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  • 86 weeks

    I will be opening a Patreon for those who want access to chapters early. Keep in mind its not required and I will always eventually post the chapters on here and other sites for free. But some support will help so I don't have to overwork at my second job for money.

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  • 194 weeks

    For those who wish to chat with me. I have a discord.

    9/16 th The link has been updated now.


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    I am going to try and use the Discord more for those who want to contact me about their original character submissions or story ideas.

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    Broken Images/Pictures are being fixed.

    been going through the chapters and fixing all the broken links for images. So far first 75 fixed and will continue fixing more in the following hour.

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    Looking for an Artist!

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  • 223 weeks
    Equestrian Heroes chapter post pushed back to 2/19

    Pushing back the post a few days to proofread and add more content. Its my intent to hurry up and finish this arc so we can finally get to the end parts of season 3. I know some of you have been dying to get into season 4 so I'm working to see that a reality.

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Pinkie Pie Profile · 6:43am Dec 16th, 2014

Name: Pinkamena Diane Pie

Nicknames: Pinkie Pie, Pinks, Pinkie

Age: 22 (Season 1) 23 (Season 2)

Name: Pinkamena Diane Pie

Nicknames: Pinkie Pie, Pinks, Pinkie

Age: 22

Birthday: March 23rd AD 2002

Tribe: Earth Pony

Height: 5’6

Weight: 166

Mane: Long and wild Cotton Candy Pink hair.

Eyes: Light Cerulean

Cutie mark: Three different colored balloons clustered together on the small of her back just above her tail.

Bust measurement: 40 E

Waist measurement: 26

Hip measurement: 38

Education: Graduate from the Culinary Institute of Equestria from the Las Pegasus area.

Economic Status: Entry Level Income. She earns enough to indulge in her life’s passion of party planning. Lives in the second floor guest room of Sugar Cube Corner at which she is employed.

Career Occupation: Assistant Baker at Sugarcube Corner; Professional Party Planner.

Pinkie Pie was also a former rock farmer.

Skills: Party Planner – Pinkie Pie has a near super natural ability to throw together a part at the last minute. She has intimate knowledge on nearly every type of party ranging from birthday parties to weddings. Thanks to her Eidetic memory there is hardly a factor that is ever left out.

Baking- Going hand and hand with her party planning skill Pinkie Pie is fairly experienced in the art of baking. Having worked at Sugarcube Corner the past few years allowed her to hone this skill.

Musical Talent- Pinkie Pie has knowledge and skill with over twelve musical instruments as well as a melodic singing voice. At the drop of a hat she can drop into the song and make up lyrics on the fly.

Memory- Pinkie Pie has shown the incredible ability to recall images, sound, objects or even memories with a precision one would often considered Eidetic with the exception is that she can recall then longer periods to which has been scientifically tested.

Engineering- Pinkie Pie has shown an uncanny ability to operate several different kind of machines especially a device she hauls around often known as her Party Cannon.

Unknown- It’s difficult to describe Pinkie’s weird ability to defy what is normal, even by the aid of magic. With the reveal of her status as an Element Bearer this leads me to believe that Pinkie has been subconsciously tapping into her Element’s power. Further observation and evidence is needed before more can be revealed on this subject.

Accessories: Her accessories could range from anything to a bag to various little objects or items she has for whatever she has in mind. In then that Pinkie Pie doesn't usually accessorize or carry such things.

Illnesses/Allergies/Injuries: In terms of injuries or illnesses Pinkie Pie has shown no signs of any nor does she have any confirmed allergies.

Character: Happy, Spontaneous, Nice, and Friendly, as long as you can deal with her hyperactivity Pinkie Pie is one of the greatest friends a pony can ask for. Unfortunately her exuberance can often drive away those more cynical or subdued. While well-meaning Pinkie can unfortunately be thoughtless in her actions even if her heart is in the right place. She’ll do whatever it takes to make you laugh or smile.

