeks
    Mega Super-long Pretentious Final Author's Note and Fic Overview Extravangza

    Now here’s the final fic overview! (super late, like 2 months after the fic concluded, but it wouldn't be a blogpost of mine if it wasn't super late, right?) And it’s superrrrr long. Just a last blog of sorts tying up some of the loose ends or just general stuff about the writing process. I thought it'd be nice to share some of my thoughts throughout this silly little story of mine. I

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    5 comments · 470 views
  • 491 weeks
    Celebrating 20,000 Views!

    Just writing this blogpost to celebrate the milestone of hitting 20,000 views!

    Actually, I'm pretty late on this one. It's been wayy more than 20,000 at this point. Let's just say it's a 22,000 views celebration or something to cover my tracks.

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  • 495 weeks
    Friendship may/may not be some kind of Magic: Chapter 36 Release!

    It's like they made that green button so nice on purpose. Once you finally switch it from that yellow "Incomplete" to that green "Complete", man, what a feeling!

    I usually don't release these blogs so late! 5 days after release? Well, it is exam season I guess.

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  • 495 weeks
    Blog: Top 5 Worst Episodes, Top 10 Best Episodes, and Overall Episode Ranking!

    Here's my ranking of all the MLP episodes! I'm doing something different here, usually people just rank their top 10, but here's everything!

    I used this website to do this, which is actually really helpful if you ever want a make a ranking list like this of your own. I'll link it right here!


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Princess Celestia and the NO! Gang: Chapter 34 Release! · 7:04am Nov 24th, 2014

New chapter to Equestria: A History Revealed is here! Check it out!

Chapter 34: Defeats and the Dilemma of Reformation – The Final Game

The release of Chapter 34! I think this chapter's name gave me the hardest trouble of them all I can't tell you how many names I went through before finally deciding on this one.

So, we're nearing the end, huh? If all goes according to plan, the fic should be able to wrap up at the end of next week. I hope you all enjoyed it throughout everything, and stick around for the final chapters!

In light of this, I've been thinking of adding more blogs to my account. I usually just use the blogs as general updaters and author notes for the new chapters, but I've been thinking of expanding a bit. You don't know much about me, Hoorfry_Poneigher, so maybe some of you would be interested in hearing of what I have to say! Probably just things I like, pony-related stuff, movies, anime, that kind of stuff. Sort of a countdown, if you would, of my thoughts and things about me.

With all those general updates out of the way, let's get to discussing Chapter 34!

Pictured above: Celestia, cake connoisseur.

Nearly all of Season 3 is discussed in one chapter! Twilight's ascension will be covered in the next one, don't worry about that.

I hope people don't feel I rushed through Season 3. I always had a plan to cover the "big historical events" from the show. From the very beginning, I only planned to do the S1 Premier, S2 Premier and Finale, the return of Discord and the S3 finale.

But I hope people don't think I skimped out on The Crystal Empire! I felt like I covered a great deal of it in the Crystal War section, and there's not much more I could add for that. It wouldn't even make sense under Loose Change's logic, as she even says in-text that Sombra wasn't exactly in a negotiable state.

I do feel after reading this chapter that it does feel like nearly an entire season was covered in this chapter. Even the little things from other S3 episodes, like the Saddle Arabians and fireworks to the Luna dream forest thing. But rest assured this was always the plan, the Discord reformation was always going to be the big thing in mind for this chapter, and as you can see, the whole chapter is dedicated to the build-up and conclusion of that.

When editing this chapter, I noticed that it seemed to have the most callbacks to previous chapters. It was very nostalgic recalling all the old jokes and seeing the new variations on them in this chapter, and I hope you enjoy it too! I also feel it was very fitting, like a sort of trip down memory lane, especially as we near the end.

i just realized, unintentionally, I switched around the three big players' roles under Loose Change's perception. Celestia became Discord (as the master manipulator), Discord became Cadence (as the spreader of love through his excessive use of love potions), and Cadence became Celestia (as a clone). And everyone just forgot about Luna. As always.

One might normally find it weird that in a chapter discussing the things behind Discord's (returning) return and reformation, that a big chunk of the section was dedicated to Celestia's quest to construct a giant joint. But it's all par for the course for Loose Change, and that's just another reason why I love writing this fic! I wanted to explore one last portion of Loose Change; her copious and hilarious experiences with drug use, and that I found the whole thing with the giant joint a blast to write.

As usual, most of these conspiracies are made up as they go along. I'll probably expand upon this in future blog posts, but while I have the rough idea of a structure of how I want a theory to go, I usually don't hammer out the details until I start writing. So while some jokes may be pre-planned, most of the fic's humor really does come on the fly. I attribute it to writing as Loose Change's character, after writing her for so long, you just kinda gel into her way of thinking (whether that's good or bad is up to you to decide).

But when writing on Discord's second return, when tying in Celestia's search for communication with him and drugs , I thought I had written myself into a corner. I remember thinking about a ton of jokes for the Chapter, but I was at a loss of how to re-connect it with everything. But then it hit me; back in Chapter 14, I made that reference to King Sombra's horticulture. You can believe I had the biggest grin on my face when I remembered that, and even still, I'm surprised that everything all worked out that well. I remember choosing horticulture because I thought that would be something boring and obscure that you would expect someone to research, and I never had any idea that it would somehow tie back together with everything. Anyways, this is just a thing I wanted to bring up to show how really on the fly writing the fic can be sometimes.

And as I've probably said many times, I really don't hope people think that Loose Change's thinking is my thinking! I know that in the fic Loose Change can be pretty vicious about some things, and it may seem that I'm using her as a way to express a dislike of something, but that's almost never the case. Things like the Crystal Empire, or Nightmarity, I really don't mind those things at all. You'll find I'm pretty lax about liking nearly all things from the franchise. Sure, there's some questionable things I like to dig at sometimes, but throughout it all, I hope nobody thinks I'm using Loose Change as a spokespony for any of my own opinions. She's just a character with a totally different way of thinking than mine, and our opinions nearly never coincide. Maybe I'll release a blogpost in the future of my general thoughts compared to what Loose Change thinks.

While I was editing this chapter, I'd say it was about a few months since I read it last. And not gonna lie, maybe it was because I was pretty tired, but most of what I wrote took me by surprise and I definitely laughed out loud a few times. Definitely one of the hidden gems of a chapter that's now got a higher ranking on my "favorite chapters list". I hope you feel the same way too, and enjoy this chapter a lot!

Well, that's enough tooting my own horn. You should be seeing a lot more blogposts from me as we near the end!

But for now, catch you later!

Comments ( 1 )

You're doing great. I am still waiting for Twilight to get ahold of this essay. Go find the author and go psycho on her. Only to bring it to the attention of Celestia and find out it's all true.

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