• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2014
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RP writer and Spacebattles

More Blog Posts7

  • 475 weeks
    Final edit done!

    I've gone through S&R, and I'm pretty proud of what I've got here. There minor edits all over the place, but some parts have undergone some narrative changes.

    Chapter 5 changes:
    - Some tweaks of Gareth's dialogue when he met Gleaming Horizon.
    - Some tweaks of Celestia's dialogue at breakfast.

    Chapter 9 Changes:

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    3 comments · 586 views
  • 476 weeks
    Editing, editing, editing

    So, here's what's going down.

    Before I publish the next chapter, I'm going to be going over S&R from top to bottom, editing the whole damn thing. I've already gone through chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    Why? Because I'm a perfectionist arse and also it'll make the ending better if I write it with everything fresh in my mind. Hopefully.

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    4 comments · 496 views
  • 478 weeks
    Looking for grammar nazi

    Keeping this one short. I'm looking for someone who's up for giving me a hand in beta'ing what's left of The Sun & the Rose. The story is nearly done, and my grammar specialist has currently stepped down. I'm sure that anyone who has read any of my stuff out the box will realise that it's... not as carefully proof-read as it could be.

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    9 comments · 711 views
  • 485 weeks
    Humanity's Greatest Pastime: Sequel?

    Porn, amiright?

    In the haze that was the few weeks after HGP's posting, I couldn't believe what was happening. Likes after likes, comment after comments, hell, it's been the most consistently favourited work that I have right now. Going through all this though, I kept reading comments that people wanted to know what happened next. They wanted a sequel.

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    17 comments · 617 views
  • 489 weeks
    A dramatic reading? A dramatic reading!

    So... I just found this on the internets.

    Why is it that nobody tells me of these things? Seriously, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw this. Personal bias aside, it was very well read. Should anyone know about fan works of my stuff, I'd love to link them up.

    0 comments · 438 views

Humanity's Greatest Pastime: Sequel? · 2:38pm Feb 13th, 2015

Porn, amiright?

In the haze that was the few weeks after HGP's posting, I couldn't believe what was happening. Likes after likes, comment after comments, hell, it's been the most consistently favourited work that I have right now. Going through all this though, I kept reading comments that people wanted to know what happened next. They wanted a sequel.

Well, dear readers, I have something in mind. However, I put it to you, do you want this sequel to happen? How do you imagine it taking place? Keep in mind, I am only a finite man. If I start writing for this sequel, it'll take time away from S&R.

Anyway, enough of the natter, here's the pitch!

It's been a month since HGP and Sys Admin's life has gotten interesting... in the 'Chinese curse' sort of way. You see, there are two types of human representatives in Ponyville: the 'Faces' and the 'Masks'. Faces are the personalities, the leaders, the ones that ponies are meant to interact with. Masks are the guys in the background, the grunts, the roadies making sure that everything is working right.

Sys Admin is a Mask, a role perfect for a consummate introvert. There's just one problem. Ever since FakeNet got torn down, Ponyville's computer usage has skyrocketed. Meanwhile, Sys Admin is STILL working alone, the light in Twilight's room never goes out and tensions are increasing between ponies and humans. Still Sys' has boiled it down to three simple things: stop the war, avoid attention and maintain uptime. Piece of cake, right? ...Right?

In terms of themes and genre, this'll definitely be more inline with Humanity's Greatest Pastime than say, Sun & Rose. Specifically, I'm actually going to try my best to make it funny. That isn't to say that I won't be having hard topics in it, but they'll be few and far between.

I'm also tossing up whether to have a romantic subplot in the story. It'll be just as awkward as S&R's was. Take that as you will.

Like it? Hate it? Want to make a suggestion? Let me know in the comments.

Report soulpillar · 617 views · Story: Humanity's Greatest Pastime ·
Comments ( 17 )

Seems Interesting enough. I think I might check out your sun and rose story in the meantime.

It was good as a funny one-off, making a sequel would just feel like milking it into the ground.

Go for it. And awkward romance, if done right, is always entertaining.

Fuck the people who cry sell out or milking it. I trust you to write interesting and funny things. If you want to write it then go ahead and write.

I'm looking forward to it, if you decide to go for it.

