• Member Since 20th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 1st, 2019


I'm a chef and an avid reader of all flavors, and perhaps one day I'll even get around to writing something. Want a recipe, Pony themed or not? Hit me up and I'll help you out!

More Blog Posts14

  • 417 weeks
    My Chef rant on "Spice Up Your Life" and why Zesty isn't really a food critic.

    I just finished watching "Spice up your Life", and I have to say I enjoyed most of it. It's not often I feel like commenting on an episode, but to those who know me on here and know I work as an executive chef, I figured it'd do no harm to weigh in on a few things. Now I won't review the whole episode itself as there are plenty of others doing that, instead I'd like to talk about Zesty Gourmand,

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    2 comments · 494 views
  • 443 weeks
    My 13th blog on this thirteenth day because...

    Well, it's cold and rainy and ugly outside, and I'm sitting bundled up trying not to freeze to death at the moment. Also, it's my birthday! I'm going out later tonight for all the fun stuff, but for now all I can do is sit here and be old and grumpy, probably like how cake princess is in her spare time. :trollestia:

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    6 comments · 365 views
  • 445 weeks
    The only time I do this is when...

    I mean I really don't follow bandwagons but...

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    1 comments · 403 views
  • 447 weeks
    Scoots, my account page is infested with follows!

    Scoots you inglorious bastard, what have you done! I've so many new followers and not enough cookies and cupcakes and feed them all! :pinkiegasp: Guess I'll have to order pizza instead! :pinkiehappy:

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    2 comments · 372 views
  • 451 weeks
    (Non-Pony, mostly) Went to see the Judas Priest and Mastodon Concert

    I did wear my Pinkie Pie cutie mark patch though, so that counts as a little bit pony? I've never gotten to see J.P. live before, but oh my god do they put on an epic show! They might be old as hell but they still got it, no taking it easy trying not to break a hip on stage. They rocked it and were all over the stage, hell they even rode a motorcycle up around on stage for a bit.

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Eh, if nothing else this sorta counts as a half-assed bio, why not? · 10:19am Jun 19th, 2015

1) Name: Todd

2) Birthday: 13/12/1977 (Not I don't remember anything about the 70's, I barely remember the 80's other than it was awful! :ajbemused:)

3) Nickname: Zasyri most places, and Zetser in others (Z-names are fun, they tend to float under the radar more easily)

4) Eye Colour: light brown

5) Hair Colour: dark brown

6) Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius :pinkiehappy:

7) Your fear: I really don't have any true fears, at least not irrational ones. I mean, I feel fear like anyone else, but I've always been pretty fearless about confronting any situation. That's not me bragging, that's me saying that I must be a running candidate for a Darwin Award, as I'm pretty sure a good sense of fear is one of the things that helps keep you alive longer... oh well! :pinkiecrazy:

8) Your perfect pizza: Oh man, this changes a lot... right now it's a fancy one that i came up with myself, ignore my pretentious foodie side for a moment while I type this out... or if you dig this stuff, let me know what you think!
So best Pizza is - Crumbled Point Reyes blue cheese on sliced Forelle pear and vermouth caramelized Vidalia sweet onions, over baby Tuscan kale and mornay on Naan flatbread drizzled with 25 year balsamic and California micro batch first press extra virgin olive oil. (You might roll your eyes at that description, but damn it if I could make you try it you would be a believer!)

9) Goal you’d like to achieve: Get my first position, no matter how low on the totem pole, in a Michelin Star restaurant.

10) Your best physical feature: Apparently it's my smile according to the girls I've dated. I don't believe that for one damn second. It's totally the gunshow *flex* :moustache:

11) Pepsi or Coke: If you're making me choose, I drink Coke, but I dislike both.

12) McDonald’s or Burger king: No choice here, I only eat at either if my friends make me go, both are equally no good to me.

