• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
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Not a changeling.

  • TMelt
    Long ago, at the top of the world, Love ruled a magnificent frozen empire. Then the sun rose, and darkness fell. (Based on T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.")
    horizon · 1.1k words  ·  113  4 · 2.5k views

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*incoherent, yet rhyming and metrical, squeeing* · 7:38am Feb 2nd, 2015

While I was going crazy putting together an entry for this weekend's Writeoff Association competition (check out the 36 submitted stories here! There's currently a preliminary round, and voting on the finalists will be open to the public next week), another brony was out there doing something y'all should appreciate!

Noted ponyfic voice-reader Illya Leonov -- who certainly knows his TS Eliot -- recorded a spoken version of Melt, my "Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"-esque tale of Sombra's downfall as the sun first rose at the top of the world:

Also available here at Soundcloud.

The spoken and written versions are really quite different experiences. Some of the textual interplay falls away, but some of the rich internal rhymes and the syncopated rhythms of the stanzas really pop to the foreground. It's worth a listen even if you've seen the poem before. (And I'm not just saying that because Illya's voice is rich as melted dark chocolate.)

Also, the Youtube cover art really shows off the subtle editing work I did on the cover pic, much better than the tiny FIMFic version. :raritywink:

Comments ( 2 )

That is two readings of your work I've listened to now. They are both wonderful, and Illya really knocks it out with his deep melancholy voice.

Congrats on another well done reading on a superbly well written piece of poetry.

Lucky! I don't recall him doing two stories from the same author before, let alone in a row. :pinkiehappy:

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