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Cast-Iron Caryatid

More Blog Posts91

  • 22 weeks
    Merry Christmas, all!

    My track record with Christmas releases is no longer perfect, but I do try! Only one 5k chapter of Sharing the Nation this year, though I'm hoping to have 5k more out before the new year. To make up for it, though, I've also brought out the Harry Potter crossover that's been languishing in

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    4 comments · 197 views
  • 127 weeks
    Nothing this year, sorry

    Man, this has been… a year. Shortly after my last blog post, I had some (non-covid) medical issues that somewhat took over my life for a while, and while that's all in the past now, I'm only back where I was beforehand—completely unproductive. I was determined to get back into things at NaNoWriMo, but work steamrolled those plans and I just haven't been able to find the words to write something

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    16 comments · 842 views
  • 166 weeks
    More burned out than I thought

    Jeeze, it's been four months since I decided not to force myself to generate updates for the sake of Patreon and gave myself the freedom to write whatever I wanted… but I haven't really written anything. I've done a thousand words or so here and there to play around with other fandoms, but nothing of significance.

    Shocking, I know.

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    9 comments · 874 views
  • 179 weeks
    Tis the season for status updates. Not as much the other kind of updates as I would like, though

    It wouldn't be Christmas if I hadn't been completely incommunicado for at least a month or two beforehand, right?

    Unfortunately, I don't have chapters of Sharing the Nation to post for Christmas this year. I do have some Equal Opportunity Ascension chapters that only Patreon has seen, and I'll post those, I guess, but it's clear this… isn't working.

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  • 231 weeks
    Christmas Updates!

    Merry Christmas!

    As I've done every year since I started writing, I have updates here for you on Christmas day.

    ( It might look like there's a missing one, but the chapter for Sharing the Night that year was taken down and reposted)

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Next chapter is in prereading, a question for everyone · 5:46am May 28th, 2015

tl;dr: There's a strawpoll link at the bottom of the post.

Chapter 15 is 9,047 words, according to FimFiction—a little short, but I go over the 10k mark so regularly, I'm fine with that. I have to say, though, this chapter would not have been out this month if not for Patreon. I'm not gonna lie… there's a good chance that money will go straight to rent as soon as it comes in. It may not be monthly updates, but it is working, and it helps out a ton.

If you haven't guessed yet, the question I have is related to that.

I know, I know, most of you don't want to hear about Patreon. Out of the 4,410 users tracking Sharing the Night, only 32 (0.7%) have pledged—and that's fine. That's how it works, really; only a few people (those who can afford it) are needed to make a huge difference that everyone benefits from. This post isn't about trying to get more pledges, nor is is directed at those who have pledged.

It's about how the rest of you feel about the whole Patreon thing. Specifically, something I'm considering trying out.

You see, ten thousand really is a sizable number of words, and more importantly, the month or two… or three… that it can take to write them is a significant amount of time. Sometimes, it'd be nice to have a little feedback, or even just some encouragement along the way, and as I was writing this chapter, I got to thinking. For the most part, I tend to write very linearly, and once I have a scene done that I feel good about, it doesn't usually change as much.

So, what if I posted scene-by-scene updates somewhere?

I really don't want to make them public. I'm very attached to the 10k word chapters, and I usually need that much to be absolutely sure that the chapter works. Not only that, but my highest Patreon reward is prereading, and this would basically invalidate that.

What if I moved the prereading pledge reward down a tier and replaced it with access to these scene-by-scene updates?

I dunno, it's a thought, but at the moment it's only that. I'm rather uneasy about it. It's really just extended prereading, but still, I'm not sure how it would go over or if it's even worth it to update. As it is, there are only a few generous people who would qualify, and I don't actually know if those people would even want to read piecemeal updates, so unless people are really excited about it… nervousness and apathy will probably win and nothing will happen :unsuresweetie:

So… tell me how you'd feel about that, eh?


Edit: I probably should have included an option for "Feel that rewards such as this are not appropriate for fanfiction on Patreon". Do let me know in the comments if that's your opinion (or if you have any other opinion that's more nuanced than a poll checkbox)

Report Cast-Iron Caryatid · 739 views · Story: Sharing the Night ·
Comments ( 12 )

if i could i would help you on patreon but money is a bit lacking for me.
I think 10k words is more then enough for one chapter.

