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  • 84 weeks
    Nightmare Moon AU

    I keep musing about ways Cadence being canon before S2 could have fun influences on fics and the story but I just had an idea for an AU where upon returning Nightmare Moon steals the Elements of Harmony before anyone even gets close to them. Twilight and company still become friends, but then they barely escape the castle being collapsed on them and have to be saved by Zecora; as they recover,

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  • 474 weeks
    Original Fiction Idea

    Anyone who has been following my blog recently may have noticed I posted a rather detailed fic concept, for anyone who missed it there should be a link in the side bar to the various post.

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  • 476 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Kin, Pepper & Villains

    The primary antagonist! I've temporarily named her Kin for another OC I adored.

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  • 476 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Azure & Isheen

    Azure, (filler name) the Samurai psychic. Azure in a tall, blond-ish haired man/woman (I originally planned woman but am thinking maybe guy now) is based of General Blue from the Mystic Adventure movie, both in appearance and uniform. (Blue was nominally a good guy in that film so food for thought.) They may be a reincarnation, maybe not, chances are folks wouldn't mention it or notice unless

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  • 476 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Yancy & Ran

    Set up For Cast:

    The story follows a new generation of 'heroes'. Though most of them are more aptly called protagonists and in come cases are outright antagonists. Some of this cast fall under the guidance of Bulma, Korin and Roshi while others have their own support networks & agendas.

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DBZ Aftershock Characters: Azure & Isheen · 2:09pm Apr 23rd, 2015

Azure, (filler name) the Samurai psychic. Azure in a tall, blond-ish haired man/woman (I originally planned woman but am thinking maybe guy now) is based of General Blue from the Mystic Adventure movie, both in appearance and uniform. (Blue was nominally a good guy in that film so food for thought.) They may be a reincarnation, maybe not, chances are folks wouldn't mention it or notice unless they are a figure like Korin.

Azure was a Samurai sworn into the service of one of the larger power groups in the new world. Thanks to his impressive physical strength and even greater psychic abilities he was a rising star in their masters new order. Problem was they were beginning to have... doubts, about their glorious leader. Their laws which seemed reasonable at first were quite draconian, and they had a powerful hatred for the alien refugees who'd taken up residence near the border (Information on that below).
This came to ahead when Azure and a contingent of soldiers were sent to wipe out a colony under the pretence of self defence. Azure's ability to freeze enemies in place made the work easy, at least for him. But Azure was forced to witness first hand the potential barbarity of their fellows and had a minor break down when they stumbled across dead children. As well as seeing a young 'something' about to be brutally killed (after putting up a good fight though he doesn't know).

Freezing the samurai Azure cut them down and then turned on his comrades. But once the blood haze lifted he found there was only one survivor besides himself, the individual he'd saved a young 'looking' female of the species. He fell to his knees and offered her (Isheen) his life for all he'd done. But whether out of mercy, pragmatism or something else she said that if he was giving his life to her he could use it to shield her. Thus Azure swore himself to her service in all thing so long as he never need shed innocent blood again.
I had some ideas about Azure being forbidden from drawing his sword and Isheen not being willing to let him use it even if their/Azure's life was on the line. But maybe that should be Azure's idea or not used at all?

Azure is an extremely skilled swordsman and favours the direct and honest approach to combat. (Possibly psychic sword resembling Ryoko's energy blade from Tenchi Muyo?) Azure will usually try to finish unimportant fights quickly and without much fanfare, but can grow a bit more wordy in more drawn out battles even when trying to maintain a sense of sternness about himself, it likely comes form having a captive audience.

Very much driven by guilt Azure wants to atone for his past crimes and is incredibly loyal to Isheen. He works to maintain a cool confident façade, but can be a bit overly polite, stiff and even come across as a bit of a toady, especially to Isheen. Despite this he can also be extremely cocky, holding his powers in high regard. And he won't shy away from being both critical of his opponents and boastful at times. For comparison, think Tien at the 23 world martial arts tournament agaisnt Goku when I say cocky but honourable.

He dislikes fighting helpless opponents and will often try to avoid holding someone in place and striking them, bad memories. But he is not above even trying to puppet their body (if he can). Azure has a great deal of pride and honour though and dislikes it when others step on it whether implicitly or otherwise. (I.E if someone forgets to bow before a match he'll get ticked and it's even worse if they seemingly insult Isheen.) His past with murdering Isheen's family's something they both tactfully tip toe around and they maintain a fairly professional relationship.

