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Admiral Biscuit

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A Gift from Celestia: Chapter 9 notes · 1:12am Mar 27th, 2015

A Gift from Celestia Chapter 9 notes

First of all, a huge debt of thanks to my pre-readers: First, a big thank-you to my pre-readers! metallusionismagic, AShadowOfCygnus, and MSPiper Go give them some love!

The coffin bone is one of the bones in the hoof.

You can read more about coffin bone fractures HERE.

There is indeed a special shoe which a horse can wear for the type of injury Cherry Berry had.

Sorry for the long break between chapters. Hopefully, going forward, there aren't any more long delays.

Now for some cute pictures of Ditzy. I think we need them.

Report Admiral Biscuit · 552 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

I see you are talking about the coffin bone one the rare disease that shows up at times and I have hade to deal with this twice in my years of owning horses, navicular disease.
now who can answer this question what famous race horse was put down from this disease here is a hint he stallion was put down on October 4, 1989.


Harts Fire.
P S I hade the privilege of standing in the stallion barn at Claiborne Farms and I have photos of the farms grave yard. just standing there was a vary moving time.

Oh that eye patch. I remember a bit when my father had to wear one. The expression says it all...

Sorry for the long break between chapters. Hopefully, going forward, there aren't any more long delays.

Fail. :rainbowwild:

Ssh, it’s close to her, and it’s a great picture. As Emerson once said, a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

Any idea on if or when the next update on this story will be?

I have mixed feelings about this version of Ditzy, perhaps I'm just struggling to reconcile myself from her usual portrayal as a sweet bubbly klutz.

Look, I like the idea of her having a core of steel inside of her friendly personality, but I don't entirely like the bitchy tribalistic I want my mommy's approval more than anything parts, I don't entirely blame her, but it's still not exactly pleasant.


Any idea on if or when the next update on this story will be?

No, I don’t know. I don’t want to abandon it, but there’s some stuff that’s difficult for me to write for personal reasons, and also I generally prefer happy, upbeat ponies especially now as we’re all riding the rocket sled into hell . . . On the plus side, it hasn’t sat as long as my longerst start to completion story, so there is hope.

I have mixed feelings about this version of Ditzy, perhaps I'm just struggling to reconcile myself from her usual portrayal as a sweet bubbly klutz.

I can get behind that. :heart:

Look, I like the idea of her having a core of steel inside of her friendly personality, but I don't entirely like the bitchy tribalistic I want my mommy's approval more than anything parts, I don't entirely blame her, but it's still not exactly pleasant.

It could be that one of the steps on her journey to where she is now involved her shedding some of her past self, you know. I can’t speak for all people (obviously), but I certainly changed in some aspects from high school to where I am now, and it didn’t even take a surprise pregnancy for that to happen.

You make some good arguments, I will eagerly (but patiently) await more of this shall we say interesting character study. :twilightsmile:

I can give you at least one conclusory note, for now:

He trotted up the street, intercepting her as she walked down the street with her muzzle tucked into her bag, in preparation of pulling forth another string-wrapped bundle of letters. “Excuse me, miss, could you tell me—“

Her ears turned in his direction as he spoke, and she came up with a mouthful of mail, turning her head in his direction curiously. His blood turned to ice when her golden eyes locked on his. She unceremoniously—and expertly, the analytical part of his brain told him—flipped the letters out of her mouth, sending them sailing neatly to the front step of the next house on her route. “You.”

Her voice could have crumbled granite. Perry's tail clamped between his legs, and he took one hesitant step back before a blinding left hook knocked him on his rump. Before he could move, she was on top of him, rolling him onto his back.

She straddled him, dragging a hind hoof roughly down the inside of his thigh. “Don't even think of moving,” she hissed.

He meekly nodded, his every thought consumed with how easily she could geld him by striking down with that hoof. His horn was jammed painfully in the mud, and his head was still ringing from her blow. “We were young,” he said. “You don't have to be like this.”

“If you ever come near my daughter again, so help me, I will rip your throat out.” She slid her hind hoof lower, her shoe grating painfully against his skin. “She’s mine—you gave up any claim when you left.”

Perry thought about protesting—that wasn't why he'd come here at all, and he honestly had no interest in her foal, but he was terrified that if he spoke at all, she’d hurt him. At this point, he had little interest beyond escaping this confrontation unmaimed.

“Equestria is a big place,” she said, increasing the pressure on him. “And there's no reason we ever have to see each other again, do you understand?”

He nodded his head eagerly. Yes, he understood clearly. Yes, it would be a cold day in Tartarus before he set hoof in Ponyville again.

“Good.” She looked down at him curiously, before lifting her hind hoof. He let out a sigh of relief before a searing pain tore down his flank. “That's for leaving me,” she said coldly as he gasped for breath, fighting back a scream. His left hind leg twitched painfully, and he curled it inwards as she got off him and looked up and down the street. She took a step to the side, and he cowered in fear of the next strike. He closed his eyes as her muzzle darted in towards his face, and buried himself in his forehooves to protect himself.

It did no good; she was stronger than him. She slid a hoof under his chin and pried his head up. She leaned down and kissed him tenderly on the snout. “That's for giving me the most wonderful daughter in all of Equestria.”

He lay there unmoving as she grabbed her hat off the street, flipped it on top of her head with practiced ease, and continued her route as if nothing had happened. When she was four houses away, he struggled back to his hooves and wiped the tears off his cheeks, wincing as his mud-coated forelocks ground against his face. His clothes were ruined and he could feel blood trickling down his leg, but his only thought was for escape as he began trotting clumsily down the street away from her.

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