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The Bridge: Teaser and Veiwer Question · 2:24am Nov 27th, 2014

Her limbs were weakening, already numb, but she still looked to the sky. A tear joined the rain drops in soaking her face. Hyper Gyaos took in a deep breath and screamed back at the storm, her nose filled with the smell of death all around her. She was starving, a hateful pain gnawing at her stomach and nearly causing her to writhe in agony before it drained the last of her power. Her arms and legs lost all their strength and the albino demoness fell to the ground on her back. All she could look at as her conscious flickered away was the storm above, and the painful truth of what she knew. She was completely alone,-

Got carried away on the typing, I am never gonna pull off short chapters am I? :twilightsheepish:

Question for you all. I can't promise I am the best author or will give you all exactly what you all want. Obviously there has been some shipping debates lately and not everyone can win in the end. On the other end of the spectrum some scenes people may want to happen may not happen or happen differently than they hoped. I don't want to let anyone down but it is my story and I have a plan for it. I want to make it as planned, but I want to entertain you all as it's done and maybe do a few things someone wanted to happen if I think they are a good idea or fit well. But, I am curious what sort of character developments, scenes, or sequences you all would hope to happen. So, what's on your minds?

Comments ( 28 )

fuck the shipping! i want another chapter! (pardon my french)
oh and you wrote viewers wrong.

Um I'm gonna go out on a limb and ask; Will there be the possibility of a 3 way mare fight between Lea, Luna, and Blade Dancer for Goji's attention?

I'm going to give it to you straight homeslice, your story has been rocking so far.
You have the ground work all laid out in your head, and you got the technical skills to back it all up.

So let me break it down for you. Don't be so concerned about upsetting your audience. I'm not even sure "upset" is the right word here, if the comments from previous chapters are anything to go by, your fans seem to be a rambunctious but respectable lot.

Don't get me wrong, it's refreshing to see an author who is upfront about asking for feedback. But at the end of the day this is your story. Whatever direction you decide to take the story is ultimately your call. So when you inevitably come to a crossroads over a certain idea, the best advice I can offer is to just trust your instincts as a writer.

Readers come and go with the tides, so don't overly concern yourself with our collective whims. Just do what feels right.

With that out of the way, I will now try to answer your question :twilightsheepish:

One aspect of the story that I find to be really enjoyable is how out of place the Kaiju seem in their depowered forms. It doesn't matter if it's a slice of life scene, or an action sequence. Reading about their attempts to adapt to this new world and its culture, is very entertaining.

Tarb, Tarb, Tarb. I don't care how you do your chapters...

Just kidding, gimme Godzilla Senior, that'll make everyone/pony happy.

Well, I for one, would like a shipping between one of the kaiju and one of the ponies. A perfect example would be Godzilla and Blade Dancer. Although, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. This is still freakin awesome in my book!

A sequence I'd like to see would be where Rodan and Rainbow have a little competition.

Well I really am enjoying your chapters so far and since I'm with the Godzilla and Blade Dancer shipping, I would like to see future interactions(possibly a slow-growing romance) between the two, of course if that's not what you have plan I totally respect it. My only real request is that you continue making great chapters because you''re doing a fantastic job so far.
Also a sequence where Rodan and Rainbow Dash have a race to see who's the fastest flyer. Of course if your ok with that

If you have a plan then stick with it. Story has been AMAZING so far. now I don't want you to change your plan because its your story but please let that plan have blade dancer x Godzilla.:twilightsmile:

Well ... the story so far is EPIC in my book and If you want to add some romance here and there it's up to you !
It will be interesting to see couples forming between the characters (Some probably more serios then other's. You ... have your work cut out for you whit Godzilla).
And let me give you some advice : You can't please everyone all time.

*ahem* Gigan x Mane-iac...please...

How about Gigan and Megalon in pony form interacting with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie?

Yes. Yes! Feed our (my) need for epic words of Godzilla epicness!

I'm not against ships but I feel any relationship building between a kaiju and a pony would end in tearful farewell for both parties becuse eventually the kaiju will return home.

And I hate tearful farewells like in Twilight Princess when Midna destroyed the Twilight Mirror just after nearly confessing she had feelings for Link.

And as for appeasing shippers, don't worry about it if they throw a hissy fit that's their problem.
This is your story and I love it so don't let anyone else dictate how you choose to write it.

This whole shipping thing has gotten kinda crazy your right it's your story so write it out how you want to be you havnt let us down so far just keep doing what you do best I have no doubt that from finish to end this story will become great heck might even become so greet to get it's own hard back novel like fallout equestria

I would like to see more interaction between Goji and Luna (NOT SHIPPING!), like them getting to know each other better, and trying to let go of their animosity towards each other.

