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Rated Ponystar

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The World of Rated Ponystar's Fanfiction Adoption Agency · 3:06am Jun 26th, 2015

Greetings my fellow bronies from around the world. Yes, it has been along time since we've done one of these. Hasn't it? Reason kinda being is that I'm running out of ideas now XP. Well, not so much ideas but really good ones to put up. I'm sure I'll get more as the season goes on (which is doing pretty good by the way), but we're going to be doing a special adoption agency today.

We're going to be posting ideas that take place in the universe of already existing fics that I personally enjoy. Now before you clicking the back button, I have said in the past that I have ideas based in the universes of other people's fanfics before. And I have permission from these authors to post them here for people to adopt and do their best to make them. That being said, there are only three authors I'm doing this time with the fics being either unofficial sequels or Alternate Universes to their established fic universes.

The universes are The KillerRarityVerse, The FordMustangVerse, and the TyrantVerse.

But don't worry, there are original fics ideas that I have for adoption after these special ones. I won't also being doing this kind of adoption all the time, just once and awhile. There are some requirements to adopt these ideas based on the existing fanfics however.

1. You have to have read the fanfics they are based on. Meaning, if you haven't read stories of that specific author's universe, then you will not get the story. So if you have read Secret Life of Rarity, Public life of Sweetie Belle, and Broken Blossom, then chances are you can adopt the KillerRarityVerse stories.

2, You must tell the author of that respective universe that you are adopting my idea based on their fic and which one it is. Once they give you permission to do it, tell them to tell me via PM and I'll write down your name as the adopter. Until I get the author's PM saying that they gave you permission, it won't count.

3. You must be an experienced writer. I won't be giving these to newbies. I'll be looking into your profiles and stories and if I deem you worthy, I will let you know. You must get the okay from me after you get it from the author to be the official adopter.

Other then that, feel free to ask to adopt the idea. You don't need to do these with the original ideas from me, just comment or PM me that you want it and you will have it.

If you want to see other adoption blogs with fics that are open for adoption, click on the following links below.

-Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency
-Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency Returns
-Son of Rated's Adoption Agency
-Rated Potter and the Chamber of Adopted Fanfics
-Revenge of Rated’s Fanfiction Adoption Agency
-Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency: The Begnnings (not really)
-The Wraith of Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency
-Rated's Mother's Day Fanfic Adoption Agency
-League of Rated’s Adopted Fanfiction
-Adventures of Rated's Adoption Fanfic Agency
-Rise of Rated's Fanfic Adoption Agency
-Super Mega Death Rated's Fanfic Adotpion Agency 2000 B.C. Version 4.1 Beta Bitch!
-Rated's Adopted Fanfiction Agency Black Friday Sale
-Santa Rated's Merry Christmas Adoption Fic Agency (HO HO HO!)
-Rated's Adopted Fanfiction Agency Ultimate Super Mode
-Rated-R-Ponystar's Sexy Mature Lusty Adoption Agency of Clop
-Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency of Adoptedness (I'm running out of titles)

Now shall we get started?

The KillerRarity Universe by BronyWriter

1. Title: “A Thousand Years, A Thousand Tears”

Idea Summary: “Even though she should have ben given death, even though almost everypony in Equestria demanded it, Princess Celestia didn’t have the heart to execute Rarity for her crimes. Instead, she banished her to the moon, locked in stasis for a thousand years. Equestria now has to deal with this knew knowledge of the punishment of the Ponyville Butcher as ponies are denied the justice they wanted. How does Equestria, and those closest to Rarity, move on knowing that a thousand years later she will be free again?
Meanwhile, one thousand years later, Rarity has returned to Equestria that no longer remembers her name, but only her deeds. With a new start, can a carefully watched Rarity earn her redemption by living a new life free from her murderous cravings, or will history repeat itself once more?”

-This idea takes place during the Secret Life of Rarity but carries over to the Public Life of Sweetie Belle and Broken Blossom if desired. Instead of executing Rarity, Celestia decides to banish Rarity to the moon for a thousand years. Naturally, the families of the murdered victims don’t see this as justice and are bitter against Celestia and all those who Rarity was close to. Sweetie Belle still has to deal with the fact her sister was a murderer, but doesn’t have the haunting image of her sister dying, believing her sister can redeem herself like Luna did. As for Rarity’s friends, they are unsure what to do and where to go from here as friends.

