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Published Science Fiction Author and MLP G4 fanfiction writer. Like my work? Buy me a cuppa joe or visit my patreon!

  • ECrystals!
    I worried that Cadance was acting a bit odd. Being a good dragon assistant, I volunteered to help with the Crystal Faire and quickly saw she was indeed acting odd; the ‘why’ would change the Crystal Empire forever if I didn’t stop her.
    scifipony · 6.4k words  ·  37  2 · 1.7k views

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Doing the Write Thing · 7:05pm Jun 27th, 2015

Writing is not hard; starting is.

During the typewriter dark ages, we called it staring at a white page. Today, I suppose, it's staring at an empty screen.

The lesson learned this week was that no matter what, once you have an idea and a reasonable ending, set a deadline and start typing. Crystals! seemed really difficult to start. Over a period of two days, I took the EqD Writer's Training Grounds prompt about Spike and Cadence's crystal spell, remembered how weirdly mean I thought Princess Spike portrayed Cadence, then associated her Crystal Empire with Cadence's and Twilight's discovery in Fiendship is Magic: Sombra Rex. A dark crystal? I wrote a two line synopsis, which I later changed from third to first person for the short description of the story, and just wrote.

How I scribbled out 6400 words from that remains a mystery. I wrote most of it Thursday night from 8PM to 4AM.

In the publishing world, speed in writing equals money. Nobody pays for unfinished work. Except if you're Tolkien, but then he had to die first to do that so it that doesn't count.

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