I'd say go for it. I find that having more than 1 project is always good in that it helps to focus on something else while your subconscious mind works in the background. That way if you get stuck on one project, switch to another for a lil while and come back later with a fresh perspective.

I thought it was great as a one shot. Sequel would be interesting.

Go ahead with the sequel. I'm interested in following this narrative and seeing where it goes. Toss in the awkward romantic suplot too. Considering what Twilight used the unrestricted computer for, I have a feeling it'll be comedy gold. ^_^

A sequel would be interesting, but do handle it carefully. You mention that FakeNet was torn down. Was it fully torn down, or is the control just more subtle and in the background (and out of Sys' hands). Given mention of the Masks and, well, humanity's nature in general, I have to question the degree of control that would be given up by those further up the chain.

A point to consider would be if you've read any of the articles that have come out recently about how people in countries with limited internet access view Facebook as the internet. Something in that direction, with social media encroaching on pony's lives, could be an interesting take.

As for a romantic subplot... eh, kinda have reservations about that one. The problem with subplots like that is that depending on the main plot, they can be viewed as needless distractions. You have to be able to devote appropriate time to their development. If this is going to be a short(-ish) one-shot, it could be viewed as needless filler. Sys in the first story was lightly sketched in his social interactions with ponies and that was fine; he existed to facilitate the action of the story and didn't have to be terribly well developed beyond the little crisis of conscience that drove that piece. Giving him a romantic interest means you have to develop him a lot more in order for it to come off as good, or at least not perfunctory. That in turn would drive the overall length and complexity. Up to you of course, but don't add it if it's not needed for the main story. The first one was lean and to the point and worked well because of it.

Ultimately, of course, your choice -- you're the author. Keeping it (at least as) light and funny as the first one while dealing with repercussions of the first one will be quite the challenge, IMO. Cultural misunderstandings and un-met expectations would be the best way to attack it I'd think. I do hope you can pull it off should you try and do so!

What nightwalker said was pretty much all i had to say on the subject. Handle it with care.

As for things I'd like to see, I'd like to see how the internet usage would effect other ponies lives, not just the mane six. How would the flower trio react to being sent billions of creepypasta? Would Big Mac find interest in alternate and strange farming techniques? Would the great and powerful Trixie find an audience on youtube? And finally, would Derpy become the greatest online troll any world has ever seen? #ditzymuffins4eva

Heh. Sequel probably only worth it if you plan a couple chapters with an additional plot to follow.

Personally, I envision Twilight getting a fantasy going and somehow Sys Admin is at her place, helping fix her network and she does something like a poorly hidden attempt to sniff him, leading to a very awkward conversation that ultimately leads to dating and misbehavior. Or something relative to this.

Awkward romance is fun. :trollestia:

I know that feel. In fact two of my fics have caused more than a fair share of sequel cries, but I have resisted the masses so far nothing to do with the fact I work full-time.

I would advise only do a sequel if you think you can top the original. Take all the lessons learnt and apply them here, and of course, never write anything that you personally don't want to write.

Personally, I would definitely like to see one, though that romantic sub-plot is flagging up a warning flag (as it would on most fics). Obviously that depends on who you're planning to ship. Please FedEx responsibly.

I'm painfully aware of the pitfalls of romance. I'm not going to add it because I felt that the story needed it (at least I hope I'm not), but if it's going to be there, it's because it makes sense for the characters and the things that I'm going to be adding to the story. Admittedly, I know that Sys Admin is effectively a blank slate compared to my other main characters. If this new story is written, his personality would develop over the chapters as he encounters newer and stranger things.

In regards to control, a principle theme of the story will be fear. Specifically, fear of losing control. Just because they don't have FakeNet anymore, doesn't mean that humans aren't stopping in the attempt. That will have a trickle down effect through the entire story. It'll be the reason for nearly every crazy thing that happens in it.

You're absolutely right when you say that keeping the story light is going to be the hardest part. Going from S&R to this was... uh... interesting. I'll try to keep myself on a tight leash.

These are some... really good ideas, actually. *Scribbles shamelessly*

Agreed. If it's going to happen, it needs to be completely natural. The main emphasis will be on the cultural misunderstandings, however.

Hey if you want more i got a bijillion of em.

Dude, PM me, I'll take 'em. I'm elbow deep in the planning phase for this, I could use all the jokes I can get.

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