-The other side of the story, which is shared with the past, takes place in the future where Rarity is brought back after a thousand years of exile on the moon. Her name in the history books is no longer remembered, but her deeds as the “Ponyville Butcher” are. Celestia and Luna make it clear that she will be watched, and that they are no longer friends though it may change if you wish. Rarity still feels the guilt of her sins, and the despair that her family and friends are all gone, but determined to find some way to redeem herself. What Equestria a thousand years into the future is like is up to the writer, but Rarity tries to start a new life, while debating if she deserves this second chance and should just kill herself. There is also the terrifying fact that her desire for murder still comes up every so often. The ending of Rarity is up to the reader.

2. Title: “Using Evil To Defeat Evil” (Adopted by VampDash)

Idea Summary: “Rarity, the Ponyville Butcher, was executed twelve years ago. At least that’s what the news was; there was even a funeral for her despite the low numbers. Yet years after her horrible deeds, a new set of murders is occurring in a similar pattern to Rarity’s, only more gruesome with anypony a target from foals to adults, rich to poor, and pony to non-pony. For five years, Equestria has lived in fear of this copycat killer. With no other choice, Princess Celestia is forced to bring out the only one who can help them figure out how to understand and catch this killer.

Rarity herself.”

-Another “Rarity wasn’t executed” idea, only everypony assumed she was executed. In truth, the execution was faked with only Celesta, Luna, and a handful of guards knowing it wasn’t real. Even a fake body was used for the funeral. Instead, Rarity was sentenced to live life in solitary confinement, where she lived each year in regret for her deeds. However, a new killer has come to Equestria who follows a certain pattern like Rarity’s only twisted and more sinister. Because the killer has gotten away with murder for over five years, Celestia and Luna have no choice but to reveal that Rarity is alive and her mindset of murder might be the only way to stop him/her.

-Needless to say ponies are PISSED when this is revealed, and make no effort to pull any punches when it comes to Rarity, treating her like a monster who should have died. Rarity accepts this, taking it all in stride. Her friends are divided on how to feel (Which ones are up to you, but I would think Twilight and Fluttershy would be still friendly towards her while Pinkie, AJ, and Dash are not, how that changes over time is up to you) and Sweetie Belle hates his sister for what she put her through, even though deep down she still loves her.

-From there, it’s a race to stop the new murderer with Rarity helping them save lives or find clues to discover who this is and why. I already have a killer in mind, but I won’t spoil who. You are free to make your own choices on who the murder is, however. Another thing that comes into play is what happens to Rarity after this all over. Does she get the death penalty so many demand she be given or back to solitary jail for the rest of her life? Can the lives she save make up for the ones she took? Will anypony who hates her grant her forgiveness? All up to you.

3. Title: “The World Where I Was a Killer”

Summary: “When Discord showed us how to he could travel between dimensions I foolishly went for a closer look. I was swallowed up and landed in what I thought was Ponyville, but as soon as I entered I was looked at with fear and hatred. A mob nearly killed me before Twilight saved me, but even she was horrified. Before I knew it, I was locked up in Canterlot, the princesses demanding to know how I survived. When they searched my mind, they left in a stunned silence. For days I waited, wanting to know what the hay was going on. Finally, they came to me and told me something that shook me to the core.

I was in another world.

I was dead in this world.

And I was a killer in this world.”

-This takes place a year after Rarity’s execution. A different Rarity, one where she was not a murderer, ends up in the KillerRarity Universe. Needless to say, there is a lot of confusion on both sides with Rarity going through what I described in the summary before everypony learns the truth. Now she has to live in this world for some time until the sisters can find a way to bring her back to her world.

- For Rarity, this is a horrifying hell she has found herself in. Not only was she a murderer in this world, but she has ruined the lives of so many ponies including her loves ones and friends. Despite the knowledge that she is from a different world public to all of Equestria, many are still afraid of her or take their hatred and pain of the killer Rarity on this one, even though she is innocent. Rarity decides she has to do her best to heal as many ponies as she can, feeling it is her responsibility, all while fearing if this is what could have happened if circumstances is different.