I would like to see something done with that Ki Seong character, could be a good friend to Angurius.

I mentioned something to this effect in the comments for the last chapter, but I'd just like to see more of the "Mane 6". Now I'm not savvy to your vision for the story, and I know you've got a lot of moving parts, but to me, the story so far has seemed a bit one-sided. As much as I enjoy the scenes of the Kaiju experiencing the MLP world, I'm just as curious as to the "Mane 6's" reaction to the Kaijus. Imagine if Marvel and DC had a new crossover event, and didn't have Avengers fight Justice Leaguers. But like I said, I don't know what you've brainstormed for the future chapters, so maybe I'll get all I want and more.
As far as shipping, I started out as a Godzilla/Luna supporter, but I'm coming around to Godzilla/Blade Dancer. I like where it's going so far, so no complaints there. I also mentioned before that I was struck by a natural chemistry between Rodan and Applejack. I'm not trying to pair them all up, but that one just seemed apt. Rainbow Dash always came across to me as one with intense emotions, vulnerable to emotional highs and lows, so I submit that any shipping with her would affect her deeply. Heartbreak would be especially devastating for her, which could make for some compelling story.
Other then that, somepony needs to fight Celestia. For an opponent that powerful, I imagine it'd be the pony version of Destoroyah or the Three-Headed Pony, Pony-Zero, King Ghidorah.
I believe you've also got upcoming encounters with King Sombra, and Queen Chrysalis. Can't wait to see those.

While I enjoy both the action and the drama in this story, I (personally) doubt Godzilla would ever respond to the romantic shipping that many seem to favor. After all, current bodies aside, he's a bipedal dinosaur, and anyone people are shipping him with are ponies. This would be like shipping a female bird with Mr Ed. The only shipping that's likely to work out would be friendshipping.

It could be worse, though. It's believed that several of the largest dinosaur species (especially among the sauropods) may have taken thirty years or more to sexually mature. If the same was true of Godzilla's species, then he'd be a decade from puberty, and anyone with romantic designs on the big guy would (unknowingly) be a pedeophyle. Of course, since it's established in Jr's first movie apperance that he's a plant eating theropod (posibly related to the Therizinosaur group, likely sharing a comon ancestor) then the natural maturation period for this species would be much shorter.

Than again, considering how clueless Jr. is on the subject, it seems like sometime soon someone will need to give him "The Talk."


I guess the shippers get the idea because Junior is now biologically an equine so there isn't really a physical barrier left. Guess the same approach I took to bring the kaiju down to a state they could converse with the Equestrian characters also spurred this thought in some.

As for Junior's growth rate, recall he did get aged up a bit rapidly on two occasions (first from a man sized toddler to a 30 meter tall child, then from 40 meter teenager to a 100 meter adult). As for what type of theropod he is, it is a bit vague as do recall in his third movie, he was eating fish and whales before swapping to an all energy diet as an adult like Senior did. And given his fangs and how pre-mutation Senior looked (dorsal ornaments and up to four fingers), I've vote more on an omnivorous megalosauroid. Given this and modern bird/crocodilian growth rates, I'd say Junior is more or less fully grown and in his prime.

As for 'the talk' :rainbowlaugh:
He probably knows what 'that' sort of thing is, just isn't interested. Concept of romance and flirting on the other hand, completely alien

2626669 I agree with the reasons you gave for others to be interested in Goji. That said, I expect somewhere deep in his brain is a checklist for potential mates that include things like "bipedal", "scales", and if typical for a theropod, "larger then me" as absolute musts; things like fur and four limbs would be huge turn-offs, so to speak, weather he knows it or not.

Of course, the big reason I post this view is that I find the romanticly clueless Goji to be absolutely hillariouis, and want to see more of the same. :pinkiehappy:

There are two reasons I used Therizinosaurs in my earlier post; they are among the few known herbovorous theropods, and more importantly they are the only currently known theropods to stand upright to the same degree that Goji always has. The diet shift I chalked up to introns becoming active durring the mutations that acompanied the size changes. Than again, since the species was, in your timeline, "revived" in the relitively recent past, then it's probably not a match for anything that actually lived so much as someone's concept of what would/should/might have been. Just look at the Jurassic Park movies, then look up Velociraptor with any credable source. :twilightoops: The actual creature was covered in feathers and about the size of a turkey. :derpyderp1: Kind of fits in with how the original movie design for Godzilla is based on a view of how Dinosaurs looked that's now 60 years out of date. :ajbemused:


