• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 21st, 2013


More Blog Posts12

  • 604 weeks
    Back From the Grave...?

    Believe it or not... I didn't die! No... But my laptop was broken. The screen shattered. So, I offer my sincerest apologies for disappearing like that. Over that lengthy period of time, I spent most of it reading. So, I'm confident that my writing abilities have increased, even if it is just a little bit.

    Now, I intend to, putting it bluntly, get my shit together and write. That is all.

    7 comments · 844 views
  • 612 weeks
    Adjustments and Acclimatization

    Well, summer is dead and gone, as far as I'm concerned... Adjusting to not being able to spend all night awake is irritating.... Anyhow.... I've been busy, and under a bit of stress lately, so, as sad as it is to say it, my ability to update is going to be severely hindered, even more so than usual.

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  • 614 weeks
    The End of Days (Summer, at least)

    Sadly to say, my summer is coming to a painful end. Meaning my productivity will be cut in two. Of course, I'll be dedicating most of my free time to this, but, still. Have some pictures for the road.

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  • 616 weeks
    (Insert Witty Title here)

    Yeah, I don't have a good name for this. Just a bit of a heads up, I've recently managed to hurt myself doing something stupid, so my ability to type has been hindered a bit. Despite this, I'm currently working on an update for Alteration. Otherwise, everything's as normal as it can get for a man who enjoys cartoon ponies.

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  • 618 weeks
    Back in Action (For real this time)

    Alright everypony... I'm finally getting myself back into the writing mood. And before I continue on, there's one question that I need answered...

    Would you all rather have shorter chapters (1,500 - 3,000 words) and more frequent updates.... Or longer chapters (3,000 - 5,000 words) and less frequent updates?

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I Don't Have a Proper Title for This · 6:30am Jul 3rd, 2012

Hello there, again. This isn't really an update... I've done very little for the past few days. Thanks to a copy of "Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City". I'm not a die-hard fan of the series, but I do enjoy it. Now, coming to that... My brilliant mind (more like my stupidly overactive mind) has come up with yet another idea, which is a Crossover with Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City... And it's another HiE.... Please don't hit me. Or at least wear the proper gloves first - I don't want you to hurt your hands.

Anyhow - both this and my Lost Planet idea will be a cut from the rest of the HiE's (I think, at least). One would involve an extreme lack of communication, whilst the other would feature incredibly dark themes and... violence. Lot's of it. It doesn't take a genius to decode which is which. Of course I'm capable of deciding for myself (which may have been called into question repeatedly in the past), I just want to avoid the possible shit-storm that could gather over changing ideas like a maniac.

I'm not exactly sure what this post is... I guess it's half warning, half asking... Hell if I know - and I'm the friggin' author.

Here's a little shameless advertisement - Join the Harmonic Council today! Never mind the New Lunar Republic or the Solar Empire - We bring the Harmony to you!

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Comments ( 91 )

Enjoy a somewhat related song - Here

... I don't know how I feel about this...

I own a copy of "Resident Evil: Director's Cut" for PS1, but I don't like it dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Derpy_Hooves.png

209155>>209156 You listened to the song right? LISTEN TO THE SONG.

what system did you get it for?

209159 It wasn't a song a minute ago :trixieshiftleft: ALMOST GOT COOKIE!

209165 Well it's a song now damn it! I screwed up the link - just listen.

209164 PlayStation 3

huh also love the song

Oooookayyyy... what does the song have to do with anything? You seem to be trying to start all these different fics and yet you won't finish the one that got featured (you know... Alteration?). I really feel that you should either finish that fic or cancel it before you start anything else. Working on more than one fic at a time will break you. I know.

209176 The song has nothing to do with this, but it's a good song. And your concerns on the stories... Alteration is still my main story, up until I finish it. Meanwhile, I'd like something else I can work on during a rainy day, or when I just can't get into the proper mood to write for Alteration. It's more of a matter of having ideas built up, that I need to get out, before I go insane.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Hey at least you have Ideas okay. So stop complaining about having and sit down and figure out what you want to do. Otherwise I will hunt you down and take your creativity because I could sure use some. :twilightangry2:
:twilightblush: Oh that was fun typing. But seriously don't complain about having an imagination that comes up with ideas for things, my imagination hardly ever gives me ideas for anything. So as I said before, stop complaining and just think about your ideas and what you want to do with them.

