• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 10th, 2019


Pinkie Pie is best pony. (Though all my fics are about Spike and Rarity.)

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  • 449 weeks
    Spoilers for today's episode...

    Spoilers below cut...

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  • 452 weeks


    I repeat:


    (spoilers ahead)

    Okay, I almost actually cried when they got their marks. Not kidding. And I had to come somewhere to flail about it, because no one else understands. I've tried to tell several people how big this is today. They all just pat me on the head. (Side note: why doesn't anyone in my real life love ponies the way I do?)

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  • 479 weeks
    New multi-chapter? (Question mark?)

    Guys, I've had a fun story idea kicking around in my head for ages, and I've just written the first couple pages of it. I LOVE IT so far. Sooooo much love. That said, though...

    I don't have a lot of spare time in my life, so if I was to start posting this new fic, updates might be spaced apart.

    Also: it's not Sparity-centric.

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  • 480 weeks
    Whoa. Two new oneshots? Whaaaaaaat?

    Well howdy, everypony!

    Between rewatching Season 4 and boarding the hype train for Season 5, I've managed to squeak out a couple of new stories for anyone who still keeps track of this account. I know I'd put myself on permanent hiatus from writing pony fanfic, but bah. I'm a grown up, and I do what I want. Yeah!

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  • 480 weeks
    The State of Sparity: Season 4

    I've recently finished my rewatch of Season 4, and I've gotta say, I'm really pleased with how they've handled the Spike/Rarity relationship this past season. I hope they continue to handle it with care in Season 5.

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The State of Sparity: Season 4 · 9:31pm Mar 27th, 2015

I've recently finished my rewatch of Season 4, and I've gotta say, I'm really pleased with how they've handled the Spike/Rarity relationship this past season. I hope they continue to handle it with care in Season 5.

In Season 4, we saw character growth from both Spike and Rarity independently ("Equestria Games", "Rarity Takes Manehattan"), and we saw growth in their relationship with one another ("Inspiration Manifestation", and yes...even "Simple Ways"). I also feel like they brought back a bit of Season 2, where we see Spike with Rarity more often, and we see Rarity commenting on Spike's helpfulness and just in general having more contact with him. And I don't just mean in the focused episodes, either. This happens in small doses in several episodes.

Never in ten million seasons would the writing staff actually introduce real romance between Spike and Rarity, so the best us shippers can hope for is indication that these two characters have come to depend upon one another in ways that are special just for them. The lovely thing is that the writers (at least some of them) really do seem to care about their relationship, and give us these moments to enjoy.

My favorite such moment in Season 4 was actually in part one of the finale. Rainbow Dash is mocking Spike for bragging about his accomplishments (just after an episode where Spike learns self-confidence), and Rarity cuts right in to throw Dash's remarks back in her face. This is a McCarthy episode, so I feel safe in saying this wasn't just a coincidence that Rarity happened to be the pony to come to Spike's defense (Meghan has a fondness for both Rarity and Spike). Rarity was chosen to defend Spike.


So. Heading into Season 5, where do Spike and Rarity stand?

1. Their relationship is stronger than ever. Spike saw Rarity at her worst this season, and stood by her side. Rarity has actually told Spike how much she values his friendship, and seeks out his company. She knows he has a crush on her, but instead of pushing him away, they're together nearly as often as Spike and Twilight are. Not once does Rarity react to Spike in an annoyed way this season. They've evolved past that.

2. Spike is in a healthier place with his feelings. He's still enamored with Rarity, but he genuinely loves the fact that they're friends, and doesn't demand anything more from her. (Take note--this is how you deal with the 'friendzone', guys. With patience and a love for the relationship you do have with the person you admire.)

3. Really, these two must just chill out together at times. Their banter flows easier, their conversations are more relaxed (I'm sure they've got inside jokes), and they watch out for one another. Yes, Rarity still takes advantage of Spike's willingness to help, but now Spike has learned how to say, "NO". Progress! Their relationship is closer to equal footing than it's ever been before, and is closer to what a true friendship should look like.

4. They've shared in personal adventures that nopony else has. They have a bond just to one another, different than the bond they have with other friends. "Inspiration Manifestation" was Rarity's mirror to "Secret of my Excess". Is it a coincidence that when Spike and Rarity have had an episode devoted to the dark side of their deepest natures, they've been saved by one another? I don't think so.