13) Adidas or Nike: Nike, kids nearly killed each other in school over them when I was was in high school (figuratively speaking of course)

14) Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla, real vanilla that is. More to the point Tahitian vanilla as it's more humane, as the vanilla bean industry from Madagascar is a corrupt business that perpetuates all forms of nasty human suffering over there. Also, while vanilla seems dull and boring, you really come to respect it when you work with good vanilla beans, they are a thing of beauty and delicacy.

15) Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee, I mean cappuccino is a silly morning beverage, coffee is all day long. I might be biased as I have a local bean roaster on call, I get mine green and roast them myself every so often (I know I know! I don't mean to sound like a pretentious prick, but this is just stuff that comes with the business I work in. I swear I'm not an asshole! :twilightblush:)

16) Smoke: Not anymore. There were six very foolish years of my life where I was hooked, but thankfully I was able to quit and never look back. Haven't touched one in 4 years now.

17) Curse: Haha... :facehoof: Yeah. Kitchen vernacular being what it is and all... :pinkiecrazy:

18) Sing: So both the San Francisco and Los Angeles Japan town has these awesome private karaoke booths like you see in anime, and my friends and I abuse the hell out of them when we visit. Other than that, I do sometimes in the walk-in cold room at work when no one is around.

19) Dance: Oh man, I make Twilight Sparkle look like a pro, but I still do it! :pinkiecrazy:

20) Take a shower everyday: Yes, sometimes more.

21) Have a crush: I currently do, sorta. It's complicated...

22) Want to get married: Yeah, I think it'd be pretty sweet, as long as I found the right person.

23) Get motion sickness: Only on rides that are made to do it, and really extreme roller coasters.

24) Think you’re attractive: Eh, I used to not think so, but several others say I have some redeeming physical qualities in one manner or another. I don't know if i agree though, but this was their opinion, not mine.

25) Get along with your parents: Yeah, I've always had a stellar relationship with them, I feel like quite the minority on this subject because of it.

Have you ever…

26) Flashed anyone: No

27) Been beaten up: Nope

28) Shoplifted: Haha yeah back in junior high, never got caught either, good times :rainbowlaugh:

29) Eaten Sushi: Lots and lots. Saba sashimi is my ultimate fav, seconed by fresh diver scallop

30) Been on stage: Yes if talent shows as a kid count. There was also the cosplay contest I got roped into once... Also the cooking competitions... whatever.

31) Made homemade cookies: :trollestia: Oh heavens no!

32) Gone Skinny dipping: Hah! No, that will never be a thing.

33) Stolen anything: does question 28 count? That really was the only time I purposely did it, and it was just candy bars.

34) Had sex: Eeyup :eeyup: It ain't nothin to be ashamed about.

35) Done drugs: There are occasions where one cannot entirely avoid the green stuff, at least not politely. Needless to say it's been years, and I don't really like it. Not my thing, also, I've never spent money on it or sought it out for personal recreation.

36) Gotten drunk: Ooh man! :trollestia: Good times, great times, and really painful morning afters.

37) Had a random hookup: Nah, I need to be at least friends first or it really doesn't work for me.

38) Ran out of gas: So only once, and only when I was pulling right into the station. Made it right to the pump just as the car shut off. Totally awesome timing.

39) Been arrested: Hell no, that's just stupid. Totally avoidable.

40) Been in love: Yeah once... damn it that was painful. I think I see why some people try to avoid it. You trust and you give and give, only to get shit on in the very end. Eh but enough about that... :pinkiesad2:

So yeah, I dunno how many of these types of things I'll do, but at least I got one out there. I deserve to go eat a Peanut Butter and Nutella sandwich right now, in fact I shall, peace! :rainbowdetermined2:

Comments ( 3 )

28) Shoplifted: Haha yeah back in junior high, never got caught either, good times :rainbowlaugh:

:rainbowlaugh: #YOLO #Rebel

Fuck yeah! Went into to that market with my big ol winter coat on, never mind that it was April and probably like 80 degrees out. Pocketed that Kit Kat and pack of Juicy Fruit like I'z owned it and stepped the fuck out. #Real_gangsta_shiz #thuglife

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