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A Diamond Cutters: Friends Forever #16 Q&A with - Comic Artist - Jennifer Blake · 1:37am Apr 15th, 2015

Hello, everyone!

Source to most of the Q&A. Check earlier and later conversation tabs for the other smaller bits at the very start and very end bits.

Today I'd like to introduce to you a short interview, the spontaneous impromptu kind as I prefer that casual natural talk, with a new face to the IDW Official My Little Pony Comics Team!

And that artist today is the one behind all the line art, and coloring, to May 20th's release of Friends Forever #16,

Artist, Jennifer Blake!

Seriously, let's give her a big round of applause and a big welcome to being blessed to not only get promoted to Comic Artist, but to having her first comic be that of the Sugarlumps, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!

(Quite the honor. These two never settle for anything less than perfect!)

Now, onto the ever so elegant interview below. And rather then just staring at plain text, you get to actually see our avatars talk!
If this becomes hard for any mobile or tablet readers, hit me up and I'll see about making a text only version for y'all.

Hiya, Blake! If possible, can we DT&SS fans get a sneak peek at Friends Forever #16? https://www.fimfiction.net/group/1280/the-diamond-cutters … Much love! <3

sadly that kind of thing is outside of my powers hopefully IDW will post a preview before the book hits if so i will post a link!

That'd be lovely. Thanks! We can't wait to see your art at work on those two! <3

i had a ton of fun with them, i hope u all will love it as much as i did

Looking forward to hearing what your favorite parts to work on were! When able. How's it like working with Whitley?

I loved his story, i just hope my art did his words justice. I think fans will be happy with how he treated them

I don't know, your style reminds me of MohawkRex and they are pretty amazing themselves.I'm sure you did a wonderful. BELIEVE!

You're no doubt really busy but what's it like at IDW? Do artists just randomly get paired up or do you get to pick a project?

well for me being new i was the artist hired for ff #16 not sure how itll be different going forward but IDW is amazing all around

nice timing! Here I am asking questions and not even take the time to ask if you're free to do a Q&A. Hope you don't mind.

It seems you're pretty new to the pony comics. Is there anything you've worked on previously or hope to in the future?

as a followup. how did you come around to being picked up by IWD? Did they scout you or did you go to them?

dont mind at all on a break from commissions

i did a set of sketch cards for idw limited on mlp and some work on albert the alien I'd love to do some lps work in the future
(You can purchase a copy of Albert the Alien at Amazon.com)
i submitted some pemcilled pages to them and i was fortunate that Bobby liked what he saw and found an issue to put me on

oh! An lps fan? Awesome. A Sugar Sprinkles fan by chance? ;p Also, love Sunil and Pepper. I hope you get that chance!

huge sugar and pepper fan myself also a fan of the biskit twins whitney and i sharw a similar hairstyle
(She has Whitney's hairstyle? That's too awesome. That she's a Biskit Twins fan to boot! Sugarlumps seem to be in good hands.)

That Bobby has a big heart. Must be tough managing three pony series now, plus the occasional special? Tough job for him.

he is an amazing guy who has to deal with all us crazy artists and writers i owe him alot for giving me my shot

You'll be in for lots of work, what with the amazing, totally not biased, best first comic to be put to work on!

That song about seeing the value of hard work was hilarious.

haha i think it's really cool they r giving DT & SS the spotlight they do have fans who should get to see more of them.

i think lps gets lost in the spotlight but they do amazing work, and having so many of the mlp actors doesn't hurt.

And this is what we been trying to say for *counts on fingers* almost 3 seasons now! ;p Thank you. Glad to see them make it.

No doubt! So many amazing VAs on that show. VAs get so much respect these days, so happy for them! Look at Steven Universe too

i think IDW and Hasbro must have been listening then, or that could be the spy cameras though shhhhh

I think we can say it's likely a mix of both spy cams from Hasbro and fans getting sick of the abuse and OOC stuff out there.

i agree they create some of the best characters in pop culture, i have not had the chance to check steven u out, its on my list.

It was indeed a trip. And some funny jokes like "I'm the internet and know all the forms of miscontinuity in a show." so it can get meta.

they do try to listen I think to the fans, idw has that outlet to expand on things the show can't always. look @ fiendship

What got you into art? Why did you pick that as a career? Heaven knows I'm glad you did, but why? Seems a tough field.

So true. It's nice to have a consistent outlet that doesn't take year long breaks to deliver us the ponies. And non-ponies.

im insane clearly!! it's actually been a dream of mine to do comics. A 10year journey to this point but worth it.

10yearlong commitment? You remind me of a young Angela! <3 *cough* Not many get to live their dream, so congrats!
(Yes, Angela isn't her real name, duh, but everyone called her Angie and that's her character, so we always called her Angie or Angela. Mostly Chibiangie, though.)

Any advice you'd like to give to your potential fans or those who would like to find a career in the art business?

thank u, lots of though years but I'm hard headed and never gave up. Now i get to draw comics & ponies not sure it's real life lol

work hard, stay passionate and know it's not easy so still have something to fall back on during those early years.

So you didn't magically become 18 and become art famous overnight, then? You hear that kiddies? DRAW DRAW and draw some more!

if only i could magically b 18 again and be where i am now

SCIENCE! ADVANCE FASTER! BECOME MORE AFFORDABLE! XD If only, if only. *insert bittersweet tears here*

knowing me science would make me into she hulk

I don't know about you, but you look good in green. Also, something pretty hot about a women who can sweep you off your feet.

Well, I know you can't show us anything. But is there anything you'd like to say, favorite line maybe? Or a shoutout to fans?

there is one panel I love regarding pinkie pie that if ur a disney fan i think everypony will get a kick out of

Pinkie pony pulling a Disney move? We talking traditional actual Disney or Pixar here? xD Totally a Disney and Pixar fan.

You seem well versed. It's great to have spent so much time with you today. Thank you for chatting and answering Q's!

Also, hit me up if you ever get that lps spot. I'll so buy that issue. Congrats on your new job and hope to see more of you!

i guess you'll just have to see, hehehe *evil tease move activated*

*it's SUPER EFFECTIVE* Telaros has fainted!

thanks to u as well for wanting to do an impromptu Q&A this was fun

differently will tell ya if it happens

I'm be both looking forward to the day and wishing you the best. Thank you so much. Love your art style. Ciao Greeny! ;3

WHOOPS! Almost forgot to ask this very important question! Is there a Tumblr, DA, or other site where people can see your art?

i have a da and fb fanpage, da is ponygoddess and fb just jenn blake should get u there

ur welcome and thank u again

Sadly I never got this fascination with people putting face in book, but I'll pass it along! I prefer face at readable levels.

too kind thank you for the sweet words and the shares of my social media stuff

Where can I get more from Jennifer Blake and her awesome art?

Answer: For more on Jennifer Blake's works, you can shove your faces into her book at:
And for those who prefer the comforts of "MAI OC! DONUT STEEL!" you can find her DeviantArt at:


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Comments ( 3 )

2986164 haha, I'll try. It's not like I didn't have plans to interview others in the past. It's just time and other factors tend to get in the way of doing many of things I been meaning to do. I actually had to force time for this one since I don't even know if I'll be around much next month. :applejackunsure:

Glad you enjoyed it.

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