• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 12th, 2017

Danger Beans

I was once an ordinary Lima Bean. One day I got bitten by a radioactive fanfiction writer and my life was changed forever.

More Blog Posts72

  • 400 weeks
    Matthew Says Hi

    Pictured: My House.

    So I'm currently being rained on by a Hurricane. I'm expecting the power to go out soon, but other than that, it's mostly an inconvenience. :ajbemused:

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    1 comments · 424 views
  • 406 weeks
    I Wrote a Thing + Generic Update

    Hey All.

    So Real Life has been kicking my ass pretty well of late, and I actually stopped writing completely.

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    2 comments · 408 views
  • 417 weeks
    Safe in Orlando

    I'm sure by this point you're all aware of the shooting which took place in Orlando during the early hours of this morning, what most of you probably don't know is that I actually live in Orlando. The tension here is palpable. This morning everyone was terrified, my sister and I were bombarded with phone calls from various friends and relatives, looking to make sure that we were okay. Even

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    4 comments · 459 views
  • 423 weeks
    Under A Silver Moon Update

    Hello all!

    The next two chapters of Under A Silver Moon are done. Kind of.

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    1 comments · 457 views
  • 424 weeks
    Amoongus! I Choose You!

    So I don't know how many of my followers are pokemon fans, but every once in a while, when I need something mindless to do, I open up Pokemon Showdown and play a few rounds.

    I don't even know how to explain what happened today, so I'll show you.

    This poor bastard got his shit pushed in by an Amoongus.

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    2 comments · 417 views

A Crossover, A Prequel, A New Story · 3:37am Jun 12th, 2015

So there are two stories that I've always wanted to write, but never had any idea how to write them.

The first--if you can believe it--is a Bioshock Infinite crossover. I always loved the idea of a city in the sky, but seeing as how skyborne cities are already a thing in the MLP universe, I was never able to figure out a good way to give it the same gravitas of the game.

The second story is a prequel to Twilight's Inferno, which is seriously one of the best stories that you will ever read, and then immediately wish you could forget. There are no words which can properly surmise what that story will do to your heart.

I've had ideas for both of these stories for some time now, but they were never enough to build an entire narrative around. I was almost ready to just give up on both concepts. Until a few months ago. When, in an insightful epiphany, I realized that instead of writing two stories, I only needed to write one.

I give you, Dismay.

Within the deepest recesses of Tartarus, there is a storm that never ends. A swirling maelstrom fueled by the dark and terrible magics that reside within the infernal pit. Within the eye of this storm, like a pearl within an oyster, is the great floating city of Dis. Dis was intended to be a paradise where all could be free, and live in Harmony. A place where hunger, sadness, and even death would hold no sway.

But you cannot build a paradise at the mouth of Hell without consequence . . .

Dismay is the story a mare named Green Leaf and the wonderful, terrible city which she finds herself trapped inside. It takes place within PaulAsaran's headcanon world, before the events of the show, and even before Celestia and Luna's births. It's going to be a dark story but in a wholly different way than my other stories.

Dismay is an amalgamation of plot ideas that I've been thinking up for years and PaulAsaran's own headcanon. This is a story that I have wanted to write for a very long time and am very happy to finally be writing.

I hope you all will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and remember: in the city of Dis, nothing is as it seems . . .


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