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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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The Bridge: Time and Isolation, Finale · 8:18pm Dec 21st, 2014

Part 1 Here!
Part 2 Here

Day 73,465
My masters had deployed me on a mission today. A small, yellow planet called Alderoc had been giving the fleet much more resistance than their capacity would let on. I was unleashed upon their main military formation as the fleet pulled back. The enemy didn't stand a chance, their aircraft blasted from the sky, their mecha torn to shreds; and their tanks crushed underfoot. I singlehandedly wiped out their lead military column within two hours of touching down, and I felt nothing upon doing it. I still had a war to fight.

Day 73,467
I disobeyed my first direct order this day. The native's resolve to keep fighting was admirable, so Controller 074 directed me to besiege their capital in order to break morale. They threw everything they had a me as I strode through the city limits and demolished their landmarks. They fought well, but should have fought harder. By the end of the day, their capital's cultural centers were trampled and the last of their fighting force broken. I was injured, but still in good health. That was when I saw it and realized why the military had been fighting so hard. Convoys, hundreds of thousands of convoys fleeing the city. All their fighter's actions, shooting me in the face with rockets, bombarding the streets with landmines, even dropping their capital's skyscraper on top of me. All that had been them trying to distract me to buy the evacuation time.

As I watched the fleeing civilians, Controller 074's stoic, harsh voice echoed into my head through his telepathy. He ordered me to unleash my wrath on the fleeing Alderocs, cause a tragedy to the natives that showed them the fleet's ruthlessness... I did nothing and stood down. Soldiers fight wars, soldiers kill those who'd kill them. These people fleeing for their lives were no threat to me or the fleet. I killed hundreds of enemy soldiers today, but I am not a murderer.

Day 73,468
I was immediately re-imprisoned for my in-action. Finally saw an emotion from Controller 074 today. He was enraged at the stunt I pulled yesterday. He rambled on about how a weapon who did not attack was useless, and that by sparing thousands I'd complicated matters further. The fleet lacked the resources to fully exterminate the natives, not without my assistance. Mattered nothing to me to me. Their military was broken, their fighters scattered, and their capital crumbled. The natives were no threat, the planet was our's now. When I brought up this point to my leader, he still demanded I employ my might to finalize extinction.

My silence and narrowed eyes ushered out another emotion from Controller 074 as I loomed over him. Turns out he was just as afraid of me as the others after all.

Day 73,469
Despite my apparent blunder, I found Controller 074 had an odd sense of public relations damage control. Under orders, I was to take part in a military parade through the home world's capital. The crowds seemed worried at first when I strode down the main street, almost rubbing shoulders against the buildings. But after a short while they were all cheering as I passed, my booming footfalls causing gleeful uproars from the youth. I was informed that shortly after my return that Controller 074 retired from his office. The newly crowned Controller 075 was the one who gave an award ceremony and speech. Between my high height and zoning out to passively meditate I didn't hear much of what he said as I stood behind the podium. Regardless, 075 seems to be a wise choice for leader, being a particularly tactful general during the fleet's latest campaign. The wrinkles on his bald head were evidence of experience.

Right now though, I am only more confused. If I am being paraded around to a hero's welcome, why was I locked up again inside my stony prison after several hours of celebrating? Despite the cheering, I can tell many are terrified at my presence. Did my last action on Alderan cause this or was it something else? What could I have done to make them so afraid?

Day 74,856
My masters are taking part in a co-venture with an insectoid race called the Nebulans. For some reason I recognized the name and look of the species but I don't remember how I did. In particular, I was called upon to give the cockroaches' latest creation, a cyborg named Gigan, a test run in a broadcasted exhibition match. The cyborg creature was a bit temperamental, but we got along well enough after a sparring match that lasted several hours and ended in a tie. We stood shoulder to shoulder at the end for the publicity shots, the pinnacle of both our forces' might and gave the people an image they'd never forget about this alliance. Afterwards the combine forces took part in an arms parade together. The march was long, but boredom gave way to conversation between myself and the cyborg. It was nice having someone to speak directly with, let alone at eye level.

Day 130,243
My master's tenth co-venture with the bugs. Between myself, my old friend, and the insects' newly constructed beta cyborg; the enemy hardly stood a chance. The second cyborg was completely different from the first. Despite being arguably even more formidable and packing away more firepower, the half robotic creature's personality was... very immature to say the least. It was almost child-like and constantly needed direction from its elder counterpart. I found it highly amusing.

However once the battle was finished I was in for another surprise. When the leaders took to the podium, the man I saw stand next to the insects' queen was not Controller 075. This new man was much younger, hardly a blemish on his face. He wore a full black coat instead of a blue and grey one like 075, with a black visor covering his eyes. It took only a hint of me hearing his preachy voice and I already could tell I wouldn't like him at all. Something must have happened to 075. Old age perhaps?

Regretfully on any account, I didn't have the time to find out or bid my allies farewell. Controller 076 was very quick to lock me away again.

Day 135,056
Controller 076 strode into my prison earlier and disrupted my meditation. Had I been able to get away with it, I would have entertained the thought of crushing him with a stray tail lash right then and there. His tone was nothing like 075 or 074. It was smug, cocky, condescending, boastful, hopelessly erratic. It was clear as crystal, this controller wasn't right in the head. Now I'm currently debating how my previous master possibly could have picked a mentally deranged man-child as his successor.

Despite wanting to smash him into pulp, I did listen. Something about a new deployment alongside the Nebulans and several other races. There was going to be a conference of some kind before the attack was launched. The target was a sizable blue and green planet of a neighboring solar system, the third from its sun and rich in resources. A place alternately called Terra or Earth.

After 076 left, I was alone to my own thoughts as I felt my prison being moved from the outside. Sitting down on my knees, I slowed my heart rate to a near stop and closed my eyes. Mediation was sometimes tricky to resume, especially with a nagging feeling in the back of my head. The return of an all too familiar sensation warped my focus. A small frown formed over his maw. I was forgetting something, a name, a person, a time. Hard as I try, any details refused to emerge. But I knew there was something there to remember, something important.

I say down silently in the prison that had been my home for over 300 solar orbits. The rocky walls caked in pitch black as the fading light died away. Darkness, my old cloak. Isolation, my old friend. Both returned in force, and I was right back to the first day I could remember in this hollow. I was forgetting something, something very important. My memory had been murdered, stolen away, and as much as I willed it otherwise...

I knew I was never getting it back....

Comments ( 11 )

is that...monster x?

2668683 that's what I'm guessing

Cool:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache: Did you already do a profile of X?

The younger, brash Controller is the main (Xillian) antagonist from Final Wars, right?


Yup. Spastic psychopath is quite distinctive

Your version reminded me of Mat Frank's "Neo" bio for Monster X http://www.deviantart.com/art/Godzilla-Neo-MONSTER-X-96967124

Dude, that was...AWESOME!!!!!!!I mean, another cliffhanger!! Btw, wheres the 20th chapter? It had better be long.

Man, I can't believe I put off reading this for so long. This is excellent.

Poor X... he seriously needs a hug.

What lurks within the shadows...?

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