Azure being a psychic introduced some potential difficulties when it comes to combat. This is mostly because we never got much beyond a few specific example. Still, using those, some other ideas I've seen elsewhere and ideas I got from talking with Emeral I think I've come up with a workable combat system that is distinct from Ki but still useful.

Psychics, like a martial artist, use 'life energy'. What is different is 'how' they use it. Where a martial artist channels it through their body a Psychic does so via their mind. This doe show not mean a Psychic can necesarily fight as well using Ki as they do with their mind. (Sorry numbers coming.) If a Psychic has 'mental energy' of 600 and a ki fighting power of 600 that would technically put them at 1200. The problem is, while their 'life energy' might be that high, their ability to use it is not. Essentially their body cannot channel much more than 600 'ki points' and neither can their mind. So while developing them both at the same time is possible it's slower. OK moving on:

Psychic fighting invovles channelling energy into a person or object and effecting how it work, weakening it, controlling it, binding it or moving it ETC. Sometimes this can be done by simply freezing/holding them like General Blue or Galdo. In other cases it can work by reaching inside and causing terrific pain like Chaozu. This can be done in many ways from lessening someone's Ki output like Bojack Gang Psycho Thread. Or it can involve messing with their muscles control to make them miss. Head games and illusions may also play a part, along with using telepathy to predict an enemies moves. Obviously there are ways to counter this, with varying needs, powers and skills required. This abilities could also be used in a more supportive role than direct combat to help empower a struggling ally.

So a great deal is built around binding and restricting opponents. But directly interacting with them is not the only way to do so. This moves into the more direct telekinesis, but also empowering an object. This was seen when General Blue managed to restrain the cast, including Roshi, Goku and Krillen with simple rope. He seemed to do this by charging it with his energy and it did hole quite well. Another example may be in Galdo and Bido using objects like trees or the hands of a giant clock (Bojack Movie) to attack someone. Normally thee things would be chump change to a powerful Ki user, but are instead seen as a legitimate threat. So I assume 'empowering' an object makes it strong enough to hurt an enemy assuming their powers are comparable. (Welp now I can't help but imagine glowing knives tracking an enemy all over the place.) Also Azure tearing out the 'ground. ship, ETC from underneath an opponent in an epic way then crushing them with something the size of a mountain.

I imagine him fighting Yancy in the first rounds of a world tournament and being defeated, though not easily, as her habit of channelling huge amounts of ki to bulk up makes her body trickier to manage than someone else who relies more or their 'natural' form.

Isheen, the alien bug woman of miracles. But for the context of this post is an alien insect. Fun fact, I initially planned for her to be another Ki fighter, but felt that as things stood, she wouldn't be able to 'do' much that wasn't being done already. So, given the setting has magic I figured it could be a good way to expand on that. I have ideas, weather control, forcefields, sealing, illusions, energy redirection outside opinions are appreciated. I'd like to keep it distinct form Ki fighting, but still 'useful' in the combat sense. it also means not another person to include in the tournaments. In hindsight, maybe switching up the respective sexes could be interesting for these two? (Assuming Isheens species is remotely similar to humans)


Isheen is a member of the species that once intended to buy earth. They hoped to send out a seeding colony once it was 'prepared' and gain some distance from Frieza's empire. They are an insectoid species who rarely produce Ki wielders, at least in the 'breed' Isheen hails form. But they are quite knowledgeable about magi; this was a fact they worked hard to keep from Frieza.

Once the Planter Trade fell and civil war erupted across the cosmos their species was one of the greatest victims. Fearing extinction they loaded up seeding ships and sent them all across the stars. Some went towards Earth hoping it would be damaged enough that they could settle there. It is important to note Isheen and her fellows had nothing to do with the order and were just refugees scared and looking to escape war.

Opinions on this idea are greatly appreciated. I'm still trying to work out the kinks to this idea, including 'when' they arrived and how many.

Isheen looks, acts and carries herself like royalty, dressing in elaborate robes and furs, though with hoods. She bounces between politely 'high class' to kind of snobby along with deliberately obtuse. She is highly intellectual and a bit reserved, often preferring to avoid crowds when she can.