Honestly, I support you (and others) on Patreon because I want to do something to show my appreciation for this amazing community and all the wonderfully talented people in it. So many works (including yours) have thrilled, touched, or astonished me. I initially wanted to give back in the form of written contributions of my own, but...I'm really not very good at it. :unsuresweetie: But this...this is something I can do. The rewards, though, are typically...not my main incentive.

Now on the other hand, 10k words is a massive effort....and I'd love to be able to support you in that process. So...:applejackconfused:

Another thing I'd like to note is that many authors have their Patreon set for monthly donations. I don't want you to miss rent (or push out a chapter before it's ready) because your writing isn't lining up with your payment needs. Just something to consider (though you'd probably need to adjust the reward tiers at that point, maybe), and I doubt I'm the only one who feels that way (I hope).

Edit: I think 9k is just fine, too.

I don't have money, but this seems fine to me. I'll get to read it eventually and it will be more polished when I do, it's not a paywall. If it's something you want to do, I'd say go for it.

Yeah, it was never supposed to be about the rewards, which is one of the things that makes this awkward :unsuresweetie:

I could never do monthly, though. It's… not a good feeling getting a round of donations when you haven't even done anything in a month :fluttercry: One of the reasons I like Patreon so much is because it allows me to work for specific goals. Believe me, though, if pledges ever got to the point where I could actually reasonably cover my costs of living each month… I'd make it work, somehow.

3104854 Hey, no need to feel awkward about it. If doing scene updates and getting in-progress feedback from a limited subgroup would help motivate you, then go for it. On the other hand, if you're not comfortable showing your work until it's "finished", though, then...well, don't.

I guess I can see why you might feel that way regarding monthly donations, though my assumption is that donation amounts would still end up balancing with production and general appreciation for your work, just on a more regular schedule. As a motivating factor, though, I suppose per chapter payouts would be more effective.

Go Team Artichoke!

I'm not sure if I'm at the 'scene' level or not. The rewards are not the reason to be a Patreon. While I have no issue with the idea, looking at just a scene can be taken out of context in regards to the chapter without knowledge of what will follow.

I don't understand, personally, why anybody would feel jealous that people are reading bits of the story early. Seriously, it is their loss that they are ruining the story for themselves. As a proofreader and editor, I have oftentimes become the proofreader/editor for some of my favorite fics only to ruin them for myself somewhat by reading them before they have baked. I support your decision to do this, but depending on how you go about implementing it, the backers might get less enjoyment out of the story.

Though I must say that my "being an editor" as a lot to do with me ruining the story for myself, because just by looking at something under a hard light you can ruin it for yourself. If you look for cracks in the great wall of china—which is a behemoth and work of art—you are bound to find more then you would if you just glossed over it.

The artichoke option was just too tempting...In all seriousness though: i'm not personally interested in paying to read something before it's released, no matter how good; however, there does seem to be those whom are interested, and if it helps you - great!

Acceptable, but would not participate.

I'm surprised, to be honest, at how few people have signed on to support you for Patreon. I have been tempted so many times to try it out, but I just can't see people wanting to toss me money for my semi-literate keyboard mashing. Your stuff is so vastly superior, and if you have only a .7% conversion rate... Well... yeah... >.< Although, I've just been told that sounds 'about right' and 'rather good', so what do I know?

Anywho, 9k words is a good chapter length. I personally feel 6-8k is the 'ideal' range. Has meat to it, but doesn't take too much time to get through. Leaves you eager for more (hopefully) while also satisfied with the meal of words just consumed. Or written... Takes so long to write those Goliath chapters, as you noted. Ah, for the days when I could put something out every other week... Ahem, yes, anyways; 9k words. Smashing good.

I'm not entirely sure how I'd feel about scene-by-scene updates. I actually kinda prefer the chapter be done (or nearly so) before I sneak peeks at it, but then I don't have the free time I used to and don't end up staring at the screen going "need moar fanfiction!" all the time so I'm kinda in the middle. It'd be neat now and then, but the current system works for me. :)

Go ham on your patreon I say. I recently moved out for the first time and this whole rent thing is killer. I may not have the money to send you, but you certainly have my sympathy.

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