Family – Name – Occupation
Father: Igneous Rock – Rock Farmer
Mother: Cloudy Quartz – Rock Farmer
Grandmother - Granite Rock- Retired
Aunt - Butter Pie – Baker
Older Sister-Maud Pie – Petrologist
Younger Sister- Marble Pie –Student
Younger Sister- Limestone Pie – Student

Additional Traits to Attribute to Pinkie Pie
Fun to be with
Difficult to fathom and to be understood
Has reputation
Easily consoled
Concern about people's feelings
Very emotional
Temperamental and unpredictable
Moody and easily hurt
Witty and starkly
Forgiving but never forgets
Caring and loving
Treats others equally
Strong sense of sympathy
Waits for friends
Not aggressive unless provoked
Loves to be loved
Puts in effort in work


Characterization and Background

All-Loving Heroine: This is the real reason why Pinkie got her cutie mark (the party thing is merely her bread and butter) she wants to make everyone happy.

Attention Whore: Loud and party animal who loves being the center of attention.

Becoming the Costume: She goes to insane lengths to stay in character of a Nightmare Night costume. This includes "pecking" at candy lying on the ground.

Berserk Button: Whatever you do, NEVER, EVER break a Pinkie Promise.

Beware the Silly Ones: Yeah, a happy-go-lucky, Reality Warper pink pony sounds like fun...until you realize that if Pinkie doesn't want you to get away from her, you won't.

Big Eater: The only character in story to come close to eating volumes of food on the level of Spike or Naruto.

Break the Cutie: Pinkie Pie is extremely optimistic and upbeat, and she can usually shrug off insults and sadness. However, she is easily broken if she is convinced that she is useless or that her friends don't care about her.

She is broken by Discord in the "Return of Harmony Arc" and becomes convinced everypony is laughing at her.

There was also the assertiveness incident in which Fluttershy reduced both her and Rarity to tears by saying she's wasting her life with parties (i.e. her passion, destiny, and life calling).

Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Despite appearing completely insane to outsiders, Pinkie Pie is regularly entrusted with important tasks by local authority figures who have known her long enough to be aware there's a method behind her madness.

Character Development: Proving herself to be a lot more considerate of others as the story progresses. Her ability to deal with perceived rejection also improves as well.

[The incident that resulted in her Discord fragment being erased and reuniting with her split personality fragments of Surprise and Pinkamena has resulted in Pinkie becoming whole.]

Cloudcuckoolander: She is loud, unusual, and, in a word, strange.

Cute but Cacophonic: She has a tendency to screech if she's frustrated.

The Cutie: Shares this role with Fluttershy, being cheerful, light hearted and adorable.
Determinator: When Pinkie sets her mind to something is nigh impossible to stop her.

The Ditz: Half of the time, she's a scatterbrain. [Most likely a result of part of her mind being fractured from the Sonic Rainboom incident that resulted in her getting her Cutie Mark. Unknown to anyone the Pie's land just happens to be effected by Discord's ambient magic which also infected Pinkie that day.]

Everyone Has Standards: Pinkie Pie may love pranks, but she knows better than to prank Fluttershy, who is extremely sensitive.

Expressive Hair: Her mane falls down and becomes straight, as opposed to the usual frizzy style, whenever she's serious and/or unhappy.

Extreme Omnivore: She's willing to eat cupcakes with hot sauce and burned cupcakes, and her first thought on seeing a rainbow pond in her visit to Cloudsdale is to try tasting it, though it's too spicy for her to handle. She does have standards though; even she found the 'baked bads' that Applejack made revolting and is disgusted when Spike enjoys them.

For Happiness: Her motivation for everything; her goal in life is to make as any many ponies smile as possible.

Four-Temperament Ensemble: Forms this with her three sisters, providing the Sanguine: fun-loving, loud, and driven to seek others' attention.

Fun Personified: She is non-stop fun and excitement. This is deconstructed sometimes by showing how tiring that can be on other ponies and annoying to those that don't know her well.