She has a deep and abiding love for her species and is rather concerned about their chances for survival, assuming they aren't essentially extinct at this point. She wanders the land, mostly, concerned with trying to forget her past, the loss, pain ETC and grow herself as a magus. When first meeting the duo there's a great deal of tension between her and Azure. She can never quite forgive him for what he did even if she does come to care about him. (She may claim to be genuine royalty, how accurate that is though is up for debate.)

This duo wander the land looking for somewhere nice to stay or do research in comfort. They have no fixed point or plan beyond vague outlines. If one of them entered the world tournament chances are it'd just be for the money so they can keep living an expensive lifestyle. So unlike Yancy or Ran who might be sent out to hinder or aid in trouble, these two can just sort of stumble into it during in their own lives. Though Azure's former master may serve as a good villain for them.

Often coming across as cold, indifferent or outright, and understandably alien, Isheen is measured in everything she does even getting revenge.

Very Vague ending idea to the battle with Azure's former boss the Psychic Shogun:
“So you would be the hand that guides the blade rather than my executioner, coward!?”

"Killing you would be meaningless in the grand scheme of things, a bloody act solely for vengeance. For your death to have meaning, for this to finally end it must be one of your own, one who believed in you but turned from your vile ideals. I release you from your oath Azure, do as you please.”

(Azure tries to do something self destructive but in his mind 'honourable' - Yancy Interference!
“Stop that!” Yancy shouted, appearing in an blur and driving both her combat boots into the side of Azure’s head and flinging the samurai to the ground. “Now that’s how you stop someone, just like back home.” (What was I thinking with this line.)

Magical Combat:

I have some ideas for magic but am eager to hear people's thoughts and ideas. Some of this came from the Demigura fight from DBZ Xenoverse and watching him throw around multiple staffs. The rest, what little magic we've seen, Babidi, Piccolo, ETC and guess work.

Magic is something that's extremely... flexible in application with multiple avenues, uses and effects . It can be hard to resist, but the more prepared a person the more likely they are to come out of it unscathed. Though this doesn't make up for too large of a power discrepancy.

Magic can & often does have transformative properties, but these requires a lot of power and unique energies. Simply put it's very specialized, outside willing participants and ritual. This is especially true at the more extreme 'spit to stone' levels. But again not irresistible as seen in canon.

Magic is also good at binding and restraining. Babidi showed up such a spell against Piccolo and while it was ineffective it showed they exist. This would involve limiting someone's ability to use ki, magic, or just control their muscles. This can be overpowered by raw strength though and relies a great deal on execution.

Sealing is another aspect which magic, like Ki can be used. This mostly involved locating or creating a pocket realm or distorted space and forcing/tricking someone inside it. Sometimes it can be 'strong' and act as a prison, or it can reduce the enemy to energy, limiting their power at great cost to the user. In other cases it's like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, hard to get out of because it's like escaping the normal universe, or close to it.

Magic can make travel, and high speed combat easier by messing with relative dimensions in space. It can allow for teloprotation, slow an opponent or even stretch out the space between two locations or create. Weather control or harnessing may also play a part as well as materialization & enchantment & healing. We also know it can effect the mine, but chances are beyond mild messing with an opponent Isheen would not be mind controlling anyone.

I keep imagining a fight between Isheen & a prideful/angry character who hates their use of magic thinking it cowardly. Isheen keeps distracting them with mocking & insulting illusions. Which causes them not to notice all those 'magic spears' they're shattering are embedding themselves in the ground. When they do notice they're trapped in a giant three dimension ritual circle which absorbs and directs their ki back at them. Trying to escape they release all of their ki & shatter it which causes it to implode on them with their own ki. This is referred to as 'simple' to get out of if someone is smart rather than pushing raw power.

Isheen has given me a lot of trouble as a concept and in many ways she's still theoretical, at least her species is, the background is more or less the same regardless though. I can't entirely decide if I want her to be a demon. (As has been established in the original series there are demons, but there seem to be many types, I have my own theories on that.) And I enjoy taking filler and trying to expand it. So potentially, a friendly or honourable demons can theoretically exist. Another option is a type of animal person, I originally pictured a woman with long elegantly styled pink hair and a lizard tails with pink spikes. But recently I've been getting more and more behind an idea inspired by some art pieces I've seen such as the above or this:

Yeah, like that. Also artist link.
For the purpose of the post I will be treating the above as 'canon' but would appreciate outside perspectives.

Link to the final section.

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