Well knowing the shippers that stuff might change a bit in his head given he's in a new body. And to their credit, some level of instinct might be there but this is a sentient animal on subject. Most standards of what's suitable in a mate/spouse art cultural and influenced by the members of the opposite sex around us. So in that regard Junior could be, for all intensive purposes, a blank slate. :twilightsheepish:

Well evolution can take odd turns. We know now of several types of theropod not in the same groups as the therozinosaurids/oviraptorids that were omnivorous or herbivorous (troodonts and several types of ceratosaurids). And keep in mind theropods and sauropods both descended from an omnivorous ancestor. Maybe Goji's species is supposed to be an undiscovered member of that group for all we know? When dealing with fossils we work with about 1% of 1% of 1% of every animal who ever lived in an area that could generate fossils, so their are likely hundreds of thousands of species we don't know about yet or won't know about at all.

As for accuracy, I can excuse Toho a bit on this one they both wanted to keep the original look and the times they tried for a more theropod-like pose during production (GMK), the strain was dangerous for the suit actors' back so they reared it back up for safety. :twilightoops:

On Jurassic Park's behalf those dinosaurs are supposed to be mutated and the Velociraptor's size was due to a taxonomic flub. Michael Crichton was a very well researched author and by the time he was writing Jurassic Park, a recent paper had been published on Dromeosaurids. In it, Deinonychus antirrhopus was listed under the Velociraptor genus. Since Deinonychus was decently well known to paleontology followers and Crichton wanted a smaller scale threat than the T.rex, he went with the man sized 'Velociraptor antirrhopus instead of the coyote sized Velociraptor mongoliensis, not knowing the former was found afterwards to have been its own genus after all. So the film's raptors are actually honestly mistakenly classified Deinonychus and are about the right size for that species. Supporting this is the opening scene with a dig team finding a 'Velociraptor' in the US. Wrong country and place for the actual Velociraptor, but the exact right location for Deinonychus. It may have been an accurate rendition for the time, like the lack of feathers; but it was a flub in hindsight they just never fixed to maintain continuity.

Having his body transformed to fit into the MLP world, it seems at least plausible to me that his brain chemistry has also been altered. He would retain the mindset of his true nature, but the physical nature of his brain could now be susceptible to more, um, base instincts. Though he lacks the conscious desire for mating, the subconscious/biological desire could manifest or be drawn out by, interested parties.
Along the lines of the more "high-brow" conversation going on regarding Godzilla's evolutionary theories, this video might be of interest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuRHLx92DkM
Though let's not forget that we are dealing with fantastical creatures who, if showed-up in our world, would crumple to the ground and die rather quickly. But since I'm in the camp that thinks that Godzilla's origin should be kept a mystery, I don't give it too much thought myself anyway.

In response to your concern over chapter length, I'll say this: your chapters should be as long as they need to be. The content and "checkpoints" should be what decides ho long they are. Now one can fall prey to errors in judgement, making a section longer or shorter than they are best done, and simply being subject to an individual readers taste. I still face this obstacle in my writing, worrying if I'm just filling pages with "empty calories" trying to give characters more dialogue or interaction than the scene can justify, or making it to short, fearing that I'm leaving out something potentially great or vital to the story.
I submit you, as a fellow fanfic writer, that more important than word count, is: did you get out everything you wanted to? Is it cohesive with the larger story? Does it leave your story in a same or better place than the previous section?
How well did you get across your vision of the scene?
Storytelling is an art, it's the manifestation of the narrator's vision of events. Construct your chapters as you see fit. I'll enjoy your 30,000 word chapters as much as the 3,000 word ones.

Ooooh, plus, what's the deal with chapter 16? does the red dot indicate that it's "pending approval"? or something else?


Means I have it uploaded but haven't published it yet (making some edits and posting in pictures), something I will very soon rectify~ :pinkiehappy:

Pacific Rim 2 announced

are you going to see it?


Hells yah. Even going to have some of the PR kaiju square off against the Toho cast

what, really? I mean the movie or your fic?

still, if it is the PR kaiju cast against Toho's well, Toho's monsters stomp HARD, they are just to OP. at least that is my opinion.


Later on in the fic (spoilers), Slattern, Knifehead, Leatherback, and Otachi will square off against some of the Toho roster in a future battle sequence in Manehattan


I can't wait to read it

Pipsqueak's parents are going to have a heart attack, aren't they? They just sent him there and now another attack pass near him.

Consider it bias but I always liked the idea of Pipsqueak being a close friend to Luna (Nighmare Night shenanigans), so it would be nice Pip meeting Luna

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