209194 FANCY MEETIN' YOU HERE. :trollestia:

209199 Yup, completely by chance. (Insert straight face barely hiding a smug grin here)

209189 good point. I myself use a sketch pad where I either jot down random words or phrases, scribble, doodle, or jam a pen down on so hardd it breaks:pinkiehappy: Breaking things is a fun stress reliever.:pinkiecrazy:

209225 Oh, I know! But alas, I can't afford to break things in real life... Which is what I use the internet for... :derpytongue2:

209228 hey, The 99 cents store has ceramic mugs on sale 3 for 99.99. Those break real good like! Like my sisters head would :pinkiecrazy:

209214 Luna Damn my labtop to the moon. Stupid thing lost connection and didn't want to reconnect.
Anyway here you go: :rainbowlaugh:
Everyone else online seems to have stockpiles of images ready to post, I am annoyed I never have good picture ready when I could use one.

209236 Genius! I never would've thought to go buy cheap things and then break them.... IKEA, here I come...:pinkiecrazy:

209242 encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPmoXqsVq10MmGu6873uJyBHJJFy70xsu9y7zP_ecMNKyE8vBC

Here's somethin' else, just 'cause it's freakin' hilarious...


209248:rainbowhuh::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh::twilightsheepish: Oh that was good, for a minute when I saw the picture of Twilight I thought you had somehow super sized an emoticon. Then I did this at the thought. :facehoof:

209259 Before we can continue this conversation, I have to ask you - Join the Harmonic Council. You know you want to... Seriously, we're in desperate need of able bodies. I'll give you a pony...


It would please Sweetie Belle very much if you did.

It is done thy Lord.

209248 Hope you don't mind if I totally steal that picture from you. Kk thnx

209318 What picture?

209275 Now that I am a part of this group what am I to do?

209326 The "ladies" one. I've had so many instances where I could've used it XD

209342 Hell if I know, recruit others, and prove that our cause is the just cause? 'Cause screw the Republic, and the Empire - Councils are totally where it's at nowadays.

I guess we could use a story or two about how the Council formed... but we'll worry about that after we recruit more, I suppose.

209345 Sure... If you join the Harmonic Council... :trollestia: Seriously though, go ahead. I found it on Google.

209347 I will be willing to help with a story, and now I have to figure out how to recruit people? Hmmmm. This requires deep thought, but that is for the morn. So any tips?

209357 On recruiting or the story?

209359 Well the story I will probably just be doing sound boarding and editing for who ever wants me too, I lack the creativity and possibly the skill to write it myself. So yeah any advice for recruiting?

209361 Remind people about the ponies who keep Equestria together - The Elements of Harmony. I'd rather follow them into battle than Luna or Celestia. Remind people that without them, there would be no Equestria, it would've been destroyed long ago.

209367 I know a lot of those in the empire and republic already prefer something like this, although a few things could stand to be flushed out about the council and how it came to be, but I suppose that is for a later time.

209372 Exactly! We'll worry about that when we have a larger following... I already have an idea for something that will explain the Council's beginning, but I'll work on that later, during a rainy day or something...

209375 Alright now I just have to figure out a way to spread this movement elsewhere, and recruit without sounding I don't know what the right word is.

209375 And I definitely look forward to having a part in something like this, especially the history and background

209380 Sounding like a "tool"? I think that might be a proper word... Anyhow, for the Council! For Harmony!

209389 Yeah that's the word the word I was looking for. I will try coming up with some art for this and put on My DA account that might be a good way to start getting the word out, I already have one concept in mind, surprising, it will be a good staring place I will send you a rough draft when I am done with it and you can tell me what you think.
P.S. Once again my computer failed me, insert another out of character swear here

209399 It just a simple drawing nothing big and no characters but as good a starting place as any. also good use of the blog we should see a few recruits now.

209405 I know right? I plan on doing a bit of "shameless advertising" when I update my stories too... It can't hurt. :trollestia:

209406 definitely can't hurt. In the morning I will start preparing a DA group and that rough draft, you can probably expect a very, very rough draft tomorrow. But in the mean time I should probably be off to bed as it is 4:05 here.

209412 You know, I completely forgot that this post was to announce a new idea... Alright man, G'night. Don't let Nightmare Moon bite.

209357 I joined cause you two were talking about it:trollestia:

209424 The more the merrier. Welcome to the Council.

209437:twilightsmile:...:derpyderp2:... what's a council?:derpytongue2:

209442 That's a sarcastic question, right?

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