-For other ponies, it’s a confusing time. This is Rarity, but not the one who killed ponies for years. Some families and friends see no difference and hate her none the less, others see her separate and treat her with kindness. Twilight’s friends try to find out what was it about this Rarity and their Rarity that was so different and if things could have been avoided in the long run. Sweetie Belle is just happy to have her sister back and goes through a better healing process with this Rarity that will help avoid the events in Public Life and Broken Blossom.

-Rarity’s efforts to help ponies heal from their loss and anger does work, but there is a group of ponies that do want to kill this Rarity as they feel that the sisters are lying and this is the killer Rarity. More on that for the one who adopts this story.

The Ford Mustangs Universe By RoyalRainbow

1. Title: “The Death of Ford Mustang”

Summary: “Although Ford Mustang succeeded in defeating King Aragon, the battle took too much out of the human turned pegasus. With his dying breath, he gives his farewells to Rainbow Dash before passing away. While Equestria mourns the loss of a good hero and friend, Rainbow Dash must struggle to live a life without the pony she loved. Meanwhile, Ford Mustang awakens in the Afterlife where he watches Rainbow Dash deal with her struggles, trying to help her as best as he can. He must also face a choice, return to his human world alive, but never return to Equestria, or stay in the afterlife forever.”

-Being a lover of tragedy, I couldn’t help but think this idea as I read the ending of the second story. Pretty much Ford wins against Aragon, but dies in the process and now is in the afterlife. He has a choice of going back alive to the human world, not Equestria where his body there is deceased, but he can also stay in the afterlife as well. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is having to deal with the loss of her boyfriend and struggles to find any value in living anymore. It will be up to Dash’s friends and distant help from Ford himself to give Rainbow the will to live again.

2. Title: “The Alternate Love Life of Ford Mustang”

Summary: “What if Ford Mustang didn’t fall in love with Rainbow Dash? What if there was another route, another destiny that he could have found with a new interest in his heart. What changes would occur if he fell in love with a different pony and not Rainbow Dash.”
-In this AU, Ford Mustang doesn’t fall in love with Rainbow Dash. He falls in love with somepony else. That pony depends on you, but the author has told me if he was going to give Ford a different love interest instead of Rainbow, it would be Applejack.

-Now this doesn’t mean you have to make it Applejack, I’m sure any of the mane six or other characters can work. I would just talk it over with the author first before doing anything. Mostly to see how it can work and what would happen as a result.

-As for how different this story can be? Well it has to have some changes, but the main plots can stay the same. You can take this all way towards the rest of the stories of Ford Mustang and not just the first one if you so desire. Take it as far as you wish and see what new adventures or tales you can give Ford with whatever new romantic interest he is given.

Tyrant Universe by PaulAsaran

1. Title: “Traitors”

Summary: The new heroes have done it. They had successfully slain the Tyrant known as Twilight Sparkle. However, a mear few days after Twilight’s death, the three missing alicorns returned from their prison in Tartarus. They thought they would be hailed as heroes. Instead they are now on trial for murder and treason.

Sweetie Belle once asked “What if they were wrong?”

Now they are about to find out.”

-Tyrant has no set ending and is open to how at the reader chooses to end it and with whatever happens at the end. Paul has no desire to continue it from that point. In this idea, Big Macintosh did kill Twilight but this released the alicorn powers Twilight had and allowed the three alicorns to escape. In return, they saw the memories of Twilight from Tirke to her end, needless to say all three are pissed.

-They arrive a few days after Twilight’s death and they return with judgement at hand. The fic is one big trial where all the six so called elements of harmony are tried for murder and treason. They try to justify their claims of killing Twilight, but it becomes clearer and clearer that Twilight wasn’t a tyrant and that the choice she made was the one even the alicorns would do for the sake of Equestria. It’s pretty much a hammer in how Twilight was not evil and that their actions were nothing but revenge and caused chaos. Because of them, a good pony is dead and it’s what she wanted as it turns out. The three say that Twilight’s final feelings was relief because she could now see her friends again.

-What happens in detail and the final judgement I will tell the owner of the idea.