Genius Ditz: Despite being scatterbrained and crazy she's very good at baking, arranging parties, is an extremely proficient musician and is handed the Smart Ball fairly often.

She remembers everything about everypony, because she loves to see ponies smile.
She's the only one in Ponyville who knows a parasprite when she sees it, and just how disastrous they can be.

Genki Girl: She is fun personified after all.

Girly Bruiser: Very girly usually, but never break a Pinkie Promise or harm anyone she cares about.
Good Feels Good: Pinkie genuinely feels her happiest when she makes other ponies happy, whether it be from a joke or from one of her many parties.

Good Is Not Dumb: While Pinkie comes off as a bit scatterbrained to most, she is usually the one who has no trouble picking up on and following conversations a lot of others find themselves struggling to keep up with.

Hates Being Alone: Being alone for too long does bad things to her mental state.

The Heart: Shares this role with Fluttershy.

Hidden Depths: The story is littered with moments to show Pinkie as very intelligent, despite her quirky, extroverted personality.

Large Ham: In her usual mood, she puts a lot of spirit into whatever she says.

Life of the Party: Throwing parties is her forte, she acts like a partygoer, and take a guess at who provides the page image of the trope.

Nice Girl: She's a good example of this unless you push her Berserk Button.

Not Good with Rejection: It makes her crazy.

Perpetual Smiler: Pinkie's goal is to make others smile. She loves smiling and she even has a song dedicated to smiling.

Personality Powers: She bears the Element of Laughter and her special talent is either throwing parties or making others happy. In line with that, she is perpetually cheerful and energetic 99% of the time.
The Pollyanna: She has such a bright outlook on life that she can literally laugh away her fears, most of the time. She also seems to believe that anypony is capable of being a friend if you're nice enough to them, no matter how hostile they've been in the past. [Confrontation with certain enemies makes her realize there are exceptions to this rule.)

The Prankster: It's made clear that her pranks are all in good fun and she refuses to prank Fluttershy for fear that her friend would take it too seriously.

Sad Clown: Pinkie Pie is the Element of Laughter, and near perpetually bubbly and cheerful. Take that happiness away from her and the reaction is depressing.

Serious Business: Ironically for her happy-go-lucky fun personality, there are some things Pinkie takes very seriously.

Never ever attack Sugarcube Corner, or break a Pinkie promise.

Parties. When she says she will throw you the greatest party you've ever had, it is not exaggeration for her.

And family photo albums. When you're family, you make the time to create one.

Under no circumstances hurt the ones she care about or innocent people. Pinkie may not like to hurt others but will fight if pushed to it.

Sweet Tooth: Her Big Eater tendencies almost invariably involve confections of some sort; with cupcakes a particular favorite. She seems to be perpetually on a sugar high.

Trademark Favorite Food: Chocolate.
The Tease: Has no problem teasing Naruto incessantly using her body, especially early on in the story.

Work Hard, Play Hard: Pinkie Pie is quite the entertainer and a party animal, but she takes her craft seriously.


Baby Got Back: Baby Got Back: Ties with Rarity in overall rear end focus, slightly besting the mare in size. Hers if more of a squishy type to Rarity's tone type.

Buxom Is Better: While busty enough to earn admirerers and occasionally mentioned more focus it placed on her rear end.

Chocolate Baby: Her mother is silver and her father is brown, but she came out pink.
Curves In All The Right Places: And has no problem teasing Naruto with them.

Expressive Hair: Her mood is reflected in her hair.

Innocent Blue Eyes: She's into fun and smiles and happiness and so considerate too!

Nice Hat: Wears them on various occasions.

Pink Means Feminine: She's pink from head to toe.
The Cutie: You just wanna hug her.

Quirky Curls: Oddly, her hair seems to be naturally straight. It poofs up when she witnesses the Sonic Rainboom and experiences joy for the first time. It's stayed that way ever since, only straightening again when she's depressed.