Again, I'm extremely pleased with how this relationship has been handled. Much better than it was in Season 3. As always, I adore this little ship because I think Spike and Rarity balance each other beautifully. I know Sparity is never gonna happen in the show, but I appreciate when it's at least handled with respect. Let's all cross our fingers that this respect continues into Season 5!

Report paleowriter · 767 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

Couldn't agree more.

Also, if I remember correctly one of the writers stated, that in season 5 there will be more episodes that will focus on 7 main characters development, and stated that the seventh main character is Spike. This also gives more hope for sparity IMHO. <3

Agreed on all accounts. The Spike and Rarity dynamic works really well and they complement each other in a lot of ways that's both endearing and interesting. And it's not just something shippers extracted from all the pairing lint collected on our shipping goggles; the show and comics (which unfortunately went awry with the recent arcs due to confounding writing choices) have readily shown us just how wonderful this little pairing can be when the right attitude and respect are give to the two's respective characters.

As you've listed, their relationship and friendship have been steadily progressing and developing to a comfortable status where they can just be with each other as great friends, which on a show that's entirely about friendship, is pretty darn important. Too many people toss out the word 'friendzone' with abandon without actually really paying attention to their little moments and think about the theme of the show and the nature of cartoons in general. Most of us know that the writers aren't going to explicitly show them together in a romantic sense (that would introduce waaaaaay too many complications to handle scripting-wise) but as long as they continue to do what they're doing we shippers can certainly take care of the rest. : )

Here's to hoping Season 5 will be a blast. I'm glad that you seem to be doing well and still enjoying MLP with the rest of us. Hopefully one day you'll bring your wonderful writing back for us to enjoy. : )

I agree on this maybe we may get more this season

I couldn't agree more. I'm looking forward to Season 5 and seeing where the writers take us. I'm hoping that they'll throw a little Sparity Love* our way. Though, even if they won't show Spike and Rarity on a Lunch Date, I know someone who can, hmmmm? :trollestia:


*Implied only, of course, and only if the viewer looks hard enough.

2916803 Gosh, I'd love it if Spike continued to be more included! Here's hoping!


Here's to hoping Season 5 will be a blast. I'm glad that you seem to be doing well and still enjoying MLP with the rest of us. Hopefully one day you'll bring your wonderful writing back for us to enjoy. : )

Thanks! And uh...the writing thing. I might have a rambling (short) one-shot on my desktop that I threw together earlier this week. Maybe. I might be thinking about posting it. Maybe. I'm not supposed to write fanfiction anymore. This one just sort of happened.

2916919 Fingers crossed!

2916962 Absolutely. And I have no idea who could arrange a Lunch Date between Spike and Rarity. Totally drawing a blank. Hmm...:raritywink:

Wow. I'm kind of intimidated by this solid wall of shipping.

I wrote an essay on a related topic,

"Rarity's Emotional Growth in Terms of Her Romantic Aspirations."

In my opinion, the main reason why Rarity doesn't openly fall in love with Spike is simple: he's currently too young for her. She most definitely loves him, and probably considers him her best friend. Spike's best chance of winning her is to remain her good friend, because -- increasingly -- he's indispensible to her.

This might or might not work -- obviously, Rarity might marry someone else instead. But it's the best reasonable strategy -- for both of them.

2917037 Have you read my fanfiction? This little ramble was nothing in comparison, hah!

2917048 Cool! I'll have to check it out. :moustache:

I think you should definitely consider posting it. Accidental fanfiction is best kind of fanfiction. Come on, where's your inner evil-sinister-plotting-mustache-wearing Pinkie Pie?

2916981 And why are you not supposed to write fanfiction anymore? ;) Do it as long as it is something you enjoy. :raritywink: I know that sometimes there are more important things in life (and that's pretty much why I didn't posted anything in months xd).

Although I was thinking about switching from writing fanfiction to writing mlp games. I feel like this would benefit community more. ;]


Alright. You guys have talked me into it. Up it goes.

My favorite such moment in Season 4 was actually in part one of the finale. Rainbow Dash is mocking Spike for bragging about his accomplishments (just after an episode where Spike learns self-confidence), and Rarity cuts right in to throw Dash's remarks back in her face.

I like how touchy-feely Rarity when Twilight was trying to figure out where her key was.

2920043 Rarity is kind of all over him in that part. Sometimes her flirting with him is so over-the-top. I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the storyboarding room when they come up with this stuff.

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