• Member Since 13th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2017


A man who doesn't write half of his stories half as often as he should like, and writes less than half of them half as well as they deserve.

More Blog Posts21


Alrighty then. · 9:15am Jan 15th, 2015

So, wow. Okay. First, Plum and Ferret, thank you for sparking all of that. I'm amazed that this even happened, let alone that I didn't find out about it until after it did.

To anybody who wrote a blog I didn't manage to catch and/or who I failed to thank in private: thank you, from the bottom of my heart and at least a couple of the sides. This is the best almost-my-birthday-even-if-I-doubt-any-of-you-actually-knew-that present I've ever gotten. You're wonderful people, and it's a joy to know you (and if you're someone I don't know, thanks all over again!).

To any new followers I've gained out of this: I'm happy as hell to have you. It feels like I've gotten more love in the past couple hours than the past year. That said, if you hopped along for the ride because of the spectacle of it, I'd ask that you give at least one of my fics a shot and decide then if you want to keep following me. Some folks (it looked like in a couple of the comments I saw) might be under the impression that I'm something more than an author/friend of the folks that put out the bulk of those blog posts—that this is somehow an elaborate attempt to troll or maybe that something more will happen beyond this point apart from me being an author. Not the case, so if you're not here for stories or the very occasional blog post, there may not be any more for you (sorry).

Last thing is that I want to note my next few weeks will be frightfully busy, so as much as I want to say this experience has inspired me to sit down and finish an in-the-works story or somesuch (which actually sounds a little cheap to my brain-ears, regardless), I don't think I'll have the opportunity what with studies, an editing commitment, the current SA round, and judging for TMDG2 happening all in this same block of time. After that, though, I'll be making the time.

Thank you, again, everyone.

Report Burraku_Pansa · 504 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

I hope the muse runs strong, long and proudly here.


The cabal must convene to determine the next victimlucky contestant!

~Skeeter The Lurker

I was under the impression that this was some sort of social experiment after Obs made his post. It raised an eyebrow when ABagOfVicodin mentioned something, cuz that's pretty far flung for me.

Either way, I was impressed with Plainswalker, so that's why I'm following ^_~

2724407 I guess you could consider it some form of social experiment, though really I'd have wanted to control the variables and keep track better than I did. This was purely a desire to help a friend and amazing author get some more exposure.:twilightsheepish:

Have a King of the Hill video I randomly picked.

Naw. You deserve a funnier video.

that this is somehow an elaborate attempt to troll

It isn't? Man, this sucks.

That said, if you hopped along for the ride because of the spectacle of it, I'd ask that you give at least one of my fics a shot and decide then if you want to keep following me.

Don't worry, I made sure to read at least one of your stories before I clicked that eyeball icon. :pinkiesmile:

What kind of variables? I don't have a clue what kind of things you could try to control here.

You helped your friend, alright. It's, like, snowballing... so many people contributed to helping the snowball roll that it became uncontrollable :rainbowkiss:

2725062 I'd want to account for the number of followers each person who did a blog post had, how much overlap there is, how many people view each blog post vs how many comment.

What sort of author is being promoted, what genres they write, what blog posts they write, how often they post/update/blog. Do they write one shots vs longform. What their target audience is like. Are they writing for broad appeal or more aiming for a high level audience. What sorts of views are they getting overall. How active are they in the fandom.

There's a lot of variables to account for and I'm sure fimfic tracks a lot of them, but it's a case of "I'm not being paid to studythat stuff" XD

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