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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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The Bridge: Reoccuring Question Answered · 11:24pm Mar 9th, 2015

"Can you put Titanosaurus in the next chapter?"
"Can't wait for you to bring in Coco!"
"When is Gamera making it to Equestria?"
"Is Trenderhoof going to pop up?"
"Where's Biollante gonna appear?!"

"Can ______ be in The Bridge?", this is a question I have gotten more times than I could ever hope to count and it applies to both franchises. We as fans have favorites, and we naturally want those favorites to appear and interact with the stories we read. We want to see them in these new settings and plots. Unfortunately, there is only so much that can be included. Many stories suffer from having way too big of a cast to keep track of. Having so many characters put the story in a precarious position. Focusing too little on each character leads to little development and familiarity, focusing too much can severely slow the plot to a crawl. Crossovers especially have this challenge as you effectively have to juggle two casts that are constantly on the move and interacting with one another.

So the compromise I had to make was to take chunks of both rosters and give them the screen time. I can't focus on every single one-shot MLP character, so I'll focus on the Princesses and Mane 6. I can't include every single kaiju that has ever been created, so I'll stay centered around ten or so.

The current kaiju roster is more or less the final one, alternate forms not counted.

Godzilla Jr.
Mothra Lea
Monster X
Grand King Ghidorah

I think that's plenty for what I have planned, any more would just be crowding and I don't think I could handle it. And this is on top of an already large roster from MLP. Yes I have used OCs in several occasions, but that is more me both giving a nod to some friends and using those characters for situations I couldn't see any recognizable character in that role.

Yes, I wish I could include as many characters as I wanted; but I have to have and do have my limits. I am sorry if your favorite kaiju didn't make the cut, but I do intend to introduce some new faces when I finish the first story and make the spin off or sequel.

Comments ( 40 )

Little do you petty earthlings know, Godzilla jr. has really been me in disguise all along! [evil laughter!]

Well for a counter argument, minor characters due pass through a story, having a small spot light on the stage before walking off again. I mean Gamera did show in the story for a brief moment. Also I understand he'll be in the sequel story, which although far off is still satisfies me.

Ultraman is a production line of kaiju fighting robots right? Well you could always have a brief mention of them should you ever show what's going on Terra side. (Although I'd design a more modern version to use, the old robots aren't really very good or practical looking)

Biollante could always show in story like Gamera did, providing info on what's going on Terra Side, in the sequel or even in the prequel. I really don't care really.

As for Trenderhoof and Gilda, well they're minor characters. I just want Gilda to show up as a resident of Cloudsdale, mostly to see how she would interact with Rodan and vise versa because Rodan hasn't seen another Griffon before. Much like many minor characters she'd get a small part to help move the plot along and possibly cause a little character development. Trenderhoof is all about what's hot topic and trendy. So he'd might show to get some info from the kaiju for his magazine. A few interviews something any reporter would do.

Just because we want certain characters to appear, the more reasonable of us are happy in whatever way they show up as a whole. You've already have plenty of characters to focus on for the main cast. But you can always have plenty of minor characters in the background who are there to help move the story along.

2863418 :pinkiecrazy: Good thing I have a computer virus on my flashdrive made just for you

2863626 Foolish pony! My only weakness is having my head ripped off!

2863687 But your a robot, and a computer virus would destroy your systems. And if that doesn't work I have Virus type DIGIMON, eat that!

The Pacific Rim kaiju crew is all here. What more do people want? :twilightsheepish:
Personal opinions aside, you are smart to limit yourself. Scope creep is a real project killer, its better to focus well on a few things, then spread yourself too thin.

2863710 Then It's a good thing my tech support consists of a team of highly trained thorny-faced Simeons.

Awww.... But I like Mech King Gid more than regular King Gid

Curious Tarb,

If you were inclined to abuse a little more creative license?

In the future, if the opportunity strikes, I was wondering if you'd possibly include ShadowBolt?

Now I'm personally torn as to which version is better, Shadowbolt as a singular villain, or Shadow Bolts as a team of villains. I think both paths have a lot of potential.

2863910 ..... Well I have an army of Diamond Dog Rock Golem thingys that are Digimon! We will meet your Thorny Faced Simons' and bury them under an avalanche of dirt, rock, stone, and other earthy stuff!

2864097 I'd favor the group over the individual. Although having individuals of the Shadow Bolts working separately to futher the group's goals would be interesting.

2864144 Than to battle!!!

I'd have used the picture of the Digimon's Mega level form AdamaHundinmon which is as large as a Kaiju.....but he's only lineart right now.

2864149 I like either path pretty equally. As much as I like the idea of a team of enemies for the heroes to face, I'm very attracted to referring to a singular, cerebral-type villain as Shadowbolt. Like I said, a lotta un-tapped potential either way, the cannon's missing out on a great story.

so when is the next chapter of The Bridge

2863462 If I may correct you on your statement about Ultras; they're sentient beings from Nebula M78, not robots.

All you'd need is Godzilla in the fic and I'm good. He's my fav kaiju; always has been always will be.