The Original Stuff from Me

1. Title: “Granting Asylum”

Summary: “Nopony had seen of the changelings since the Royal Wedding many years ago. All of a sudden, seven hundred changelings arrive in Canterlot asking for asylum. It seems not every changeling is willing to serve Chrysalis in a starving and dying nation, and want a chance for a future. Soldiers, bakers, doctors, teachers, families and foals. All of different types coming for a chance to live in peace in Equestria. However, most in Equestria are not willing to give them a chance.

But the Twilight Kingdom is.

Princess Twilight Sparkle must now bare the burden of allowing the changelings to live near and part of Ponyville, where here actions will decide their fate. She must work with them to create harmony between two old foes, and show that they can succeed. It will be tough, many challenges lie ahead, but she is not alone in her task.”

-Pretty much what the summary says, a large group of changelings come to Equestria seeking refuge from Queen Chrysalis. Problem is most of the ponies of Equestria don’t want them for various reasons, even Cadance refuses to have them enter her kingdom. Princesses Celestia and Luna want to help but fear losing control of their people and causing a riot. Thus Twilight Sparkle decides to grant them asylum in her land of Equestria, where she will be responsible for them.

-Needless to say, not everypony in Ponyville is excited about this including some of her friends. But Twilight assures them she will make sure they will all get along. The writer must write the challenges and changes Ponyville goes through with their new changelings adapt to Equestria. There must be issues from both sides, but also a show of unity as well as time goes on.

2. Title: “A Deck of Many Things”

Summary: “A Deck Of Many Things ends up in Equestria. Nuff Said.”

-If you are a DnD player, you know what this is. Please have fun causing chaos.

3. Title: “Proving Them Wrong”

Summary: “Lucas never expected to be given a warm welcome in Equestria. He was an alien after all, and Celestia wasn’t exactly a fan of his kind. Even most of Ponyville from the Elements themselves to the foals feared him. He knew they had been waiting to see some kind of violent response, some kind of necessary action that would prove all their fears and hatred of him true. But he knows he’s not evil and he knows there are those that stand with him. So to end this once and for all, to prove them wrong, he asks for the ultimate test:
Hitting him with the Elements of Harmony.”

-Another “Human goes to Equestria and is misunderstood story” but there more positivity in this than others. For one thing, Princess Luna, Lyra, Bon Bon, the CMC, Pinkie Pie, Derpy, Dinky, Spike, Cheerliee, and Caramel all are friends with Lucas as time goes on. Plus, Lucas knows he’ll be distrusted for many reasons ahead of time, so he does his best to stay out of trouble and not do anything threatening or against the law, knowing that Celestia will put him in jail otherwise.

-The fic actually starts the day before Lucas gets hit by Elements. He’s in a cell where tomorrow a stadium will see Lucas turn to stone or not, proving that he is either evil or good. His friends come to visit him and we are seen flashbacks of his days in Ponyville, the good and bad. The last chapters are of him getting hit by the EOH in front of nearly a million. What happens after is for the adopter only.

-Mane six wise, only Pinkie Pie counts Lucas as a friend and is sad that her friends don’t trust him when he proves to be good to her. Rainbow Dash doesn’t trust him. AJ hates him for personal reasons and disapproves of AB hanging around him. Rarity thinks he’s just a barbarian from the tales Celestia tells about humanity. This is season 2 Twilight so she believes everything Celestia says as gospel, and Fluttershy is just afraid of him.
-Basically, if you like human in Equestria dealing with prejudice fics, this is for you.

Hope you guys pick one

Comments ( 4 )

I would love the one where Rarity tracks down a copycat killer.

You have to get permission from BronyWriter first and if he deems you worthy and has to contact me. If I deem you worthy you can get the fic unless somebody else gets it first

wow, i haven't seen one of these in a while! i bet it took so long because you ran out of titles for them. (obviously i'm just joking)

Although Ford Mustang succeeded in defeating King Aragon Arrogon, the battle took too much out of the human turned pegasus.

Being a lover of tragedy, I couldn’t help but think this idea as I read the ending of the second story. Pretty much Ford wins against Aragon Arrogon, but dies in the process and now is in the afterlife.

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