Rose-Haired Sweetie: A very bright, intense pink in contrast to Fluttershy's more subdued pink, showing her intensely cheery personality.

Silly Walk: In contrast to the other characters walk Pinkie will skup or bounce.
When She Smiles: This is a plot point. When she was a filly, she was pretty dreary considering her upbringing. Once she saw the Sonic Rainboom and learned how to smile, she found her love of parties and earned her cutie mark.

Awesomeness by Analysis:
She has an eidetic memory for what makes people happy.

Badass Adorable: She's one of the most energetic and happy go lucky characters in the story. If sees her friends in trouble, she's just unstoppable.

Badass Normal: She doesn't have the magic of a unicorn or the flight of a Pegasus but she still accomplishes a lot of things her powered friends can't and is smarter than she looks. [Later on Pinkie undergoes training to tap into her chaos magic which comes with limited reality warping.]

The Cat Came Back: One of her stranger abilities is to appear out of nowhere when someone is trying to avoid her.
Confusion Fu: Whatever her enemies expect her to do to them, it probably doesn't include blasting them with a cannon pulled from Hammerspace.

Hammerspace: [Something she unconsciousally tapped into prior to her training and is now training to master it.)

Improvised Weapon: Her fighting style consists of using these.
Inexplicably Awesome: Pinkie Pie regularly , defies the laws of physics.
Photographic Memory: Pinkie can remember every detail she's ever seen or heard about her friends, no matter how small or obscure.

Prehensile Tail:
Reality Warper: [As a result of being fused with Chaos magic when she got her cutie mark. ]

Renaissance Man: She's the most social pony in Ponyville; she knows everyone's names and birthdays, and keeps detailed psychological profiles in a hidden room under her bakery; and she has all the skills she needs to support her love of parties: she's a superb baker, a good singer and musician, a good decorator and event planner, an excellent psychologist, a skilled zoologist, a talented artillerist, a brilliant mechanic, and a genius engineer.
Spider-Sense: Her Pinkie Sense detects immediate danger.
Stealth Hi/Bye: She's so skilled with this that she can keep pace with Rainbow Dash.

Super Speed: [A possible result of her chaos magic. She can keep paceon ground with a flying Rainbow Dash)

Super Strength: Implied by being an earth pony, though rarely directly shown.

Supreme Chef: She works as a baker/candy maker at the Sugarcube Corner and is very much adept at it.".


Cool Big Sis:To the Cakes' twin babies.

Pinkie seems to be this to many younger characters, including the CMC.
She claims to be this for Fluttershy, who objects because she's a year older than Pinkie.

Et Tu, Brute?: One of Pinkie's greatest fears is that her friends will stop liking her and not want to be her friend anymore.

Friend to All Children: She loves playing with little kids, and chaperons some of them during

Nightmare Night. She also loves the Cake Twins dearly like they were her own little siblings.

Intergenerational Friendship: With all the older residents of the town such as Matlida and Cranky.

Magnetic Hero: There is literally no pony in Ponyville that isn't her friend.

Only Known by Their Nickname: Her full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but is known to everypony as Pinkie.

Red Oni, Blue Oni: Pinkie's loud, hyper personality makes her 100% Red Oni to all the other bearers.

Sibling Yin-Yang: With Maud Pie. Pinkie is hyperactive, while Maud is The. Maud even lampshades this.

Added Alliterative Appeal: It's almost a Verbal Tic.

Aerith and Bob: In a world with characters with names like Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, her full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie.

Alliterative Name: Pinkie Pie.

Catch Phrase: "Okey dokey lokey." and "Whoa!".

Meaningful Name: She's pink and she loves sweet things.

Odd Name Out: Her full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, which means she's one of the few characters so far to have a middle name.

Rhymes on a Dime: Not as frequently as Zecora, but Pinkie still likes to rhyme a lot... especially when she's singing.

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