2864611 Okay, Ultraman is a spinoff series things and after looking it up I find it rather ridicules to use.

Just one question: Not related to this:

Are the Nightmare Forces afraid of Bagan?

Yeah, ever since Bagan's faction had been fully introduced, I had figured (correctly, judging by this blog) that all the major players had been assembled. Adding any more Kaiju to the story as major recurring characters at this point would just feel weird and, as you said, would overcrowd the story. I expect that if we do see any more Kaiju from here on out, they'd only appear briefly in very ancillary roles like with Gamera and King Caesar.

Naturally this means that the chances of Megalon getting sucked into a time portal and meeting Mysterians!Moguera are pretty much nil, but them's the breaks. ^_^

2865435 I'm actually still hoping that King Casear will show up at some point are another in the story as he does seem to play a major role in this version of Equestria's founding. From what I gathered he had some sort of relationship with Cadance's mom and the mutt that Sombra was yelling about was obviously him.

I always assumed that Caesar would receive focus once his exploits are properly expanded upon in the prequel. Although, I can easily see him getting mentioned a lot once Goji and co. find out that he had been called to Equestria previously. That would be a very interesting chapter indeed.

... Wait a minute... come to think of it... Cadance's life and Caesar's involvement raise interesting possibilities. Her being the daughter of Princess Amore Diamante can only be possible if time travel is involved, as Cadance is most certainly not over 1000 years old. This likely means that Starswirl tossed her and Caesar forward in time. But... Harmony transported Caesar to Equestria's past from modern day earth, very possibly after 2007 (the date of Final Wars, which he took part in). Given how often he's dormant, the other kaiju might not have even noticed that he's been gone for six years.

King Caesar... could he still be in Equestria!?

2865806 :trixieshiftright: He just might be, he just might. I think your thoughts on events just might be spot on.
(Post Edit)
Actually, from what I remember King Caesar was brought through to Equestria days Terra timewise before the three way gang brawl broke out on Monster Island.

We'll just have to wait and see, but... man, I just blew my own mind. @_@

*Looks back at Caesar's chapter*

Shoot, you're right! The chapter establishes it as being "several days before the Solgell Island Attack". Everything is falling into place!

...So, what are the bets that Caesar met Ki Seong at some point? I've been trying to guess how she might fit into the story, and this is just the connection I was looking for.

2865868 That depends on wither Kirin are rare and or live unusually long. Ki Seong might actually be an alicorn version of a Kirin in disguise, or her ancestors might have played a part in the past. Truth be told, besides her moving to Ponyville and opening up a Tea Shop, I have no Idea what her role in the story is. I wouldn't make a bet based on that.

No, she needn't be long-lived for this to work. As we've determined, Caesar is likely still in Equestria, and has been since giving Cadance to her adopted parents. If he is still in Equestria, he has to have been staying somewhere for all this time. Given his natural instincts, it seems likely that he'd head to Neighpon as soon as he heard about it. Ki Seong was born in Seol, Carrea, which isn't far from Neighpon. It's not out of the realm of possibility that they could have met.


Juuuuust clarifying, the being that sent Caesar into the past was Harmony, not Miss Seong* or any other kirin. The good shisa only referred to her as a Kirin because, not being from Equestria and only knowing lore of Okinawa, that was the closest thing he could describe her as. It's like how someone who may have never seen an airplane before might call it an 'air ship' or 'metal bird'.

*in Korea an neighboring countries, the surname goes first and the give name second. So technically her name is Seong (Song), with Ki being her family name.

2865887 That's possible, but in the chapter where he gives Cadence to her new foster family he disappears in a flash of light in the middle of the town. There is a lightning storm going on as well.

2865890 Actually I've already realized that Harmony was the one who brought King Caesar over. Where just trying to figure out what Ki Seong's part in the story is and wither or not she is aware of what is currently going. Or to be specific know more than anyone else does.


Worry not, I made no such confusion. As far as I've assumed, Miss Seong is a perfectly normal citizen with no knowledge of Kaiju before this story, and a completely separate character from Harmony.

True, but that possibility would bring us back to square one.

2865909 Its better than square zero. oh well back to the drawing board......

Although, even if Starswirl's time spell took him back, he could still very well be in Equestria. He just would've had to get to Equestria's present the long way. That probably would have given him more time to discover Neighpon and make some sort of life for himself there (or find a meditation cave like on earth).

2865925 Who's to say he doesn't have a meditation cave somewhere in Equestria? I think it might be somewhere in the area of the Crystal Empire to tell the truth. Who knows the fight between Xenilla, Cadence and Sombra might have awoken him.

Man, these possibilities are electrifying. I'm looking forward to future chapters more than ever now. ^_^

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