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Football and the Death of American Intellect · 10:03am Jun 26th, 2015

[6/25/15, 11:45:45 PM] Ghost Man On Third: damn
[6/25/15, 11:46:14 PM] Ghost Man On Third: this is reminding me of the conversation i had with my friends earlier
[6/25/15, 11:46:38 PM] Ghost Man On Third: about how football is largely responsible for the destruction of intellectualism in this country
[6/25/15, 11:47:00 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): [tipping intensifies]
[6/25/15, 11:47:33 PM] Ghost Man On Third: eyy bb fuck you
[6/25/15, 11:47:40 PM] Ghost Man On Third: Football is cancer and should be illegal
[6/25/15, 11:47:46 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): Why?
[6/25/15, 11:47:55 PM] Ghost Man On Third: it’s a sport for brutes
[6/25/15, 11:48:09 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and it harbors a brutish, unitelligent mindset
[6/25/15, 11:48:16 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and our country is fucking in love with it
[6/25/15, 11:48:25 PM] Ghost Man On Third: the super bowl is a bigger deal than a lot of holidays
[6/25/15, 11:49:03 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and a lot of people only bother to scrape by in school on the off chance they can hobble off to college on a football scholarship
[6/25/15, 11:49:27 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): Man, are you fucking higher than me right now?
[6/25/15, 11:49:32 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and they don’t DO anything in that college
[6/25/15, 11:49:44 PM] Ghost Man On Third: they just play football, which offers no intellectual value
[6/25/15, 11:49:46 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and they party
[6/25/15, 11:50:06 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): ^this is bait
[6/25/15, 11:50:15 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and football is one of the most damaging sports to play
[6/25/15, 11:50:21 PM] Ghost Man On Third: it fucks you up
[6/25/15, 11:50:35 PM] Ghost Man On Third: if you look at the professional players, they can only go for like
[6/25/15, 11:50:41 PM] Ghost Man On Third: 5 or 6 years before retiring
[6/25/15, 11:50:52 PM] Ghost Man On Third: while baseball players, for instance, can go for up to 25
[6/25/15, 11:51:44 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and speaking of professional players
[6/25/15, 11:52:06 PM] Ghost Man On Third: there’s an insane corrolation between agressiveness and football playing
[6/25/15, 11:52:22 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and many professional players get arrested for violence related things
[6/25/15, 11:52:31 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and there are so many domestic abuse cases it’s rediculous
[6/25/15, 11:52:48 PM] Ghost Man On Third: oh yeah, and many of them sometimes just
[6/25/15, 11:52:49 PM] Ghost Man On Third: you know
[6/25/15, 11:52:53 PM] Ghost Man On Third: straight up murder people
[6/25/15, 11:53:06 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): Man, I can't tell if you're being facetious or if you legitimately think the world should be ruled by your >opinions and all this >information you've gathered
[6/25/15, 11:53:20 PM] Ghost Man On Third: i’m asking for one thing
[6/25/15, 11:53:22 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and one thing only
[6/25/15, 11:53:25 PM] Ghost Man On Third: make football illegal
[6/25/15, 11:53:30 PM] Ghost Man On Third: punishable by death
[6/25/15, 11:53:38 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): I saw that
[6/25/15, 11:53:43 PM] Ghost Man On Third: at least their deaths will be quick and relatively painless
[6/25/15, 11:53:45 PM] Ghost Man On Third: instead of slow
[6/25/15, 11:53:51 PM] Ghost Man On Third: prolonged
[6/25/15, 11:53:56 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and dragging other people down with them
[6/25/15, 11:54:14 PM] Ghost Man On Third: people treat football like it’s the best god damn thing in the world
[6/25/15, 11:54:27 PM] Ghost Man On Third: even stupid school football teams
[6/25/15, 11:54:34 PM] Ghost Man On Third: people get their shit kicked in because of it
[6/25/15, 11:54:59 PM] Ghost Man On Third: the high school that most of my friends go to
[6/25/15, 11:55:02 PM] Ghost Man On Third: it’s a shitty school
[6/25/15, 11:55:09 PM] Ghost Man On Third: the only thing most of them care about is football
[6/25/15, 11:55:18 PM] Ghost Man On Third: which not only doesn’t teach you anything
[6/25/15, 11:55:28 PM] Ghost Man On Third: it increases the chances of you getting brain damage
[6/25/15, 11:55:34 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and losing the little intelligence you have
[6/25/15, 11:56:16 PM] Ghost Man On Third: people are indoctrinated young
[6/25/15, 11:56:23 PM] Ghost Man On Third: football is the most popular sport
[6/25/15, 11:56:26 PM] Ghost Man On Third: the most american sport
[6/25/15, 11:56:31 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and it’s killing us
[6/25/15, 11:56:41 PM] Ghost Man On Third: it’s one of the many tumors on our cancerous body
[6/25/15, 11:56:44 PM] Ghost Man On Third: but it’s the largest
[6/25/15, 11:56:46 PM] Ghost Man On Third: stage 4
[6/25/15, 11:56:47 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): [music swells]
[6/25/15, 11:57:14 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): [timpanies intensify]
[6/25/15, 11:57:23 PM] Ghost Man On Third: So I propose
[6/25/15, 11:57:30 PM] Ghost Man On Third: we seek out people
[6/25/15, 11:57:38 PM] Ghost Man On Third: who are on the watch lists
[6/25/15, 11:57:44 PM] Ghost Man On Third: or the caution lists
[6/25/15, 11:57:45 PM] Ghost Man On Third: whatever
[6/25/15, 11:57:48 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): [enter the silver horns]
[6/25/15, 11:57:53 PM] Ghost Man On Third: for possible school-shooter related activities
[6/25/15, 11:57:59 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and teach them to hate the football team
[6/25/15, 11:58:02 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and then only kill them
[6/25/15, 11:58:20 PM] Ghost Man On Third: because america has neither a short supply of angry, mentally ill teenager
[6/25/15, 11:58:21 PM] Ghost Man On Third: nor guns
[6/25/15, 11:58:36 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): [an entire staff of random 16th notes]
[6/25/15, 11:59:05 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and then we can go on to focus on minor problems
[6/25/15, 11:59:10 PM] Ghost Man On Third: like racism or poverty
[6/25/15, 11:59:25 PM] Ghost Man On Third: and to be honest, i think elliminating football would help decrease this problems
[6/25/15, 11:59:42 PM] Ghost Man On Third: instead of poor people chasing a ball and beating the shit out of each other in hopes of making it to the nfl
[6/25/15, 11:59:48 PM] Ghost Man On Third: they’d actually read a damn book for once
[6/25/15, 11:59:53 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): [Tarzan Boy begins playing]
[6/26/15, 12:00:04 AM] Ghost Man On Third: and shortly after, they’d start making money
[6/26/15, 12:00:08 AM] Ghost Man On Third: and no more poverty
[6/26/15, 12:00:18 AM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): [discotheque intensifies]
[6/26/15, 12:00:30 AM] Ghost Man On Third: is it just random music now
[6/26/15, 12:00:49 AM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): ROCK IS DEADER THAN DEAD
[6/26/15, 12:00:52 AM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): THE SHOCK
[6/26/15, 12:00:56 AM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD
[6/26/15, 12:01:01 AM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): bass bass bass
[6/26/15, 12:01:05 AM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): GOD IS IN THE TV

Report Regidar · 523 views · #football #cancer
Comments ( 16 )

sounds like someone was picked last in gym class

literally all my friends that play football are dumber than bricks and have sexually harrassed me more than once. this man speaks the truth

football is trash tier

A lot of that feels based off stereotypes we given to football players. I will not say it is all incorrect, but... dang that person wants it gone. Football actually was close to being banned a long time ago because it used to be so dangerous.

We should stop calling it football, and just call it "ball". It'd be funny.

I agree except for the whole killing part.

I love football. :pinkiehappy:

On a side note, it can hardly be called football when you use hands and the ball resembles an egg. America gets it all wrong.

3182995 every time

3183270 that is the least of america's problems with football

3183155 you can't make an omelet without killing a few jocks

3183050 a shame it wasn't, then we'd be living in a much nicer country if it had been

3183194 this is the only acceptable american football

tho handeggball is shit-tier sport anyways

hockey is so much better

Don't get me started on football, especially in high school. My fucking high school was feeding their kids the same cheap, unfilling packaged shit that they sent to the prisons, only we had to pay for it. Meanwhile, our high school football team got new uniforms and equipment everytime the principal sneezed. And they weren't even that fucking good. Four years there and they've only won like seven games.


The teachers did everything for footballfags short of sucking their dicks. Some of them were smart as fuck since we weren't a huge school, but the rest just skidded by on that alone. While this went on the dramafags and choirfags like me got the shaft when it came to scheduling. Wet had to resort to selling overpriced candy because our main method of fundraising, a pot luck dinner and show we put on, was canceled for a football game that the other school had to postpone. The two choir teachers just sat there and took it in the ass.

So yeah
Fuck football

Sorry for blogging
Beta uprising when?

3185159 I didn't mention that in the skype log shown above, but I did say that in the conversation I had with my friends; people idolize and deify the football teams. The whole nerd/jock relationship seems cliched now, but it still is very much a thing. We treat football like it's the best god damn thing in the world, and anyone who isn't a part of it (be they player or fan) is ostracized and outcast.

I came from a high school that, like many in America, idolized football players and gave them special treatment up the ass. This went for other athletes too, especially wrestlers, but it infuriates me to no end just how much sports are valued over the arts. :twilightangry2:

3187884 and even though the nerds who were abused by these chodes grew up to be the ones who would end up making all the art and writing all the shows and movies that go into the mainstream consciousness, we still have the media fellating the shit out of sports

ew football

fencing master sport

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